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Shrinkin' Violets- Part 2 Read Here

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Good morning violets!


Tracy-sorry you lost your YauMan! I have a feeling Jonathens days are numbered. Not that I mind though! lol

TGIF!!! Should be a quiet weekend over here. Macy wants to go to the wildlife park to pet the animals. I will probably bring her to do that and to play at Chuck-E-Cheese. She always sleeps so good when she plays hard like that! Our new couch has some issues and the place where we bought it seems to be in the 'avoid the customer complaints' mode. Hopefully I can get someone over here to fix it or replace it.

Everyone have a great day! Does anyone have anything FUN planned for the weekend?

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Good morning, Violets..

TracyK... ummmmmmmm did I mention we are going on a cruise this weekend?? I think it might be a teensy weensy bit of fun for the Bobster and me.

Michelle..I see on the weather map that you're getting pounded with ice and snow. Glad we're not flying out of your neck of the woods!! Hopefully Michigan will stay clear. We've never flown in the day of the cruise before, we usually fly in a day early just to be safe, but we booked the air with the cruise company so they are responsible to get us where we need to be.

I'm off to my hospital shift. Will check back in later.

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Hey Girlies,

Happy Friday! I suck at this weight loss thing...good, then bad. See...I need to work on my "why" and "what". WhyTF do I sabotage...WhatTF am I doing...same shit, different year!

Judy...enjoy the cruise!

TracyK~Missed Survivor last night (DVR'd it) and watched AI. LovedLovedLoved the fact that Jen and Parker are gone...he was a little crybaby bitch too! Gonna watch the Showtime thingy now!

Terry~ (((Hugs))) xoxoxoxoxo

Michelle~What is up girlie? I need your charts (or a swift kick in the pants).

Jenn~Woohoo...are you excited? I know all the Violets are sooo happy for you and can't wait to hear about the new job!

Kat~How is the tooth? You feeling better?

I got my shots yesterday in the knee...wowser, that freakin hurts! But I am so glad and promised I wouldn't work oout until next week! I think me not being able to work out did a number on my head...I was like really depressed!

Everyone else~ Love you all bunches...have a great day!

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Good Morning, Girlies~~

Yep, we're getting (or supposed to be, anyway) a big snow/ice "weather event"... so school is closed (which means kids are home & bored)... but technically nothing is falling from the sky.... yet... so much for weather "fore"casting... they make it such a big hoopla in the "Storm Center" and then nada... then tomorrow they'll babble about what happened today... but in my book, that's weather REPORTING... a completely different thing... oh well... that's my weather rant for today...

Am back down to my January lowest weight... so now it's on to NEW lows!... It's amazing how quickly 8 or so lbs can go on... and then it takes at least twice that long to get it off again... maybe THIS time I've learned the lesson and so will stop the gaining!... do you think??... maybe??... I dunnoo.......

A fun-filled day of cleaning, laundry, and feeding kids ahead... woo hoo.

Make it a great one, Vi's!

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Morning gals

so... had a big day planned for today, have to be to work at 2 got up early... and the snow started early, already an inch on the ground. I'm so upset. Had a big night planned tonight too. not going anywhere in the snow.

I do have to run down to my friends to have him fix my headlight for me. It is making me crazy not working and I already got pulled over for it.

Well... TOM is still here... it has been 5 full days. I'm starting to get slightly worried about that... I never go more than 3 days and that is a bad week, and i had very bad cramps this month. I am afraid to go back to obgyn - they told me any more issues and they were going to take my parts since I can't have anymore children. I just don't have time for that.

Terry - You sould like we did with gram... great gram, great mother, great life, we just didn't want her to suffer. You are in my prayers

hey everyone!!!!!! that way I can't forget... LOL

I am spacey lately

Haydee... that was such a cute pic... you are not a dork!

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Checking in real quick, have to go to work here pretty soon. Also today is my day to give blood for my kidney Doc.

Weather here is still crappy. Almost took a dive last night in the garage. I came around behind the car and stepped in some slush from the tire and did the splits. Caught myself before I went down but dropped everything I was carrying. Thought I would be sore this morning but feeling pretty good. School is out again. Just too much ice for the kids to be driving on.

Going to a going away party for our next door neighbor tonight. He'll be gone a year. The oldest boy (15yrs) isn't handling it too well. The news didn't look to good last night in Kososvo but maybe things will calm down a little by the time they get there.

Terry, A big hug for you.

Still trying to get as much Water as I can. It's not that easy, I'm kinda getting tired of it all.

Everyone have a great day and stay safe.

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Good Morning!

Terry: Just reading your post this morning made a tear come to my eye...

May today be a peaceful day for you and your mom.

TracyK: I LOVED YauMan from his original season......... he seemed the weak link, but his little engineering mind is soooo smart! He made it very far last season........ but I too LOVE James and Dolphin boy OZZIE... although they all have big targets on their backs...... I am a sucker for the underogs.... Ozzie and James have to be careful that the two strongest players get wrapped around the little fingers of the bikini beauties......

I did something last night that I haven't done in months............ I baked.. muffins, cake and cranberry bread........ I made cream cheese frosting and then I ATE IT............ with no problems........... WTH is wrong with me??????????

This is self sabotaging Tracy at work....... you'd think I'd be a little more focused since the wedding is a week away.......... but no......... not ONE tiny sip of Water passed my lips yesterday and not only did I NOT cut the crap......... I CREATED IT!!!!!!!!! hmmp

Gina: I love the glasses and the hat/scarf!!!!! very chic

Everyone: Have a great day.......... I'll be back later.

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I liked the Youman the most also!!! Although I do like Ozzy and James. I think Ozzy is kind of sexy!! But then I think how they must smell!!:tt2:

I am also in the self sabotage mode, I tried last night to think and pray on this situation. I know that sounds stupid, but I don't want this to be it. I want to start losing again like I did when I first got the band. What is wrong with me!! I guess now I figured out how to 'eat around the band' and it is just like other diets. I am very afraid right now.

Terry you were on my mind a lot last night, hope all is well.

Already had a customer call me at 7:00 a.m. to cancel her appointment around noon or one! I was still snoozing! Then another person called a bit later about the snow. Oh well. I am off to work and just hope I don't have a ton of cancellations!!


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That's kinda the way I feel, Janie... I don't want to feel complacent at this weight... I want to KEEP GOING!! So that's why I'm "pretending" that I'm just beginning the whole process and re-committing to the bandster eating rules + Water + exercise just like I did last year when I was so excited and nothing was going to stop me! Remember how inconceivable it was that we'd be able to do it when we went from full-out overeating to the liquid diet phase (for those of us who had to do it)?? We NEVER thought we could do it -- but we did because we were COMMITTED and were willing to do whatever it took. THAT'S where I need to be mentally right now!! At the beginning... not at the middle or... dare I say it... the END! :tt2:

So here's to a new beginning!!

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Good morning, Violets..

TracyK... ummmmmmmm did I mention we are going on a cruise this weekend?? I think it might be a teensy weensy bit of fun for the Bobster and me.

Yesssss, you did mention a little something about the cruise:tt2:I am SO jealous! I hope you have a great time!

TracyK~Missed Survivor last night (DVR'd it) and watched AI. LovedLovedLoved the fact that Jen and Parker are gone...he was a little crybaby bitch too! Gonna watch the Showtime thingy now!

I am SO glad I do not have showtime...I would never sleep! I am glad he is gone too....I just kind of think it sucks that one person can mess things up for 2 people. Hopefully they will eventually let them play as singles!

TracyK: I LOVED YauMan from his original season......... he seemed the weak link, but his little engineering mind is soooo smart! He made it very far last season........ but I too LOVE James and Dolphin boy OZZIE... although they all have big targets on their backs...... I am a sucker for the underogs.... Ozzie and James have to be careful that the two strongest players get wrapped around the little fingers of the bikini beauties......

I hate it how the really good players get voted out just because they are "good". I agree about YauMan....very smart guy!

I did something last night that I haven't done in months............ I baked.. muffins, cake and cranberry bread........ I made cream cheese frosting and then I ATE IT............ with no problems........... WTH is wrong with me??????????

Same thing that is going on with me. When you figure it out, please let me know:biggrin:

I liked the Youman the most also!!! Although I do like Ozzy and James. I think Ozzy is kind of sexy!! But then I think how they must smell!!:tt2:

Stink or no stink....Ozzie is just TOO cute! Since he cut his hair he resembles Prince.

I better get back to work....bye

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Terry----thinking about you this morning, and hoping you have a calm and peaceful day. Know our thoughts and prayers are there with you as you spend time with your Mom. Lots and lots of love and purple power there with you, hope it helps lighten your heart a bit. ((((hugs Hon))))

TracyK---thanks for being understanding over my DIL thing!!LOL

My DIL was telling me she forgot to mail a bill, leaving it in her car for too long. Well not long ago she offered to drop mine at the PO---my bills as well as my cards to Tracy!!! I must have been sick when she mentioned them, so ask her if she got them before questioning the DIL---figured it was the better thing to do. She did, so my bills got paid too!!! LOL

Hey Pamela--I know Terry is occupied--do you know if I am missing a favorites section of the site. Someplace besides My Account, that I can leave direct link to like this and a few other threads I use regularly? For some reason this one never shows up in my account, so I have to go through several steps to get here, or access it through my email directly. If not....I may ask Alex-----I would LOVE a favorites button to click and have all MY things at hand!!!

It snows a bit, then the sun shines....crazy weather.

I need to go put Rick's check in the bank, go cut his Dad's hair--through all that mud! I suggested he come here, but was not taken up on that offer---she doesn't want him out getting chilled....

Then I have to pick up our tickets for tomorrow night. Rick ordered them, I just have to pick them up. We are going to see a friend of our sons ride in Arenacross. It is like motocross motorcycle racing, only done indoors....loud, lots of exhaust...the guys love it!!! It freaks me out---waiting for someone to get hurt!

Well I am going to go read for 30 minutes, then get my lazy butt in gear.....will check in when I get back. Hugs girls!!


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1 week till the wedding Tracy?!?!?!?!?!??!?!?!

238lb last night. WOOT. Ok I'll stop my moaning.

((HUGS)) for Terry.

Have fun Judy! I wanna cruise!

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Kat~Not only do I have no idea of what you are talking about...I have no idea of what the answer is or would be! Moderator of the Year!...NOT.

I too go through many steps to get here. Never thought to use My Account!

Gotta run!


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I called the plaintiff's attorney on this summons today, she couldn't find the paper work.. so she asked for some info, and I said.. I'm not giving you my info, here's my phone #, call me when you find the paper work.

So I called the courthouse about it, and they said they can't do anything. I have to file an official response, and let the 'judge decide' (PFF), or the attorney has to drop the complaint.

I'm not payin to have an official response served, I did that when I had to sue someone for vandalizing my car, it costs about $60. And I'm not giving them my personal info, so they're not gonna tag this on me. Sounds like a real good attorney this lady got.


Kat I thought of you this morning, our local radio show was talking about stolen identity and some woman in Nashville whose paperwork says she's dead. She tried to correct it a while ago, and when she went to get her tax refund this year, they said she's dead again. WHAT A HEADACHE!!! And they're saying she won't get that rebate now either, etc. I couldn't imagine.

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    • BabySpoons

      Sometimes reading the posts here make me wonder if some people just weren't mentally ready for WLS and needed more time with the bariatric team psychiatrist. Complaining about the limited drink/food choices early on... blah..blah...blah. The living to eat mentality really needs to go and be replaced with eating to live. JS
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      1. Bypass2Freedom

        We have to remember that everyone moves at their own pace. For some it may be harder to adjust, people may have other factors at play that feed into the unhealthy relationship with food e.g. eating disorders, trauma. I'd hope those who you are referring to address this outside of this forum, with a professional.

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      2. BabySpoons

        Seems it would be more compassionate not to perform a WLS on someone until they are mentally ready for it. Unless of course they are on death's door...

    • Theweightisover2024🙌💪

      Question for anyone, how did you get your mind right before surgery? Like as far as eating better foods and just doing better in general? I'm having a really hard time with this. Any help is appreciated 🙏❤️
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      1. NickelChip

        I had about 6 months between deciding to do surgery and getting scheduled. I came across the book The Pound of Cure by Dr. Matthew Weiner, a bariatric surgeon in Arizona, and started to implement some of the changes he recommended (and lost 13 lbs in the process without ever feeling deprived). The book is very simple, and the focus is on whole, plant based foods, but within reason. It's not an all or nothing approach, or going vegan or something, but focuses on improvement and aiming for getting it right 80-90% of the time. His suggestions are divided into 12 sections that you can tackle over time, perhaps one per month for a year if a person is just trying to improve nutrition and build good habits. They range from things like cutting out artificial sweetener or eating more beans to eating a pound of vegetables per day. I found it really effective pre-surgery and it's an eating style I will be working to get back to as I am further out from surgery and have more capacity. Small changes you can sustain will do the most for building good habits for life.

      2. Theweightisover2024🙌💪

        That sounds awesome. I'll have to check that out thanks!

    • BeanitoDiego

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      Hi everyone, I wrote back in May about having no strength. I still get totally exhausted just walking from room to room, it’s so bad I’m using a walker with wheels of all things. I had the gastric sleeve Jan. 24th. I’m doing exactly what the programs says, except protein shakes. I have different meats and protein bars daily, including vitamins daily. I do drink my fluids as well.  I go in for IV hydration 4 days a week and feel ok just til evening.  So far as of Jan 1st I’ve dropped 76 lbs. I just want to enjoy the weight lose. Any suggestions or has anyone else gone thru this??  Doctor says just increase calorie intake, still the same. 
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