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Shrinkin' Violets- Part 2 Read Here

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Tracy - you have NO reason to feel the slightest bit guilty for enjoying a few indulgences on your birthday!!! Gee whiz! Life is meant to be enjoyed....ENJOY IT....especially on your birthday! You didn't eat the WHOLE cake, did you??? (Might want to send that sucker with your DH to work tomorrow, though!)

My DH is heading up to Kansas tomorrow....to Fort Scott (?). And he is freaking out about the cold temps he will have to endure! LOL He's going to look at an oilfield...in case you're wondering.

I had (sugar free) ice cream for dinner. Nothing else will stay down :cursing:

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Haydee – get well soon!

Laura & Terry – I am extremely tight today as well. I don’t know if it was the overeating and aggravating it yesterday – or just scaring the stuff from slipping thread. I have been getting in 128 oz of liquid a day (gulps are fine) – today not even 64 oz – sips every 15-20 minutes. Could it be the full moon? I haven’t had a fill since 1/10. scale was up today 3 lbs and rings that barely stay on fingers – tight as can be.

TracyK – Happy Birthday! – I personally am so proud of you to be close to goal – and know that just because you have a few pounds – it is no different that the 70 lbs – if anything more frustrating due to the fact the scale moves even more slowly the closer you get to goal. And for the record – some doctors recommend you indulge like you did today occasionally! You are doing great – this was just one day – for the overall good!

Terry – How is your Mom doing?

Judy - how wonderful for you to find such deals on clothing and having NSV’s!

Laura – wonderful NSV for you as well.

Kat – How is the tooth? You are so brave to go through the pannectomy – I can’t even think about another surgery.

Tracy – love the hair/highlights! You are beautiful.

Jenn – Monday will be here before you know it. Your Mom sounds wonderful and what a wonderful NSV on the sizes and that will make you even more confident on Monday!


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Off Topic Info. American Idol.

My niece used to date David Cook. They graduated together.

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WOW.. never look at how much of your mortgage goes toward interest. :cursing::tongue:

Thank you Terri!!

Good thing that you can write that interest off with the IRS!!

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Hey Everyone~

I'll try to look for him Susie...going to watch it in 20 min!!

Got my "do" done!!!

Weird day today...too much on my mind...overload!

Gonna watch AMC and American Idol and "unplug"...xoxoxoxoxo

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Tracy we have BCBS of TX insurance. Birthdays are calorie free BTW!!!

Suzie this is the Violets thread---nothing....I repeat NOTHING is off topic!!!!

Will be back in awhile!!!


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No I did not eat the whole cake. It was one of those little like individual size mini cakes. We all 3 shaared it so that is not bad. But with that and the candy and the vacation we had I am back up to 177 and I am very depressed. I know I shouldn't be and I know what to do to fix it but that still doesn't keep me from crying about it (literally). Today is a new day and I will try once again to be the model bandster! I know I can. I am just so scared about my body being where it wants to be and me not being able to do anything about it that I am self sabatoging myself. I am just depressed.

I need to get ready for work.

Take care everyone.

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Good Morning, Violets..

Up and attem early today cause I have a flute rehearsal at 9:00 for a couple of hours. I am stiff as a board this morning, probably from all the stretches I did yesterday with my stretchy band thingy. Also worked out in the hot tub and we need a new mattress. All that combines to make me pretty uncomfortable this morning.

Pamela... I just bought the new Stephen King book to take on the cruise. Susanne and I will have to compare notes.

TracyK...you had a great weekend and birthday and now it's back to reality. Same thing happens to me on cruises. You gain and then the great thing is once you get back into your routine, you will lose those extra pounds. You know you can do it so don't sweat about it! Keep your eyes on the goal and keep moving toward it. You're closer than anyone here and you WILL make it! We ALL will!!

(end of cheerleading session:wink2:)

Suzie...all I need is a relative who dated Clay Aiken and I'd be swoonin'! I only get to see a little bit of Idol because of rehearsal, but I don't pay too much attention until they get to the final 12. Then the fun starts.

Anybody watch Biggest Loser last night. Holy smokes the weight that blue team dropped! Can you imagine if we dropped 16# in one week?????? I'd be dead for sure.

time to go get my hair curled and teeth brushed and get on my way. Everyone have a good morning and I'll check back later.

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Don't fall over---I AM up early!!!! LOL

I have Kinsey this morning, but she come in went and climbed in Papa's bed (she gets his pillows---so it is his bed!) and went back to sleep! For some reason I was awake. I need to get in the shower, but don't want to wake her yet, and don't want her waking up wondering where I am---the fan in there is so loud, I cannot hear if she calls me---I prefer her being awake, I just make her play in the area!!!

I am going to go get my glasses today--Mom is going with me to give me an opinion. Although she tends to wear large glasses, so our tastes are not similar!!! At least she can keep Kins from pouting when I tell her to leave the glasses alone!

Speaking of Moms----how is yours Terry?

Well I am going to go try to find something to eat for breakfast---so it can settle in---because we will have to have lunch in town----and I need a few hours between!! I have started drinking already though!!!! I avoided the scale, was afraid I would do like Tracy and just cry if that stinking pound come back!!!! LOL



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Up and slowly getting at it. Have a big day ahead of me. Work and than volunteer at the hospital. Not to mention that it's bitterly cold here today. Only in the single digits but with the wind chill it will remain in the below zero range.

Everyone have a great day.

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I saw that Dave Clark, but aren't there like 3 Davids, not sure which one he is, will watch again tonight and I am sure they will recap it. I never have voted on American Idol, but I keep record of the scores I give them. We'll see who is voted off. By the way is Dave Clark a good guy or bad guy??

I posted a tip of the day on breaking a cycle of failure, I liked it. I too get caught up in the failure thing.

I wish I was tight but my band is the loosest it has been in a while. I am bummed!! I get a fill the first part of March I think.

I am reading the Snow Queen and the Secret Fan, I didn't think I would like it at all, but it is sooo good!!!

Well I have to be at work early today and work till late tonight! It has been very very slow so I welcome the money and so does Laclede Gas!

Have a good day!!

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Good Morning!!!!!!

brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr cold cold cold today!

TracyK you are entitled to a bday feast..... (just imagine if it were bday without a band) our version of a feast now... would of just pissed us off a year ago! LOL

Gina: your rings being tight is a sure sign of Water retention... (its how I guage the scale everyday......)

Judy: WHAT WONDERFUL NSV's!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

WOW JENN that is great!!!!!!!! sounds like you got a whole new wardrobe too... where are our update pics????????????

Haydee: I hope you start feeling better

Suzie: BUNDLE UP!!!!!!!!

Pam: Hope your day is wonderful!!!!!!

Jane: How are you feeling today????

Terri: I am wearing your earrings again today (I wear them a lot)

Kat: when do you find out your surgery date??? Good luck with the glasses

Michelle: Hows the book fair planning?

Denise: I've been meaining to CONGRATULATE YOU ON THE NEW HOUSE!

and I keep watching your numbers... soooooo close to ONEderland.

Laura: My mortgage interest and my HELOC interest is what keeps me in the black at tax time!

I know I'm missing someone... (I STINK AT PERSONALS which is why I rarely do them)

OK...... for my NSV......... yesterday I had my new DL pic taken.... It is better than my last one (which was taken during my latest regain at about 209)................ this one has 190 lbs and a pretty HAWT pic for a dl! when I get the hard copy in the mail I will scan and post....

(I wanted to take advantage of my hair and tan and ONEderland status)

Also this morning....... I came out of my room and my son met me in the hallway and he say........ "oh momma you look so pretty today!" that just touched my heart.

Going to try and get my Water in today.......

Have a good one!

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Morning V's!

Happy Hump Day! This week is flying for me. I am proud to admit, yesterday I had my FIRST "Good" day in a couple weeks. Me and DH went to the grocery store. Since I had gone out of town and haven't cooked lately, it's a bunch of junk in the house. So we got duck, chicken, LAMB.. I'm back into the swing. I took my 'speedy' pills yesterday and wasn't hungry until about 6pm. So I reheated some mexican food from the night before.. I ate about 2tbsp of spanish rice, and 1/2 of 1 taquito. Stuffed! So then I went to bed and got my munchies (ho hum). I got 2 proscutto wrapped mozzarella pieces with balsamic vinegar (the new publix near my house sells proscutto, so this is now my favorite food to make at home), and 1 of those dove ice cream things. I found those last night, they're little mini-bars, 60c per piece, serving size is 3.. 1 is plenty for me! So all in all, I did not binge on anything, I didn't eat continuously. When I took the dove thing, I said "NO more. This is it". And I stuck to it!

Tonight is bowling, get my exercise in! They changed the shot on the lanes (thank goodness), they had changed it a month or so ago so it was almost impossible to get my ball into the pocket. Due to the complaints, they changed it back. Time to kick butt again!!

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Good morning ladies.

Well - last night I moved furniture, put my table back in the kitchen and the island in the back room and sat at the table.

Let me back up... 14 years ago, I was in a horrible car accident, rolled my jeep going 60mph with no seatbelt and was stopped only when I hit a utility pole. Needless to say, I destroyed my back! Anyway, after years of therapy and drugs I got better but sometime some things just don't work for me.

OK... back to today, my stools at the island don't bother my back but... I cannot eat at them, I must be sitting funny and everything gets stuck, but the table chairs, I remember why I had them in the back and never sat out there. Within 5 minutes of sitting at the table with mom, I could not get up, once i did, could lot lie down, bend over - i went to bed taking a hydrocodone (sp) and on my side surrounded by pillows. I am better this morning but still hurt a little. Can deal compared to last night.

I need to get back to the exercise.

Anyway, dd is home this week, our winter break, so last night I asked her if she would do a photo shoot with me today with some new clothes, of course she said she would. I have a ton of things to do today but if I don't get them posted I'll post them tomorrow. I have to be to work today at 4. The count down begins!

Tracyks - I need a new dl pic. mine is 20 years old, but I'm going to wait until i get to 190. LOL

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Hi girls! I'm finally back to work. A little weak but feeling so much better. I don't want to whine about how cold it is here when some of you are in the low teens and my idea of cold is 64, but I want 90 degree weather already. I can't stop shivering. I'm always drinking hot tea or hot coffee.< /strong>

Oh my gosh! So many pictures. I love all the pictures!

Laura - you look awesome! So skinny in your jeans. Your height really helps you. I'm about the same weight as you but I have short stumpy legs! Yours go on forever... too cute girly...

TracyKS - love your highlights! they look so summery! oh i wish it was summer :)

Tracy - you are looking so tiny in your picture!! especially next to your big handsome husband! isnt that the best feeling, when you actually look tiny next to your husband now?? I love it. Not that I look tiny next to Juan but I look normal now. I used to joke that we were the number 10. He was the one and i was the zero, he he he... oh and please don't beat yourself up about the cake you ate. It's gonna happen! Remember we got banded because we wanted to be able to lead as normal a life as possible. Normal people eat cake! But it's ok to come here and vent about it. This is our safe place... we'll always have encouraging words for everyone.

Judy - WOW!! what a hot sexy grandma! I truly can't believe my eyes when I see your B&A's. Your weightloss has made such a radical change to your body! Truly truly inspires me to keep working at this!

Michelle - Love your new avatar! Your waist is shrinking!! Even from the pictures you showed us at the beginning of the year you already look smaller now... Woo hoo!!

Terry, Jane, Gina, Pam, Jenn, Denise, Suzanne, Kat - Hi girls!!

I missed ya'll! I've been on a steady diet of vanilla ice cream and hot chocolate for the past four or five days so I think I'm going to wait awhile before I get on the scale again! But I'm glad to know that I'm not going through this alone...that I have a great group of ladies that "got my back", he he he...

Off to get my morning coffee... sorry for the novel, i just had alot of catching up to do....

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