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Shrinkin' Violets- Part 2 Read Here

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Hey All, we are back! I think it is a lot farther than 2 miles 1 way. The first leg was all up hill...wowser! Then we ate a great Breakfast (scramble eggs w/ mush. onion, spinach, avocado...2 glasses of tea). Walking home was quicker, down hill, but we were full, lol!

Thanks Kat for your kind words. You are right...we need to eat. It just seems weird to do it like that...but we had a great time and will probably do it again.

The first leg, I was 1 song in and my damn Ipod froze??? Never did that before. Susanne offered hers to me or even to share, but I can't listen to her music when I am trying to get my "walk on". So, pout pout...I had to walk sans music. I was rocking out to Red Hot Chili Peppers...then whamo.

Terry~I totally agree w/ you. I think it is a combination of both. We always set the "what can I do about it" scenarios up (speaking for myself) and then sabotage or fail. The "what" is as important as the "why"...but I just feel the "why" will hold us back in many aspects of our lives if we don't get a hold of it. I don't know...too much Oprah perhaps:confused2:. But your absolutley right, the "what" is what moves us forward.

Gotta go do some erands. BBL!

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Who is that itty bitty girl being terrorized by that giant pink pig??? oooooooooooooooooo it's MEEEEEchelle!! Cute pic!

I for one am very happy in my new body and was falling into the trap of convincing myself that I could eat Snacks as long as I ate little amounts. That philosophy was totally wrong and was making the pounds slowly climb up a couple of ounces at a time. sooooo I said enough is enough and I am one of the fortunate people who can actually say it and mean it. I guess that attitude comes with the extra years along with maturity and wrinkles! :ohmy:

I have been doing really great since the beginning of this month and the NSVs along with a new excitement for exercise are helping me through this mental plateau. I really believe exercise is an extremely important key along with drinking the required amount of Water. How many of you can say honestly that you get the required amount of water and exercise each day??? I am sooooooooo working on that now and I find I can't even go in the living room anymore without picking up some weights, or my stretching thingy or jumping on the elliptical. Just like when food is there, I eat it.... when the equipment is there, I do it.

Hearing that Tracy can get into size 10 jeans (wooo hooo girl) makes me a little upset cause I'm 20# less than her and am in 16's and 14's, BUT, I used to be in 22/24 so I can't feel sorry for myself. And even though I'm a minister's wife, I'm still human and the looks I get from guys now are flattering, not humiliating. Course most of them are in their 70's and their eyesight ain't the best, but it's the principle of the thing, right???:unsure:

Well, it's been a lazy day today. No Ethan cause his daddy is home from work. Our tax man called and we owe $250 to state, but get $1400 back from Federal. Course we won't see it cause it gets applied to our quarterly payment, but that means I don't have to pay anything but the $250 on April 15th. I already had money set aside for that so guess where that goes??!! Can we say San Antonio?????:biggrin:

And DD Kris called to tell me she doesn't have school tomorow. The college is closed again because of the ice and that's a very, very rare occurance. She's going nuts at home alone though. She can't get out of her driveway.

I'm off to look at dinner stuff. I'm fixing pepper steak in the pressure cooker. should be interesting. The Bobster has Bible study tonight and has to leave by 5:30 so I better get going. Catch ya'all later!

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Good news for me! Forgive me, I had a chocolate milkshake for lunch :unsure:

A coworker went by the furniture store today, PRESIDENT'S DAY SALE!!! How exciting, me and DH were getting this entertainment center I picked out ($1,600) and his LCD TV ($2,000) with our tax refund.. which comes Friday. I forgot about the sales goin on today. Anyway the center I wanted is on sale for $999!!!!!!!!!!!!! And the TV's are on sale at HH Gregg, so afterwork we're going to for sure get the center, and maybe the TV. We got $1k back this week from our escrow account (we overpaid apparently). If we find a TV with a great deal I am getting a loan from my dad until Friday. He decided to go with us to the furniture store too, cause he's looking for new furniture for his media room. I am savin 600 bucks at least! YAY!

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Thanks for the reminder Laura!!! I logged on and both my refunds hit my account!!! Actually were deposited on Valentines Day---and I had forgotten!

Still waiting to hear from anyone---I have to say that really, seriously pisses me off! Do not tell someone you will call if you have no intention of doing so!

I had an NSV this morning. You know I said we had to replace the toilet in the main bathroom---so I kept the box---as anyone around kids learns to do--this allows for hours of playtime. Well Kinsey and I both fit in the box!!! I was not sure my neck would ever straighten out right again---but we fit!!! She is now napping in the box!!!

Rick and I have tossed ideas around, we usually buy something for the house or have some sort of plan for our tax return----but nothing this year! We had the same issue with Valentines Day! We kept trying to come up with a fun thing to buy for ourselves...nothing! I got my rose---I get every year---and we went to dinner. But we shopped on Thursday----found nothing! We ended up buying new shoes (tenny runners) and joked that they were our Valentine gift!

Several years ago after I complained about my roses dying after Valentines Day...I said if the season were different I could have a rose bush for the garden instead--I have a rose garden--as well as a big yard. Well then the next year Rick give me a heart shaped box of candy, and a catalog from Jackson Perkins! So now each year I get to pick out a new rose---we order it as soon as Mother's Day passes which is our usual last freeze---and then when it comes in he plants it for me and Valentines is officially over for the year!! Thinking about one of the hybrids they have that are so pretty! Or maybe setting out some miniatures .....not sure yet!

He said to irritate his secretary when she ask what he got me for Valentines Day, he told her a new toilet!!! Would have loved to have seen her face!!

I have a roast in the crock pot, hoping it cooks tender enough for me to eat with my tooth! I need to go finish up cleaning out the fridge, and loading the DW----all the fun jobs!!!



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Thank you everyone....and Judy, I tried those pants on in a size smaller and they would not fit in the waist. The shirt, well, I am just so used to buying bigger clothes to cover up the fat that I have not gotten out of that habit. I probably never will!

As far as the topic o' the day that Laura brought up. This whole weight loss joourney thing we are going through is fun, challenging, healthy, flattering and SCAREY. That is why I have been saying I am so scared. The fat girl in me is PISSED off. That is where the little quote "I have a screaming thin person in me but I can usually shut the bit*h up with chocolate cake". I know I can shut mine up that way. Well, maybe chocolate ice cream, cake doesn't go down as easy! But in the past my "fat girl" in me has always won because I have always gained it back. This time I won't let myself, I can't. My life depends on it. THAT is what keeps me going. Do I have bad days, hell yes. Why? Because sometimes I want to feel "normal". Eating what I want, when I want has always been my "normal". I just need to find a new definition of normal and I don't know how I am going to do that. I know why I eat. I know what to do to fix it too. So far I haven't really had a problem doing just that. Now? HAH! I do not know anymore. Who am I if I am not "Tracy, the girl who needs to lose weight"? Over the weekend I saw some friends of ours that came to eat with us at the casino. My best friend that I have not seen since about July asked me a question that I have never been asked before. She said, "Tracy, you re done losing weight now, aren't you?" Uhhh, scared the crap out of me. I just told her that I have 8 more pounds to goal. Then I started thinking, oh my God, who am I now? What do I do now? Don't get me wrong, I love the compliments (hint hint, lol) but I just am falling into a complacency as well and it scares the heck out of me. So, Laura you are so not alone. We are all finding our new paths. We are all learning this together. At this moment, the best thing I have is talking to all of you because you understand. ((((((hugs)))))

(sorry for the novel)

OH, Kat, I got the b-day and anniversary cards. Thanks SO much! Made my day!

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Ahhhh Tracy---the thing is we all need you! I believe you will find what I was talking about before, about maintaining being much easier than ever expected!! But for those of us still navigating the pit falls of losing the weight, we need you for inspiration--and proven advice for when we stumble. And someone to call a skinny beeeyotch sometimes!!!:unsure:


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Kat I sympathize with your tooth. Everytime I see you post about it, I get ghost pains!! One of my teeth behind a canine, I am such a pansy with dentists. They had to do a root canal, then the temp. cap. I was too afraid to go back for the real cap (I know it's silly, the hard part was over!!).. so I never went back, temp eventually fell out, didn't go back, and the tooth finally broke to a nub. Ugh. They had to pull it out and they told me I can get an implant, but again I am too scared. I hate going to dentists, I go years without and then go in one fell swoop and have them dope me up and fix the problems. If I'd go regularly I wouldn't run into all this. Hope they get it fixed soon!!!!!

Today is one of those days I don't like being in sales. A local customer thinks I am doing a bait & switch. She came in for a quote a couple weeks ago, told me the specs she wanted (normally I have to show swatches because people don't know paper). She gave me the exact weight paper, etc. So we did her proof today, and our prepress said they're mailers and it's too light to mail. So I call her and she is upset, it's not suppose to be paper. Well, the info she gave me was a paper!! So I showed her swatches today, and she is wanting.. cardboard, thicker than what we do all of our CD wallets on. A specialty paper, that sounds nothing like what she brought in here wanting a couple weeks ago. So the price is like 5x original quote. Not my fault, but they sure act like I'm lying to them about what stocks are. Makes me not like being in sales. Typically, they don't know what they want, and I help them figure it out. but when they come in with all the specs, I don't want to make them to think I'm treating them like a dummy by making sure the paper they say is right (99.9% of the time, if they have the specs they know what they're doing!!). I guess my new personal policy is to pull out the sample and confirm. Blah. Time to go get my new entertainment center.

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Laura that is exactly where this tooth is---bottom left side right behind the canine---or stomach tooth--whatever ya wanna call it. It is now after 5 and I have not heard a word from neither Dr. nor dentist. Tomorrow I feel fully justified in being a bi#*h! And plan on being!


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Laura-love your avatar!!

Kat-yes maintaining has been easier than I thought, but I am not ready to maintain yet! It is better than gaining for sure. I just wanna get these last pounds off to prove to ME that I can do it. So, in a nutshell, I am not done yet! My brain isn't done, hopefully my body doesn't think it IS done:confused:

Judy & Laura-I forgot to tell you how great you both look in your pics! What a difference! I love your coat Laura! Great job ladies!:unsure:

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I am just making bad bad BAD choices lately. I say, tomorrow will be better. But this is where it's so messed up. Yesterday I was eating like some sausage.. which always hurts.. so it hurts, get that stuck feeling, slime a little bit, and my band actually feels like it's in pain. This is where I think "Oh no, please don't be messing up my band.. don't slip, don't stretch", etc.

So most the time this is where I stop eating and just wait to feel normal again. Not last night. I ate a snickers bar. On top of the pain. Making more pain, and more slime. I hate myself while I do it, but I don't stop. What am I doing? I feel like I'm trying to screw my band up :biggrin:

I had heartburn (from having OJ, salsa, and sausage in one day and no prilosec for a week) but I thought.. here it is, heartburn, slipped band.. blah blah.. so I'll just keep cramming food in my piehole. I'm not proud of myself lately, and I am in a rut. I guess all the indulgences from the vacations I've had, put bad habits into my system and some reason I can't kick them back out. Everyone morning I start with good intentions, then I go into the mind-numbing zone where I just want to eat and eat and eat :unsure:

I could have and should have written this post. It seems like I do good for a while - then indulge in something - then crave and continue to indulge out of control.

I need help -- most of the time I indulge when no-one is around. I will be good all day then I get left alone for a few hours and wham-- anything I can get my hands on.

This was me today - and yesterday!

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I've been messing around online checking blogs... I checked on Chickie and her video struck me....... the mid to end of it.. she talks about why she's been MIA from here..... I gotta tell ya.. aside from our little thread.. I'm already feeling it too........ bewarned she says the s word and the f word (just once, but wanted to warn you.

here's the link.. (I haven't figued out how to do video yet)


Wow, i watched this video blog and I hear what she is saying. I rarely post anywhere but this thread anymore. And to tell you the truth ladies, I have really noticed that as I have gotten closer to goal I am very careful (even here) of what I type because I do not want to come off sounding 'holier than thou'. I know you are all my friends and we all care about each other but it is that exact friendship that I do not want to hurt by saying anything that may hurt one of you. I am changing gears to the cheerleader mode. (or at least I have tried to). I try not to mention wanting to lose more weight because I know some of you are struggling so much and I do not want it to come off as sounding ungrateful for what I have accomplished. Being close to goal is great but I still have work to do. I always will have to work at it, just as all of you will too. I want all of us to succeed. We will succeed. We have a very special thread here. I believe it is a lifetime of friends we will have forever. I just never wanna feel like Chickie does. I could feel her pain in that video. She wants to be here and feels like she doesn't have a voice anymore cause she is at goal. Just because you are close to goal or at goal doesn't mean you do not need a support system anymore. Ugh...I am babbling now. :unsure: Sorry...

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I read this entire Thread the other day - and scared me to death.

Here is one that really sums it up:


As I have complained many times - that I have reflux since being banded. And it seems that at times it is easier to eat JUNK because I am too tight. And I get pains when I eat and sometimes continue to eat though it.

After reading the referenced thread - it seems I am a perfect canidate for band slipage. -- and it is more common than not. Especially 1 year plus - and generally required surgery.

Talk about being SCARED.. this is me right now.

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Tracy please don't feel that way. I left Chic a comment, hopefully she doesn't publish it.. but there's just the few who take things the wrong way. If you need to vent about your last 8lbs.. VENT! If you decide you need to lose 10lb more and want to lament about it.. DO IT! That's why we're here. I know I'm not secretly going "I can't believe she's complaining about 8 measley pounds". That's just silly, we all struggle for some reason or another, and no one's struggle is any more significant than the next. So you should always feel free to say how you feel, especially with the V's!! One day we're all going to be within 10lbs and complaining. Duh :unsure:

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TracyK please don't feel like you need to be a cheerleader instead of needing help or support. I probably have the most weight to lose and have never thought that you or someone else close to goal don't understand. Whether you have 50 or 150 pounds to lose it is still a struggle and that is universal for all of us. I think the hardest part is plateaus and stalling. I think we all get scared of what if this is it. I think we all stand behind everyones weight loss struggles and joys!!!

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      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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