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Shrinkin' Violets- Part 2 Read Here

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This is my 3rd and final attempt at a post. I have lost the other 2 and am growing short on time as well as patience.:biggrin:

Macys conference with the teacher went really well. She is progressing as she should and the only thing we really need to work on right now is making sure she slows down and does her work neatly.

Jane-sorry that court was horrible! I thought of you today!

Haydee-I love spending time with my mom too. Sounds like you 2 had fun yesterday.

Kat-sorry you lost an earring, that sux. I know Terry will fix you up!

Pamela-I was nice at the conference. I thought about your post and smiled:biggrin:

Sorry I am not doing personals to everyone but I don't know if I am gonna be able to get this to post anyway. Good night everyone, sweet dreams!

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Home from work. Getting ready to head to bed. Early start tomorrow. And I also forgot to give blood last week so I will have to stop and do that tomorrow also.

I see that TracyKS posted on Facebook. I sent her a text but never heard back. Hope all is well with her and the family.

I made excellent choices today and am hoping I can keep this up. I need to quit fighting the band.

Everyone have a great evening.

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Oh Terry, I keep meaning to ask you.. I want to commission you for a pair of earrings, but I want them for my mom's b'day (Nov. 15). Would that be enough time??

The other day we were out and she bought some dangly earrings, I forget she likes the indian-ish (turquoise, hammered silver look, etc) stuff.. and she made a point to say how she's not allergic to any metals and can wear anything.. heh heh.. thanks for not passing that along to me :w00t:

So I thought of you instantly, I want to get her a pair made for her b'day.

Let me know if there's enough time for it, what info you need, and I'll start browsing pics to see if I can show you what I had in mind.

And yes, I know the instructions were simple, but I'm still a natural blonde. You just pour the entire jar, juices and all into the crock pot? Don't add Water?

Send me a picture first, then I will tell you if there's enough time. The major factor is if I have the materials on hand. If I have to order some component then we'd be short on time. Many things I can make by hand, but many things that I can't! let me see what you have in mind and I'd be honored!

For the recipe, yes, you just dump the whole jar, liquid and everything into the crock pot.

Color me very, very SAD! Terry if I send you a check for half again as much as for my earrings, can you make me just one???.

Laura we use the pepperocinis a lot.....always on our subway sandwiches!! Sometimes in a salad, we buy the jar of them already sliced. Going to have to try the roast thing tho--Rick would love it I am sure, he loves peppers of all kinds, especially the hot ones--me I am a wimp!!!

OH, I'm so sorry you lost one! Wahhh!! I hate that! I can put them on leverback wires if you want (see this pic: http://www.firemountaingems.com/images/P8512FDB.jpg). The only other issue is that I made yours a wee bit different from Pam's, and I'm not certain I can remember exactly how they were made. In other words, without seeing it either in person or a very good picture, I may not be able to match it! I think I can get pretty darn close just by memory. Tell me, do the dangly parts have 3 beads on each pin? One is dk blue, one is kind of an opaque grey-ish and the 3rd is a shiny gray? Yeah, now I remember! I can make you one....no worries! (Do NOT send me a check! I won't cash it!)

Kat, if you make that roast recipe for Rick, you should try the leftovers the next day....the peppers really get mild...prolly no hotter than green chiles.

Terri~ yes please on more earrings! :) I'd like purple and a rich green color. I so love my gypsy earrings! I'll pop a check in the mail next week (after payday:wink:)
How fun! I like playing with the dangly ones... I made some for myself over the weekend that turned out real cute. I'll get busy! Oh, and I got your check and sweet note today....Thank you, Pamela:smile:

I was not able to get on the site at all today, then was busy this evening so I'm just now able to log on!

I VOTED TODAY!!! WOOOOO HOOOOO!! I had to stand in line for about 40 mins, but I left work early to do it so no worse for the wear. I'm glad I got that done, I can only imagine the lines that will be forming on Nov 4!! No thank you!

Tracy - thanks A LOT....I bought some Peanut Butter Cookies at the store last night!! Ever since you mentioned them I've been hankering for 'em. We had a board meeting at the office today (read: food everywhere) and I had one of the worst food days I've had in a year!! Then I came home, cooked and had 2 cookies on top of all the other crap I ate today!!!

I NEED A FILL!!!!!!!:):cursing::)

I'll see ya'll in the morning! Niters!

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Good evening, Violets.

It's so nice to be able to get on here again!!

My friend Kathy is in the hospital overnight. They can't get her heart rate down. Definitely nothing to do with the band, but sure scary.

We had a nice time at Nathan's birthday dinner. I ordered a dish called Peasant's Pasta. It was spinach, artichoke hearts, salami, olives, bacon , garlic and pasta. I had about 3 bites of the pasta, some of the spinach and bacon and all of the artichoke hearts. I brought the rest home for the Bobster. He ate too quickly and had to PB. I have plenty of the dish left for lunch tomorrow. I can't believe the portion size they serve.

Nathan got a pop up ice shanty from his wife and we got him a field dressing knife kit. The boy is a hunter and fisherman. He was raised hunting and lives for it. Kris is a hunting widow for most of the winter. She is coming over here Friday night to pass out Halloween candy. I bought 2 bags of candy I don't like so I'm not tempted, but also bought a bag of assorted Reese's candies. She'll eat some of those and pass out the rest. lol I just have to be strong and not even open the bag.

Time for me to put the clean sheets on the bed so the Bobster can hit the hay. He has to be up at 5 tomorrow morning to be on the road to a church meeting 3 hours away. He won't be home again til evening and I have Ethan from noon on til I leave for choir.

Everyone have a good evening. sleep well!

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The flying monkeys found my fat ass and hauled me back in.......

I have had a week (and it's only Tuesday) I had a MJC today and then dumbass me ate a campfire burnt hot dog (DRY NO KETCHUP) and then spent a very painful series of trips to the woods so that I could PB in peace! I am logging on to check in before bed............

Suzie, Tracy and all thanks for coming to fetch me!

I have been OD'ng on Milk Nog................. Robby and I had a VERY FUN weekend alone just us doing Halloween stuff while DH and DSS camped...... Bliss really.

Kat that is so wonderful about the "C" word!!!!!!!!!! Denise I'm going to check out the slide show tomorrow!

Tracy: I'm jealous of the easy time you are having with Macy (except for the teacher issue) OK.. gotta go to bed now. YAWN


Gas was 2.12 here in KS.... and I'm filling up heading Terry's advice....

I am rebublican but I just don't like McCain........he irritates the everlivingshit out of me........ and I gotta say it....... I DO NOT WANT MY MEDICAL PREMIUMS TAXED...... this is the worst thing he could say to someone who has great insurance, great premiums and carries FAMILY EVERYTHING....... and see's the impact on my paycheck...

I am still undecided........ and that stresses me out too!!!!


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It's been quite a while (i guess almost a year now) since I posted on here. To refresh everyone's memory, i'm darla's daughter...we both had the band the same day (at least i think her login on here is darla! lol) on April 2nd of '07

Anyway, in case any of you forgot, I got pregnant with my miracle band baby last November. He's 9 weeks old today!! And he's BEAUTIFUL! I'll try to post a pic if I can remember how! They had to take him with a planned c-section because he was breech - not my ideal birth experience, but worth it!

Anyway, I gained **hangs head in shame** 46 lbs during the pregnancy....and I'm still fighting to get back on track. A lot of the foods I like that I was eating prepregnancy are pregnancy no-no's (like tuna for instance...). So, I went with the 'ok during pregnancy' foods...and a few extras...LOL. Now I'm battling a carb addiction again. I did get a fill recently, but it wasn't a big one, and only seems to help in the morning. At night i'm not able to tell much of a difference.

I hope everyone is doing well. I'm a stay-at-home mommie now, so I'm going to try to get back into reading/keeping up/posting again. But we'll see how that goes.

By the way, Anyone know the legalities of being denied individual insurance because of having the band?? My husband's insurance is technically an individual plan and they denied me coverage (they are covering the baby though). They said that they don't cover anyone who's had bypass or the band until they've been post surgery at least 5 years!!! How incredibly stupid is that?!?! So I"m about to be without ANY insurance :-( ((that's why i went ahead and got a fill)). Anyone know anything about insurance coverage????

I hope everyone is doing well.

Take care!!

Amanda in FL



Family -resized.bmp

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Too cute amanda!!!! Congrats!! Call your states insurance board. All states have them, do you have insurance now? If you get turned down, but are still under coverage you can qualify for your states health insurance pool. All states are different, but here in Missouri it is expensive. I pay $586 a month (I am 45) with a $2500 deductible and another out of pocket of $5000 (20% of $25,000). It is weird but I discussed this with someone about a year ago, and they said the same thing, that alot of insurance are holding out on coverage for weight reduction surgery patients. It seems odd, but it is the government. We can only hope that it changes with the new president. Good luck, if you want to call me you can at night this week, and anytime next week. If you need my number call. I have been through many circles with insurance, but like I said all states have different plans. You can maybe hope yours is a good one.

I got up this morning. Yea!!! Now I need to do the same tomorrow. I am so grumpy in the morning.


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Hey V's~

OOO I am 'cited about my pretty dangly earrings. Terri...dare to be bold w/ 'em, much like my ass...bigger is better!

Stef called and picked up free movie tix tonight to see The Changling w/ Angelia Jolie. WOW...can you say Oscar nom?? She was exquisitly beautiful and a bit too skinny...but what a performance. She really could stand to eat a burger. She needs about 15 pounds, her hands were sooo vainy, she had man hands. One scene you could see her shoulder bones sticking out. But she really is not just a pretty face, she is an amazing actor. It was a great movie! Kat, did you and Rick ever see Apaloosa (sp)???

Got my grades done before the movie. Now tomorrow is all diss...finally. I hope I can pop in from work...I would be sick w/o my Vs during the day!

peaceout...much love!

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Gas was $1.99 here yesterday.

Up early for my shift. Hubby isn't feeling good. Thinks he is coming down with a cold, so we may not be working at the hospital tonight.

Have a great day and make good choices. That means NO Peanut Butter Cookies.< /span>

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I made excellent choices today and am hoping I can keep this up. I need to quit fighting the band.

way to go!!! Keep it up!

Tracy - thanks A LOT....I bought some Peanut Butter Cookies at the store last night!! Ever since you mentioned them I've been hankering for 'em.

Oh, good news about mine...they are only about 100 calories each instead of the 200 I thought. That made me feel a tad better.:)

The flying monkeys found my fat ass and hauled me back in.......

I know you didn't just say that! OMG, what does that make me?:) lol

Tracy: I'm jealous of the easy time you are having with Macy (except for the teacher issue) OK.. gotta go to bed now. YAWN

I am so sorry about that. I wish I could help!

I am rebublican but I just don't like McCain........

I am still undecided........ and that stresses me out too!!!!

This is where I am and it scares me and stresses me too.

I got up this morning. Yea!!! Now I need to do the same tomorrow. I am so grumpy in the morning.

Are you up yet grumpy?

Hey V's~

OOO I am 'cited about my pretty dangly earrings. Terri...dare to be bold w/ 'em, much like my ass...bigger is better!

Now this was funny!!!:)

Stef called and picked up free movie tix tonight to see The Changling w/ Angelia Jolie. WOW...can you say Oscar nom?? She was exquisitly beautiful and a bit too skinny...but what a performance. She really could stand to eat a burger. But THIS was funnier...LMAO!

Part of me wants to weigh today, the other part doesn't want to. I will just wait until tomorrow. Hopefully I will see some kind of result! Even a pound will keep my momentum going mentally. That is the battle, the mental part! Oh well, almost time to wake Macy. Have a great day violets and pray I do not freeze my re-shrinking booty at the bus stop. :w00t:

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I am up and grumpy! I am sitting here trying to motivate myself to take a shower.

Have a great day everyone!!!

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Hey V's~

I am up and too damn tired to be grumpy. That is why going to the movies on a school night needs to be strategically planned. We always said that it would be cool that once we are together (as in 100% living together) we could finally go to the movies on a Tuesday night! That was our first Tuesday night movie:biggrin:.

I can't imagine snow now...it is still in the 90's here. My mom always said that it finally gets cold on Halloween...and sure as rain...it is gonna be in the 80's on Halloween! For us that is cold! Make a snowman Judy!

Hopefully I can check in w/ ya'll from work. If not, don't talk too much w/o me, LOL!

Love ya,


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Just in case you were wondering....

I did not freeze my butt completely off at the bus stop. I knew you all were worried! lol

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Good Morning! Crazy hair day at school... so I moused Robby's hair up and put a bit of the green goo in it, dried it with the hair dryer and sent him to school............ two little girls exclaimed.. HE CAN'T HAVE DYED HAIR!!!! over and over again......... GOOD GRIEF! I'm going to have a melt down...... Luckily I ran into his special ed teacher and she had a bright PINK wig on, she said she was unaware of a hair dye policy and stated she did the same thing to her kids, and that he would be fine for today..........

My boss got into a HUGE fight with our "sister" boss yesterday afternoon...... and she basically called him a liar a cheat and a bad person, all over a $1700 check that is meant to purchase 86 gift certificates for an employee drawing, and candy Bars. HE IS LIVID and stewed about it all night............. so this morning he was in here waiting for me to arrive and he tore up the check and is currently at Walmart right now buying them with HIS OWN MONEY...... He said NO ONE, and HE MEANS NO ONE in his 45 years of working has EVER accused him of such horrible things least of all a nun........ this is not going to end well.................

Panda: I've been wondering about you!!!!!!!!! How is your mom doing?

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      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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