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Shrinkin' Violets- Part 2 Read Here

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Judy-so good to see your post. I was thinking about you when I got on and was hoping they did not re-route your trip. :D At least you & the Bobster are having a good relaxing trip!

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WOW laura - I knew you'd lost alot but didn't realize it was 121 lbs. Congrats to you girly!! You did so awesome!!

HH - hmm, i don't try to think too much about the last 18 months because i feel like I'm such a loser. BUT, let's see, I lost a total of 66 pounds the first 11 months. The next 7 months have been a struggle with the same 8 lbs going up and down. Can you believe it? I have lost and regained the same freakin 8 pounds in 7 months. Ugh, makes me so frustrated now that it's written down.

Tracyk - that sucks that you're having such a hard time with the teacher. I seriously would have lost my cool to her the first time she tried to be a smartass with me. I'm glad you didn't do that though because you're right, she might have taken it out on Macy later. I would have never thought about that. See, I have such mouth issues. I speak before I even think about the consequenses...

TracyKS - Poor Robby! I'm sorry he's having such a hard time. And you're such a good mom to be patient with him and to help him get through this...

Judy! Happy to hear from you!! I'm being a very good girl and waiting for Sunday... Thanks for thinking of me!

Pammy! Were you on yoville last night? I seriously can't make it past my front door! I lose interest pretty quick after that, LOL. Is that game kinda like the game laura plays where people buy clothes from her??

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Haydee~ I did not go on, except to go to "work" and get my $. Click on the little triangles and they take you out of your apartment. Then you keep clicking...you can go to work (get $ to buy new clothes and furniture) or you can go to the nightclub and get a drink...lol, when you drink the screen goes fuzzy. The beach...gym, lol...lots of places. It is not as detailed as Second Life (what Laura plays)...it is like an elementary version. It is fun w/ friends. I will text you when I go on...but may be a couple of days. I mean...go on to hang out, I already went on this am to check in at work and get $$.

Last night, I worked until 4pm, had Chinese left overs, checked email, etc, then worked on diss from 5pm-8pm. I then watched ALL MY CHILDREN (which Susie and Jane...is soooooo good now) and read until bed. What a depressing report, lol!


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Hey girls~

TracyK---I know you have already sent it back but I would have sent the envelope with a note saying "Since I did not get the first envelope you said you sent home I want to be sure you get this one, so HERE IT IS -------------> and staple it to the note.

You need to get a purple inked pen, and do all your correspondence with her using it, then you will be reminded we are always with you....and will gain strength (and possibly even more of a smartass attitude) when you see it!!!!

I had issues with Manda's second grade teacher talking to me like I was a misbehaving 2nd grader! If I disagreed with her she give me the "now, now, now" . I still see her on occasion in the store, she still calls me by name, asks after Manda (or Amanda as she INSISTED), and her daughter--the woman remembers Everything, and still talks to me like I am a second grader!!!

I got a phone call last night from the Mom of the girl I took to lunch the other day for her birthday--Leslie. When we were at lunch the Mom called to wish her DD a Happy Birthday---she told her what we were doing etc., I excused myself to take Kinsey to the bathroom so they could talk for a few minutes--I mean it is her Mom and she is clear in Ohio!!! So when I come back, she ask me if she could give her Mom my phone # in case they had an emergency to get in touch with her since they are operating on their Ohio cell phones still. So I gave her both home and cell #'s---figuring that made good sense. So the Mom calls me, and thanks me for taking her DD to lunch and for making sure she had the cupcakes/birthday cake. She said it was their first year apart, and she was heartbroke thinking that her DD was going to be alone all day while the BF worked, and that she was glad to know they were settling in. I am so untrusting I kept waiting for something else....but she just called to say thank you!!

There is quite an age difference in Leslie and her BF, he is in his 40's---and she just turned 26. I was waiting for Mom to say something negative about the BF who is about our (the Mom and I) age--but she didn't. She was just being nice!!! Bad me!!!

You know those commercials, where they have Arby's on the brain, and the little Arby's hat is floating above their head???? Kinsey is having one of those days----at 6 AM she ask to go get Roast Beef and curly fries!! LOL, 5.5 hours later she is still bugging about it!

TracyKS---so sorry Robby is having a hard time. We have a friend who has a little girl that would act out like that. She was suspended in Kindergarten for kicking her teacher in the belly---the teacher was pregnant. She hit, spit, ALL of it. She was a little bitty wiry thing too-was not a size issue! I know she was acting out, but have no idea why.....Mom has since remarried, and has an 18 month old, she is gentle with the baby, and has settled in to 2nd grade just fine....but K was a bad year for her! They tried talking, took her to a counselor, went the other way and punished her, from taking things away, to spanking her-------nothing seemed to phase her, but she did grow out of it, or grew enough to handle whatever was setting her off. I hope Robby does too, for him, and for you! Sending you lots of PURPLE POWER!!

My kids were not angels (almost tho!!!! hahahahaha) but our problems were as they got older! Lenny was good til high school, and then his problems centered on his Moms issues. His own birth Mother got him high the first time.....now that's love huh????

Manda had a rough 4th grade year, and then sailed through----until the dean of students tried to stop her from graduating early....Manda won that battle!

Abbey showed up, but remained in her own little world. And I do mean little, she had a few VERY close friends, and just shut everything else out. Did not go to the dances, prom, games, nothing. Her life centered around her art, and her few friends, and our only school issues were the usual, for an average student....she did not strive to excell. Oh and one teacher who tried to critique her art----she was given detention for calling him a jackass!!! LOL

I do not miss the school stuff.....sad but true! Grade school maybe, but High School--not a bit!

Michelle, how is DS's toe????

Haydee, is the rain letting up? Or are you heading for soggy weddings???

Judy--sorry you got re-routed, but glad you are relaxing, and enjoying your time with your DH.

Well I am off to see what I can find to replace roast beef and curly fries on the taste buds of a 3 year old!!!



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Guess who I'm headed to see tonight??? Boy band from the 90's, New Kids on the Block! ha ha ha ha... me and my sisters grew up with them and I just loved them when I was in High School... My sisters got us all tickets to go see them tonight. I can't wait, I'm such a dork!!

I'm leaving work now, gotta run some errands for the wedding we're having this weekend and then I'm going home to get ready for tonight...

Kat - it's stopped raining here now but it might rain again tomorrow. It's supposed to be sunny and cool on Saturday so keep your fingers crossed for this poor bride!

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You can Google SmartLipo or see SMARTLIPO

I went to a smartlipo consultation, and got several quotes. For my entire body it would cost about $10K. There is a place in Mexico that everyone raves about called Versallescenter - here is the link: Versalles Center - Board Certified Plastic Surgeons

Anyhow, got quotes from them too. Still considering it, just waiting on my pocket book to get fat.

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OH, is anyone here from or live in Miami Florida? I'm headed there, by myself, Sunday morning for an entire week. I'm going on a business trip, but just do not know anything about the town. I've been there a few times, but only to board a ship, so never really stayed there. Anyone with any pointers? Good restraunts to eat at? Anything fun to do? Whats the weather like?

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TracyK---I know you have already sent it back but I would have sent the envelope with a note saying "Since I did not get the first envelope you said you sent home I want to be sure you get this one, so HERE IT IS -------------> and staple it to the note.

Priceless...you know, next time I am gonna get on here and tell all of you what happened and let you all give me advice on what response to use. That is fantastic!

You need to get a purple inked pen, and do all your correspondence with her using it, then you will be reminded we are always with you....and will gain strength (and possibly even more of a smartass attitude) when you see it!!!!

OK, so I seriously already have one of those kinds of personalities. Do you really not know that?:wink2::laugh: I could already have her hating me by now. but God don't like ugly.:laugh:

I am going to come here next time and poll the audience though!

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TracyK----the key word in the sentence you referenced above was MORE......MORE of an attitude!!!! LOL I have no doubt you could take on the woman all by your itty bitty self, but I wanna help!! LOL

Sunshine---I know Tracy called you by name, but I cannot remember it....and am too lazy to scroll back through all the pages!!! Anyway, I have never been to Miami....someday maybe! I know none of our group is from there, but some of them might have some ideas for you anyway.....most of them travel more than I do!! Have fun on your trip.....and be a sweetie and remind me of your name!!! LOL

Haydee I have always heard the old wives tale that rain on your wedding day was good luck, I always thought that was said just to humor upset brides!!! Now not to be morbid or to compare the 2 fields...but....my Uncle is a mortician, who ran a string of mortuaries for many years. He ordered umbrellas, in white and black, they did not have the mortuary name on them, as that would be tacky, but he ordered them with praying hands and crosses. In YOUR case, you COULD put the business name without being tacky.....or some sort of wedding theme. He said they were less than a buck a piece! So when a service was held in inclimate weather, they handed them out to the family--or in your case to the wedding party. Hope your weekend is dry and beautiful!!!

Rick said he got some new gadget he is all thrilled with for Bosses Day......didn't even know such a thing existed!!!

Guess I will go unload the DW.....yucky job!


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Thanks Terry for that link

i'm going to get on that... I was very doubtful until I've seen it first hand.... great results and my friend did it friday and was back to work Monday, she had to wear a binder and pads for drainage for 2 weeks and still at times puts the binder on but that is it. No missed time and in comparison to a TT, shoot 1/2 the price, good results... i'll take not being perfect... just need some help


Pamela hit the nail on the head Tracyks

I'm tired... was out until 3am last night

watched baseball and fell alseep snuggling on the couch... how nice

anyway... night all

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It is 5:15pm and I am still at work...the universe is all off kilter!!! We do this 2x a year, and if we stay until 7pm to meet w/ parent...we get out @ 11:30 tomorrow! So I am here...gonna run up to office and go pee...and then gonna come back and read my book. It is against my religion to do "real work" this late at night!


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I'm tired... was out until 3am last night

watched baseball and fell alseep snuggling on the couch... how nice

Snuggling with WHO??? DO TELL!:)

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Good morning!!!!

Sunshine is Tonya from January 07 bandsters! I wanted to be a January bandster but my insurance didn't agree! :)

I am checking in early because I have Robby roaming around my office before I take him to all day care at school, and then I have parent teacher conference at 8:00a.m. (had to come in and get everything turned on)

OK... so I gotta go.. be back later

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HiYa girlies-

Just a quick pop in for right now. I had a little downward swing again this morning so I am happy about that :)

Gotta run some errands today. DH is off for the next 5 days so wish me luck in the food dept. It is always difficult to lose when he is off work...anyway, send me some vibes!

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Good Friday Morning, Vi's~~

Went to the orientation last night w/my friend, got to be one of the "success" stories (in progress)... talked to lots of folks... It was a total deja vu experience for me... I had completely forgotten my first visit to the office for the orientation, how nervous/excited/scared/skeptical I was... oh, and all the *stupid* comments by people who hadn't researched it yet... esp. the ones "Oh Lord, I can't live without my _____ (Coke, beer, hamburgers, chips...)!" It brought back a lot of feelings... +, I think, a renewed kind of energy... to go back to the beginning... but also to see how far I've come... I was one of those folks just last year (jan, but still...)...

I also had the opportunity to go to a band support meeting about food & texture, etc., which was interesting (they did a whole exhibit w/food & baggies...).

So, all in all... a renewing & re-motivating experience.

NOW... I'm off to the BEACH!! Yes, the Beach in october. The kids have the day off & my dh needs to have some of his photography taken down to a shop there that sells it, so we're just going to meander down, enjoy the sand & surf, grab something to eat, maybe shop a bit... I love the beach off-season... well, I just love the beach... so... here I go!!

Make it a great day, Vi's!

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