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Shrinkin' Violets- Part 2 Read Here

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I'm up but seriously thinking of going back to bed.

My next door neighbor called last night and want me t come over and watch a movie with her. Mama Baby, I think that was the name of it. Tiny Fey and Amy Polson. It was cute. Didn't get home till about 9:30.

I woke up about 2am and had some throw up in my throat. I think what happened was that I took my meds right before I went to bed. I always eat a few crackers or a cookie when I take my meds to help them go down. Well, I grabbed a piece of bacon. I think the meds and the grease and me horizontal was not a good thing.

I hope Laura, Judy and Pam have a safe trip and enjoy themselves.

Everyone have a great day.

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Good morning everyone~

For the past couple of days I have not eaten that well because my band is so tight that all I manage to get down is liquids & mushies. Liquids=ice cream. Enough said. I am still on TOM so I will not get on the scales for a couple more days.

Everyone have a great day.

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Good morning. Ready for my shower and getting the day started. Today is the Autism walk, I am not walking because it is a short walk, so I am working instead. I hope some of my weeklys donate!

Tracy you are doing great! Don't let tom get you down!!

Suzie I started that counted cross stitch sampler, it is pretty easy to do right now, it is really going pretty fast.

I am also trying my hand at knitting, my first project, which is nothing is just a mess, don't know if I will continue or not.

Well here I go, off to work!!!!!!!!!

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Good Morning, Violets..

We are all set and leaving in a few hours. I'm so excited!!! Yes, Jane, I definitely will be hitting the Casino with my lucky jewelry. I have allotted $20 a day for the 25 cent slots so we'll see what happens. Wouldn't it be nice to make enough for a plane ticket to Alabama??? Or enough to boost the stock market???:)

Everyone have a great week and I'll check in when I get back. I'm sure there will be tons of posts so I'll respond as soon as I finish the Violet Novel.

Buh Byeeeeeeeeeee!!!

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Good morning all!

Safe travels to all my Violet sisters!!! You will be missed!

I have my tests on Tuesday Jane. Except the stupid place is revamping equipment, so they will be unable to do my mammogram until the 20th. Oh well......

We went to dinner with Becky & Gary last night, and nothing wanted to settle on my stomach. I was a bit concerned, but I just quit eating, and I never felt any nausea, just felt like I was overeating. I am thinking it is all the mucous (mucus???sp???), my head is draining like a faucet has been left on!

I come home and we went to bed to watch TV, and I avoided taking any more meds in case that was the issue--------and I am fine, eating and drinking without issue.

Rick is moving his air compressor to the shop this morning, and I am being totally lazy, just listening to CMT, and checking on all of you!

After he is done, we are supposed to meet up with some friends for lunch, then we have a pick up softball game at 3. I keep telling Rick we need to call and cancel lunch, because he does not want to eat heavy then play, and change it to going to dinner AFTER. That way if they want to they could even have a beer with dinner. So far he responds with..."Whatever, call Leslie". So I guess I WILL!!! LOL

Terry, I was telling Rick about Hero's romp in the dog park, and he said the Golden he rescued in Denver all those years ago was like that, she went non stop, but was without a doubt he said the smartest, best behaved dog he has ever had. He has mentioned her several times since.....he might be swayed!!! LOL

TracyK--hope you feel back to you soon....TOM when it is so irregular like that can be really difficult, and the amount of hormone released into the body seriously affects most aspects of your life my gyn said. I had seen the same gyn for years, and she was ok, not particularly communicative tho, I see now! When I had the serious hemorhage this new Dr. from back east was on call, so he is who they called in. I had purposely chosen a woman, so was not thrilled with the change. OMG I see that hemorhage as a blessing now! This guy is so nice, and he gives me SOOOOO much information, and validates my feelings without me ever having to say a word! It is like he was telling me about the amount of hormone entering all at once when you only have 3 periods a year, is devastating....and went on to tell me about how these hormones affect the body and mind. I was so relieved to know I wasn't crazy!! Where my old gyn was unwilling to even discuss a hysterectomy with me, he admitted I should have had it done before things turned cancerous. I am so glad I ended up changed to him!!! I cannot imagine the course of the chemo and all with her being so detached and unfeeling through it all, he was so kind and upbeat.

It is cold here this morning! Windy too, I see the balloon launch this morning did not go well. The balloon that crashed while we were there, well a few did, but the one that killed the man, hit wires. The balloon park is huge, like 78 acres----bigger than 50 football fields. But once you lift off, there are wires, it is near the interstate there is no way not to have wires, it requires electricity.....and it just severed the gondola from the envelope of the balloon, and they fell. We were not close to where they were when it happen, we did not see it. Which I am glad. It was a special shapes balloon.....it was assorted Triangles, let me think and I might pull the name of it out of my hat.....It is there on the tip of my tongue. It is like 3 triangles with another on top....will let you know if I remember the name!

We watched hundreds of balloons go, and we watched them fill, and talked with people from all over the place....several states, and a man from Germany. Then we left when they had pretty much all lifted off, we went and did some shopping, and then we took a nap!!! Then we went back for the glow-deo. They tether the balloons to the ground---or just a few feet off the ground....and hit the burners---which makes the envelopes glow and look like giant stained glass globes! I loved it! Then they had a fireworks show, and we watched it, and then come home.

Was a nice get away, even if I did not feel 100%.

Well, Rick is running into problems so I am gonna go listen, even though I know I cannot help.



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Good morning everyone~

For the past couple of days I have not eaten that well because my band is so tight that all I manage to get down is liquids & mushies. Liquids=ice cream. Enough said. I am still on TOM so I will not get on the scales for a couple more days.

Everyone have a great day.

Tracy - I am like that as well - so tight and only thing that goes without a hitch is ice cream. I have found that Instant Carnation Breakfast to be a life savor. Satisfies by ice-cream craving and gets my Protein and Vitamins. I am jelous when I read about some of my violet sisters eating salad and such - being so tight for the past year plus.

Don't get down on yourself -- TOM doesn't last forever and you will be back as new!!!!!!!! I do find I am tighter during the TOM as well.

Edited by GR8
can't spell -

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Jane, I took a knitting class a couple of years ago. I was working on making a scarf and my family laughed at it. I said you better becareful, this might be your christmas present. Anyway, I put it down and never went back to it. I might try it again after the first of the year. I'm glad the cross stitch is going good for you. I can't wait to get mine started. I sent in my donation for the walk, it's under your name.

I went for my mile walk this morning and took doggie. A car pulled up behind me and I heard this "Hey Lady, I'm lost". It was my older nephew. I finished walking home and than hubby and I started mowing. This should be our last mow of the year. We'll have to mulch soon. All those leaves, yikes. Anyway, I mowed the backyard and than started on the side. Finished that and than started on the front. Finished that and decided I was finished myself. Sat on the deck for awhile and cooled off. Than took a shower and fixed a salad for lunch.< /span>

I'm making pumpkin bread tonight. I'll take a loaf with us when we go to hubby's sister tomorrow. We haven't seen them in about 2 months. They live in Richmond which is about an hour from here. Hoping to see some fall colors.

I'll check in later. Getting ready to go to church.

Hugs to all.

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Suzie, Do you put raisin in your pumpkin bread? Thanks for the donation!!! That was nice!!! I guess I sent the link when I sent her picture, cause I am not smart enough to just send a picture!!

I was joking that I should put this first thing that I knitted on ebay and see if anyone bids on it. Everyone thought at work that I should, if I do I will send you all the link so you can see what a TERRIBLE job I did. Don't even say it can't be that bad, I am telling you it is!!!!

I am thinking that if Judy wins with her lucky jewelry you need to get a kick back Terry!!!

I am so glad I am off work for the week. It really wasn't a very busy week, but I am so tired. I have got this fundraiser to go to tomorrow, and I don't want to go. It is for Charlie and his Mr Leather thing. Yuck!!

I heard that Sarah (is there an H on the end of fer Sara?) Palin was going to be on Saturday Night Live tonight. If that happens should be a hoot!!!

Thinking violet thought Pam.

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I had such a pleasant surprise at church this afternoon.

Our priest is on vacation for the next 3 weeks and we have a step in priest till he gets back. Most times when for whatever reason he is gone, we usually have one of the monks from the Abby step in. Well tonight we had someone I hadn't seen in about 15 years. Afterwards I went up to him and said, "I know it's been along time but". and he said tell me your name. So I told him and he looked at me and said yes, I do remember you. He was the priest that married my husband and I 26 years ago. He is actually an old friend of my parents and friends. So I called my cousin this evening and told her and she and her husband are coming out next weekend and will go to church with us so they can see him. She hasn't seen him in about 10 years. It was so good to talk to him and can't wait till I see him again next weekend.

Jane. No I don't put raisins in mine. I'm not really a raisin fan. But I do like to put cream cheese on mine after I slice it. I have even made the pumkin rolls. Those are so good but a hassle to make. This is my favorite time of the year. I love to bake alot. Just staying away from it is the hard part.

TracyK. I still have the candy corn in the package and the jar of peanuts unopen. I'm afraid to make that stuff because if I like it to much it will be gone in no time. So I'm probably going to wait till after my appointment on the 20th. to make it.

Sure is quite around here.

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Well, I just had a wonderful day!! Let's see .... I finished up 2 orders (one was yours, Jane....it turned out beautiful!), took Hero to 'school', broke some new ground with my jewelry skills, went for 3 walks with Hero, and ate Mexican food. I didn't clean or cook all day! :thumbup:

Hero was amazing in obedience training. I've never trained a dog before so we're both learning. We practiced more after we got home (hence the 3 walks). He learned "sit", "watch me", and how to walk right next to me on a loose leash without pulling, forging ahead or bumping into me. He is gonna be one swell dog, lemme tell ya.

Terry, I was telling Rick about Hero's romp in the dog park, and he said the Golden he rescued in Denver all those years ago was like that, she went non stop, but was without a doubt he said the smartest, best behaved dog he has ever had. He has mentioned her several times since.....he might be swayed!!! LOL

I wouldn't have anything BUT a Golden Retreiver. Goldens are extremely social, non-aggressive, have a very 'gentle mouth', great with kids, rarely bark, and are very smart. The downside is that they are NOT outside dogs....they love their humans too much to be separated from them; they shed; they sometimes dig, chew, and counter-surf (but usually grow out of that); they are often thunderphobic and can get extremely anxious; health-wise they often have sensitive skin and hip dysplasia. They weigh 65-80# generally and require excellent nutrition...hence their food bill can be quite high...$100-120/mo. I used to COOK for my other dog! 8# of chicken breasts and 5# of vegetables every Sunday evening! Won't be doing that again!
Tracy - I am like that as well - so tight and only thing that goes without a hitch is ice cream. I have found that Instant Carnation Breakfast to be a life savor. Satisfies by ice-cream craving and gets my Protein and Vitamins. I am jelous when I read about some of my violet sisters eating salad and such - being so tight for the past year plus.
Gina - I was tight like that for several months....didn't help me lose any weight at all! I'd much rather be looser and be able to eat salads and other veggies, and more meats! Maybe you need a break for awhile!

I was joking that I should put this first thing that I knitted on ebay and see if anyone bids on it. Everyone thought at work that I should, if I do I will send you all the link so you can see what a TERRIBLE job I did. Don't even say it can't be that bad, I am telling you it is!!!!

Well, I certainly hope you will have a bit of patience with yourself!? Knitting is HARD at first! ... but so is any new skill. You should see the crap work I did at first with the jewelry!! It's hilarious!!!


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Hey girls, just stopping in to say good night.

We had our game, and it was fun, I did nothing really, tossed the ball some, did not run or anything. We played for a couple of hours, then went to Chilis. With a bunch of people I like, and a couple I don't!!! Actually the husband that works for Rick I like ok, his wife is overbearing and rude, and they have rude children.

For the first time ever, when we paid, I ask the server who was taking all the other credit/debit cards--where I could go to pay in person, she said oh no she would do it. I explained to her, that I had had a problem with my debit card info being exploited, and I wanted to pay my bill, but for my own safety this card was not leaving my sight....she got kind of flustered, and said she would ask, or I could go over to the other server who had been there longer and find out.....so I walked to the kiosk, with Rick's secretary on my heels, she has heard all about our fiasco, and they processed it with us standing there. Will do it everytime now! Also when I get my new card, those security #'s are getting blacked out!

All in all a pretty good day.

Food was so so.....ate way too many chips and salsa!!! And a handful (make that FULL) of junior mints-------all Leslies fault at the game, she twisted my arm and forced them in my hand!!! LOL

Will check in tomorrow--we are hoping the weather improves....we played ball in horrid winds--------quit when the gusts were tossing the ball around! Ended up hearing on the news we had 60 mph gusts!!! No wonder!!

Anyway we hope to go for a ride in the mountains tomorrow. Of course the couple that I don't like the wife half of invited themselves along on that as well as they did to Chilis! At least on the motorcycle I can't hear her whine and complain and argue with every word out of peoples mouths!!! LOL

Ok, I really am out of here!!! Night Night all!!!


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OOOHHH I can't wait for my bracelet!!!

Headache city here, going to bed, don't think I will make church in am.

Hope everyone is having sweet dreams!!!!

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OMG...I should not have gotten on the scales. I said I would give it a few more days until tom is gone but did I wait? No...and I am so down and depressed. Lets just hope it is 5 pounds worth of Water weight otherwise I am starting all over AGAIN (again) :crying:

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Good Morning~~

Busy day yesterday... ds broke his big toe (soccer) so now I have to try to get him into the ortho's on Monday (not an easy task after a Fall weekend w/all the weekend sports injuries) and he'll most likely miss the rest of the HS soccer season... he's so upset... he's had such a great time this Fall playing & done so well...

DD had a double-header w/her pom pom'ing, then a slumber party...

I was just running around, trying to keep up!

Work today... laundry... then tomorrow Book Fair begins @ the school... it's nice not to be in charge of it anymore, but I am working there all day Tues & 1/2 day Weds... old habits die hard!... + it's my last year, so want to help the new gal out as much as possible... don't want her to burn out just yet!

Am making terrible food choiced & haven't exercised since getting this crazy cold/cough/throat thing... ugh.

But each of YOU... make it a good day!!

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