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Shrinkin' Violets- Part 2 Read Here

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Getting ready to head out the door....... the taco's and chips and dt pop yesterday showed on the scale this morning... POOP!!!!!!!! but oh well it is what it is 181 (176.4 yesterday) THE Water RETENSION QUEEEN! Not exactly excited about standing nekid infront of a doc and have him wiggle all my giggly parts and take pics! LOL but ya know you gotta do what have to do.... I will let you know... they said to allow for 2 hours and my appointment is 10a.m. so AHHHHH! I'm burping coffee right now just writing this....

Hey the good thing is.. depending on the outcome today I will be do the walk tomorrow and I'm on my docs team.. so the ENTIRE staff will be there including the good doc himself. and I can ask him if I need an unfil or not (IF I GET TO SCHEDULE SURGERY)

Terry: I am approved for financing..... and right now my down payment is $800 TODAY, provided I can have surgery in the next 30 days. If I have to put it out, they go through the whole process again of running my credit, and the lower the score the higher the deposit..... so my goal both financial and work wise is to be able to schedule it a between Open Enrolment meetings and payroll so that I have a good 12 days to recover off work..... other wise.. I roll into my boss taking a cruise and all the end of year benefits stuff that I do. and payroll...... so its the week of OCTOBER 14th or 2009 sometime.

I have schedule my pap for next week so if needed they can run the extra bloodwork when they poke me for my thyroid...... so you can imagine how the opening at the doctors is paramount to me having a flat belly or not. OK gotta head!

WISH ME LUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Good luck Tracy!!!

Thanks for the invite Tracy, I am with you all in Rocktober and am in awe of the way you guys have buckled down!!

Love the dog Terry!!!


Hi Michelle, Haydee, Suzie, Judy, Jennifer, Gina, I sound like Ms Lois from Romper Room!!

Running late, bye!!!!!!!!!!!

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LOL Jane! I could not have told you her name---but I DO remember Romper Room. We did not get it at home, we were literally in the boonies---but I watched it at my Grandma's. And every now and then, she would say Hi to Kathy, and I remember telling her back, "They call me Kat"!!! I had not thought of that in years!! Last mention I made of Romper Room was to tell a manager at Yellowstone Nat'l. Park, his employees must have all been Romper Room Rejects!!! We had rented a cabin in the park and 3 different times they gave us keys to inhabited cabins. We opened the door---with the key---and there was other peoples things! We could have stolen them blind! So the 2nd time we knocked, sure enough a man answered the door.....when we explained, he too drove back to the office! So everytime we left the cabin we had to load EVERYTHING up because we didn't trust them not to give out OUR key!!! Rotten time!!! It snowed on us, and was the end of June, we took shorts!!! LOL

Sitting here letting my hair dry----go to the Dr. this morning to find out about my itching. Woke up less sore this morning tho. Last night I could not even let Kinsey lay on my lap during the debate I was so fricken sore....this morning, with a night of being drugged, and no scratching (well much less) I am better.

Eating a piece of Peanut Butter toast. I am where I want to be weight wise again, and finding it a bit difficult to NOT eat like I did for the week after being put back on food. Since I KNOW I can.....

I know peanut butter toast is not the best for me, but it was cold, Cereal or yogurt just sounded even colder!!!

Terry the dog is a beauty!!! And I can vouch that human thyroid meds are cheap, so I assume dog is the same thing.....dosed accordingly. Mine is in the neighborhood of $3.00 a month. One of my friends on the New Jersey thread (Sherryboberry) has 2 goldens, and she loves them to pieces. They have an older one, then got a fairly young pup---she said the pup was a handful, but has now settled into her routine. She always includes them in her pictures---they are so pretty. Comet needs you!!!

TracyKS---will be thinking of you while you are at your Dr. and I am at mine. Of course I might be thinking, I am sure glad I don't have to take my clothes off!!! LOL----good Luck girl!!!

Pamela---you a failure? You who has everything going on at once???

When everything is going great, and you have nothing outside of your multiple JOBS to do----it would be difficult to get to your diss and get your chapters finished as quickly as you would like. Now when you add in a relationship, and friends, and lifes ups and downs----and it would seem impossible------but you are doing it! Maybe not as fast as you originally planned, but it IS getting done.

Other than the fact we have to call you Dr........is much going to change if it takes a little longer than you hoped? You will still get there---and you won't have ignored yourself, your partner, or your family and friends to the point of alienation. Especially the VIOLETS!!!! LOL You will get there girl, you just have SOOOOO much life going on! You are NOT a failure!

Michelle.....quiet? How will you ever take votes if you cannot talk my friend??? Hope you are speaking up soon!!! I get laryngitis like that, feel fine, just have no voice! I feel for ya!!

Judy, Haydee, Jane, Suzanne, Laura, TracyK, Jenn, Gina, Denise--------I am thinking about you, but must get ready for the Dr. Kinsey is still sleeping so have to allow for time to deal with the grumpies from waking her up!!!

Will check back when I get back home.

Oh yeah, when it rains it pours---they screwed Ricks check up--so even if it had deposited it would have had to have been fixed. They paid him for a weeks vacation! For no reason, and we do not want to buy out a week! (deeeeeeeeeep sigh inserted here) hopefully it won't take long......


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Adorable Terry!

My dog is on thyroid meds, we get 90 pills for like $15.. so $5 a month. I found it online for $3 a month, but since it's not too expensive from the vet, I go ahead and get it from her.

I am listening to "In My Arms" by Plumb, making me weepy. Hah.. I gotta quit listening to sad songs at work.

I've been having the most painful bowel movements of my life.. ugh!

You're not a loser Pam!

This morning we were running an hour late when I woke up and we still both needed to shower. So I was scrambling, made him scramble.. walking out the door, and his cell says it's 2 hours earlier than I thought it was. My clock was off somehow! I knew it seemed unusual hard to wake up at 10am today lol.

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Hey V's~

Thanks for the props! I was very OVERWHELMED THIS MORNING! I talked to Susanne and she agreed that tomorrow, I will do homework all day. Problem is after work, I AM TOO TIRED. So, Sat = Diss; Sun = Walden! I need to stay on top of Walden...that crap piles up fast, lol.

Next weekend, the 11th I am going to Reno. I WILL HAVE CH. 4 done and will submit it and wait for feedback. I WILL HAVE ALL the Walden papers graded so I can go and not stress, haha...as if the trip is not stressful enough. Thanks again ladies...I love you.

Tracy~CAN'T WAIT TO HEAR about it!

BBL...got papers to grade while the "chillren" finish their reading test/summaries!


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Got a call from TracyinKS and she wanted me to give you all an update on her PS appt.

It is sadly a no-go with her Tummy Tuck.< /span>:lol: They raised the price and she had to tell them no. I am SO sad for her. I talked her off the Sonic ledge where she was about to dive face first into a MJC.

I know how she feels...I am so hurt for her....:w00t:

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So Sorry Tracy...everything happens for a reason though. You are a beautiful woman regardless!xoxooxoxxo

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Oh no Tracy, I am so sorry!!!

How much did they raise it?? Why would they raise it? This a bait & switch? :lol:

We just got a new flow-chart for management operations around here, they are hiring a QC kind of person (THANK GOD) who I have a lot of confidence in, I've known him for years and he has been GM of restaurants around here since I've known him..very good at management.. anyway, the new flow chart just lists managers and the heirarchy of departments below them. Russell is going to be excited to see his name on there. He's not a manager, but he runs the IT department.

Just went to TGIF's, I got the Jack Daniel's burger.. just for the fries. I am craving fries a lot lately.. dipped in mayo & ketchup. Mmhm.. So I ate 1 bite of burger, plus all my fries.. Russell ate the rest of my burger (It was pretty good, was hoping to have it for dinner!).

I was googling trying to get suggestions on natural ways to get energy boosts while pregnat. I have been sooo friggin tired the past week or so. I could fall asleep sitting up at any given moment. And just for 2 seconds, I closed my eyes driving us home Wednesday night.. eek! Looks like there's no good suggestions.. stay hydrated (I do), and sleep good hours at night (definitely do, I go to bed not long after we get home everynight). One website says the sleepiness goes away after the 1st trimester.. here's for hoping. I officially enter 2nd trimester next week!! :w00t:

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((TracyKS)) :w00t: I am sorry to read that...

LOL Laura... you think you're tired in the 1st trimester? HA HA HA HA HA!! I hate to break it to you, dear (actually, I'm kind of enjoying it -- I am so evil!), but you've only just begun to be tired, my friend!! :lol:

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Laura-I stayed tired during my pregnancy...but I like to sleep anyway so that just made it worse! Hopefully your tiredness will subside soon. If not, it probably will not subside for about 20 years from now. lol

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Tracy!! Hugs girlfriend....but I do not understand why this happened!! :lol: Damn them! Like Pamela said....everything happens for a reason and maybe you just had an angel watching out for you today! Keep your chin up and focus on the positive things that you have accomplished already!! I'm really proud of you for not falling head-first into the ice cream!

I had a blast making this today...take a look! Etsy :: terridoodle :: Iceberg Necklace

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That is what I was thinking about Tracy...like an angel or something was with her. You never know! Keep your chin up honey!

Terri~I lovelovelove the necklace! Just beautiful!

OK...I know everyone goes separate ways over the weekend...have a great safe weekend everyone!


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I'm back.. and THANK YOU TRACY FOR TALKING ME DOWN!!! I was really in tears in their parking lot.. I was sooooooo PISSED! what what quoted at $217.00 a month turned into $367 a month!!!! I'm telling you my heart was broken... they had me all scheduled in for 10/16 the girl was even booking the hospital when I told them to just stop. (Finance girl was on the phone with Finance Company) Nurse was scheduling.... I looked at the computer screen and saw the $367 and was WTH is THAT????? I was arguing with her and she was being kind of rude... but not budging on price so I just told both of them to STOP WE WERE DONE GOODBYE...

This was the price though:

Extended TT with muscle repair (incision hip to hip and beyond)

$8990, $999.00 anesthesia, $999 facility fee.

IF I were to add a breast reduction/lift it would of been 16K, more if I were to add the implants (on top) HE did a cool little tuck and push up trick to show me where my breasts were SUPPOSED TO BE! LOL

So anyway......... I called Charles and was so upset on got on the interstate going the wrong direction.. he said to meet him for lunch.

He was very understanding and said that if it meant THAT much to me then we'd find a way to get it done........ so I guess the journey is not over just stalled a bit.

Truthfully I've been trying to figure out WHY it was such a big deal, and Tracy summed it up for me pretty good....... we spent all this time and energy to get here and to hit a brick wall is depressing...... because for ME.. I've never been or felt NORMAL SIZED, I'm as close now as I've ever been and I kind of feel like this is the universes way to say.. TRACY you'll never FIT into me, you'll never be normal. Your not good enough....... now I know this is crazy, but its the way I feel.

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Tracy, you made me cry when you were talking about how we worked so hard to get where we are to only run into a roadblock. That is so true. It's so frustrating. I wish I had magical words for you. But you need to know that if one door was closed another will open. That is how I found Malley. Keep your chin up and your mouth closed. Especially around Sonic. See you tomorrow.

GOD, Help me. I have Halloween candy in my house. My cousin called and wanted to go to Sam's wholesale and I went ahead and bought the candy. Hopefully if it never get open and I wont get into it.

My next appointment with Malley was for the 13th. They called and we changed it to the 16th. I got into work today and I have a staff meeting tht day so I called and changed my appointment to the 20th. Now if I can just keep my mouth shut till than. LOL.

Pam, you are my rock star. I look up to you and all that you have accomplished. Be very proud of who you are and where you have been. It's a long road and one you won't be walking alone. Hang in there.

Judy, You guys have a safe trip.

There's a crisis next door so I will be over there this evening for awhile. I'll check in when I can.

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Tracy... Your story is bringing tears to my eyes... I can feel the emotion...

But look at it like this! You had enough confidence to say "No, this is not what you said previously, and this is not right, & I can't do this now." and remain in control of yourself & your family's finances. AND this:

"I kind of feel like this is the universes way to say.. TRACY you'll never FIT into me, you'll never be normal. Your not good enough......."

THIS BREAKS MY HEART!! Tracy -- You are an AMAZING WOMAN -- one of the universe's BEST!! I think the universe is saying, "Tracy, you're great JUST THE WAY YOU ARE! You don't need a nip here and a tuck there to prove yourself to anybody!!" I think that once you ease up on yourself... treat yourself gently... see yourself the way others do... accept yourself as you are... Celebrate all the positive changes you've made & are making & how far you've come... maybe THEN these other things will unfold the way that you "think" that they should.

Smooches, dear heart!!!!!!!

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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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