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Shrinkin' Violets- Part 2 Read Here

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OMG you guys------my debit card has been accessed. They have charged over $2200.00 to a company called Indian Railway Catering out of New Delhi India. The bank caught it this afternoon and closed my debit card out. I used it in one store in the mall, and when I went to Sears it was declined she said. Which I thought she just was mistaken, because the card is cracked and sometimes will not read. So I used a check---but come to find out, at the same time I used it in our town, it was used in India as well, so she closed the card.

I have to go in the morning to the bank and get a debit card, and checking history going back to the first charge which was for $11. something, on the 24th. Then the 25th there were 2 charges for like 12 and 30 bucks, well I have been home, so I had not logged on to the account, I had no reason. Well when those went through they went to town! There are hundreds of them!

I have to acknowledge which ones are our real charges and which ones are not, then go to the police station and file a police report for fraudulent charges. Then back to the bank to use the police report to file a dispute of charges with them. Then it is likely to take up to 6 months to get any of my $$$ back if I EVER do!

I am sick, Rick is LIVID!

I so wish your attempts had had better results TracyK! This is horrible!


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HELP ME HELP ME... I made an apple pie and am trying to keep away from it!!!!! yes I know its my fault.. but I made everyone eat super spicey jerk chicken Soup and so I fixed a pie for their dessert........

I will NOT go into the kitchen .. the last time I did I took a bite.... NO MORE.. I did not eat egg salad all dang day to blow it on PIE! I did not choke down 90 oz's of Water for the 2nd day in a row to blow it ON PIE.... slice of heaven... NO JUST PIE! PIECE OF CRAP LOADED WITH BUTTER and SUGAR....... EVIL PIE DIE PIE DIE SOMEONE EAT IT FOR GODS SAKES I'm stuck in my room watching the biggest loser and typing my plea out to my friends... DIE PIE DIE PIE BAD PIE.....

oh and WTG Kat on the baloon boquet but man that sucks about your debit card!


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TracyKS... use the motivation from those folks on TBL to keep you AWAY FROM THE PIE!! I'm heading upstairs to watch it as soon as I wrap up a few things. I find it very motivating!!

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Good Evening All!

Lots of posts to catch up on -- Kat- good job of setting the record straight at the game. I am so sorry someone stole money from you and making you go through all these hoops!

I see everyone is getting back on track - which I have tried as well, sometimes successful - other times not. But I will start with more determination tomorrow!

Low Carb -- yes yes yes

64 oz Water -- yes yes yes

Exercise -- walk, ride, something at least 1 x a day (if not pouring rain).

NO scales -- I like this idea, It does make or break the issue.

Lots of prayers!

I am with you!!!!!!!!!!!!!! potty.gif

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She said the biggest culprits for debit theft are restaurants-well the staff. And the worst are restaurants that have crayons for kids. She said it is a quick lay down of the card, and swipe a crayon over the front, flip it over write down the 3-4 digit security code on the back, and it is worth anywhere from $50- $100.00 bucks a piece for a wait person to sell it. She said that to use a debit card when it is in your hand, as in a grocery store or Walmart, or to use it online on a secure site, it is the safest way to go without question, but it is not a safe option to EVER let the card out of your sight. Such as to pay a restaurant tab. She said in 20 seconds they can have all the info, and have it slid into an apron pocket just waiting for the sale. She said Chilis alone had over 100,000 complaints last year alone concerning this issue!!!

Meanwhile, I am without funds! Rick gets paid on Thursday---but I cannot deposit it, in that account. Guess it is a good thing I did not get all huffy and close the credit union account. And the only reason I didn't was lack of time before the shop got built, and then I just kinda forgot about it....and now I am going to have to use that account. But in the meantime, all the money I had in that account, that was for bills etc. is GONE! Not sure for how long or anything. Plus anything I have outstanding, is going to come in on a closed account. I have such a headache........

Keep working on the dimes to quarters Tracy......


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Hey V's~

Kat...OMG you are having a shitty day (the fall and the card). Go tell those laughing biotches "Chuck You Farley"! I hope you feel ok in the am!

Haydee~ those meds are delish...round here we call 'em "smoothies" as they SMOOTH EVERYTHING OUT! Enjoy sista. My young, healthy and fit brother suffers from anxiety attacks. Two times, he has gone to the ER thinking he was having a heart attack. Also, w/ the meds, you may want to "talk to someone" like on the couch type thing.

OK...I have had the shit day of the year. W/o details that will make paint drying look exciting, I will be short 800$ a month on each paycheck for the remainer of the school year! I am so freakin pissed. There are about 6 of us at work that this effects. Having to do w/ getting paid 12 months vs. 10. But that really hurts...so freakin mad can't see straight. :thumbup::mad::drool:

Off to make teryaki steak and veggie stir fry!


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Oh no Kat!!

This happened to my mom last year, and they wouldn't even credit her back. This company didn't have any coverage for these things, so I advised her to get the hell away from a company like that. Luckily she was only out $200 when she caught it.

Then this year, my Sears card was some how accessed.. we've only ever used it in the store, at our local Sears.. so if they didn't take responsibility I would have sued them.

Luckily, they just sent us paperwork, showing our signatures, taking our 'statement' about the charges, and signing that we would indeed file criminal charges if they caught whoever did it. It was used in Denmark at a sports store-- didn't even know Sears cards could be used anywhere else, much less a sports store in Denmark.

Anyway, after we returned that packet they credited our money back within a week.

Hope you get this cleared up quickly, and I am the weary internet fear-monger, but MAKE SURE anytime you use your card online, you know the website, and they have a logo that has encrypted security verified.

Normally for overseas purchases, it's someone who hacked it online.. and I'm still trying to figure out how my Sears card was breached!

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I made an appt for later on this week with my GP for my anxiety attack. What's the effect that you get with the medication? What makes them SCRUMPTIOUS??
I started taking them because I had a boss that would DRIVE ME INSANE all the freaking time....he was a nit-picker, pompous ass....I'd be climbing the walls, pop a pill and then nothing he could say or do would bother me. It was just like I floated thru the rest of my day without a care in the world!! I took Tranzene (lovely drug!) ...and I keep trying to get more but my stupid doctor put me on Lexapro instead. I think Paxil is the drug of choice now, but I've never used it. Have some of my mom's in my cabinet for 'emergencies'....LOL And by god, I've got an emergency tonight but I've chosen wine as my drug. I'll fill ya'll in on the details tomorrow as they flesh out.
OMG you guys------my debit card has been accessed. They have charged over $2200.00 to a company called Indian Railway Catering out of New Delhi India.
I'm so sorry, Kat!! :thumbup: Man, when it rains, it pours! You've had a rough couple of months!!!!

HELP ME HELP ME... I made an apple pie and am trying to keep away from it!!!!! yes I know its my fault.. but I made everyone eat super spicey jerk chicken Soup and so I fixed a pie for their dessert........

I will NOT go into the kitchen .. the last time I did I took a bite.... NO MORE.. I did not eat egg salad all dang day to blow it on PIE! I did not choke down 90 oz's of Water for the 2nd day in a row to blow it ON PIE.... slice of heaven... NO JUST PIE! PIECE OF CRAP LOADED WITH BUTTER and SUGAR....... EVIL PIE DIE PIE DIE SOMEONE EAT IT FOR GODS SAKES I'm stuck in my room watching the biggest loser and typing my plea out to my friends... DIE PIE DIE PIE BAD PIE.....

oh and WTG Kat on the baloon boquet but man that sucks about your debit card!


Tracy.....PLEASE tell me that you didn't touch that pie!!! I just know you were strong!! You HAVE TO BE STRONG....for me!!!! It's taking everything I've got to stay away from the ice cream tonight. With all my drama (details tomorrow) I could have gone face first into it, but I didn't! I was stressed out and really tight at dinner and only had a few bites. I'm hungry and it's late and want something that can sliiiiiide on thru the band, but I'm not doing it!! Please tell me....lie to me if you have to....that you did not touch that evil pie!!! Bad PIE!! (ROFL...that was too funny!)

Good Evening All!

Lots of posts to catch up on -- Kat- good job of setting the record straight at the game. I am so sorry someone stole money from you and making you go through all these hoops!

I see everyone is getting back on track - which I have tried as well, sometimes successful - other times not. But I will start with more determination tomorrow!

Low Carb -- yes yes yes

64 oz water -- yes yes yes

Exercise -- walk, ride, something at least 1 x a day (if not pouring rain).

NO scales -- I like this idea, It does make or break the issue.

Lots of prayers!

I am with you!!!!!!!!!!!!!! potty.gif

Good Job Gina!!! Yea!!!!!! Where the heck did you get that sweet Corgi smilie?? I love corgies!

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Anti anxiety meds in these parts are called Xanax or Valuim!

I had 2 glasses of wine w/ stir fry and got buzzed...to buzzed to work! Bad shitty bad shitty day! So freakin glad Sept is OVER! I swear I am in a mood. Had a convo w/ my bank today that ended w/ me saying "So basically I would be getting screwed by YOU and my district!" I say bring on the wine, pie and freakin ice cream. I have no sensors on tonight...Kat, want me to kick those laughing bitches asses??? LOL, I don't know how to fight, but I have a silver tongue and can talk a mean streak (no lesbo jokes about the tongue).

Heres hoping all my Violets have a great Oct.

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Not sure how things will be handled until tomorrow morning, when I hit the bank and the police dept. Not something I am looking forward to that is a fact!

I made a big dinner, just to occupy myself----chicken fried steak, fried potatoes with onions, cream gravy, green beans---all of Rick's favorites!!! I guess I was hoping it would improve his mood and he would not harp on this all night long, I mean I don't have any answers for all of his questions.

He loved the dinner, but didn't say hardly anything, other than he hopes we get it settled without losing another shitload of money......he looked at his 401K today as well. I don't know why I always expect the worst from him, and he is not that way!!!

I ate a pretty normal piece of chicken fried steak, and some green Beans, but that was it----potatoes looked yummy, but was afraid they would fill me too full----and PB'ing is NOT an option for me at this point. Ate about what I would have prior to all this----on my little plate----feel so much better not being over full!

Pamela---I am sorry you too are getting crap with your checks. I am with you---C'mon October be nice to us!!!!

The base of my hand below my thumb, by my wrist is really sore, where I caught myself when I fell is the biggest owie I have.....my knee is skinned, but otherwise I am ok I think. Rick insists I should have made them call me an ambulance and be checked out. I could not do that! Not without being seriously unable to get up!

Terry----worries me you having a crappy day too.....like I say, I am with Pamela, sure hope October is good to ALL of us!!!

Gonna go hop in the shower so I can just get ready without all the blow drying & stuff in the morning. Will check in later or in the AM.


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They prescribe xanax and valium around here too, xanax is what we have going around when it's needed..

Like Terry said they make you not give 2 shits about anything. So when we deal with customers screaming for hours on end, you can pop one and calmly deal with them, without getting upset/emotional/overworked, etc. Things just don't matter. Which is why its an abused drug, people self-medicate to keep from having to deal with anything in life.

I think there's a time and a place for anti-anxiety meds...and if you have anxiety attacks, definitely time and place!!

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wow it is making me think that I need some xanax. All this time I only thought food was scrumptious!!!

I hope October is a kind month for us all!!! Remember as we bid September adieu that we are all great people who have lost weight!!!! Maybe not all we wanted but we still lost.

Happy October!!!

One of my customers used to tell me that when you first wake up on the first of the month you are supposed to say rabbit, rabbit, rabbit, and then your month is supposedly without issues!! Remember you are not supposed to say anything until you say rabbit three times first.


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just wanted to say hey

i don't have health insurance so there is no help for me, i can't afford to live let alone pay for help

doesn't matter didn't want a pitty party, i'm beating myself up enough. i was offered a job in buffalo yetserday but i don't want to leave the cold to go colder an snowier -

all i know is there are things i love about here but things i need to get out of - the life has been sucked out of me - people here suck, no social groups or anything that i don't have to travel 1-2 hrs for

oh well.... life will go on.....it has to even if i don't care

i'll check in soon

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just wanted to say hey

i don't have health insurance so there is no help for me, i can't afford to live let alone pay for help

doesn't matter didn't want a pitty party, i'm beating myself up enough. i was offered a job in buffalo yetserday but i don't want to leave the cold to go colder an snowier -

all i know is there are things i love about here but things i need to get out of - the life has been sucked out of me - people here suck, no social groups or anything that i don't have to travel 1-2 hrs for

oh well.... life will go on.....it has to even if i don't care

i'll check in soon

Well then get on the internet and find a damn job in TEXAS! You should see all the building cranes in Houston alone! It may be time to suck it up and just get the hell outta there. It would be a shame to take the kids out of their schools, but better than than homeless! C'mon, Jenn, you can pull it together!! Just do what you gotta do. Get strong. Get mad. And don't let life defeat you!

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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

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        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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