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Shrinkin' Violets- Part 2 Read Here

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Good Morn, Vi's~~

Purple power going out to all those who need it!!

Question: Now that I'm trained on the weights, what type of routine is best for a beginner? (I know, I should... & probably will... just google it!) Do I do upper body one day, lower the next & rotate... do I do it all & skip a day? rotate w/a skip day in there?? Off the top of my head I thought I should do cardio every day, & do upper strength one day/day off/lower strength/day off/upper strength... or should I mix up some lower & upper together?? :thumbup:

Lots of work today... + want to go to the Y for at least cardio... then ds has a soccer game tonight...

Make it a good one, Vi's!

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Good moring!

Well the scale was back down to 180 this morning but I dont know if I was standing correctly (and I didn't re-weigh!) :thumbup:

So I have not blown my day YET.......... I drank some coffee but then a big tall glass of calorie countdown chocholate milk.. it has 5 carbs and lots of protien..... this is me GMAIG!

Also, my FAVORITE SHOW........... Biggest Loser started last night! Yippee......... it really motivates me. Maybe this is what I need in conjuction with a bit of willpower.

Lastly, today is DH and my REAL wedding anniversary, the secret courthouse wedding.

I am going to make a real effort to drink at least ONE glass of Water today! (I KNOW I AM SO BAD!)

Kat: Honey please be careful!

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Hi girls-

Yes, my situation is a million times better than most. At least the weather is nice here (woke up to 64 degrees) which is such a blessing for those without AC!! I still can't go to work (oh, darn!) because our phone and network are down. Getting around town is pretty dangerous...on my end of town which is by far the best off...about 50% of the signal lights are out which makes things congested and dangerous. We have so many 'major' intersections! The grocery stores that do have cold items or produce have very little and they are sold out quickly. We are fortunate that we are able to just eat the things we had in our freezer or we'd be in big trouble! I haven't had a fresh vegetable in several days....I'd kill for a salad, broccoli or asparagus! Getting the things you need is like going on a scavenger hunt every day, making the traffic worse, which in turn slows down the recovery effort.

Thank goodness most of the high Water has receded but what is left in those areas is sludge and sand and debris. Have you seen the before/after arial pictures of Bolivar, High Island and Galveston? It's horrible. Galveston is uninhabitable much like New Orleans was after Katrina. The mayor made a stupid decision yesterday to allow residents to come in "look and leave". They had to set up check points to verify residents belonged there which slowed the traffic to a crawl. At one point the traffic was backed up for 10 miles....3 lanes of it. Rescue and responders couldn't get through...then they had to end up using the manpower to get everyone OUT again and looting became a problem where there was little before. Residents were turned away after 6:00 pm which created another traffic nightmare getting all those thousands and thousands of cars turned around. Galveston mayor must be an idiot to think that would have worked.

TracyK should be reachable by cell. I'll try texting her. She may have gotten tangled up in that traffic yesterday. Even if you could send her stuff, she may not have mail service....we haven't had any this week.

It's a royal mess down here. I just can't say it enough that I am so happy that the weather is at least cool....for now. This never happens in mid-Sept.

Kat and Laura - please get better soon. I don't need to be worrying about you guys, TOO!!!

Much love to you all.

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Good morning everyone~Our mail is back in service btw. Kat I am so sorry you are so sick! Laura-I am sorry you are hurting!

I am SO glad to be home. Overall we were very fortunate. Our house is OK and we did have the lights come on yesterday, which is the reason we came home to begin with. Hotels are so expensive. We got approved for hotels through FEMA but our hotel was not on the list, of course. I got online while we were at the hotel to see what hotels around here (houston area) had vacancies....none. Luckily it ended up not being an issue since our electricty come on here at home. We had finally gotten to the point that our stand up freezer was stocked and now it is empty again (along with the fridge). *sigh*

I can not dwell on it too much because I am trying not to cry in front of macy. I keep reminding myself that we were fortunate but when you are staring at empty refridgerators & freezers it is kind of hard. That is another thing, Macy...she is sick. She is running a low grade fever and has a bad cough & sore throat. My poor baby.

BUT, we are home. Oh...I gained 7 pounds so now I am up to 215.5 but this too shall pass. Ugh...I will use Tracys sentiments, BLECH.

We are going to going and pick up a few things from the store. DH is going to go over to where he works cause they are giving him 10 gallons of gas per day.

Thanks for all the well wishes...I am rambling. I will bbl

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Tracy you need a GOOD fill to stop you from eating all the crap! A good couple weeks of Soup will clean you out! Look at me all high and mighty just because I've managed to eat good.. for ohhhh 2 hours!!!! :) ...... we won't talk about the sleeve of halloween oreo's that somehow disappeared last night! But today is a new day, and that is what you need to focus on too! a NEW DAY!

Want me to send you some tuna? Some protien shakes? Some back to band basics staples? I just finished a lunch kit of Tuna.. and no it really isn't floating my boat but it is LEGAL and helping me to stay ON PLAN...... I WANTED the high sugar pb granola bar but I had tuna instead. JOIN ME getting back to basics!

I'm grilling steak tonight for dinner.. and I'm going to hit enter and get my GMAIG to get some Water in me!

Love you all!

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((Tracy & Terri))

You can do it, TracyKS!! One bite at a time! I'm right there w/you on the brink -- at any moment I am perfectly capable of making a "bad" food choice... yesterday & so far today have been good... but it's moment-by-moment!!

Just got back from the Y... did 30 mins on the treadmill & kicked up the speed & intensity from yesterday... I am so out of shape, it's not funny... but I'm doing it!! I am GMAIG!!! "Biggest Loser" motivates me, too, Tracy!!

Laura... take extra care & do what the docs tell you to do. You, too, Kat!! OMG, how scary!!

People -- some who I know well, & some I don't (like the supervisor @ the grocery store just now) -- keep asking me if I'm ok... that I seem "down", not my usual perky self, that I'm putting off a weird "vibe" -- and I must say, that I do feel just blah & kind of sick @ heart... I *thought* I was putting on a happy face to the world... funny how that's not working as well as I imagined, huh!! I am right at the edge of looking up counselors & going to talk w/one... but I keep coming back to the fact that I have NOTHING to complain about... I just feel in a funk... unappreciated... overworked... underpaid... did I mention unappreciated?? I'm hoping that the exercise will up my perky hormones... doesn't it do that?? + counting my blessings, etc... like I said... I *think* I've got it under control, but then someone looks @ me funny or asks me what's wrong... and I wonder...

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Well I am home from my morning routine. Have to go in early for my afternoon liquids, because I am getting an extra bag since I won't be getting any in the morning. We will be leaving to drive up about 5:30 AM.......not sure from there what will happen. I go straight to the hospital....for a swallow study and Xray work up I understand. Then straight to the Dr.'s office and he will see me when I get there, there is no appointment time. Figure I am likely headed to a motel for the night, and have whatever done the next day hopefully------but I might get put off to Wed. if there is no sign of infection or anything dangerous. I do not want it to be dangerous, but I want it fixed quickly. But of course we must do it as insurance allows.......I hate insurance issues!

Michelle sorry the depression is hanging around. I am bumming over this turn of events-----but mostly I am scared! I just want fixed whatever it takes. I want to eat, whether it be small bandster amounts or what--I need to feel like the foods I choose matter----not just hunt up a liquid-----and my taste buds have dried out so much NOTHING tastes right----drink it only to puke it back up!

I found some FUZE drinks that are really tasty to me in this state (I gag at the thought of my beloved tea or Dr. Pepper!) but the drinks are only available now at one of the Quick stop places and are $1.79 each-----and they stay down maybe 10 minutes. I might as well just torch the money!

Root Beer is going down ok taste wise-----so when Mom ask if I needed anything at the store I said Root Beer----A & W root beer. She brings me Dr Pepper, she said she just knew she mis understood me, she remembered me always drinking DP........yeah but that was when I was like NORMAL! I feel all out of whack with my liquids. My fridge looks like a mini mart cooler!!! Some of this some of that------none of it tasting right. I ought to send it all to TracyK!!!

I tried eating jello----it tasted like a rubber ball!!! I also tried eating some mandarin oranges, I love them....they were ok, but before I could eat half a dozen bites, they were ready to come back up. I just want to eat something that tastes good and normal!

Water used to have a sweet cool taste.....now it is bitter....and it is the worst coming up!

Sorry to come here and do nothing but complain!!! My world has shrunk so that this is my main concerns!!!

Today my son turned 29!!! My DIL calls me about doing dinner. I told her I am not cooking. I am not going to a big family dinner with his Mom and her DH and all those people. IF she wants to go with just them and just us.....then fine I will go, sit and drink. Her response......Oh you still can't eat? Does she never listen to anyone????

They moved my IV to my elbow, and I cannot bend it---on my right side of course! Now to be fair, they tried 4 other places this time before opting to go there for lack of veins....due to the dehydration, but man this one sucks!!!

I am going to go stand by the stove for a bit----I lit it because I am so cold!!! LOL BBL~~


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Kat: Will Rick be able to check in for you if you go directly IN the hospital? I am going to be on pins and needles waiting for update(s)

Laura: How are you feeling today?

TracyK: How are you holding up today?

Michelle: I'm guessing your lack of perkiness is showing in your eyes! You have very expressive eyes and I'm betting they are dull right now.

Terry: Are you getting any beadwork done since you are off work?

Judy: How was flute rehersal?

Jenn: How is YOUR kitchen coming along?

Jane and Suzie: Only a few more days!!! I'll be bringing my camera! Are we making a pact that we wont be the food police?

Oh and I have yet to Get some water..WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME?

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As of today I am trying to GMAIG as much as I can. Like Terri said, there really is no meat or fresh veggies to be found anywhere. I just had a can of slimfast for lunch. My weight is not acceptable to me. As far as the fill goes...I really do not need one cause I have gained enough weight and now I feel like I have grown back into my band...HA! Sad huh? Good thing I am not going to get a fill cause we do not have the money right now. Evacuations are expensive. I am stressed out enough so that my band is working right now. :)

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TracyK~ You just need to do what you need to do to get back to normal now. You can GYAIG in a few...you have enough to worry about. Is dh back to work? Any word on Macy's school?

Kat...please take your cell and call or text one of us to post for the rest of us! What ever the outcome...your health is #1!

Michelle~ I highly recommend you "see someone"...not a counselor, but a psychiatrist. I learned SOOO MUCH about myself "on the couch". It was valuable and I use many of the tools I gained daily. Do not waste your time w/ a counselor, in my opinion. At the psych. we did this test thingy first day...and made more progress in 1 hour, than in 6 months w/ the couselor.

OK...back to work!


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Tracyks, I heard a report that the food police were going down south in full force to the stressed out hurricane people to help them. We are safe!!!

I have not had any sweets for the month of September. I am allowing myself 3, I think I will have two in KC and one the end of this month.

I hope you are taking care of yourself Kat!!! Maybe they should do a picc line!

Well I need to hop in the shower and get to work!!


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Hey Vs

Back is no better. Day 3 of bed rest, day 2 of pain meds & muscle relaxers.

If any of you have had the crippling back problems, you know how the depression sits in. I feel hopeless and feel like I'll never be ok again, and I can't do anything.. dishes are piling up, laundry is piling up, Russell took my bottle of Water from the night stand this morning to take his meds, ended up taking it to work..now I have no water, because I can't bend down and get more out of the china hutch. I hate being like this, I am so frustrated. I am more discouraged because I feel there is NO improvement. I have no range of motion. If I drop something off of the bed, it's a lost cause.. I can't sit on the toilet, I have to stand over it, and if my pants slide all the way down, I have to grab them with my toes and waddle out of the bathroom to hold onto something to try to pull them back up.

I hope this doesn't have something to do with the pregnancy, where I'll be like this the whole time. I keep reading trying to figure out what it could be caused from, ligaments loosen up during pregnancy (even early), and so maybe I sprained it.. but why wouldn't I be feeling better yet??? I can't describe the pain I feel trying to get in & out of the car, or if I make the mistake of sitting down on a chair or recliner for a moment..sigh..

I am sick of the tv, and sick of my bed.. russell said he would get me books if I tell him what I want, I found 4 I want, so gave him the list.. we have bowling tonight (not me of course), so he was going to get them but we forgot hes going bowling. Work is slow when I'm at home, because I can't handle any issues myself.. I have to call and have a csr handle it.. then I worry if it's done right. Russell brought my customer books home from work, which helps with me having to call and bug people.

One more edit, the one cute thing amongst all this.. I felt my stomach this morning, the bottom of my flabby panis has a firmness on the underside.. baby bump ahoy!

Edited by FairyFacade

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TracyK: you are so right... you most likely have stress induced restriction!

Laura: awwwweeeeee a baby bump awwwwwwwwwwwweeee

My stomach is grumbling, I have not filled my Water cup, I am scared sh*tless of getting up and eating something bad! So I'm suffering at my desk. I want to stay on plan today. I WILL stay on plan today.

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I have no knowledge of the WiFi options where I am going. I will PM you each a list with both our cell #'s on it. He will have control of them so I will try to get him to call one of you with mine----where all your #'s are programmed. Otherwise, he will answer either one.

I am soooooo anxious now to go and get done and back to normal I cannot tell you!

Laura, I am sorry you are having such a hard time. You need a grabber like I see in the drug stores, to reach things. I always play with them and grab Rick obscenely with them to be honest!!!! So buy one in a box!!! LOL

So TracyK--are you near a Walmart Superstore or a Target Super Center? Where do you do your food shopping usually??

My neighbor means well, but she is driving me nuts. She calls 10 X a day to see if I need her to come over and help me out. Nope, I can rest all alone.......I feel mean even typing it, she means well.

Well I am off again to try to rest before my long session this afternoon.

DIL took grandson to Durango to the pediatrician, he has a bad cold. Then they want to do dinner.......Rick finally woke up and said NO, we can't have Kat around the cold, she is headed to surgery!. I thought I was going to have to say something myself, I am so glad he finally got with it!



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Kat-We have a Target, Wal-mart AND HEB all at the same intersection. I do grocery shopping mostly at Walmart unless it is something I wanna run in & out for, then I go to Target cause there are less people! lol

We went to a little neighborhood grocery store a while ago and found some ground meat, a roast and some eggs! May not sound like a big deal but meat and dairy around here are so scarce! Good news is there is no ice cream to be found....not at sonic or dairy queen either! That is making it easy to stay on track. :) We are gonna go to the POD (point of distribution) and get some bottled Water later.

No word on dd school other than ... out until further notice. We tried to drive by her school but you have to show a license at the roadblock to prove you live in the area to get in. So, it must be bad. Her school is about 2 or 3 miles from the bay where the surge got to about 15 ft. They may end up sending her partial days at a different school. Who knows.

Talk to you all this evening.

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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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