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Shrinkin' Violets- Part 2 Read Here

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Good evening, Violets..

I got 1.5 hours in the pool this afternoon. It felt soooo good, but soooo strange too. I was enjoying it so much, the weather is beautiful and yet the Texas Vi's are waiting for the one two punch from Ike. That was in the back of my mind the whole time I was enjoying myself.

Just looked at the weather channel and it seems to be shifting a bit easterly. But still a seriousthreat to our Vi's. I'll definitely be keeping you in my prayers tonight and through the weekend. I'm so glad Tracy got out safely.

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Hi Vi's, I too have been worrying about my TX girls. I also have family and other friends it is affecting as well. Manda's FIL is in a little border town near Corpus....and has already been mandatorily evacuated.

I spent the day sick in bed. I woke up middle of the night freezing, and while the temps are down, it was mine being up that had me cold. I hurt everywhere, from the hair follicles on my head the the joints in my pinky toe....and everywhere between. I am trying to keep tylenol and fluids down, most everything is coming up. Fever is running in the 101-102 range. Head is throbbing.....no sore throat or sinus problems, just the stomach virus thing again. I cannot get away from it.

Laura, watching the ultrasound was very emotional. After Manda trying so hard to have Kinsey, her 20 week US was done on my birthday, and she invited me along, to watch and find out what the baby was. We all cried!!

Terry, sorry you had to postpone your services, but in the end, it will be so much easier than worrying over everyones travel arrangements on top of the weather itself.

Haydee, hope you make it home ok! Hugs Hon!

TracyK, I hate seeing you so worried, I so wish I could help---NM doors are always open to you!

It is raining here soooo hard the pump alarm woke me up....we have a submergable pump in a low area of the patio, if it blocks up it has flooded into my garage! So Rick put a pump in, that when the thing gets covered in Water it begins pumping it out....and sounds an alarm that like to have scared me to death!

Kinsey come this morning, she went into my room, and she looooves the new colors, she tells me, "I feel like I am in a Pooh Honey jar" and she is right, it casts a golden glow on everything---and it is honey gold, she nailed it! I got NOTHING done today. She went to my Moms and I slept all day. Unless I was sitting on the potty or puking in it! YUCK! And it scares me to no end.

I have my appointment scheduled for the 18th---to have my blood work, and the CA-125 done. To get my bone scans scheduled.....and I have to be well to do it. I want the 5 year mark.....I am going to be a survivor!

Judy, my glasses when I wear them are transitions, the only problem I have with them, is that I always drive in sunglasses, the glare of of other windshields etc really gets my eyes, and in the cover of the car, my glasses lighten up----so I am without sun protection in the car. So I always have to have sunglasses in the cars. Fact is I seldom wear my glasses, only to drive at dusk!

Well my head is throbbing, and my water is not settling....but I am trying to wait it out, I took some Tylenol.......so I am going to go lay back down.

TX girls, I love ya, and I am praying hard for you-----be safe my friends!!


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Well, we've got 1/2 of the windows boarded up and taking a break to cool off for a moment. I feel a lot safer with the windows covered with the added bonus I don't have to watch the trees bending to the ground.

The evacuations are going very smoothly and traffic is not too terrible from what they're saying on the TV. There is a little problem with fuel supply. Most Houstonians are 'sheltering in place' so that the people evacuating from the coastal areas can get out....and that plan is working.

I feel as safe as I can be under the circumstances. I've been thru these before and know I'll be OK. I just hope Tracy's house is going to be OK.

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Hugs to the TX V's! I don't know how accurate anything I hear ever is, but it sounds like it's going east again toward LA.. Never known anyone in the hurricanes during hurricane season, normally I'm just pleased they are sending storms to cool our weather off. Did you guys see the L hurricane t his year? LAURA. Laura better behave, and stay away from my V's..

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As I'm listening to the news on my work radio I worry about my TX V's!

Thank YOU Kat for the card!!!!!!

Picture day at Robby's school sucked the energy right out of me! I assisted one of the photographers and was the "primp queen" I had a bag of combs and did my best to make sure the pics were the best possible.... all but one 5th grade boy let me fix their shirt or hair! A lot of these kids were so needy.... I did my best to tell them at least ONE good thing about themselves..... alot of the girls had hair in their eyes and looked down, I would say.... "You know if we put your hair behind your ears we would be able to see your GORGEOUS EYES, COOL EARRINGS, BEAUTIFUL CHEEKS...... I did this ALL day....

there was one 5th grade girl who REALLY made an impression....... I was teasing with a very outgoing boy and told him that I could tell he was ornery.... he played innocent.. so I said he was also a charmer.. anyway there was a girl in line behind him........ angry looking girl... greasy hair, old clothes, no makeup...... even though her hair was oily she had it put back in the little tween bun style.. she popped in front of the charmer and said.. WHAT ABOUT ME? WHAT AM I? She looked downright defiant daring me...... I said.. "OH I can tell your ornery too, but (I then pointed at her) and I said......... I can also tell YOUR EXTREMELY SMART! YOUR eyes tell it all!" I think I shocked her, she then kept eying me while she was waiting in line..........

The charmer said.. "she is the one who is bad and mean" So anyway... when it was her turn to get primped.. I said...

OK so what do we have going on here? I said.. see you already have your hair perfect so we can see your eyes.. so how about breaking out the smile? She raised the corners of her mouth.. anyway.. somehow I got her to show her teeth and I exclaimed... THERE YOU GO!!!! NOw that's what I'm talking about!!! You need to DO THAT for the picture, because I'm sure you don't even KNOW HOW PRETTY YOU ARE WHEN YOU SMILE! YOU just don't even KNOW! She blushed and smiled more and more then and even took off her zip up hoodie so that the picture would be better.

There was also the tall kid that told me in a sad voice that he was the TaLLEST and BIGGEST kid in the whole school. I said, well bud they just haven't caught up to you yet, and they will, and I patted his back and said.. its always best to be the biggest guy, and not the smallest. I then told him he was very handsome.........

Just me acting like a caring mom figure, had the kids spilling out all kinds of details of their lives in the short few seconds I interacted with them....... I was SO drained by the end of the day.......

So Robby had a rough day........ I think he was pretty upset that his class wasn't in my line and he ended up chewing on his shirt making it all wet looking and then he pinched someone on the way FROM the picture studio..... I then met them for lunch and then I worked the afternoon shift with the photagrapher........ the teacher invited me back to the room when pictures were over and I ended up acting somewhat like a para for Center Time and Social Studies....... OH and I had brought an extra shirt, so the photographer I helped all day, let me re do his pic and then GAVE ME MY PICS FOR FREE!!!!!!

Then, when home the principal called and talked to Charles. She said she didn't want to have a meeting with me since I had spent all day volunteering... Charles liked her, and after he told her about how we thought Robby was trying to act up to get kicked out like he had done with preschool she said.. OH We are definately NOT kicking him out! That was a huge relief.... I am so tired right now!!! and I have serious work to get done today, so I'm NOT checking back til its done!


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Buenos Dias Chicas~

Texas girls hang on...I am scared for you and sending you tons of prayers and PURPLE POWER!!!!

I've organized a CHICK FLICK adventure this afternoon!! I've invited every girl I can think of to the join who ever comes to the movies today at 3:45(all teachers so the time is good for them) to see the new movie "The Women" which starts today! It has Meg Ryan, Annette Benning, Debra Messing, Eva Mendez and more. Should be fun regardless of who joins us. I just called everyone and sent emails to meet @ 3:30 if they want to go!

OK...gotta put my face on! TGIF!

Love you all!


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Buenos Dias Chicas~

Texas girls hang on...I am scared for you and sending you tons of prayers and PURPLE POWER!!!!

I've organized a CHICK FLICK adventure this afternoon!! I've invited every girl I can think of to the join who ever comes to the movies today at 3:45(all teachers so the time is good for them) to see the new movie "The Women" which starts today! It has Meg Ryan, Annette Benning, Debra Messing, Eva Mendez and more. Should be fun regardless of who joins us. I just called everyone and sent emails to meet @ 3:30 if they want to go!

OK...gotta put my face on! TGIF!

Love you all!


Ummmmmm I didn't get an email..:unsure: And I'm a teacher!!

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Good morning, Violets..

Soooooooo scared for the Texas Violets. LOTS of prayers and purple power sent your way.

TracyinKS.. you have just described almost everyday of my teaching career. I applaud you for saying just the right things and making those kids day a positive one.

Ethan has arrived for the weekend. He came in screaming cause he was with his mom and dad and other grandma and is used to spending the day with them when she is in the picture. But nooooooooo, he has to come to MoMom's house. He's fine now, but was not a happy camper when he arrived.

It's chilly and rainy here today. No pool time, I'm guessing. I'm pretty sore from the workout yesterday. I'll get some WiiFit time in today. Tonight is the dress rehearsal for my flute concert tomorrow. I got all the music introductions done last night as I'm the spokesperson for the group. Hope there will be a good crowd there.

Off to entertain Ethan for awhile. Everyone have a good morning. Texas gals hang tough!!!!

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Hang tough all Texas violets!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

LAURA THAT WAS SOOOO NEAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You must have been so thrilled to see it. The word thrilled doesn't even describe it, but you know what I mean.

Well off to work, actually shower first, then work, then leave for a funeral, then go back to work. Saturday is generally a busy day, and taking off for a few hours today means I have to work late tonight. Oh well, I don't mind. Charlie is going to KC tomorrow, but I am sure you KC gals won't want to go where he is going!!

Judy have lots of fun this weekend, you don't keep Ethan for the whole weekend very often do you?

Do you feel better Kat? I hate waking up sick!!

Hugs again to Tracyk, Terry and Haydee!!!!!!!!!!

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Yep Jane, looks like I am going to live afterall. The nausea is still close to the surface, but if I sip slow and steady, it stays down. Fever is gone, aches and pains are gone.....just a 24 hour bug of some sort----glad that 24 is over!! I am sure the residual nausea is band swelling, so I am continuing to baby it, sticking to liquids today. scale is showing the drastic change, but not claiming it, because it will be back as soon as I can eat normally again!!! LOL Still seeing that number on a scale I was standing on, was something I never thought I would see again, and had not seen in well over 25 years I'd guess!

Was up and down all night, sleeping so much yesterday, made my night kind of wierd---but I would flip on the weather channel and watch what was happening. One report would make it seem better for you Houston girls, the next worse.....don't know what to think or believe, so opted just to say a prayer! I am thinking of you and praying for you today......be safe!

TracyKS---glad you got your card, it yelled your name when I read it!! I assissted several years with school pictures, as well as numerous other things. It is so sad the kids you see that you know do not have anyone saying those things to them. Then when they get to a certain age, the parents may be saying them....but they hear nothing the parent says, but YOU they take it straight to heart!! Kids.....go figure!

Got my bedding washing, and need to clean the kitchen, but sitting for a bit to let the nausea pass.

I wanna put something in the crockpot to have ready when Rick gets in, just not sure what.....any ideas????


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Yup, when I saw it, and she had the heart beat going I felt my face get warm and I smiled.. a goofy smile, and I couldn't stop it (I did try because I realize how goofy I was looking). There it is, it's alive, it's healthy and everything was good! I can finally be excited. I told them (I rambled, I was so nervous), my concerns about friends who found out the baby didn't grow, heart wasn't beating, blah blah.. and if it didn't implant, or what if it was etopic.. since I don't FEEL pregnant, it didn't seem real till I saw it on the monitor!! She said, her first pregnancy she didn't feel pregnant either, no morning sickness, etc... then she said the 2nd pregnancy made up for it. She said she probably wouldn't have had another if her 2nd pregnancy was first.

They gave me the dvd, the video I have is a bit longer than what I put on youtube, they labeled my ovaries and my 'cul de sac'.. which I got a kick out of, I'm not sure what a cul de sac is (in terms of my body)!!

The doctor said about my pelvic kidney--because of it, c-section is pretty much out of the question, it would be too dangerous. So she said, if YOU get fat, the baby gets fat, and a vaginal delivery is hard.. so she said I need to make sure not to gain too much weight. I made the mistake of telling my mom (but realized my mistake and am not telling DH!) she instantly goes "You shouldn't have eaten that candy the other day, I'm going to be watching you".. feh. I eat candy almost every day, and I still lose weight.. I don't eat enough to get fat!! I still can't. I bounced to 219lb the week I found out, but I'm back to 212lb and it's not moving anymore. It must have been retained Water or something, that WAS the week I 'should have' been PMSing, so maybe it was PMS bloating or.. I dunno.

Anyway.. that's my excitement. I have a lil alien growing in me. They said due date is April 23... and my doctor said 'That is Shakespeare's Birthday!'.. I thought what a crazy woman, she actually memorizes an anticdote for every single day of the year?? Then she said, it's also her daughter's birthday.. hah, so that's why she knew.

That's so cool Tracy that you did all that, is that a volunteer job kind of thing?

Any updates on the TX V's, anyone know if the path moved or what?

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Laura, my friend you are SOOOOO normal!!! I don't remember thinking how silly Manda looked with her smile.....she was crying her eyes out!! But Jace had this HUGE smile and his eyes were like SUPER wide open, like he was afraid if he blinked it would all go away.....some might think he looked silly, but it was a huge relief as a Mom to see him soooooo thrilled over the baby!!!

Imagine not feeling pregnant, until finally one day you get a mild flutter, and you are so excited, but also try to convince yourself it is gas....so you won't be disappointed when it doesn't happen again!!! But it does! I remember exactly when and where I was when I felt Manda move the first time. By the time I got pregnant again, Ultra sound was done as general practice, especially with multiples, but nothing like it is now......my gosh we got 1 of the really dimensional pictures of Kinsey before birth, and you could see every contour of her little face! I LOVE how much safer they make pregnancy and childbirth these days!

Just wanted to say I seriously doubt you looked or sounded goofy, you looked and sounded like a happy Mom to be!

Congrats on seeing your little one!!! And thanks so much for sharing.....now if you wait an extra day from your due date.....he/she can be born on my bandiversary!!! LOL


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Hah! Well, I thought it's funny how it's our baby violet, and how appropriate it is due in APRIL!

I can't imagine feeling the movement. Since I don't feel pregnant, it's still very surreal.. seeing my belly grow will be weird too.

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WoW I went to post earlier and the site went away!

I just wanted to say how truly blessed I feel to be a part of such an amazing group of women. We travel through life TOGETHER...everything from births, deaths, natural disasters, retirements, losses, successes, ups and down (both on the scale and off), arguments w/ spouses, ailing family members, surgeries, tears, pain, laughter and such great joys...and everything in between.

I am thinking of my Texas sisters. If you can, please let one of us know how your doing.

We come in all shapes and sizes (yes, you know who you skinny bithces are:wink:)...from all different backgrounds, political views, orientations and religious ideologies. I couldn't have asked for a greater group of friends!

I love you all!

(Man, it must be getting close to the time of the month...:unsure:)


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Wow------if I could wax poetic like that, I might have actually found something to miss about not having TOM!!!

Love you too!!!


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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

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        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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