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Shrinkin' Violets- Part 2 Read Here

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Hi girls, we made it home last night, and I read up on everyone, made a big post, and it landed in cyberspace somewhere, and I was too exhausted to redo it then.

First of all--Terry----I wish I was able to give you a big hug, I am so sorry to hear of your Mom. I know you had been preparing yourself for this time, it is still a shock, and must be more difficult than I can possibly imagine. I truly believe your Mom made a choice to go when it was the 2 of you together calmly, and lovingly----no theatrics, no drama----just abiding love. Do not forget that all of us are no more than a phone call away---we love you and hate that you are hurting. Come here and let the feelings out, we candeal with the good and the bad---and it is so much better for you to get it all out. Wish there was something I could do to help you through this, just know my love is there with you.

Feels so wrong to just move on to another subject when one of us is hurting so..... please know Terry it is no sign of disrepect in any way.

Rally was wet. Fun, but wet. We rode in horrible rain storms on Saturday. Company was good though, and we made the best of it. I had issues with eating the entire weekend. Sometimes it would go down and stay for awhile before coming back up, other times, it would bounce right back. The 7-Up made a HUGE difference! I could drink it without issue---and it settled well---and I am still hydrated ok. Yesterday morning, we went to Breakfast as we headed out to head home--I drank a cup of hot tea, and took 2 bites, and was headed to the bathroom---up it come. Rick is very upset by it all, so I lied to him, told him no I hadn't got sick!!! So I made myself eat! And it stayed down! I was feeling a bit queasy when we made it home, I drank some 7-Up and was fine all of it remained down. Last night he wanted to go to LotaBurger---and I told him I wished I could just order my old double meat burger and chow down! He said do it, enjoy it before it comes back up! So I did! As he was leaving to go get the order our DIL and grandson (Connor) showed up----when he got back I give about a third of my burger to Connor--Ali was going to Wendy's for her own dinner she said, so I shared with my grandson. I went on to eat about another 1/3 of the burger, about 3 fries, and drank a medium 7-Up----------and not a bit of pain, no nausea, nothing, stayed down like I had never had a problem! About 1:30 this morning found me hitting the bathroom every few minutes for hours! So I have no idea if it is some virus that finally worked past the band or what?

Rick says he has been watching me, and that I have issues whenever I am swollen. The stomach muscle that he repaired that swells so bad sits right over my band pretty much.

This morning, I have continued to drink the 7-Up, without a problem, I snagged a couple of Doritos that Kinsey was snacking on without issue. I am not eating unless it sounds good at this point. I have drank an Ensure as well, with no problem.

I am leery of calling or going to my Dr. yet. What if Rick is right and it is all related to the swelling from my PS or what if it was remnants of a virus? I do not want to risk losing my band because it shows it closed off at times, when I know it is not that way all the time! So I am playing it by ear---or by stomach for a few days and then will make the call.

For now I am feeling a bit more positive!

Laura, naming a baby is so hard!!! To find something they will not be teased about as they grow up!! Connor is very common, but was a form of a family name passed down. My great nephew in Denver is an Aiden---and in his class he is one of 3 Aidens---as well as a Jayden, and a Kayden!!! He told his Mom he wanted to change his name to Walter! I about cracked up!!!

My DD told us they have narrowed the list at this point to Bryce, Kade, or Toby. I will accept whatever they choose.

Manda wanted to name her child Riley Shannon-----regardless of sex. Riley was her paternal grandpas middle name, and Shannon her maternal grandpas. Her husband, Jason ---who has always gone by Jace---or I call him Jake---refused, and his Mom told her what an ugly name that was and they really made her upset by it. Last month his sister had a baby girl----you guessed it---Riley!

Jake wanted to name Kinsey McKenzie, and they finally settled on Kinsey alone----and gave her a rather odd middle name of Sloan.

Good Luck as you figure out what to call the baby!!!

Well I started this post 3 hours ago, then my brother showed up, then before he left my Mom brought Kinsey a surprise.....and I am going to post it before I get even further behind!!

Terry, you will be in my prayers that you may find a bit of the peace your Mom has found. Love you Lots, and my heart will be with you.


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Well I went on and on with names I've always liked, and McKenzie is one I threw out there that he just laughed and said NO. I played a computer game when I was 12 called McKenzie High or something, and it was about a girl named McKenzie, I always liked that name.

Madeline was the name, growing up I wanted to name everything.. but my parents' oldest pug, I named Madeline some 13 years ago and we call her Mattie.. I can't see that as a person anymore.

The girls I work with all have teenagers, and they're named Jayden, Hayden, Kayden and Kendall (all different moms). And though I like the name Jayden, I associate it with that girls' teenager.. and where as I have no indication she's a bad teenager, I know for a fact she's unusually slutty for a 14 year old. So that name is tainted..

Russell wants NO names that can be gender confused, which rules out almost every name I like..

I am starting to like Carson more and more. We're going to use our middle names, since they're both family names.. Alan & Marie.

Carson Alan Barlow, Lily Marie Barlow :))

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Laura-those are both very nice names.

Kat-good to see you made it back! I hope you continue to be able to get down solid food.

Get this...Macy had homework tonight. Homework for kindergarten class. Un-freakin-believable! 3 pages of homework no less!

Last week she had a yellow card (a warning) for making noise in class. Well, yesterday I asked her if she was going to get green cards(good days) all 4 days this week and she said, "no I really don't think so mom." When I asked her why? She says, "cause I really wanted to make some noise." Kids...you gotta love the honesty, right?! lol Today she had yellow again. This time for not following instructions. I remember my kindergarten being naps & graham crackers and playing!

Have a great evenig violets!

Pamela & Jane....did you look to see what happened to the veto? I cheated but I am kinda sad cause I think I know now who will be leaving:sad_smile:

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Tracy, How wierd that you posted this, not 30 minutes ago, my neighbor down the road come up and ask me for pointers to teach her DD how to rhyme. She was sent into the hall with an aide to work on things she was not up to par in, and the big one being rhyming. So when Carla (Mom) called the school to speak to the teacher, the teacher finally called her back, and when she ask for pointers on HOW to teach her some of these things, I guess the teacher ask her if she was familiar with what a rhyme was!!!

She is meeting with the principal tomorrow as well as a councelor and going to try to change her class assignment, she said she can feel tension between her and the woman across the phone, and Sydni keeps saying the teacher doesn't like her.

Manda had a VERY agressive Kindergarten teacher, she had them doing sound alike spelling tests early on.....you know like







She did have them all reading really well before they left K--but she was without a doubt one of the most loving, caring, patient women I have EVER dealt with!

Judy, time to come out of retirement, and teach our kiddos!! I don't want to send my grandkids off to be treated mean in their first year of school!!!!

Very basic tuna salad (tuna with mayo) on some whole wheat Ritz----and no problem. Sticking with easily digested food---but holding hope!


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What a great day! The kids were nice, sweet and sooooo little. I am used to MANUELS, big ol' mean 8th graders! I was and am really in the zone!

My kids have 4 pages of homework but it is due on Friday before their spelling test. I miss the short vowel patterns of can, man, tan...we are on to recitation, decay, teachable.

Laura, since I was a little girl, I always wanted to have a daughter name Alexandra! Cute nicknames too, Lexi, Alexis, Xanny! My neices are named Trinity and Kaya (both georgous girls). Anyway that is my 2 cents. I really like Lily Marie!

I am sooo tired. Been on my feel all day talking. Gonna chill, watch the show (big brother) and be in bed early. We had dinner and dishes done by 4:30pm, lol!

Have a great night! Glad your doing better Kat!

Terri~ I thought about you all day!


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Kat - nice to have you back

Pamela... my dd's name is Alexandra... and to me that's what she is... but her friends call her Alex, (Dylan and I always call her Boo)

I let her pick out Dylan's name... middle was going to be Patrick after their dad and well.... they have my last name...

anyway, going to bed, been up way too long

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Alexis is one of the names I threw out, that he didn't shoot down. I like it too. Believe me the name is going to change a zillion times between now and then, I love picking out names for things lol.

I went to a private school and we learned multiplication in KINDERGARTEN!! We had to write a BOOK REPORT in 1st grade. I remember, even at that age, that we were doing really hard stuff for our age lol. When I moved to public school in 4th grade, they put me in the ACE class because I was so ahead of my peers.. it was just education, kind of sad.. but because of this, my kids are going to private school on the early years too.

We had the rating systems, in fact a friend of ours has a kid in 1st grade who he was saying got a red light for a day for talking or something.

I was always the suck up kid, I excelled, I liked to finish my test first and point out when others were wrong.. and 1st grade, Thanksgiving day when parents came for the turkey lunch.. I was bawling my eyes out.. and I remember it (my mom does too).. I got a paddling, because me and my friend (also a smart boy) finished our tests first--over indians--..and we were whispering. They thought we were cheating, so we got paddled.. I remember "Touch your toes".. we got paddled, I cried the rest of the day, I wasn't use to being a 'bad kid' kind of thing.. when mom came, the teacher apologized and explained what happened and said I wouldn't stop crying.. my mom ended up crying at the lunch because she said I broke her heart how personal I took it.. hah.. I never got a paddling again! I guess I stopped talking, or the teacher couldn't bear the thought of going through it again! :party:

I am dying my hair right now, so gotta run. Hope everyone has a good night!!

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This is unbelievable, my nephew who is 19 and in ROTC at college, weighed in Friday and he was 10 pounds over what he needed to be today. He is not overweight. Not in the least, but most people could stand to lose 5 or 10 pounds, anyway he dieted this weekend, only eating Soup and salad, but still eating, HE LOST 17 POUNDS!!!! No fair, can you imagine? 3 days of moaning about not being able to eat what he wanted and he lost 17 pounds!!! WOW is all I can say!!

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Laura you might ask your OB---but back in the day of my kids, dying your hair was a no no during pregnancy. Now I know chemicals have changed.....but might ask anyway! And no cleaning the litter box either---Russel has a new job!!!

When Manda was discussing ideas for naming Kinsey she was all put out, that she had named her dog Lexi----which she did because she loved the name, and therefore they could not name the baby that!!! LOL

Just finished cutting Rick's hair and shaving his goatee all the way down to just shadow....he always grows it out prior to the rally, then shaves it low for the next few months, then it has to come all the way off in December (yuck)----then it is back to shadow!!! He changes the shape of it----but we both prefer him with it, even though I thought I wouldn't---I do!

We grilled burgers out, I ate about a quarter of a big burger....and some grilled squash, and it is staying down so far!! Yay!!

Jane---IF we were 19, and had the metabolism of a 19 year old male---who is in shape -- we too could drop weight if we set our minds to it! I know when my DS was wrestling in High School, I used to get furious, rather than move him up a weight bracket as he grew they wanted him to diet down to the lower weight. They would make them run til they puked! It was a serious sport here! In fact when Jake joined the Army, he called Manda from bootcamp, and she ask how it was, his response was it was nothing compared to wrestling practice! Pretty pathetic!

Rick and I watched this program tonight about 4 boys from Iraq. I missed the very first of it, but they were given video cameras to film and document their daily lives as well as that of their family. One was Christian, the others Muslim. It was so sad, to see what their lives have become. But amazingly all 4 of them survived the year. Showed friends who were hit by roadside bombs, and having to walk the dark deserted roads at night. Was an eye opening program.

Manda had to take Kinsey to the Dr. today, she had a well child appointment. So she is in the well child waiting room playing with this little Navajo girl, and Manda says Kinsey rubs the girls arm and tells her "I like your color of skin" The little girl tells her thank you I like yours too, and they went on playing. She said she looked up, expecting to kind of connect with the Mom, and she would never even make eye contact with Manda. Out of the mouths of babes. I know when my brother was little you could ask him what he wanted to be when he grew up and sometimes he would tell you a Monkey and other times he would tell you Black! Then he grew up and realized those were not options so he had the high goal of being a trash truck driver!!! Closest he got to any of them is the monkey!!!

Well I am off to bed early----hoping to sleep better tonight!

See y'all tomorrow---big hugs!


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I read about both.. hairdye isn't a risk, and kitty litter is only a risk if you have outdoor cats (ours are indoors).

Ok, I bought Jessica Simpson extensions, a friend told me her friend had them and they looked great--and they clip in. I was skeptical but I've been debating the $900 thing (which is out of the question now!) so I bought them just to see.. voila! I love it, it looks natural, Russell REALLY likes it lol.



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They look great...are you nakey? And did they cost $900...wow! I forgo my crown as the queen of spending money if you spent $900 on hair! Bow to the new queen!xoxoxo

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Nooo that's what I said, it's a local lady who puts in permanent ones for $900, and I can't afford that!!!

These were like $50, they are clip in Jessica Simpson ones. Yes I'm nakey, I just got out of the shower and was still in the bathroom.. that's why my arm is across my chest, though I don't know who I'm kidding, my boobs hang to my knees.

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Morning gals

quick check in, i'm going for a walk and then Dylan's big 1st day of school... I only had 750 cals yest and worked out for 40 minutes and only lost 1lb WTF?

I told my trainer from years ago my story this weekend and told her I was on a mission... she said bring it and she will help me... so I emailed her back last night and told her to give me 2 weeks to get in a routien and i'm calling her on it. That gives me 2 weeks to lose the rest of the 7lbs i'm still up and get in a schedule i know I can deal with. Plus, i have the wedding in 3 weeks, i would like to be down 10lbs in 3 weeks but i'm not going to push it, I'd be happy to be where I was before.

I'll try to check in from work, have to get an oil change in the work car this morning and leaving work about 1


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Good Morn, Vi's~~

Laura... Carson was one of our choices for DD... but it's also a boy's name, so be warned! (My mom was the one who was anti-"gender-neutral" names.)

Judy... I hope you don't take this the wrong way... but... that ticker oogies me out! Sorry...

Pam... Glad that your first day went well. They sound like angels! I'm sure they'll stay that way all year... :party:

TracyK... Yep, K is not like we remember... it's more like 1st or 2nd grade from when we were kids... it's serious!

Jen... You're motivating me to get back to the gym!! Thanks!

Kat... I'm glad you're feeling better... your band seems so sensitive these days!

Janie... I hate that men can do that!! Grrrrr...


Hi TracyKS & Suzie!!

Hope Haydee is enjoying her trip! (16 hrs on a bus w/my MIL??? I don't see it happening!! :thumbup:)

My cat still has not pooped since he's been home... & I can't let him out of "quarantine" until he does... & he's getting very cranky at that now...

Make it a great day, Vi's!

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Good Morning, Violets..

I'm off to yet another rehearsal of the never ending rehearsal routine in which I live. Everyone have a great day. Will check back in later when I have a little more time.

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