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Shrinkin' Violets- Part 2 Read Here

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OMG Terry-I do notlike thinking of you staying here. :lol:

Tracy, you forget that I'm way, way on the NW side of town. Unless it's a Category 5 coming straight for us, I think I'm better off staying here. I did make the decision earlier that I'll let my SISTER be in charge of Mom this time. For Rita I was the one who loaded her up and got her out of town. She's always running to Austin to see her grandbabies, and am sure that's where she'd go in case of a hurricane....so she can just take Mom with her this time. So there!

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TracyinKS - I have a girlfriend that happened to, also. Her now ex-DH was a general contractor who built these million dollar houses, but they lived in an older house (1920's vintage). He always had the house torn up....and it was a tiny house with one bathroom. So then she has a baby....there's dust and construction crap going on all the time. The baby is about 6 months old and he decides he doesn't want to be married anymore. He just LEFT!!!! She's got a little baby and a house that isn't sell-able nor can she afford to have it completed. Thank GOD for her wonderful parents who came to the rescue! But what a horrible time that was for her. What an asshole, eh?

Maybe Charles is doing a really good thing. Try to have faith....I KNOW it's hard! ;-)

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Hey it's not arguing politics, but I agree with Terry, I am worried about taxes. It is digusting how much money I give away every year for taxes, while I know people that are completely young & healthy but just don't feel like working.. and why would they, they would have to pay rent themselves if they did. Right now I'm being their baby daddy and paying the bills?! I bust my butt and if I made all the money I actually made, I'd never have to worry about money.

I'm not completely opposed to Welfare, I am all for it if 1. It is regulated 2. There is a stern time limit. No one should ever be able to live off of it, and it should be for people who just fell on a hard time, not just lazy.

That will get me fired up, but it's not necessarily attacking dem vs. rep, it's just I hate the tax programs and dems seem to like them.

Blah blah, so ya'll hear the new VP potential? Gov'nah from Alaska? I'm a bit shocked, my mom called this morning and said "I give up! I'm not voting! I don't care!" lol. Oh she just called as I was typing this and said "For the first time ever, I am going down to vote and writing in Mickey Mouse" rofl.

I can see it now, McCain in his old age keels over, and the lady becomes president, with her 5 kids and her basketball experience.

I keep editing this post, even though I am Rep., I can't say I'm impressed with my choices right now. I don't think McCain is awesome, but I'm watching the tax propositions for who I am voting for right now. All I hear out of Obama (and Hilary) was how we're all going to herniate money if we're not someone being paid on government funded programs.

Edited by FairyFacade

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LaLaLa...going to my happy place...lalala...no more, can't take it...gonna break soon....oooooo my!

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Argh, I forgot the book again!!!!!

I ended up staying at work till about 10:30 last night.

Had an odd thing happen, I had a $20k order that was DUE last week. Friday night they sent it home with a guy for him & his wife to hand-glue it (it was software boxes with special decals). Well this is the guy whose wife was dead when he got home Friday night. Everyone was on tip-toes not wanting to upset him, and I didn't know this all happened. Tuesday mid-day I asked the CSR if that job went out, she tells me this story. So I run around finding out what is being done, the customer said he needs a partial no later than the next day, which means we should ship Tuesday. Ends up, all the product was still at the guy's house! So I had someone go get it, then they farmed it out to some other company who said they'd have us that partial by Wednesday. Wednesday came, and they did NOT finish the partial order, which the customer should have already had. Meanwhile customer is just livid, and I feel horrible! So they said they'd finish the entire job by yesterday. Yesterday came and they were 1,700 short! They said they were OUT of product to assemble! So we are checking the plant, and found 700 of them. There's still 1,000 missing somewhere! Meanwhile, I gathered a team of people and we stayed here last night hand-gluing these pieces together. So much went wrong with this job, and today we're having a meeting to see who is to blame for it being lost, and no one doing anything with it for days, etc.


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Man, Laura....seems like one fire after another over there!! They should put you in charge. You'd get that place straightened out!!

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Hah hah, I don't want to be in charge, I just want managers to friggin do their jobs, I don't know what they are doing all day!!!!!

Good news is, they're going through the processes of hiring a QC, that I know, who is friggin awesome, we consult him with problems we have around here and he knows what he's talking about. Hopefully he can come in here and get our managers to start acting like managers!!

I did talk to them about what I'm going to do when I have a kid, I don't want to quit working and wasn't sure how it'd work out. They said they're going to move me to the big office (the one I didn't want when we were moving around a few months ago) that has a secretary office connected to it.. it's out in the back by itself, and I can work there and have baby with me! Woohoo, how nice is that?! They said as the baby gets older, if I don't want to do daycare (which at this point I don't think I do), the secretary office can be turned into a play room. How accomodating!

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Man, Laura....seems like one fire after another over there!! They should put you in charge. You'd get that place straightened out!!

I might be wrong, but I don't think PamELa is talking about work!!

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Good afternoon, Violets..

Went for my eye exam this morning and then to the bank and then to the jeweler to get a ring fixed for the Bobster. He bent it all to heck planting the new trees. I am getting my first new glasses in years. Last time I just got lenses 4 years ago. Dr. says my eyes have improved... what?? Maybe that's another perk from lapband surgery. Maybe my eyes aren't so fat anymore! Anyway got some new frames.. more squared this time with really pretty bows and got transistion lenses so I don't have to carry around sun glasses anymore.

Ethan is here for the day. Things seem to be calmed down at his house. DIL is back home and things seem to be working out. Time will tell.

Ethan is just starting to snooze on the couch so I think I'm going to join him on the other couch and get a couple of winks in. The Bobster and I are going to see Mama Mia tonight. It finally arrived at the theatre here.

Everyone have a good afternoon.

Oh.. and my choice for all time would be Pierce Brosnan......... swoon!!!!!!! I would definitely NOT kick him out of my bed for eating crackers!!!

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Hi girls, haven't left yet, leaving this afternoon sometime--wires got crossed, and life interfered!! I was gone yesterday, DH's friend and his buddy showed up---I was getting things ready.

Also had our 2nd ball game last night. I am not a quitter by nature, and I have a blast but this coach is so damn stupid, it frustrates me as much as I enjoy it. We actually had a fun game---Rick's company has 2 teams, since there are so many of them, and we played one another last night. Lost again.....0-2. The other company team is 2-0! Anyway last night, Rick was up to bat 2nd, he hit a triple----brought the previous batter home. I batted after him, got a single, brought him home. When we hit the field, he plays 3rd, I play 1-2 short. I stopped 2 balls, he made an out on 3rd, and caught a fly ball for the out. When we go to the dugout----she pulled both of us, and the 1st baseman who she did awesome, then the coach went in herself on 1st, and let another guy play 3rd for another inning, then swapped pitcher and 3rd----the guy had NEVER pitched. And by then we were down by 10 so she ask the ump to call the game! Rick has been up to bat with this team a total of like 405 times, he has hit and had RBI's EVERY single time! I have never struck out, I have been walked---or hit. We have not let balls back, nor have either of us caused any recordable errors---overthrows etc. And she did not ever put either of us back in the game, nor does she have us scheduled to play in the next one! It sucks, because it is lots of fun!!

Ok.....now on to another reason I stayed away yesterday. This is something I hate to even think about, let alone type to you guys. But it is gonna have to be said. I think I have a slip. There it is said. As much as I hate it---the symptoms I had before are back full forced. food is almost a no go. I eat little bitty amounts, and if I stop I am ok for awhile----sometimes it still comes back up. Not all of it though, so some things are passing. Cold liquid is a no go. It just sits there til I throw it back up. Hot liquids, and soups.....if I do tiny bits at a time do ok. I am still urinating, and hydrated-----so it is not dire yet. My Dr. is out until Tuesday, so imagine I will head to Colorado Tuesday or Wednesday. It sucks, and is scary as hell. I avoided posting yesterday, thinking that it would be better....and it is not. When I had the virus, I was SICK. Nauseated, headache, fever, diarhea, the whole 9 yards. This makes my stomach feel nauseated, but as soon as it is empty again, I feel fine and dandy. No other complaints at all.

I cannot face what this might mean----it made me a crying basket case discussing it with Rick last night. So.........there ya have it. scale this morning was 163.5. I am drinking Ensure---that is how sucky and serious I find this.

Politically----I do have strong opinions. Which I will keep to myself as we decided. I think there is a lot of fear in all of us, but we are going to be better off, regardless of the outcome than we are now. They say an addict has to hit rock bottom---I think our country is pretty damn close, and the only way from here is up!

We are going to go ahead with our plans and head up to the rally and camp with our friends, there are 4 couples and 5 guys. Now the places we are going -- Durango is 30 miles, and Sugar Pine is 60 miles---so if I get bad, or dehydrate or whatever, I can be brought home without any issue, and there is a hospital there I can go to as well. I figure I can do as well there, and maybe get my mind off of it----so I am going. Taking some bottles of 7-UP----I watched a study on TV about how different drinks are absorbed through the stomach lining----and 7-UP did the best---even above water! Sprite was way further down. Not sure why! They explained the amounts of citric acid were the same, but amounts of other things which kept the carbonation up were different. 7-UP loses its fizz quicker than most soft drinks. But I am taking bottles so I can let them flatten a bit, and try it---figured what the heck! I also have Ensure to take! I will try eating a bite here and there, chew it well, and hope some of the nutrition takes.

So yes we are leaving today----and will be back Monday sometime.

Judy hope things continue to improve.

TracyKS---the only thing that makes me consider divorce is home improvement, my DH makes me a crazy woman!!!! Combine home improvement and his flippin' IPOD----and I might need to hold the next reunion in my cell block!!!

My thoughts will be with all you TX gals as you deal with Gustav. I hope everything is ok. I do worry about you!!!

LOL, yesterday I deep cleaned my kitchen, and took off the grill on the bottom of the fridge and cleaned it, and around under the baseboards, and all of the kitchen----I can see my kitchen from here--------looks so good, and I cannot eat, so I may never mess it up again!!!!

Well I have to get my clothes packed---I of course put it off till the last minute, Rick has had his done for 2 days!!!

Will check in later if I have time, if not I'll see ya on Tuesday or so!

Love ya!


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Sam Elliott in MASK!!!!!!!! ohhh lllaa llaaa

Sam Elliot in anything!! (or nothing at all :rolleyes: ) LOL

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I understood in hindsight that there was a plot to the movie Roadhouse......I never knew that I thought it was just so I could see Sam Elliott and Patrick Swayze in one movie......mmmmmmmmm

Then I also like Kurt Russell----and I actually got to meet him, and shake his hand.....almost peed my pants!!!

Well the guys are back, and guess we will leave as soon as Gary gets off work.....feels like we are always waiting for someone!!


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I might be wrong, but I don't think PamELa is talking about work!!

Hey old lady, I wasn't talking to PamELa!!! LOL!! Thank goodness you got your eyes examined!

Kat - Ok, so now I am freaked out, too. It just can't be!!! CRAP!! Do you think you can manage until Tues??

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Terry---I don't know. I am getting some stuff to stay down long enough to pass enough through, that I am not totally dehydrated or anything....I am still peeing! But it is not enough nutritionally I know.

Sitting around here, I tend to focus on nothing else, I feel every twinge my belly makes. Walking and moving seem to help---sitting is not good, and lying down is the worst. I figured if I went, then my mind could be otherwise occupied. Like I say, if my stomach is empty, I feel fine! I feel no hunger----I do find myself thirsty, which I know is a sign of dehydration.....so I try to keep sipping.

I am beyond freaked out. Beyond scared. Just kind of lost as to what to think. Now I ate some cottage cheese over an hour ago, and drank some Water. It is still down, but not comfortably so. I do ok doing things this way-----I know some of it is passing----but it moves sooooooo slowly, that I end up over full, from my own saliva----and that causes me to end up tossing it all back up.

I keep praying it is residual swelling, and will improve with my sticking to liquids----but it does not seem to matter whether I have liquids or solids---they all stay down about the same length of time.

Tight pants seem to make it worse---so I am living in my work out type pants. Any pressure on my stomach seems like too much. I am doing my best to baby it in any way possible. But to sit here, and think of nothing else is making me lose my mind----so I am going to go off like it is going to improve, and hope to heavens it does.

Thanks for worrying with me though, it helps so much knowing someone understands how freaked out I am over it. The unbanded have no clue!

Love you guys!


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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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