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Shrinkin' Violets- Part 2 Read Here

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Good Morning, Violets..

Yep, PamELa, had a pretty good day yesterday. Got my hair cut and colored and bought a new picture for outside... you know the old windows that have been painted with flowers? Got another one to put on my fence. It looks really nice. We worked on the boat a little bit and then we went out to dinner last night. I watched Olympics, did some work on the computer and then headed to bed nice and early. Tonight I have to go to bed really early as we have to be on the road by 5:30 a.m. tomorrow to go pick up three grandkids to come spend the weekend with us. Should be fun, fun, fun!!! Just hope Amelia, 20 months, will be ok away from her parents for three whole days! They are going to spend the night with Kris and Nathan on Friday, and then with us on Saturday. Hopefully the pool will be warm enough for them to swim in. Son Joshua said.. "you've got a pool and a Wii. You won't even see them this weekend!!"

Today I have a nail appointment at 10 and then the Pastor wants to have a talk with me at 11. I don't know what it's about, so that should be interesting. This is the Pastor that followed the Bobster. Right now the Bobster is a saint in the congregation's eys and the new guy is way below that. Personally, I have a hard time with him too. He's just so aloof and full of himself. We've lost lots and lots of people since his arrival. Oh well... my choir is still intact, so I'm thankful for that.

I'm off to get ready for my appointments. Everyone have a great day!! BBL.........

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Buenos Dias Violetas~

Up and early today so my lady can come in. Susanne is ready to go, she is in the shower now. Yes, Terri...man o man. I wanted to eat, but couldn't get much in damnit, lol! Since reading, again, I am on like page 30, I've totally noticed my eating and the triggers. Funny how I haven't read yet how to fix it...as if I don't want to know! Damn...if I shrink myself too much, I may really need to shrink myself.

TracyK~Is this the book Jane is sending you? Let us know if it is.

I am going to work (can you believe it) for a bit. I have an interview later. I need to pick up the new teacher's edition of the math book. We have a new math adoption and that is what the training is about next week.

Believe me, between Susanne leaving and going back to work...I need strength and to read that book!

Judy~ I wish my grandma had a pool and a wii...have fun!

TracyKS~xoxoxooxxooxxo a girl on my soap (AMC...Colby) just bobbed her hair! I thought of you, and thought about it myself. You look great!

Have a great day everyone!

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Thanks Terry & Haydee!! I am leaving shortly to go look for myself and will let you both know if I can get them myself.

TracyinKS-hugs to you honey! Stay strong.

Jenn went missing again, huh? JENN!! COME BACK!!!

Pamela-sorry that Susanne is leaving again. I know you will miss her terribly! ((hugs))

Michelle-what name brand did you say the jeans are for chubby girls? Was it Lands End at Sears? Please remind me.

Suzie-any more news on your nephew?

Judy-I hope you have a great time with your grandkids. Now you have ME curious about what the paster wants...inquiry minds wanna know!

OK guys....let me get off of here and go school clothes shop. DH kids are coming over today and so we have to get our stuff done. Macy is excited. As far as the game...we are gonna see if dsd will watch her. She is old enough and very responsible, so we will see. Hopefully she doesn't have plans already!

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Pamela - Well he's referred to that space in between "the trigger" and "the eating" as what needs to be fixed...so I imagine he is going somewhere like, "It's okay to sit with your feelings for a while...journal, appropriately re-direct your response, re-claim your power, blah blah blah." LOL We'll see!? Better be damn revolutionary, that's all I gotta say!

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Good Morning girls~~

Well Kinsey got here, and we all went back to bed, and finally got up about half an hour ago!!! Felt so good to snooze late!!

Pamela--I know this is going to be a rough day for you, and I am sorry. How are Susanne's toes doing??

Terry---you don't sound like you think those middle steps will work for you!!! Me neither!!! LOL, I can spout all the psychological mumbo jumbo to others, but follow it myself, you MUST be kidding!!! How is the jewelry business going??

TracyKS---Hope your evening went better. Is there any chance of hopping on the bike and going for a ride? That always seems to help Rick and I, being together---where you can feel one another, and yet talking is not an easy thing to do!! It allows us to bridge the gap, then things come easier.

Judy---this snoopy old busy body wants to know what is on the Pastors mind as well!!! Makes me go hmmmmmmm

I have one of the old windows you mentioned, and it has an old farm scene on it, in the distance you see the barn and windmill, I love it dearly!! It makes me feel very calm to look out my window!!

Laura---where you at? How did they react at work to your tersely worded email, I have been wondering, and forgetting to ask you!!!

Michelle---how did round up go? What is your plan for your windfall yardsale money??? Stash for our Violet trip??

TracyK--so you have an older dsd? Or is it the one that usually comes, that is old enough? Babysitting nowadays where someone can be reached at any time with a cell phone is a whole new ball game! Yeah pun intended!!

Haydee---Do you have a wedding this weekend? The opening of the new location must have proceeded without many more glitches, because you have been busy doing EVERYTHING else. I cannot imagine you cleaning out your folks place AND hosting a wedding, but then again, you ARE SUPER HAYDEE!!

Suzanne--So what do you think, was the pool worth the wait? How are your toes feeling? And the knee? You make me feel bad, already planning a project for the Violet gift!! I have Christmas to get through first!!

Jane--busy weekend for you? I always try to book my hair appointment during the week because Lori has so many that work and can only get in on the weekend, she is always rushed that day!! Have you had any more heart issues---palpitations, or shortness of breath??

Denise---how are those grandsons? Did your DD get the issue with her gall bladder dealt with?

Jenn---you have us all wondering.....did Kev move in? Are you locked in the bedroom? Did you meet a new Mr. Wonderful? Are you locked in the bedroom? Let us know-------we are a nosy group!!!

Well I need to go get dressed.......I will check in later on ladies. Have a great day!!!



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Hi girlies! Well today is the big day, I have my appointment with Mary Jo. Ya'll will all be in there with me in spirit! I've done such a bad job with my homework though. I never even cracked the book open that she was having me read and I only wrote in my journal like three times. It's not just that I'm busy but I tend to make excuses for stuff all the time.

Kat - no, we are not having a wedding this weekend. Thank goodness. They really take alot out of me. We have nothing else planned in August but we do have two planned in September.

Ugh, well we started tackling my mom's house last night. There is no way that we are gonna get done anytime soon. My mom had to call in some reinforcements. One of my aunt's is coming up from Mexico for a week to help us out (she'll be here tomorrow) and another one of my aunt's is already over there today helping her sort through stuff. Thank goodness for my aunties!

Terry - I always meant to ask you what you mean by that phrase below your avatar. You do what?

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Haydee good luck, I am with you in spirit and the problems of writing in the journal. I sent the shrink yourself book to Tracy, but am going to start reading "I wish I were thin, I wish I were Fat. When I am done can pass it on to whoever wants it. It takes me awhile to read though. I really want to be thin, but why am I not? I mean I had a lapband put in, that should have taken care of ALL MY PROBLEMS!!!

I finished Friday night knitting club last night. The end went really fast, it seems like we could have left out about 150 pages and it would have been great! Hang in there Terry it gets faster.

Well I am late for getting ready for work, surprise, surprise. I think I could have slept allllllllll day today!!!!

Have a great day!!! I want to do personals but no time!!!!!!

So hang in there Tracyks and good luck Haydee!!

Hi Yorkiemama I see you there!! Plus what Kat said I see lubterp also!! Hi.

Can you guys tell I am avoiding the shower, because that means going to work...............................Busy day full of crabby people!!!!! Just today, some days you get them all in a day and then you are free for a couple weeks. There must be a full moon today!! Okay now I am officially late................

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he is not shaving but I am not saying anything about it.. I figure he is going to look like hell while I continue to get better and better looking.. people will be saying. WHAT is SHE doing with HIM?

Also.... we ran into Shrek and MsShrek last night at Price Chopper……. Shrek looked grouchy because they were pushing a grocery cart out of the store and loading it into the back of a very crappy truck. (She probably had made him spend some money on groceries) We had all 4 boys and everyone was dressed nicely because we had just done the back to school night at both Robby and Cody’s school….. I was still in my work outfit.. so we looked like a nice big family……… we had to walk right by their truck and Robby grabbed my hand and said. “Mom I love you!” As we followed the rest of the boys in to the store………….. from the side, right when we were even with their truck.. I heard MsShrek yell at Shrek.. WHERE ARE YOU GOING!? (I thought for sure he was going to approach Robby and I, but he didn’t) My heart was beating a little faster but I just continued to walk slowly into the store. Later when Charles and I discussed it, he said that Shrek left the cart and groceries and walked around the side of the truck… (my guess is he was p.o.’d that 1. We all looked so good 2. That Robby didn’t act like his other bio kids and run up to him, or even know who he was. 3. That he had to spend money and was mad about all of the above.

The good thing is.. Robby didn’t recognize Shrek and paid him no mind… a true test.. Robby does not remember him. We were about 5-10 feet away from him and msShrek and they were both gawking the most fabulous huge family making an entrance into the store.

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Good afternoon, Violets..

Well, I must have been stressed, cause when I left the church and took a swig of my Crystal Light, it went down verrrrrrrry slowly.

I'm home now and the pastor's concern was our "relationship". Says he thinks it's a bit "tense". Welllllllllll the background is. Bob was there for 19 years. He had a wonderful ministry there, but felt it was time for someone with new ideas and vision and energy to take over, so he retired and then got a little church out in the country. He built that little church up from 20 worshiping on a Sunday to over 70 now. I know I'm prejudiced, bu tBob really is a warm, loving pastor who delivers sermons that are down to earth and give you lots to think about and carry you through for the week.

Now.. in comes Pastor Tom. He is a wisp of a guy (unlike Teddy Bear Bob), very self centered, not much experience and thinks he can handle a big church. WRONG. He's been here 4 years and is yet to call on all the people of the church. He's lost many members and we don't even get visitors much anymore. His sermons are well thought out and very poorly delivered. He has come up with nothing new, no energy, no innovations.. nuthin. I could go on and on, but I'm the former Pastor's wife and don't feel I have the right to make comparisons. Welllllll during the last annual meeting, Pastor Tom gave a report on his "vision" for the church. It was just words and nothing concrete. I spoke up and said as an educator, when I had to have a written goal, I also had to have objectives to go with it. How was I going to get to that goal? I asked for his goal and objectives. Mind you, this is 4 years after he has arrived. And we are yet to get his vision for the church and where he hopes it will be, say 5 years down the line. And today, 8 months after the annual meeting, he tells me that I sounded "sharp". DUH!!!!

I had also offered to proofread his newsletter articles for him since they were sooooooo badly written as far as grammar. I just offered my assistance, told him I proofread Bob's all the time and it's just in my nature that I believe that if something comes from a professional and is published, then it ought to look professional!! I made that suggestion 3 months ago and he just today said he'd take me up on the offer. That's about his speed in following up on things.

I really don't like the guy and it's not because Bob isn't there anymore. It's just his personality and his way of doing things that bugs me. He would make a great Hospice chaplain, but he's just not cut out to handle a big church.

I could go on and on about him, but I think you get the gist of the idea. Tension is the operative word.

I also laid the groundwork for me not to be directing the choir anymore. I said after Bob leaves his little church in December, that he might take an interim somewhere and I would want to be with him. Unfortunately the choir is the most alive part of the church here. When I left the year Bob retired, it just went into limbo. When I retired from teaching, they asked if I would come back and I did. I've directed it for 23 years now and love it, but unfortunately it's the only reason I'm going to that church now. It certainly isn't because I feel spiritually filled from the sermons...........

Ok.. gotta stop that rant and rave now. Calm down..... breathe..............there.

I'm also reading the Shrink book. It's going to be slow reading for me cause it ain't as exciting as a James Patterson book, but I will try to make it through.

We're headed to HOme Depot to pick up some plants for a planter and the baseboard. The guy is coming to start it on Tuesday... wooo hoooooo! I'll have a finished house by the time the choir party rolls around next Saturday.

Everyone have a great afternoon!!! BBL

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Good Morning! Robby started Kindergarten today!

Great picture!! Robby looks ready to go! Ahhhhhhhh I remember those days.

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Wow Tracy, you've lost quite a bit since our trip!! Looking fantastic, and Robby is too cute :biggrin:

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thanks Laura and Judy! I did the curls today because that is my hair naturally and I TRIED to get it straight, but I don't have all the gunk she put in it or a flat iron.. so I guess I need to get those things and practice.

Judy: what is that you always say??? "Patience, Trust, WWJD?"

Also, I wanted to give out a big heartfelt THANK YOU to all my violets who sent personal emails to me this week... including JENN. All marriages have struggles and I think that 2nd marriages are much harder than 1st's due to the baggage factor, the blending factor, and the older and wiser and not putting up with crap factor.... Neither of us wants a divorce so we will work on it, but I am well beyond being manipulated and belittled.. I have done it on my own before and I know that I can do it again. I don't want to because I do love him and the boys even if they are in dire need of training. Get this he even accused me of cheating on him with a band person????? Did he read my Haydee the hottie comment?? LOL anyway.. again.. than you ALL for supporting me.. this whole group has grown from a group of April 07'rs (and others) to friends.. I'm in awe.

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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

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        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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