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Shrinkin' Violets- Part 2 Read Here

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Good afternoon, Violets..

What a glorious day today. Kris was able to hear the baby's heartbeat for first time today so we were "allowed" to tell a few people about her pregnancy. We can't announce it to the church until after the first tri-mester which is 2 weeks away. And Clay Aiken had a baby boy today.. well, not him, his "friend".. Parker Foster Aiken born at 8:08 on 08/08/08. How weird is that??

Kris has a boy's name picked out.. Grady, but not settled on a girl's name. I am pushing for Kacey so she can be Kacey Barden. I think it's a cute name, plus it incorporates her maiden name. She's not going for it though... :tt2:

She and I went out for lunch today. I had a half of a half of a bagel with baked cheese, roasted pepper and artichoke on it. Very yummy, but I just couldn't eat the whole thing. Had about 8 sweet potato fries and brought the leftovers home. When I got up to leave, one of the ladies from the subdivision was at a table and I went to say hello to her. She told me I looked beautiful. Now I gotta tell you nobody but the Bobster has said that to me in eons and eons. I felt sooooo good. It made my day!!!

I'm going to go out and get some sun and work in the backyard for a little while before I tackle the wiifit and a little house cleaning. Everyone have a great day!!

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Woooeeeooo.. I'm on a rampage today.

For a month now we've been doing unacceptable work, having to reprint, and I have to figure out a nice way to tell our customers that people are slacking around here?! It is building and building, really stupid stuff is happening.. then today, something I've been working on for a MONTH, which I expected done a week ago when the customer came looking for it.. checked on it, and the manager in charge never followed through with it. So I flipped out. I am sending haughty emails to everyone in management to get their shyt together!!!!!!! I worded it nicely, but my tone is pissed off and tired of it. I don't know what their problem is, I think we need all new management, it's becoming a headache.. you rely on managers to make sure things get done, and the managers have their thumbs up their asses.

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What a great post! You had sooo many positive things in there, I loved it. Being born at 8:08, on 8-8-08 is VERY lucky according to Chinese culture. I wonder how many other babies made their debut then as well. They say that having many 8's in your phone number is good too! My favorite lucky number is 8 (sorry Terri) and I have three 8's in my number!

Anyhoo, thanks for such a wonderful post. And BTW, you are beautiful...and I should know since I have the roomie perspective(I've seen you in the morning, lol)!


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Hi everyone!

Yep Pamela, here you go to jail for riding with a drunk driver, especially if you are that way yourself!!! Most times, it is nothing more than a minimal fine, but, it is still expensive, when you go through the booking process, and what all having the actual record can cost you, and even more so when these guys all have their CDL's on the line----and therefore their very livlihood!

Well the PS appointment went well, he did the pictures, and I was seriously swollen, he had been poking and prodding, and pulling stitches.....but he declared me healed....almost! He said no yoga, no pilates, no stabalizer balls, no ab lounger type of exercises, nothing that hyper extends the waist. I am not to arch my back. But I can swim, and take bubble baths again!!!

Went to lunch and did some shopping with my friend Sofi, and Rick joined us for lunch. Had a small dinner salad---was really good! We are supposed to go to my in laws for dinner tonight. I have potatoes cooking to mash, and need to figure something else out to take, just not thrilled about it, so not into making choices of what to cook!!!

These 2 SIL's are getting on my list quickly! They conned Rick into helping them paint the ceiling----and now they taped off the rest of the ceilings in the house and are just waiting for him to come and do it! He worked late, then dealt with his friend last night, and if he does not do it, they will be leaving, and leave it half assed, for him to come in and clean up. I cannot even be polite and say the things I am thinking about them right now. It totally upsets me, our son is furious with them, they make crappy comments to him about him not being there doing much. Well hello........he is on light duty at work, and not doing much of anything, he has surgery on Wednesday!!! He ruptured a pretty nasty hernia....left side groin. And they want him reaching and painting, selfish, pig headed irritating......and I am not even started yet!!

I have been so upset with the WAY they did all this, that Becky has Gary call me to ask how we are, and how our son is, because she knows how mad I am!!!

Got my frame, now I need to get it ready for taking to the fair. Of my baby cowboy butt!

I bought some really soft comfy tshirts at Target----size Large!! Not even a single X in sight!!!

Well--guess I will go figure out what I want to feed all these people----anyone know which aisle the arsenic is on?????

Not really, if I didn't care about the people they are hurting it would not be a big deal, but I do!


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Hey All~

Susanne's appointment was cancelled, which puts everything off 3-4 days. I've been working my ass off all day on diss...man it is coming along!

Michelle, you gave me a great idea. I am making a chicken Teryaki (sp) stir fry tonight. Even have veggie egg rolls too! I thought about going out for Chinese, but thought homemade would be better for us! The chix is marinating now in teryaki and seasame seeds as we speak...or as I type! I am looking forward to it.

OK...gonna relax for a bit. Got so much done, ready to chill. Gonna watch Young and the Restless and then go swimming!


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I forgot to say, the reason I am so mad about them wanting Rick to do the painting of the ceiling--is that #1 this was THEIR idea, not ours!! But more importantly is the fact that Rick takes an anti-inlflammatory every day for degenerative bone disease in his neck, and painting like that KILLS him!!! We hired our own done for that reason. And they want him to do 2500 square foot more of ceilings. I am going to lose it if it is brought up!

He will likely be facing a surgery on his neck in the next 5 years, but the ortho wants to wait as long as possible saying they are doing amazing things with a new hinge surgery as opposed to fusion.

But I hate him irritating it, it puts him in serious pain for days, he was complaining of it hurting and took Tylenol for it at lunch from painting the LR ceiling the other night!

Sorry---wanted to explain that it really is not just me being petty, I feel it is them being inconsiderate....yet again.


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Hey Terri that is your sons 'golden' birthday!! When you turn that age on that date! So mine was when I turned 23 since I am May 23!

People at the shop were talking about how #8 was lucky in the chinese culture. They were saying that an overwhelming number of weddings are done today for that reason.

Okay gonna do somethings before olympics start!!

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Wasn't it just last year that everyone was raving about how 7/7/07 was such a lucky day?? Guess next year it will be 9/9/09! :thumbup:

Just finished watching the Olympics & packing up the car... off EARLY in the a.m., then a soccer game, then soccer party... so it'll probably be Sunday before I "see" you all again. Wish me luck w/this Yard Sale thing!!

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Even in our little area we had a baby born at 8:08 yesterday!!! But he weighed in at 8 lbs. 6 ounces-------------quite surprised a nurse didn't put a thumb on the scale!!!

Well the series is over---and it was not bad, didn't really end the way I hoped but the best team won as they say!!!

Today I head out to enter my picture in the fair, although Rick does not think they will allow it due to the nudity! Then I will join him at the BBQ cook off--he is already there, getting the grill set up----it is on it's own trailer......and can be manned by as many as 12-15 people at one time! One of the teams has a grill like you see on the cooking channel, it looks like a giant smoking gun! I helped make 36 cobblers last night! In the HUGE commercial size baking pans, 24"X30" easily!!! Barely fit in my oven!

Also spent some time out at the inlaws. They are "finishing up" and left the mess to go paint the porch. Meanwhile there are paint smears left all over the walls, and the cabinets did not get polyeurthaned ----so cannot be washed without the paint washing off as well-----smart for a kitchen doncha know!! The baseboards were forgot so someone smeared, and I do mean smeared some paint on them, but they look absolutely horrible!

They planned to have a dinner out there, so I got my stuff made and took it out, only to find, that they had decided to put up a new range hood with a microwave in it (on a wall with no support....) so had a mess and the stove was out of use! It was chaos, but nice to see my other SIL and BIL.

So what does everyone have planned for the weekend? Isn't TracyKS due back? Hope you had a great time!!!!!

Hugs to all---will check on you later!!


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Good afternoon, Violets..

Michelle.. hope you're making a fortune with your sale items.

Kat...sounds like Kinsey could do a better job of painting!!! What a shame.. Good luck with the picture. It sounds really cute!

PamELA... thanks for the postcard!!! What a treat to hear from my roomie for no special reason.. just because. You made my day!

We had our lapband support group meeting today. We had 8.. 4 newbies and 4 oldies, but goodies. It was a great meeting and always inspires me. Three of the newbies have their surgeries scheduled and one is waiting on a surgery date.

When I woke up this morning I looked out the bedroom window and saw that it had rained. I didn't hear anything from Jetta, the storm paranoid garage dog, so I thought things were ok. But when I opened up the door to the garage... she had chewed off one side of the new wood trim. She couldn't chew the door since it's steel, but she destroyed one side of trim. I knew that would happen, but we sure didn't hear a thing last night and the yorkies didn't make a fuss to let us know Jetta was chewing on the door. Soooooooooo we'll have to replace the trim and figure out what to do next. Thank goodness we left her in the house when we went to the support meeting. It stormed on the way home with thunder and lightning and she would have ripped more off the door trim had she not been in the house. She's sleeping on the floor beside me right now, all innocent and pure. But I know the TRUE Jetta.. arghhhhhhhh Good thing we're animal lovers or she'd be gone one way or another by now.

Well, I'm stuck in the house today. Raining, so I can't go out in the yard. Laundry is done, house is clean. Bobster is off doing a funeral and won't be home til dinner. Then I have to get the stuff to make chocolate mousse for the church picnic tomorrow. I'm thinking a nap pretty soon will be in order. After I do the wii fit of course.

Everyone have a good day!!

I'm bummed about John Edwards........ he SO disappointed me. And then Bernie Mac died. Not a good weekend in some aspects..

Wooo hoooo the sun just came out. Might be a nice day after all!!


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BERNIE MAC DIED?!?!?!?!!?!?!? Going to go look up news, last I heard he had non serious pnemonia.. wow..

215lb today...

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Hey Vi's~

Morning...um, or should I say afternoon! It is only 10 something here, but that is late for a morning greeting. We stayed up late to watch opening ceremonies. It was great but kinda boring too. We ended up curled up on the couch, passed out...waking up from time to time to see. We slept in until 8! Then we had coffee in bed and didn't get out of bed until 9:30! I love those mornings...few and far between. I made us a great breakfast...well Susanne and my doggie enjoyed it. I managed to get some eggs in and some "wet" toast. But the bacon, sausage, most of the eggs, and some of the toast Klaus enjoyed. I've got to stop making so much...and trying to eat so much!

This is the last weekend of Sturgis, so I think Tracy will be home in a day or two. I miss her. Where has Haydee been? And Jenn? My universe does not "roll" well when Violets are missing.

Michelle~ SELL SELL SELL! Purple power for tons of $$$$ and getting rid of crap!

I think we are gonna go see Swing Vote today. I've got diss work to do, but feel a bit lazy today. Our chix stirfry was good...thanks for the idea Michelle!

OK, have a great weekend ladies! My friend called last night and invited me to her wedding! Which is happening Monday morning at the court house! She is marrying her girlfriend. She had bypass surgery in Feb and has lost 75 pounds. I am sooo happy for her and pissed we can't go. Susanne's appointment was rescheduled for Monday same time. Oh well...we can Celebrate later w/ her!

Have a great day!


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I found some Copycat recipes I am trying for our cook out tomorrow. We're celebrating Russell & my cousins' birthday so I am making the chocolate Lasagna from Olive Garden.. I dunno about you guys but I miss that dessert lol.. so I read some reviews and going with the best reviewed version.

Also, while looking at Copycat recipes, found the immitation crabmeat salad they serve at buffet's like Golden Corral.. Was my fav., and we ate there once a week in ABQ.. since moving back, all buffets in my city are closed so no where to eat it.. I made it already, it said let it sit overnight, but I tasted it.. YUM. I'll probably skip on the main courses tomorrow and just eat this salad & lasagna hehe.

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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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