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Shrinkin' Violets- Part 2 Read Here

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I'm at my limit, I can't take this crap no more!!! I just got a friggin email from that teacher that was late getting me the final that says "Here is your final assignment, worth 30% of your grade"..and it's a 5 flippin page paper, with thesis, and 5 works cited etc Due Aug. 5... and she just sent it.. and I've told her for 2 weeks I will be out of town till Aug 6. What the HELL?! So now I have to finish my bio final, pack, clean, and now write a damn 5 page academic paper. I am just so so mad, and overwhelmed. Russell left to TN to take our dog to his parents. I can't believe this. I CAN'T BELIEVE IT!!!!!!

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Take a deep breath, say some bad words (it helps), leave work early if you are at work...and get it done! You can do this...in 2 weeks all this shit will be a distant memory! Also, send your teach (or you should really call her if you can) a email reminding her of what YOU ALREADY DISCUSSED W/ HER ABOUT YOUR SCHEDULE. She probably forgot or got you mixed up. Remind her you need to fly to Jamica in the morning!!! If nothing happens, make some great coffee...and get crack-a-lackin and booty shmackin!!! Burning a little midnight oil is good for the soul. ((You can tell me to shut the hell up...just trying to be a good cheer leader)). I would attempt to contact teacher though, she probably forgot your earlier discussion.

OK...NUTJOB STORY UPDATE: Ya'll remember "C" the nutjob who made the suicidal call. I've had a few "wrong number" calls this week, from her area code. So I just get a call...and the woman asks for Jennifer Sxxxxx (privacy issues). Well, Jennifer is the woman who the recorded suicidal message was for. The suicidal call started (from last Sat), "This message is from "C" and is a recorded message for Jennifer Sxxxx, by the time you get this I will be dead!" So someone just calls for Jennifer. And when I tried to call the number back (like redial) it says the number is disconnected. I hate crazy ass shit like this! I don't "do" drama anymore, especially if it is not mine! If ever I am missing...ya'll tell the cops my story, k.

Back to diss...

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Damn Pamela--that is too wierd----I would take a few seconds and document things----well I guess in a way it is here, if they ever need dates etc. Tooo strange!!

Well lests see, today--I had part of an egg mixed with green chile, corn tortilla, and hashbrowns---juevos rancheros----It was made on top of one tortilla, with one egg----and I cut it all up together, then scraped half onto Ricks plate!!! Ate that and 1/2 a piece of sourdough toast. Was YUMMY!!!!

Then I just ate a handful of huge cold juicy green grapes!!

The plan is to go to dinner with Becky & Gary tonight.

As for exercise.....we cut and hauled our first load of wood today. Not far----it was from part of our tree that burned on the back property, Rick cut it down, and we cut it up, loaded it, brought it around and stacked it. Wood hauling has officially begun. Was some serious work, wore me out!! I am out of shape!

We come in, took a shower, laid down on the bed letting the ceiling fan blow on us, and woke up about an hour later!! Was nice.

I do a lot of reading for pleasure----but self help books don't get very far....I grow bored with them too easy. That and I see every little point I want to remember, and soon they all blur!!

Hope things are going well Laura!!

We had to stay home, first thing this morning he got called for a wreck one of the frac crew had, so staying in town seemed wisest. Listening to some ZZ Top on TV instead of in person----just not the same!!! LOL

WEll I have had 3 bottles of Water, and need another, it is hot---HOT outside---and I was sweatin'! This oldie is not used to the workout yet. And I am having some serious back pain. I think it is the muscles and even the skeleton readjusting when I work out, to not having the strain of the weight of my belly hanging on them. Sounds strange, but for years they were stretched to support that, and it is gone. Anytime I do physical things now, my back hurts....

Scale is still sitting at 171.5.......I am gonna make my goal, watch me!! I am getting so close I am getting psyched up again, and YES, knowing I have to tell you if I eat junk.....it helps----doesn't stop me, but it helps. Like last night I was going to eat ice cream on the porch...............well, ok I did, but I only ate about 1/2 a cup! LOL

Well my hair dried while we took our unexpected nap and is wild as hell now, so I better go tame it before dinner!

Talk to y'all laterz....


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I am going to start exercising next week. I am going to walk on my treadmill. I have this weird thing with my foot/ankle, and it really doesn't hurt anymore to walk on it, but it is weird, had it for about a month now. If it is still here on Monday I might see about doing something.

I GOT MY GUM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:cursing:


Thanks Michelle, that is so sweet!! I love it, I am thinking of sharing with all my violets the model gum! It is such a hoot!!

It is hot here today and supposed to be hot (around 100 and 90%humidity) (plus close enough to Susie that I know how wonderful that pool should feel!!) the next 4 or 5 days. I have tickets to Fiddler on the Roof at an outdoor arena on Monday!!! The good thing is I might wait til Tuesday to get weighed!!

Laura I would be livid!!! Hang in there!!!

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Had to take a break.. got a 72% on my Anatomy Final. YAY! I pass!! Russell said I needed a 55% to pass I think. I made myself crab legs for dinner since he's not here.. mmmmm. I have done cleaning, and packed most stuff.. taking 1 suitcase and it's filled to the brim.. no room for souvenirs..should I take a 2nd smaller one just to bring back w/souvenirs??

Went to moms house and found a swimsuit that works.. size 12 1 piece, but has a flutter at the front that covers my pooch.. shows my butt, which I never worn before.. but she & my dad said it looked good.. so I'm going with it.

Sitting here with a smoke and my school book.. time to go find someone in there to write 5 pages about. Damn teacher, I am debating reporting her.. they already had my call in from this morning documented, and I have emails where I told her the dates I would be out of town, 2 weeks I emailed her every other day. She is riduculous, she is a crappy teacher.. I hope I get a review form on her after the class.

I'll check in (probably late) after I finish the paper..

Piehole report:

No B'fast

2oz of steak tips for lunch dipped in sour cream

2 clusters of crab legs for dinner

I've had a 200c pack of gummi bears, and likely will eat the other one sometime tonight.

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Judy-I am a huge James Patterson fan! Speaking of along came a spider, I just found the DVD of the movie (which I had never seen) on the 5 dollar sale rack. Oooh, it was good! I have read all of his Alex Cross detective novels and am patiently waiting until September when the next one in the series comes out....in the meantime he started a "womens murder club" series and so far there are 7 books. I had 2, 3 and 4 (from a paperback swap shop) waiting in the wings until I could get the first book. I broke down and went to Barnes and Noble and bought #1 so I could start that series. I will wait about a week or so then go and get 5, 6 and 7. I will probably be caught up with that whole series in a month or so. If you read more I could send you my books!

Laura-I am so sorry about the CRAP you are going through! That is total BS. You are gonna be SO ready for that trip! ((hugs))

Terry-have you been in here today? I hope all is OK on your end of town!

Kat-it is HOT here too. Macy and I started out on our walk and turned around and came home. It was just too much!

Jane-I wish I still had my treadmill :cursing:

Haydee-try to get some R&R this weekend!

Pamela-I would like to read that book you just got too. I take second hand books by the way (hint hint):biggrin2:

Have a great night everyone!!

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Well, I finished the paper. It is by NO MEANS an A paper, but it's enough BS and at least attempting to do the assignment to get something besides a 0.. Had to write about someone (artist, writer, etc.) in the book, their influence and what not.. she said to provide a background on them. Smart me, I picked Darwin- there's a blip about him in the book.. but I could find ton of info on the internet to fill in the gaps, and Russell has some of his books.. most of the paper is just his biography then a couple paragraphs about the after effects. It works I guess :cursing:

So now I am done, except for 1 more final next Friday.


I'll see you girls Wednesday night, or Thursday. Everyone be accountable and be safe!!!


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Much love Laura~ Go have a foofoo drink w/ an umbrella in it...you deserve it! Hell, after today, you deserve a few! Bring me a present...kidding! Have fun!

We went swimming...nekked! LOL, it is sooo nice just to float. They have these great rafts that are net so you are wet and 1/2 submerged...but then you are out too! We each get one, and hold on to the side of the other one and drift around the pool. I love these afternoons! Gonna miss 'em when the friends come back, and work starts again!

We leave in the manana for the beach! I'll pop in later, have a great night!


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Laura, how in the heck did you do a 5-page paper in an hour???

Yeah, here I am Tracy!

I finally finished hell week at work and haven't had much time to log on. Went to visit mom, too.

I had a seriously crappy food day...I don't even know if I can list everything I ate.

B: same ol' cottage cheese

L: 1/2 of JIB Asian chicken salad

S: snack bar size Kit Kat, Hershey's and Reeses

S#2: tortilla chips salsa

D: French onion Soup & sourdough bread

S#3: bowl of Cereal

A bazillion calories and 2 bazillion carbs and 4g Protein. :cursing:

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Good evening, Violets..

Just back from dinner with friends.

Eating report

3/4 piece of toast with Peanut Butter (shared with Ethan)

4 mandarin orange segments

chicken (pb'd all of it)

1 scoop ice cream

1 granola bar

2 pieces deep fried perch

4 little bits of american fried potatoes

1 kiddie waffle cone

2 liters Crystal Light

30 minutes Water aerobics

Tracy. I've read all the Women's murder club mysteries. Great books. I read Sail on the cruise. That was a good one too. Well, they're ALL good!

Laura.. have a wonderful trip. Don't worry, be happy, mon!!

PamELa... I just ordered that book from Amazon today.. should have it by Thursday. And I spent a half hour floating in the pool today after exercising. Not nekkid though.. I don't think the neighbors would approve! And I have several of those rafts too. They're great.

Jane... have you been looking for a Wii console yet? I can picture you doing the hula hoop.. you're gonna love it!

Everyone have a good evening.. sleep well!! I'm pooped after running after Ethan all day!!!

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I am going Sunday on a wii hunt!! I think the people who make wii or the retailers want all who use wii to be heathens, all the stores told me to come back Sunday!! Which translates to miss church and stand in line in 100 degree weather to get a wii console! I bet I am spawning all sorts of jealous thoughts in peoples mind right now!! Oh how you wish you were me on Sunday!!!

Now once I get the console can I hook it up? I may need my nephew to come over and hook up my wii. I think I will put it in my bedroom. I have more open space there.

Going to bed so I can be bright and eager to greet my first client in the morning!!

thanks again Michelle

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Home again. Did my stint in the evening game ticket window. I loved it!!! So many excited little kids----and even more excited big kids!! LOL

Rick, Becky & Gary went ahead and went to the game so when I finished up, I went and sat with them. Was lotsa fun. I ate half---well not quite half, maybe a third of a chimichanga---with beef and green chile, and refried Beans for dinner, so was stuffed! I about fell down the bleachers when I got to them, and they were all gnoshing on more food!!! Nachos and popcorn.....I would have been eating right along with them before my band. I said no thanks and finished my bottle of Water, like the 7th or 8th one today! I did see an opportunity for some additional exercise running for them though... Up and down the bleachers, to the concessions, or to the trash. Probably 7 trips----they thought I was nuts! I felt empowered....not eating the junk and working out anyway!

Laura, have a wonderful trip!!! TracyKS--check in soon, so we know you made it safe!!

I am off to check my mail and call it a night.

See y'all tomorrow--not sure exactly what the day holds, we are discussing another load of wood----cut in the hills, not in my yard though!

Bathroom facilities are nowhere as nice!!

See ya manana!!


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Hey all

just a quick hello, i'll catch up later

i'm off to Six Flags MA with my dd and friends for her birthday.... I'm so excited for a lot of reasons

1. I don't have to leave early to go to work

2. I'm 40lbs lighter than the last time I was there

3. I have another grown up going to playwith me

have a great day

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Good Morning, Violets..

I'm up at the crack of 9 a.m. I'm playing flute and singing at a wedding at 3 and have to be there at 2 and it's half an hour away so not much time today to relax and exercise. BUT the upside is.. I will be wearing a size 14 petite dress and it fits!!! woooo hoooooo. My weight was up this morning, but I'm sure it's from the ice cream last night plus the fried fish. NOt going to let it get me down. I'm doing the best I can and feeling good so the other is just a number. I'll keep on keepin' on.

Jane....yup.. Sunday is usually when the Wii consoles come into the stores. And yep.. you have to be there in line waiting to get one. But you'll love it. It can be connected to any tv. I didn't do it so don't know how difficult it is. Our son set it up in 5 minutes, but then again he knows what he's doing. We have ours connected to the big screen tv in the living room. Lots of room and a nice big view of everything. We also have a wireless internet connection and can send messages back and forth to our grandkids, but that's not necessary to run the machine.

Jenn... have loads of fun today!!! Try to be discreet with the grown up playing, eh? :wink2:

Gonna go check out something for Breakfast. Everyone have a great day. I'll check back tonight with my food intake and exercise.

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Hey V's~

The alarm went off at 6am and I 'bout fell out of the bed. That is a very UNFAMILIAR sound. I will have to get used to that again...sooner than later:frown:.

We are leaving shortly for the beach, just wanted to say have a great day everyone! Gotta hurry and put my face on...been on vacation from makeup too.


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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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