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Shrinkin' Violets- Part 2 Read Here

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Woo hoo!! I sold some bracelets!! Pam, that square silver link needs to be a good fit....not tight, but a good fit. I can make another one, that's no problem....just need your wrist measurement. The tornado Bracelet is awesome in person....you'll LOVE it!

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Good morning violets!

wow 3 pages to catch up on from overnight! bunch o' hens! lol

Laura-love the outfit and congrats on the nsv!

DD is up and wants b'fast so I am gonna go for now. I will bbl.

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Denise---how's the house coming??


House is coming along...we picked up keys and a $4800 check on Friday, so we started shopping for window coverings and a few other things...haven't had time to move though.

My daughter Shannyne had her baby 2 months ago, then gallbladder surgery to remove it 12 days ago. Just got her staples taken out on Friday and Saturday has the worst "gallbladder attack" that she's ever had!!! So we take her to the ER where they admitted her...she's been in the hospital since Saturday and they're not sure what the problem is. They've ran a ton of tests and apparently even though hers have all been negative, she may still have stones in her bile ducts that are too small to pick up on the diagnostic tests but big enough to be causing the pain...apparently attacks after gallbladder surgery is fairly common...very discouraging because they're very debilitating and she screams for 15-20 minutes in excruciating pain....She's even had 2 more attacks at the hospital and the Morhphine doesn't even begin to touch the pain.

They may let her come home today since she hasn't had another attack since Saturday afternoon, but if she continues having them, she may have to go back into surgery. So we're all taking turns watching the baby, who has been VERY cranky....I think he misses his mom. He's trying to nurse off of everyone and has been very fussy. :eek: She's been pumping her breast but because she wasn't able to eat anything and was only taking in IV fluids, she's not producing as much....now we're having to supplement with forumla, which upsets my daughter. Then yesterday one of her tests was one in which they injected her with radioactive dye, so she has to "pump and dump" for 48 hours before she can give the baby her milk...

So ya, the house is kind of on hold. We're going to rent a U-Haul this weekend and try to knock it out in one day....wish me luck!!! I'm SO tired!

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Good Morning.

Denise, Keeping your daughter in my prayers. That must be awful to go thru that and not to be able to be with the baby. Hope she does get out soon and that she doesn't have to have surgery again. Good Luck on moving.

Pam, Loved the pics of the Library.

Laura, You are so pretty, even when you make a silly face.

TracyK, I left my job 4 years ago and I still miss it. I always liked my job, it was the bullcrap that I didn't like. I do miss the work and the people I worked with. But I am very glad to be a part time stay at home wife.

Today is weigh-in day so keeping my fingers crossed. I did ok this week but I think I have a little Water weight. I hate when that happens. It was cold and damp yesterday and now we are supposed to be getting the remnants of hurrican Dolly here pretty soon. So no pool for a day or two. That's ok. I need to get some stuff done aound here.

Don't forget it's CTCD.

Hugs to all.

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Good Morning, Violets..

Laura..you look MAAAAAVELOUS!!! Love the outfit!!

PamELa...the office looks great. Looks like you and Bob could go for the "who has the most books" title. The family got him a Kindle for his birthday in hopes he wouldn't have to have so many physical books. He can just download them onto the kindle and store up to 20,000. I just saw two books come in the mail the other day so I was not a happy camper! He knows for every book he buys now, he has to get rid of two.

Terry... I looked at your stuff online. Very pretty. I'm so happy with my cruising Bracelet. It will go with me in October when we head to the Caribbean again.

Kat..I had Ethan from 8-6 yesterday. I don't think I have played that much baseball in my life. You know how hard it is to throw the ball so it hits the bat so you can yell and cheer when it bounces off??

I didn't get in the pool yesterday cause Ethan was here, but hope to get in it today if it warms up. It got down into the 50's again last night and is only 64 right now, but the sun is shining and the solar panels are on.

I'm off to do my hospital shift. I am going to have lunch with a potential lap bander who has lots of questions. I seem to be the Alpena Lap band guru right now.. lol I'll tackle Wiifit when I get home and then have singing rehearsal tonight. A typical Tuesday for me!

Everyone have a good day. Eat wisely!!

Oh as for meeting again... fall is definitely out for me. But YES for next year sometime. We have a grandbaby coming in February and a cruise to Hawaii the end of March, but after that I'm sooooooo game for meeting again! How bout that place that Michelle suggested before? Or back in Gruene? Anyplace is fine as long as we get to see each other again. Raise your hand if you wanna meet again!!:thumbup::seeya:

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Good Morning!

Denise: Your daughter is in my prayers! What a way to start mommy hood! Poor baby boy.... Hang in there...

Laura: YOU LOOKED SO CUTE In that top!

I am soooo very sleepy today and I have a meeting at 10... I am so ready to be on vacation, but I'm also taking some work with me.

Pam: the office looks GREAT!

Jenn: Yes get yourself out there and open up the possibility

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Good Tuesday Morn, Vi's~~

Regular day here today... work, errands, kids' activities...

My lip is down to only 2x regular size, but it still hurts like the dickens + now has blisters & peeling... lovely! I told my son it was burned & that it was the only part of me that burned & he said "That's because it was flapping around in the sun all day!" ha ha... little stinker... what is he implying? that I talk too much? moi???

Laura... that outfit looks great on you! Congrats! What a feeling!!

Purple power for your dd, Denise!

Hi Jen, Pam, Terry, Haydee, TracyKS, TracyK, Suzie, Janie, Kat, & Judy!!

Oh, Janie! Guess what!? I FINALLY mailed out your gum to you!! It went out yesterday.

Make it a great day, Vi's!

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I'm ready for a vacation too Tracy. I think I'm gonna take some time off at the end of August and just sit at home and veg...

That top was so cute Laura!! I bought a skirt at target that I'm going to send to you. It was so cute on the hanger but when I got it home and tried it on it emphasized my lower belly and didn't look cute. And it was kinda tight. So I'm thinking it'll look cute on you. It's a misses size XL, you think it'll fit?? It's a flowy vacation skirt...good for flip flops and a tank.

Terry - that silver Bracelet was so cute...Kat is right, it wasn't there last time I looked. Must be a new project...

So yesterday I had 1610 calories and 148 carbs! It was the tortilla chips that were my demise. I grazed on them all day long... bad haydee... I ate the same thing that I had for lunch at dinner time. Beef fajitas with chips and cheese. I skipped the ice cream but had 2 ice pops around midnight. I got my new formal dining room set and worked up a sweat cleaning all the glass on the doors, all the mirrors inside and all the glass sheving. They were so filthy! So after that I was hot and sweaty.

Oh and Pam, yesterday you were asking about Breakfast. I wake up starving too and I would eat eggs and something every morning if I could. I just don't leave enough time in the morning to make myself something. So I end up drinking either a cup of coffee or a cup of milk here at the office... It doesn't satisfy me but I need something to stop the grumbling in my tummy...

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Hey V's~

Yes, I was a book collector for years! Then when mom died...I had books everywhere and couldn't see through it. So I purged about 300 - 400 out to friends of the library. Then about 2 months ago, I purged another shopping cart full (no exaggeration) and moved my CD's in the office. Then saturday, we filled up a suitcase and a box and donated it to Good Will. My mom was a book collector too. Problem is they take up so much room. Now I collect old compacts (like the ones w/ makeup in 'em). If anyone ever sees a pretty one...send 'em my way...and the bill. Compacts are much smaller and easier to manage!

Denise~ Purple power for you dd and family. I am glad ya'll have the "month" extra to move, especially w/ all that is going on. Poor little baby...his Violet aunts send all their love to him while his mommy is sick!

TracyKS and Kat...when do ya'll leave? How long ya'll gonna be gone? My friends Bob and Steph (we get to babysit their pool while they are away) are gonna be gone for about 12 days. Look for 'em, they will be on the Harley, wearing black tshirts, lol. Actually they are staying in a hotel for the first time. The past few years, they've camped...looking forward to the hotel this time!

Man, Kat, TracyKS and Laura are gonna be gone...gonna be quiet in here.

Terri~ I'll email you the measurements for my wrist later today. I am soooo excited...love both bracelets and can't wait. I saw you take credit cards, so we'll just do it that way. Yeah!!! I am officially on a spending diet for a few months...but I need a little something for the new school year!

OK...I had to get labs this morning so I had to put on a bra and drive before coffee (not a good way to start the day). Gonna play scrab and then I need to interview some people for my research!


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Hello, another day another dollar!! Tuesday starts my workweek. I go in early today for a customer I have that lives in South Africa and comes to me when she is in town. Actually I have been doing her hair for about 15 years and about 4 or 5 years ago she moved to do missionary work, and when she comes in I do her hair.

I have been pretty good since my fill on Friday. Yesterday I did have the run in with the kissables, but they are now gone. I think TracyK, Haydee, and Terry have helped me the most in the past few days with great posts. I want to go back and copy them.

Loved the office Pam!!!

When are you leaving Tracyks and Kat?

Have a great day!!!

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We head out after work on Friday! We head for home the following Friday........ I will most likely check in since I'm taking my laptop and will have wireless internet... :thumbup:

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Hi everyone!

So far I have been good on my eating:

Breakfast: I made an egg w/2% cheese and a peice of whole grain toast and only ate half of it...so that was 100 calories but the coffee made the b'fast total 170.

Snack-2 graham crackers 130

Lunch-WC oatmeal 160

Grand total so far of 460

I have also had 32 oz of Water, so I am halfway there :thumbup:

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okay so far:

Breakfast - nothing

lunch - leftover blacked catfish fillet with pico de gallo on top. i've got some rice but don't know if that'll go down or not.

like 4 oz of Water so far. :thumbup:

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So far..

B'fast- 1c of lowfat chocolate milk: 170c/8g Protein

Lunch- Going soon, not sure where yet.. so I'll edit this when we get back..

I am going to see Dark Knight again tonight with my parents, and I have allowed myself 1/2 small bag of popcorn w/butter.. which is about 400 calories, so that is going to be my dinner!

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HI fellow Violets!

My Dad stopped by to visit, and ended up taking Kinsey home with him, so I am now really at loose ends!! She was whiny and cranky. She was up a good part of the night, her Daddy got hurt at work, so they spent hours in immediate care. He is an electronics technician--and in charge of the black boxes in all the trucks. A guy come in saying his truck was overheating and his box was shutting off---which send signal to Denver that he just stopped driving suddenly! So Jason test drove it, and sure enough it was not working, so he come back and was going to disconnect it, and unplugged it on the inside, then had to open the hood to get the the last of the plugs for it. When he opened the hood, the radiator blew. He had full PPE on, and happened to have his head turned away talking to someone, but it burned his hand---just the bottom half, and about 3 inches of his wrist, that was bare. He had long sleeves, but when you stretch, they pull up.....so he is a mass of blisters. And get this-------his boss is threatening to fire him over it! It broke their unrecordable accident record---booohooo-------he got hurt at work! Rick thinks they guy is trying to make him mad enough he will quit....I dunno!

I need to eat---it is after 11, and I have yet to do anything besides drink Water. I am just not hungry-------nothing sounds good.....and I need to grocery shop.

I refluxed terribly last night! Breathed it into my lungs---so now they are sore to breath deep. I did this several years ago, and ended up in the hospital with pneumonia----so I am doing the necessary deep breathing today!! I migrated from my wedge pillow onto Ricks shoulder, and that leaves me too low---which I HATE because that is my favorite place to sleep! Someday I may attempt another surgical repair, but I doubt it.

Denise, my Grandma, had her gall bladder out, and then had a horrible attack and she had a stone lodged in the duct, and when they got in there, they found the entire duct diseased.....how they missed it 8 days before---I dunno. But they removed it, and she never had any more trouble----lived another 30+ years, and she was much older when it happen. And it was back in the day of the BIG open incision for gall bladder---hers ran diagonally and was probably 13" long! Surgical techniques HAVE improved a lot!

Terry---if you receive an email from something like jakc followed by a series of #'s-------it is my DD. I showed her the Bracelet, and hinted about my birthday!!! LOL---I am horrid---I really want her to show it to Rick!!

We brought home the extra hay last night, never even got it off the trailer, and sold it! YAY!!!

Overall the rodeo was a success. We had some motels in town giving a horrible reputation---but they are rude ass people anyway and have the attitude if they don't like it they can stay elsewhere. I understand there is already a discrimination complaint filed with the BBB, and threatened legal action. These people called months ago and made reservations when they found out their kids qualified, or they got accepted as vendors. They were given a price, and paid in many cases, only to show up and be told the price had gone up by up to $100.00 a night!!! But a couple of the vendors were also of Eastern descent, and their prices remained guaranteed. And in fact the room one man was complaining about was just given away and he was told they would credit his card----leaving him and 2 kids with no place to stay and no open motel rooms for 60 miles around! The woman at the BBB found him a host family---or he would have been in his truck!

This is sooooooo sad, everyone worked so hard to present our area in a good light, and things like this money hunger ruin some peoples view. Hope it goes around, and they totally boycott the motel next year. I have begun composing a letter to the editor concerning it!

It doesn't look like we will be making Sturgis. Anthony has his little boy in Albq today at the pediatric cardiologists---and they reserved Ronald McDonald rooms, and verified his employment through Rick this morning. So it looks like they will be staying for Aidens surgery. He knows Anthony is waiting to call til they have definite plans in place. If he is off, Rick cannot leave. And I have to come up with other plans for his birthday Sunday!!! LOL

But like he keeps saying, Aiden's health is much more important. He is 4, and a small hole in the wall between chambers has suddenly enlarged.

Pamela------office looks great!! I wish I Had room for an office------but I would give it up for your closet!!! LOL

Got a call yesterday from one of my band friends on the NJ thread---we laughed til my sides hurt!! She goes by HarleyNana on here.

Judy--I do know all about throwing balls that way!!! But the look of thrill and wonder on their faces is so worth it!!

Well I am off to find food------feeling kinda yucky maybe it will help. BBL~~


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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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