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Shrinkin' Violets- Part 2 Read Here

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Hey V's.. I solved the problem, I ate the last of the reese cups and snickers last night.. :/ Dumpster=my mouth!

I'm still working on my Anatomy class every free moment I get, doing online study tests and taking a crapload of notes. I'm finished with all other classes homework/quizzes for the week. My last day will be Aug.1 --- day before JAMAICA. I have to take all 4 finals that day, they're suppose to be while I'm in Jamaica but all my teachers agreed to open it early for me.

Just got some shitty news on work front, one of our old big customers (they do CD & DVD manufacturing) installed their own presses. A lot of our customers print with us, then ship to them for assembly & disks.. well, this old customer is now actively stealing our accounts from us, some of our best accounts (they are in NY and a lot of our business is up there). The only thing we can hope for is they fall on their face because CD manufacturing is a lot different from printing, and the busy season starts in August so they'll be overwhelmed. I just hope this happens. I'm so mad, I have had customers calling all morning giving me the pricing they've got, how they like us and want to stay loyal but pricing blah blah, plus they wouldn't have to ship from here to NY. Grrr. Damn people.

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I'm committing to taking today 1 day at a time.. about to order lunch and I'm going with a sensible chef salad!

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Ok, these will cheer everyone up!! Look how dang cute these beads are!!! They're $8.50 each! I'd buy them but they'd only make me hungry....


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Way to go Laura & Tracy...I am also 'sober' for today so far :thumbup: GO US!!

Terry-those are just too cute!

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Hey All,

I hope everyone is doing well in Texas. I was glad to see ya'll posting. You must be far from the trouble then, ehI ?

I love those beads..they are really cute. I usually prefer to "wear my food" on my ass, but a necklace would be cute too!...lol, I crack myself up!

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MMMMMM cupcakes!!!! :smile:


My brother keeps calling me "hey skinny"... but apparently according to his fiance he refers to me as the 'beanpole' now. YAH HAH.. I'm a friggin beanpole.. and I don't know what's changed lately, like the asking how much I lost, making compliments, etc. died down for months (understandably).. and I'm not losing anymore at the moment, just maintaining (and maybe gaining), but the past few days I've had a lot of people say stuff.. 2 people asked how much more I planned to lose, when I said 40lb they said "No way, you don't have 40lbs to lose".. heh! People have been goign "WOW, how much have you lost?!", And then bro's fiance told me today I need to start eating. Not sure what's changed lately, I'm not going down sizes or losing weight.. so.. uhm.. ?????

Edited by FairyFacade

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3 bottles of Water, 1 glass of unsweet tea, 1 cup of broc & cheese Soup, and about 5 bites of chef salad.< /p>

Tonight is bowling (whew, some exercise) and Cracker Barrell night.. going to go with something not so bad, I normally get the blueberry pancakes and eat 1/2 of one.. going to go for more Protein and less carbs. I WILL DO IT!! And no special candy from their store.. use to be I allowed Wed. night to be my special treat, either a dessert or candy from their store.. but I gotta quit with the sweet tooth crap!!!

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Ok, DH is sitting here watching a poker tournament on TV and one of the guys just said, "You got to go in with a positive attitude and you'll be a winner." Hmmmm. Is that where we've all gone wrong? Did we get off track when the pounds stopped melting off and lose our winning attitude? Did that just put us back in that mindset of "Oh well, I guess I failed at this, too. Might as well go get a milkshake."

All I know is that I feel FAT. 182.5 today. I know what I need to do but I have a million excuses to not do it. Have I given up? Do I have a negative thinking tape loop that just keeps playing over and over and over?? Yes, I do.


I'm going to the gym on Friday. I'm going to try to start over from the beginning.

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Home again, home again, not dancin' no jig----I'm too tired!!! LOL!

Had a nice time with Sofi, she is going through some tough times, her brother was just diagnosed with cancer, he is at MD Anderson now, they have removed all his lymph nodes, and his liver is invaded, but they do not know the origin of it yet. He is only 23! She was really upset. And while we were visiting she got a call that a friend of a friend was killed last night. She is having issues with her band tightening up during the stress.

Was an easy night at the fairgrounds. Made our rounds checked hay---all was well!

Tomorrow might be a busy one. And I want to watch a friends DD compete in the pole bending---she is in 3rd place overall right now! That is in the scholarship big money!!! All of them will get some school money.

I did ok I guess eating wise, I am not eating nearly as much as I had allowed myself to do, and I sure feel better for it!

Terry you might have a point----I mean Laura just said all of a sudden people were saying things again, and she got her incentive back and is working on it again. So here is to a positive attitude! We can do it---we WILL do it!! How is your Mom?

I made chicken salad for Rick's lunch, so I made extra so it is ready and waiting for me, no excuses tomorrow to take with me, to avoid the vendors!!! I did not have any shaved ice today. But I swear every person I stopped to talk to had funnel cake and offered me some. I did not have a single bite!!! Of course I didn't really want it either. Now the chocolate dipped cheesecake, it was callin' my name, so I told it to shut the hell up!

Becky & Gary leave in the morning for Vegas. Part of me is really jealous, the other part is in homebody mode, because I have been gone so much!!! And the rodeo ends on Sunday, and then I have a few days free then Connie Mack World Series Baseball begins, and I have 3 shifts for that. 2 in the concession stand and one taking tickets. We have a boy staying with us for the Series, his brother stayed with us 3 years ago, but the team did not make the world series playoffs the last 2 years, so it will be good to see him.

Then just a few days following that the San Juan County Fair begins. I have agreed to help build a float for the parade. And I am helping check in the goats!! My friends raise goats, and she always recruits me for the check in and doing the paperwork on the kids showing the goats. I have done it for years. BUT it is a busy, busy time!!!

Then the weekend following the fair is my birthday and I want to go to Denver and hit the amusement park!!! Sound like a 10 year old, not an old lady!!! LOL

So with all that, I am ok staying home while they hit Vegas!

I think I will head to bed, I am tired. I come in, took a shower, and was sitting here letting my hair dry some.....I am really sore today, my abs. I think tomorrow I am gonna suck it up and wear some compression, at least for part of the day. I know enough people out there with trailers, I can slip in and remove it if it is too much.

Will check on my Violets in the morning!!! Hugs!!


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I am back on the daily plate, logging info. I 'calculated' what I need to eat to lose 2lbs a week, it says 2010 calories, but I'm aiming for 1,700.

I had ribs and corn at Cracker Barrell.. and HALF of a root beer float.. ate the corn and like 1 bite of the ribs.. so tallied up in daily plate and I did about 1,400 calories. Good day for me. Motivates me to see it written down, that I did ok.

Tracking makes me accountable, maybe some of you struggling should try doing it (or doing it again if you use to) to see how it could help.

Talked to mom tonight about sister going into rehab, apparently it's worse than I thought.. she's been snorting oxycoton and heroin for months, so she's actually going through the withdrawals, etc.. they have her in detox right now.. she'd broken her hand several times in the past couple of months, apparently so she could get pain meds. Crazy stuff, mom put my name on the small list of people allowed to 'call and leave notes' for my sister, and can visit on Sundays.. so guess I'll call tomorrow and leave some inspirational quote.. she said they write it down and post it on the bulletin for them. I still am amazed my sister got into drugs after watching our brother go through this. He got off the hardcore drugs (or did for a while anyway, I question it these days) and he went from a smart funny guy to literally like.. an imbocele (sp??). He's just plain stupid now, he literally fried his brain.. and its a sad thing to see.. rambling.


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Oh and the candy did catch up to me, I'm at 224lb.. now up 3lb in 3 days.. heh.

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you are so tall and tiny... so even though you might not see it, maybe you are just adjusting or shifting to your last loss? You can do it.

Terry... I agree with what you said 100%.

I am so stressed I am mental... Today is the day for Kev to shit or get off the pot...so needless to say i'm a mess...and a different kind of mess than normal with him, almost a "omg.... my life is going to change and I'm not going to be single anymore".... maybe this is really it? I feel like pre wedding jitters type of thing....

If you don't hear from me later you know he is here and we are getting things settled


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Hey All,

I love those beads..they are really cute. I usually prefer to "wear my food" on my ass, but a necklace would be cute too!...lol, I crack myself up!

:shades_smile::lol: roflmao...that cracked me up. Thanks, I REALLY needed that! I am glad Keesha got hoh last night. I hope she puts Jesse up but I doubt she will.

MMMMMM and I don't know what's changed lately, like the asking how much I lost, making compliments, etc. died down for months (understandably).. and I'm not losing anymore at the moment, just maintaining (and maybe gaining), but the past few days I've had a lot of people say stuff..

that is fantastic Laura...you need to use those NSVs as fuel to help you stay on track. This may sound dumb but I say alot of dumb stuff so here goes...for me it seems tougher since I am not getting those NSVs anymore. I got the "oh well, its over" mindset. Then the complacency took over and now it has turned inot out & out depression. Take those compliments & run with them. You are doing great and I know you will keep on!!

Ok, DH is sitting here watching a poker tournament on TV and one of the guys just said, "You got to go in with a positive attitude and you'll be a winner." Hmmmm. Is that where we've all gone wrong? Did we get off track when the pounds stopped melting off and lose our winning attitude? Did that just put us back in that mindset of "Oh well, I guess I failed at this, too. Might as well go get a milkshake." You got it sista! I had the winning attitude until I felt like I won...then my mind kicked into a "OK, now what". It is way hard to get the winning attitude back....as you have probably already figured out.:lol: We (or at least I) need to get off the pity pot and do something.:unsure:

All I know is that I feel FAT. 182.5 today. I hear ya sista

Bleh. I hear ya...still (I am part of the AMEN choir today, lol)

I am going to try what a horrible word

Home again, home again, not dancin' no jig----I'm too tired!!! LOL!

Had a nice time with Sofi, she is going through some tough times, her brother was just diagnosed with cancer, he is at MD Anderson now, they have removed all his lymph nodes, and his liver is invaded, but they do not know the origin of it yet. He is only 23!

In Houston? If so he is in the BEST hands! So young! :scared2:

Terry... I agree with what you said 100%. me too....

I am so stressed I am mental... Today is the day for Kev to shit or get off the pot...so needless to say i'm a mess...and a different kind of mess than normal with him, almost a "omg.... my life is going to change and I'm not going to be single anymore".... maybe this is really it? I feel like pre wedding jitters type of thing....

You are going to be GREAT! One way or anoher things are going to work out wonderful. It might suck in the beginning but anything worthwhile takes some work, sweat and tears.

Hey, I just reread my last sentence to Jenn and a light came on.:shades_smile:

WE are fantastic everyone! Have you noticed that the compliments even on this thread have basically stopped (for the most part) We are each others inspiration. Maybe the internal and external compliments have stopped because we are beginning to look "normal" to everyone. Isn't that the biggest compliment of all?:frown: For me, right now it is the fear that has hold of me but I can not let it drag me down too far. If I do I will be 3something again in no time. Gaining a pound a day is not acceptable and that is what I have been doing too. The past week I have stopped that cycle. The wheels were turning backwards, now they are at a stop and today is the day to pedal forward again. Hear me Terry? Today, not Friday :thumbup:

I think suzie had a good idea the other day about naming at least one NSV. That is VERY theraputic. At first I could not think of one and then I started thinking about NSVs more. Here is mine...

I went to the beach this past weekend with my dd for the first time in her 5 year old life. You would have not caught me dead at the beach a year ago in a bathing suit....remember how I was stressing just to get in a bathing suit in front of my family?....now I wear one at the pool, at the beach and I do not think twice about it. OMG, how wonderful is that? Is that worth giving up ice cream...CAN I GET A HELL YEAH!

Wow, I am gonna get off my rejuvinated butt and do something....have a great day everyone!!

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Ok then, Tracy, I WILL go to the gym on Friday! Just watch me! I can't today because after work I have to go to the hospital. I've been there every night this week after long long days at work. :lol: I'm off tomorrow and will roll out of bed and straight to the gym. I'll do it again on Saturday, too. So there. :thumbup:

NSV today? DH complimented me very nicely.

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      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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