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Shrinkin' Violets- Part 2 Read Here

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Hi all --

Thank sooo much for all the hugs, girlz. It means so much to have you all in our corner. I had the day from HELL at work today (board meeting on Wednesday) then straight to the hospital. Just getting home. Mom is a little better. Endoscopy tomorrow to see what's going on with her esophagus. Hallucinations are almost gone.

Laura - good luck on your test!

TracyK - with a storm in the gulf, aren't you glad you aren't working?!?! Poor Macy (missing her friends)...:biggrin: There are lots of playgroups in neighborhoods and local Y's etc, aren't there? Does your neighborhood have a newsletter or website?

Judy - You sure haven't gotten much pool time this summer, have you!? Well, at least you are enjoying your Wii! I may have to do a little research on it myself. At this rate I'll never get back to the gym. Don't know why I keep paying for it every month!

Pamela - I wish you were here to make me laugh! I wish we all lived closer.

TracyinKS - Don't get me started on "nuns". They scare the crap outta me. I went to Catholic schools. 'Nuf said.

Jane - Did you look for school district jobs today?

Kat - Do you ever sit still? Glad you had fun and are back home safe and sound. Is your TT all healed finally?

Suzie - Hi! Hope you're enjoying your pool. You sure deserve it!

Jenn - So you're partying with the guys after work?? hmmm?? Who is your #1 prospect for the wedding if Kev isn't going? Where is the army guy stationed? Glad to have you back.

Haydee - Wedding report please!!

Hey! I got 2 more orders for jewelry today!! Woo hoo!

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Hi girlies, I am home, and exhausted! It is after midnight...so I am off to bed, will be home in the morning I think, then it is off to shuttle kids---that's what I get for having a good driving record!! Tomorrow is 2 rodeos, and a volleyball tournament, and getting the ones who volunteered for the little rodeo (they do it for the handicapped kids) back to the fairgrounds!!

TT is healed, pulled another length of stitch stuff out today----hoping it is ok---it works its way out, I have to pull it!

Will catch up with you all tomorrow, I am off to the shower and bed. HUGS~~


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Morning gals

Terry, glad mom is better...

Yes... hanging with all kinds of people... I don't really have anyone in mind for the wedding because me... well I have high hopes... but trust me... i will go from hanging with the boys for searching for one to date and bring to the wedding.

Army guy is in AL somewhere... I don't remember the city because I am only familiar with Navy bases but he was really nice.... too bad so far away

Well, 6am and i'm off to work... i'm tired today

Have a great day everyone

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Good Morn, Vi's~~

Had the big PTA budget meeting here last night... 3 hrs of fun!... now we have lots to follow up on & get going with before school starts in a MONTH!

Just lots of running kids around these next couple weeks... at least August we get into a kind of routine w/activities (yeah, EVERY DAY is a routine, right??)... ha ha... + work...

So I'll pop in when I can...


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Jenn-it is so good to wake up and see youo posting again. How did I get back to where I am....ummmm, stuffing my face, eating the wrong things BUT, I am still a non-smoker. I have had lots of changes and been stressed and anxious. I am a stay at home mom now. Quit my job after 18 years ...EEK! DH just started his new job yesterday. So now that everything is back to normal I am just trying to get back on track now and lose what I gained. I am going to get a fill (soon I hope) when the money flow gets back to normal. If I can just not gain 20 more pounds before my fill I will be in good shape....lol How are your kids doing? Enjoying the summer?

Terry-I have called the Y (great minds think alike, right?). Right now with the membership fee, we just can't right now. Unfortunately by the time we could join, it will be back to school time. I have also looked on craigs list for play groups but it is basically SAHMs wanting to make some money while your child plays with their child (babysitters masqeurading as playgroups)...not a bad deal if you are the SAHM that is making the money...lol. If it weren't already so late in the summer I would start one. I ran into a mom of one of macys friends from daycare and told her what was going on and gave her my number so she can call me to let the girls play together. That would mainly be a weekend kind of thing though :biggrin: I just do not know what to to. It is times like this I wish she would have been twins...at least she would have someone to play with. I am glad that your mom is doing a little better. Prayers are still going out for her! (and you)

Kat-you are making me tired just reading about what all you have going on! WHEW!

DH found out a cool perk about his new job....they reimburse us half of any gym membership we have! Pretty nice, right? That is worth looking into! I want a Wii Fit but OMG...talk about expensive if you are having to buy all of it at once! Too much going on right now. Maybe Santa will bring me one? Doesn't hurt to dream....

I will be back later! Have a great day violets!

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OH OH....Pamela!!! I have been meaning to tell you but I forget...

I got your postcard this past weekend! Better late than never, right?! Thanks, I loved it! I also bought you a b-day card and it is sitting right next to me with Suzie and Terrys get better cards....I am out of stamps and never remember to get them when I am out! lol It is a cute card too! Maybe I will scan the cards & e-mail them to ya'll. LOL

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Hi girls, I'm back!! Both weddings were wonderful and I can't wait to tell ya'll all about them. I've got a few meetings here at work that I need to get ready for but I'll be back later. Missed ya'll!!

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Good Morning, Violets..

I'm running late today. Eating my omelette in front of the computer. I did 40 min. on the wiifit this morning. It's really fun to see the improvement on scores and hopefully on me!

Terry.. continued prayers for your mom. Hope she's doing better today.

Suzie... 19-4 Tigers over Royals. hmmmmmmmm maybe I shouldn't wear the Royals shirt, eh?

Laura.. purple power to you for all the testing!

Jenn....so good to see you posting again! You were missed a LOT!

Well, the Bobster broke down yesterday and filled the hot tub back up again. I can't go that long without being in Water, so at least tonight I can get in and do some exercises and relax a bit. *wink, wink* The sun is out today so I should turn the pool pump and solar panels on. Can't believe how much rain we are getting here!!!

Michelle... school starts in a month!!! YIKES, time flies when yer having fun!!

DD Kris is doing well except for feeling sick in the afternoons, but it's killing me not to be able to say anything about her being pregnant yet! She says not until after she's heard the heartbeat. That won't be until Aug. 8 when she goes for her sonogram. After that I'll be blabbing to EVERYBODY!!! I understand her not wanting to say anything until she's sure everything is ok, but dang, I remember telling everyone when I was only a month along!! Course that was back in the good old days. :eek:

Just ate my last bite of Breakfast so I better get my hair curled and make up on and get out the door. Everyone have a great day!!!

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HELLO STRANGE WORLD! ohhh I mean violets!

Jenn: SOOOOO GLAD TO SEE YOU POSTING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Terry: I guess I missed something big about your mom when I skipped several pages of posts from last weekend... ( bad Tracy!) Hugs woman!

TracyK: LUCKYASSDOG!!!!!!!!!!!!! sahm

Haydee: Can't wait for the report.

Michelle: Rararee kickem in the knee... go........ pta mom!

Suzie: IT IS SOOOOOOOOO HOT HERE THIS WEEK! I hope you are soaking in that pool! (but you are probably at work filling in)

Jane: school district jobs?? what?? I must of missed something

Pamela: How are you doing my lovely?

Laura: How is miss skinny ass today?

Judy: You are rocking on that wii fit!

Kat: are you guys going to sturgis? if so, let me know where your staying and we can hook up....

speaking of sturgis.. I got my lap top set up for wireless.. and the KOA has free wifi.. COOL BEANS.. and you betcha butt I'm not using a PTO time, for the day I'm working!

My sister is finally marrying her long time live in man........ (he's only asked about 100 times) her baggage and FINALLY she gave him a date.. November 2008. I'm so excited for her.

Still 176 this morning............ and just imagine if I actually drank ANY WATER!!!!!!!!!!!! (I am such a bad example!!!!) Ice cream, tacos, and dt. dr pepper, oh and coffee............ who wants to come slap me up side the head!

OK........... let the beating begin

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Hi ladies, another busy day here. I skipped the morning rodeo--and was not scheduled for any other volunteer things. I will be heading out about noon, taking my horse today, gonna take it easy, and give directions and move around up high!!!

Have to tell you what I DID yesterday! We have a single elimination volleyball tournament going on as well. Because some of the events are so spread out, there is little for the kids to do in between times. So we have hot tubs and pools, and several games of sorts. Well we ended up with kids from 46 states, 5 Canadian provinces, and Australia. So when the info went out about the volleyball tournament, we got 40 teams signed up. We began yesterday---and it continues this afternoon, but since I judged some yesterday I cannot today. Anyway several of us were messing around with some of the kids who were warming up for their game--and girls I actually played volleyball again!!!! I had a blast, and it felt good!!! I am going to look into the league play here again. I used to play volleyball and softball all the time, til my weight stopped me. Now I might be too old but I am sure as heck gonna try!!!

Terry---good luck on Moms tests today!

Judy---we get clouds built up and wind blows, and we get a 6" rain every afternoon......a drop every 6 inches.....enough to make a pretty mess when the dirt blows then! The temp does not drop----it remains hot. Of course it does, I don't have a pool for it to torment!

TracyK---maybe you could get the friends # and call her and offer a day for her to leave her DD with you as opposed to the daycare once in awhile? Maybe a weekly Sunday School class would put her in touch with some new kids. And most are offering some sort of Summer bible school program around now----a week of fun. Ours this year is built around a safari theme. It is 3 hours a day for a week. You could volunteer to help so you would still be together, and she would be with kids. Kinsey cannot go til next year she is too young.

TracyKS, yes the plan is to hit Sturgis---we have camp spots at Buffalo Chip. They have been in our little group for 7 years now!!! It is all up in the air right now. They guy Rick works with---they are 2nd in command---they have a big boss, then it is them, and they share the job duties,with opposing schedules, so one of them is required to be there at all times, or available by phone to get there. Anyway, his son has been diagnosed with a fairly serious hole in his heart. They noticed his lips and eye lids getting really dark, while his hands would lose almost all color. He is full blood Navajo, so he is a dark little boy anyway--he is 4--and when they began looking into it, they found the heart issue. So he is looking at surgery,and we don't know when. I will pull the camp pass and look up the address! How fun would that be to get together!!!

Pamela---I am seriously jealous of your skinny dipping! SERIOUSLY!

Laura, sorry the class is kicking your butt---you will kick back I have no doubt---good luck!

Michelle---it is hard to believe school is a month away! PTA back up and running!

Haydee---glad the weddings were great! We have a friends DD getting married in Vegas this weekend. We can't go because I commited to the rodeo stuff. She is having a beach themed wedding, hawaiian clothes, and she is being brought in on a surf board......and yesterday they found out they have a whole 7 minutes for the ceremony!!!! How sad is that??? 2 hours further, and she could have had it on the beach itself! I am excited to hear of your planner debut!!!

Jenn---choose a date carefully!!!

Jane---how exciting to think of a career change! Any more heart issues? I worry about that, when do you see your Dr.?

Suzanne--are you out working extra shifts, or are you skinny dipping too? I am sooooo jealous, and yet so happy for you!!!

Well I better get going, I need to load tack and hay.

OH!!!!! I also forgot to tell you! I went before the show the other day to the trade center, and bought me a new pair of Rockies (cowgirl jeans---high waisted, which I thought might work similarly to my compression) I bought size 11!!!!!!!!!!! I am wearing them today to ride all day, they will hold my muscles snuggly. I need to look at my western shirts for something light colored. I own 3 pairs of boots, black, brown, and tan-----I don't have the pinks, and purples, and greens the girls do, so.....gonna go neutral!!! And light, it is hotter than Hades out there!! One thing about it, you can wear a cowboy hat to shade you and no one looks at you twice, you fit right in!!!

Catch you all this evening!!!


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KAT: Rockies run small!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! so you are one flat bellied skinny butt!!!! We are camping at the Custer KOA (yeah a LONG way from the Chip, but we are taking the 11 year old.. so the CHIP would be a BIG NO NO! LOL) Hopefully we can meet up. I will be working from the campground Monday 8/4/08.

Ok.. back to work

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Hey Girlies~

I GOT THE "GO AHEAD" ON STARTING MY INTERVIEWS!!! OMG...HERE WE GO! I'll be working on this over the next few weeks, and am very excited. Please keep your fingers crossed for me. I want this over w/ in about 6 months...maybe less!

TracyKS and Kat~ My friend is going to Sturgis also. Actually, she reminds me of Tracy and her boyfriend looks like Charles (kind of). Her name is Steph and her man is Bob. They will be on a Harley...you should look for 'em...LOL HAHAHAHAHAHAH! Anyway...hope you ALL have fun.

Terri~ I would LOVE to make you smile and laugh!

So glad you got the post card Tracy. I sent one to every Violet...some friends are just getting 'em this week!

Gotta run an errand w/ Susanne, then off to buy tapes to record the interviews!!!


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Hey V's, just popped in to confess. It's killin me, I need someone to tell me to STOP!

With class problems (I've never failed before, I'm on self-destruct mode).. and then PMS hit like a sonofagun.. and ends up sister is going to rehab for drugs.. jeez. Anyway, been a heckuva week.. I bought a BAG of snickers & reese cups. Let me tell you what I ate yesterday:

B'fast: glass of milk

Lunch: chips & Salsa & Chips dipped in broc & cheese Soup

Dinner: About 8 reese cups, 7 snicker bars, a whole movie theater size box of bunchacrunch, and a small popcorn with enough butter to drown a small child. Medium Mt. Dew (ack?!)

In Bed Snack: Peanut M&M's and more reese cups


Night before, I actually ate so much candy I got SICK.. and it was more than yesterdays list. 20 minutes after gorging on candy, it wasn't band talking, I actually just got nauseated and heaved for a while... It's gross, I don't know what I'm doing?!?!?!? I keep saying, I am going home and tossing the bags of candy, this is ridiculous I lost all sense of will power.. DH didn't say one word because as I bought the candy I made a comment about killer PMS so he's not going to try to stop me.

Ok what is wrong with me, why am I doing this? :eek: ;) :w00t:

I actually weighed myself last night, 222lb. 1lb (so far). ARGH. Stupid me, stop stop.

I have 3 weeks left till the composite test for this last anatomy test.. last week was Urinary System (then I take a quiz.. made a 70).. this week is Digestive system--which thank god actually makes more sense because I read about this stuff with diets, then a quiz this week.. next week I don't know what we're doing yet (it's not released till the Monday), then a quiz.. and beginning of August is the last composite test over these 3 systems.

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:seeya: I wanna slap you Tracy!! :ihih:

Laura-when you figure it out...let ME know. That is what I was doing to myself....at least you can stop at 1 pound still. Wish I could! Use me as an example of what NOT to do :)

Edited by TracyK

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Home for a few minutes, dropping Dew off, and grabbing something to eat. Last night I had these little sausage things, which were ok, they were all Protein, not great nutrition, but the sausage---I did not chew it well, and it gave me fits!!! I had heart burn all night, and burped the dang sausage all night!

Today was fun, I actually got to stay in the arena inside, and rode all day, my feet are not aching!!!

Tonight though, I will be on my feet!! I am going to help serve a dinner to the cowboy prom goers. Should be fun. I plan on grabbing a steak for myself and calling that dinner!!!

Well girls here is what I did. I know it sounds like I am simply delaying, but this week is chaotic, so I plan to do this come Monday. I went to Walmart and went to the new school supplies stuff that is everywhere, bought me a new notebook, and come Monday I plan to journal, and track food, and Water, and exercise, and see if I can come up with a good reason I am stalled. I am doing lots! I am just afraid with no fill, I am eating lots more than I should. Then I have to make a decision, whether I like my life as it is, or whether I seriously want to put out some effort and make my goal. Which I do, just so I can say I did it! I am ok with my overall size now I guess, I just have lots of jiggly parts I seriously need to get tightened up!!! And losing another 10-15 pounds would make me very happy!!!

I go to get my after pictures done on the 4th......hope to drop to 175 by then, at least close to weighing what I should for what he removed!

Candy has not been an issue. The last few days when I am out at the fairgrounds, I have done lots of sugary ice though, they do not have a sugar free option, so I just eat what they have and it is nothing but sugar water I know!!!

Becky is here, bbl~~


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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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