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Shrinkin' Violets- Part 2 Read Here

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Good evening. Violets..

The Bobster and I are going out to eat. It's just so much cheaper for us to go out and share a meal than for me to cook and have tons of left overs. That's my story and I'm stickin' to it!

Will check back later..

Judy, I AM convinced that it's cheaper to eat out these days! If you consider that I always end up throwing out sooooo much stuff! It's ridiculous. We never know how our week is going to go so it's hard to plan. A basket-full of groceries these days is $225! Fah-get that!
Note to self: Avoid the Verizon store on Saturday afternoons! WOW is that crowded! If only ds hadn't dropped his phone into the toilet this morning... splash...
Michelle - my DD has dropped her phone in the pool twice...each time we put the phone under a light bulb for 2 days and it 'healed' itself!! Try it!

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Good evening, Violets..

Well, it's a good thing the Bobster and I split a meal. We ordered the prime rib special. Got the biggest cut so we'd both have enough Protein. I got the salad and he got Soup. I had two grape tomatoes and a little bit of lettuce and had to rush to the bathroom. I ended up eating just a few bites of the meat, 1/2 the baked potato and then pb'd one more time. So much for a good meal. Don't know why I feel so tight lately. I tried grapes and they did me in. And green grapes used to be my favorite fruit. OH well.. it's a small price to pay for the new me.

I'm going to head to bed as I'm getting up and going to church with the Bobster tomorrow. We have a meals for 8 dinner in the evening. 4 couples from church meet at a home and each couple brings a different part of the meal. I am bringing a spinach/strawberry salad. Super easy to fix and everyone seems to like it. Unfortunately I can't eat it as raw spinach doesn't go down easy anymore.

Didn't get in the pool today cause I didn't have much free time and it only got up to 78 Water temp. grrrrrrrrrrrrrr Some summer we're having here.

Everyone have a good night and sleep well.

Jenn... you still reading 15 pages???? Talk to us, woman!!!

Catch you all tomorrow!

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How did that happen? Anyways I do love it when things heal over the span of a couple days. I am a true believer in that!!!

Does anyone know if I can save my old ticker, but get a new one until I get back to my 'old' band weight? Am I making sense? If not can someone read my mind?

I need a new job! I need to do something that will pay okay but with good benefits. I have an Associates degree in arts-general transfer, and of course my hair dressers degree. I like working with people, but don't know if I want so much contact again. Anyone with any ideas? I am pretty open to different hours of work, but no Sundays. I need a job that has benefits. Health insurance costs are eating me alive. I am paying $586 a month for a plan that has a deductible of $2500, plus 20% of the next $25,000. I can't get cheaper insurance already have tried. You know it is kind of crazy that no one wants somebody with a brain tumor and had ovariian cancer!! Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated.


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Ok ladies - Here's a picture of the outside of my house since they finished it...I can't take a picture of the finished inside because they won't let anyone in since they finished the inspections last week until we do our walk through and take possession of the house. We sign our loan docs on Monday (hopefully if they're ready) and do our first and hopefully only walk through on Monday....if we do, we should get the keys no later than Wednesday or Thursday at the latest...depending on when escrow closes.

Here's a picture so far:


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ohhh denise they got it up so quick!! it's GORGEOUS, i love it!!! And look at skinny you!!!!

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Good Morning, Violets..

I'm sitting here waiting for the Bobster to get back from Walmart getting some things he needs for his children's sermon today, then we're off to church. I wasn't quite ready when he was so he left a bit early. It's a chilly, rainy day here once again. Story of our summer so far. I'm glad I went to the art fair yesterday cause it's gonna be a mess there today with all the Water. And of course now I'm going to have to empty some water out of my pool since the filter can't work when the water level is so high. grrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

Everyone have a great day!! Relax, enjoy and make good choices.

Denise.. your house looks beautiful. Can't wait to see pics of the inside. And I agree with Laura.. look at skinny you!!!!

Laura.. what the heck are you doing up at 3:30 a.m.??????

Jane.. wish I could help. Getting a good job with benefits is so tough these days. And reading in the news that benefits are certainly not a guarantee when you retire. GM workers are finding that out the hard way. My fingers are crossed that my benefits won't be touched or I'm screwed!!

Bob's back.. gotta run!!!

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Morning Vi's~

Denise...wowser! The house is beautiful. First think I thought of was that this is where Christmas'es (sp) are gonna be w/ the grandbabies!!! It looks amazing...and so do you btw! Many blessed years for you and your family!xoxo

Jane...you might wanna try the school district. There are MANY different jobs, some w/ people, some in offices, some w/ kids (few), sooo many different avenues and opportunities for people. Go online to your local distict page and check it out. The reason I say it cause the benefits are great!!!

Well, I am trying to do the low carb thing. Been pretty good, but i think I am "cheating" w/ the veggies (doesn't that sound weird). Last night we had baked lemon salmon (off the hook) and steamed cauliflower and brocc! For lunch it was a salad, and Breakfast was eggs, cott cheese and strawberries (small bit of each and the eggs had cheese and salsa). Am I doing this right? Anyone know some helpful hints, ideas, sites? I know TracyKS is big into it...but ya'll are too, right? I can't find my Protien Power book.

Yesterday we went skinny dipping again. We both hung on either side of a raft, and just floated for about 30 min. talking...it was so relaxing. (Sorry about your swimming delay Judy, heres hoping for an Indian Summer). My friend Steph (we are babysitting her dog now) will be back today, and Susanne is painting her living room later. Anyway, she will be gone for 2 weeks! WooHOo...skinny dipping for 2 weeks. I know, I know...not so skinny...but water!

Ok, I am off. Gonna go play some scrabb until the sun comes up!


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Jane - Pamela had a great idea there! I've always thought I'd like to work in a school if we ever move out of this God-forsaken city. You should definitely look online...good thing is that they usually post all their job openings there. You could even cut hair on Saturday mornings for extra $$.

Denise - your house is gorgeous!! Can't wait to see the inside!! Lucky dog! Did you already put in a pool too?? Or have plans for one? Isn't it a requirement for people in California?

Yesterday was a bad day for Mom.... she was hallucinating badly and thought she was a the beauty shop and had no way home....was calling me to come get her. Then she realized she didn't have a "home" anymore and was crying asking if she could come stay with me. ;) It was so sad. So I cancelled my plans and rushed over there. She was OK by the time I got there, cheerily eating her lunch and a CNA was sitting with her to keep her company. She took a nap and when she woke up she was very confused by the noises her roommate was making (curtain between them), frightened and asking who was over there...was it teenagers??? She then, of course, forgot that she was unable to walk and tried to get out of bed when I turned my back...so up go the bed rails. It's getting really hard now to resist wishing the Good Lord would just take her....I'm crying just typing the words....but I can't stand the thought of her being frightened by her surroundings. It's one thing to be sick...but to be frightened and confused on top of it is just too much. She also has esophagitis and her one pleasure--eating--is taken away too. Purple Power, please.

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Morning everyone

What a great feeling.... drinking my coffee checking in with my gals... I so missed that.

Where to start... I have been a little stressed out... love my job but was only part time and it was costing me $175 a week just for gas to get there so i got behind on my bills again, Kev... (don't need to say any more about that)... I met a guy... and we have been hanging out... but it is all fun, he doesn't want anything and we all know i'm too mental over kev to be in a full swing relationship... so works out great..... The boys on the job ... OMG... I've have lots of offers... but I'm not ready... August I will be... remember I gave Kev a deadline... and I don't know if i'm ready to give him up but after Aug 1 I will look for something more serious with someone else. I might have been borderline ready since I got back in May.

I am holding 203 which sucks but i'm happy there for now...I between loosing again, not able to eat right and the stress... I lost so much more hair it is disgusting... it would have been ok but since i lost the same amount last year i actually have bald spots.

So.... Problem #1 solved, I turned in my lease early and got a Malibau - it was a rental, 2007... my car payment is $50 less a month and gas is $50-70 a week so that is a huge help...

Work problem... I went from working 20 hrs a week to 45.. The owner of the company and VP and my direct boss loves me and I think they are going to offer me a job...and I got an offer from a local construction company for next spring when this job is over. so this is the best thing in the world for me!!!

Boy problem.... we will see in 2 weeks.. .but I am invited to lots of social events, infact, Monday night I'm going to an event for the place I'm building which is a beer distribution warehouse and there are lots of people.

Hair problem... don't know about that either... but i'm going to the dr on the 30th so i'll see....

Denise.... your house is beautiful

Pamela = you are right I so deserve that... but $300 later i have my laptop back... so now you get me back

I'll be in and out today, I worked at the pizza shop last night and i have not done that since June 1 so my ass is kicked, i'm going to get my nails done and hope the sun comes out so i can nap in the sun... we are having a steak bbq today and then i'm going to see my other friend tonight... not sure whhere we are going yet.

I am not caugt up reading... and maybe more than 15 pages...

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I'm so sorry about your mom.... HUGS

Jane - Pamela had a great idea there! I've always thought I'd like to work in a school if we ever move out of this God-forsaken city. You should definitely look online...good thing is that they usually post all their job openings there. You could even cut hair on Saturday mornings for extra $$.

Denise - your house is gorgeous!! Can't wait to see the inside!! Lucky dog! Did you already put in a pool too?? Or have plans for one? Isn't it a requirement for people in California?

Yesterday was a bad day for Mom.... she was hallucinating badly and thought she was a the beauty shop and had no way home....was calling me to come get her. Then she realized she didn't have a "home" anymore and was crying asking if she could come stay with me. ;) It was so sad. So I cancelled my plans and rushed over there. She was OK by the time I got there, cheerily eating her lunch and a CNA was sitting with her to keep her company. She took a nap and when she woke up she was very confused by the noises her roommate was making (curtain between them), frightened and asking who was over there...was it teenagers??? She then, of course, forgot that she was unable to walk and tried to get out of bed when I turned my back...so up go the bed rails. It's getting really hard now to resist wishing the Good Lord would just take her....I'm crying just typing the words....but I can't stand the thought of her being frightened by her surroundings. It's one thing to be sick...but to be frightened and confused on top of it is just too much. She also has esophagitis and her one pleasure--eating--is taken away too. Purple Power, please.

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Good Morning Ladies.

I slept pretty good last night. Wonder if it's the muscle relaxer that is helping me get beeter sleep. I think it is.

Good News. They didn't have to operate on Linda. They said it wasn't her appendix, they were than thinking that maybe her colon was pushing on something in that side of her body. So Linda is back to work. Lucky me, I wasn't really looking forward to covering her shift and Jill's shift all this week.

Denise, Wow to you and the house. You look tremendous. Are those solar panels on the roof?

Terry, Purple Power to you and your MOM. Hugs.

It's supposed to be very hot and humid today. Heat index will be right around 101. Yikes.

Don't know if I want to stay inside with the air conditioning or stay outside in the pool. Maybe a little of both.

Hope Everyone has a great day.

Hugs to all.

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Good morning violets!

Jenn-it is so good to see you posting again! Looks like things are looking up for you sista! I am happy about that :drool:

Terry-prayers to you and your mom. I am so sorry for what you are going through. I know how it hurts you to wish that God would take her, I totally understand. (((hugs)))

Denise-beautiful house! I'll bet you are SO excited! Have you started packing yet?! lol

Judy-reading your post about your PBs last night made me think about something. When I was tighter I PBd alot AND my stomach growled all the time. But, I was losing weight too (I guess due to not eating as much, go figger!). Solidifies my choice to get filled back up. I wish I did not have to wait 1 or 2 more months to do it though... ;)

Pamela-I saw 2 rotties at the SPCA yesterday. A male and a female. I love rotties but am too scared to get ones from the SPCA. They are already a year old so I do not know their background or anything. When I saw them I thought of you and your dog :lol:

Sorry I can't do any more personals right now...gotta run.

Going to the beach today :tt2: Take care!!!!!!

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Jenn~ Love to see you again...we really missed the balance you bring to the group. Now, all is right in the world.

Terri~OMG do I know what you are going through. Gpa had morphine AND Alzhiemers (sp) and what a ride that combo yeilded. Then when Mom's oxygen levels got low during the last 2 months of her life, she had the strangest thoughts too...scared the shit out of me. I told her once that I needed to call John (cause she was on the floor for 5 hours and I couldn't get her up). She looked at me and said, "oh, is he still alive?" WTF...I hated those 2 months. Anyway sistah, I have walked in your shoes...you are NOT alone, and I am here if you wanna talk! xoxoxoxoxoxooxxoox

We had a flash flood here this morning. Like really bad. Guess what I learned??? I have a leak in my window. The window that sits ABOVE the leather couch. THANK GOODNESS I BOUGHT SHAMS! WOW it rained so hard and for a good solid hour!


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Denise - your house is gorgeous!! Can't wait to see the inside!! Lucky dog! Did you already put in a pool too?? Or have plans for one? Isn't it a requirement for people in California?

Terri, Purple Power to you and your mom....

No we don't have a pool yet as I couldn't afford another $30,000 this year, but we DID buy a corner lot and will start putting the pool in next year. I think it IS a requirement seeing as it gets 115 degrees here! lol

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      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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