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Shrinkin' Violets- Part 2 Read Here

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Hey Vi's~ Sorry, but y = y now:biggrin:!

Well, 15 days, 4 countries, 8 different airplanes,5 different beds...we are home! Yesterday was BRUTAL. We actually traveled for 26 hours. We arrived home @ midnight CA time, but it felt like 9 am Tuesday morning to us! We got to Atlanta and had to go through immigration, get our bags, go through customs, then recheck our bags to CA. We finally went to bed about 12:30 am...and you guessed it...I was up at 3:33am WIDE EYED AND BUSHY TAILED. Ground some fresh coffee Beans, made some coffee and decided to pop over here. Needless to say Tuesday is a wash for us. Trying to catch up on AMC and take many naps. I need to go to the store though. I am starting induction or something close to it. Protien and salads and veggies for me. I will miss the fresh baked breads EVERY morning, w/ cold cuts. Germany was amazing. Susanne got her mom tons of seasonings she uses to make lots of yummy foods. Her mom will be here this weekend, so then I will go back to my protien, salad and veggies after the weekend.

Tracy~ Sending you powerful thoughts, energy and love for your appointment today. You made me cry w/ that post about losing her.Hang tough sweetie!xoxo

TracyK and Jane~ Did ya'll watch season opening of BB? I was bummed I had to miss it, but will go online later and check out the new houseguests. Jane, I'll get the gum in the mail later this week.

Last night, on the last leg of our trip (from Atlanta to Ontario, CA) there was a soldier on board, taking the casket of a fallen soldier home to his family. I was sleeping and heard the captain say, that he wanted us all to stay seated as he leaves the plane to go down stairs to the belly to get the casket. OMG I burst out bawling. I was so tired and it broke my heart to think of that family. As tired as we were, we watched through the window as the flag draped casket was removed from the plane. His family was there and a minister to bless the body. The Army soldiers were there in formal formation (that sounds weird) as they put the casket in the limo. There were people watching from the terminal and you could hear sniffles. Grown men wiping their eyes, etc. Susanne and I were bawling. I am tearing up just thinking about it.

Gonna post now. BBL...haven't played scrabble in 2 weeks. Got to get a cup of Joe too!

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Welcome home, PamELa! What a touching story...

Regular day today... work, errands, housework! Woot!

TracyKS, you are in my good thoughts today! Sending purple power your mom's way!!

Pam, I'm w/you on induction... if I can do it!! The mind is willing but the body is weak... ugh... I'm not up, but I'm not down, either... I guess I'm glad to know that I can do maintenance when the time comes!! lol... but that's NOT NOW!! Gotta keep reminding myself of that...

Make it a great one, Vi's!

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Good morning violets-

Tracy-i do not know what to say and I am rarely at a loss for words. I am so sorry for what you are going through (((hugs)))

Pamela-welcome home violet sista! I am so glad that you and Susanne made it home safely and that you had a good time! I did get to see BB and it loks like it is going to be good. AGAIN!

Kat-we will just deal with the ex with the time comes. She has been pretty fair so fair so I can not really complain that much. It could be alot worse from stories I hear from others. Is Kinsey better?

Michelle-welcome home to you too. Glad you had fun. I'll bet your dd will have fun with her g'parents! How far away is she?

Laura-your dad did awesome! That is a great accomplishent it is to go so far. I would LOVE to do that.

Haydee-hi chica! How are you? So I assume the new store got opened after the trouble you all had with the permits in the beginning? When are you looking to start your new job? I'll bet that makes you a little nervous/excited?!

Terry-are you all healed up? How happy are you with the results? I hope it is everything you had hoped for!

Jane-I wonder how much of a fill they will give you next week. How much did you have before? What would you like it to be?

Judy-I know that you wish it were warmer there for pool purposes but I would switch with you if I could! The 95-100 is getting old quick. I guess if I had a pool in my backyard I would not be complaining! :tongue_smilie:

Suzie-yay....you finally got your pool! Just a few more days and you should be just a memory on this board. You are going to be in your pool every waking hour and forget about all of us violets :tt1: I am jealous

Jennifer-I miss you still. :wink2:

If I missed anyone on the personals I apologize.

Macy is doing good on her swimming lessons. She finally went under without holding her nose. That is a huge deal to me cause I won't do it! lol I guess I have to do it now...practice what I preach kind of thing!

I am really adjusting to this sahm thing! Not that I really had any doubt cause it is what I have longed for. DH starts his new job on Monday. His high school has not sent in hs transcript for his new job yet though. They better get it over there by the end of the week cause it could cause him to not be able to start on Monday. That would suck bad! I will keep my fingers crossed. DH has an aunt that is on the school board so maybe she can pull a few strings.

Everyone have a great day...I need to go make dd some Breakfast. I will check in later :eek:

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Good morning..........

I am with you all on INDUCTION type of eating.............. I'm getting back on track today!

I just finished a glass of milk for Breakfast and I stopped by wallyworld on the way to work and picked up 6 of those tuna lunch kits....

So yeah... milk has carbs and so does the crackers in the lunch kits, but this will be FAR BETTER than Taco's and Blizzards! Managed to hang on to 178 this morning... so I know that if I got my ass in gear it would look more like 172.......... (and 172 would be 100 lbs lost)

Everyone I deeply appreciate the words the hugs the prayers...

I am so glad to read all the updates.. even if I don't respond to each one.. they really help me to keep my mind off things.

I just love my V's

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Good Morning, Violets..

Welcome back Pamela!!! We've missed you!!! Loved all your posts from Germanz. It brought back many memories of the time we spent there. Ahhhhhhhhh the bread, the meats... the CHOCOLATE!!! ok.. simmah down now.

Well, for the first time today a new routine began. Instead of rushing to the computer to get on lapband talk before anything else, I went right to Wiifit and did my body test and some training. My Wiifit age today was 40 so I'm feeling pumped and ready to do all my "stuff" for the day.

I tell ya, once I do the Wiifit and see my weight, it's a great incentive NOT to eat what I shouldn't. Bobster wanted to know if I wanted a milk shake last night.. He had pb'd pretty badly during the day and thought the milk shake would be good on his throat.. go figger. But I said no, I didn't want one cause I knew it would show up this morning on my body test. My weight is inching down by ounces, but I'll take it!!

Tracyinks... lots of prayers are with you and your family today. May they comfort and strengthen you all.

Suzie.. well, the sun is shining and I took the solar cover off the pool and turned on the pump, but nothing. The pump isn't running. Some switch is off and I don't know how to fix it and the Bobster is at meetings until after 1. I called and told him he needed to turn it back on when he got home. At least the sun is shining on the Water and that should help a little.

Tracy...hope that transcript gets there in time. Do they know how important it is that it get there by Friday?

Time to blow dry my hair and then get dressed for the day. Everyone have a good one. Catch ya later!!

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Well, that was a waste of time. Went to the hospital to do my work and nobody was in the nursing administration office. The door was locked to the office that has my key, so I just left a note saying I'd be back next week. Everything looked pretty caught up so I'm not concerned. Just wish they had thought about me coming in and left me the key to the file cabinets.

I got the pump working on the pool so hopefully it will warm up a bit!!!

Off to do some more sewing for Amelia.


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here I am, although not everyone! Cpap lady just left, my new cpap is so small. I am getting ready to go to work, no internet there, so loads of thoughts and prayers for good results for Tracy's mom.

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I'm here too. Been at Abbey's til she left to go to the Dr. Then I was dismissed rather quickly by her DH. I had no intentions of trying to barge into the Dr. with her. He had no issue with me being there with her, and I bet he is glad he won't be standing there doing dishes. And I even bet he might like the frozen cheese pizza I made sure he had on hand. To act a little decent would not kill him. I am worried about Abbey and possibly taking more out on him than I should....hard not to, he really can be a pompous ass kinda guy!

I skipped my rodeo meeting this morning to go be with Abbey----so not sure where we stand, with fitting everyone in. I feel like I helped out, hope others were as lucky as I was. We now have quarters for almost 30 families we did not last week! Hope the transportation worked out as well!!!

Rick goes on days off tomorrow, and will be off til next week. We had planned a trip out of town to a rally, but it is all hinging on how Abbey does.

Kinsey's mouth is feeling better, I think she is making a lunch out of celery!!! I had some on the counter I just chopped, and washed, laying on some paper towels so it drains a bit before I put it away, and I bet she has went in there and grabbed 6 pieces---3 full stalks!! She LOVES it!

Pamela----glad you are back safely. I can imagine how sobering that was as you landed. How sad for that family. I now only have 2 kids I know personally over there. My cousin come home, and now 2 friends kids are over there, one is one of Rick's best friends daughter, and then a neighbors son.

I am thrilled that you had such a good time, and that you got to see Susanne in her element----speaking with them and all. That was special!

Judy---sorry you made the trip to the hospital for no reason....that always annoys me! What type of outfits are you sewing for Amelia? I should try it again----I used to sew some for Manda----but now my sewing machine is buried, to make room for exercise equipment!!! LOL----choices, choices, choices!!!

I better go find Kinsey something to eat besides celery!!! Goofy kid!



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Judy, we require pics of all your new NSV outfits!!!!

And Terry, you have a good lighting pic of your eyes yet?? I really want to compare :o

Kat you keep sending all these touching e-mails, and as you all see, I send out the crude jokes.. teehee.

A big group of my family is going to Journey to the Center of the Earth. I had a big what-for argument with Russell last night about him putting that damn video game before me, and we'll see what happens. Tonight is one of his scheduled 'raid nights' where he vegges on the game.. but I asked him to go to the movie and surprisingly he said yes. Speaking of surprising.. he is doing good on Atkins, and I asked him if he weighed himself before he started. He said no, but he weighed himself about 3 weeks ago.. I asked what he was.. get this.. 217lbs?!?!?!?! OMG. I am 221lb.. he looks half my size!! I am like.. shocked. I knew he gained weight, but 217?????? He says I perceive myself bigger than I am, but I know I am not as small as he is.. and he's 4lbs lighter, and 1 inch shorter. Hm. He does have more muscle, but his pants are like 7 inches smaller than me (at least) and he wears size L shirts.

Anyway, he weighed after I asked.. and he said he's at 209lb. Yay him! :thumbup:)

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Laura----my sister in law in Denver, and some friends know I have been very stressed over my DD....actually both of them, so they are sending me emotional, uplifting emails----which I passed on.

Othertimes I get gross, or crazy ones----and when I do--I pass them on as well!!! Just sending what I am getting.

Or no that can't be it, I am just a nice, kind, loving person! That's my story and I'm stickin' to it!!!


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Hi Everyone!


Tracy - just wanted to check in especially to let you know I'm thinking of you and your family today. (((Hugs)))


Pammy - Welcome home!! I know zou will be happz to be in zour own bed!!! We are glad zou are back...can't wait for pics!!

Kat - Whatever this is worth to you, my kids are both very sensitive to commercial toothpaste and get sores in their mouth from the SLS (sodium laurel sulfate) that it's in just about all of them. Biotine is the only toothpaste they can use and I can only buy it at the pharmacy...for $8/tube!

Suzie - I'm happy for you!!!

Judy - Wanna trade weather for about a week or two? Please? Glad you're lovin' the Wii! That's so cool. Your 'gym' must be getting crowded!

TracyK - :thumbup: You go girl.

Haydee - Hi!!! What's the latest with Juan? Any updates worth mentioning? The People want to know!

Laura - Here are the before and after shots you asked for. Keep in mind that I still have 4 weeks before the swelling is all gone. The "after" should be getting better!

I FEEL SO FREAKIN' FAT. I've gained 5# this summer. This has got to GO. I've been very good so far today...no sugar! I wonder if I can go one whole day without it???:o


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Wow, that's awesome Laura, 209! What's his goal weight??

Hi Violets!! Busy day over here. My boss comes back from vacation on Thursday so we gotta make sure everything is in order.

Someone asked if our new location opened up yet... Yep, we opened up right before July 4th. Got all our permits in order. It's doing pretty good... It's out on Wallisville Road for you Houston girls...

Been busy at home too, trying to get ready for these two weddings. Friday is the one we're hosting at my mother in laws house. I think Tracy asked if I was a wedding coordinator. Yes I am! Juan's mom has this fabulous property with an old victorian house that she wasn't doing anything with. She converted the house to a bed and Breakfast and we want to host weddings and special events on the grounds. This friday is our first wedding. So excited and nervous. Trying to make sure we've got everything ready for our bride. Then my cousin gets married on Saturday. We fly out Saturday morning for that one. My family leaves Friday morning but since I have this wedding to do Friday night me and Juan are flying out Saturday morning...

I went and got shoes last night. Toooo cute, can't wait to show ya'll. I dropped off my dress to get altered yesterday. They had to take in 3/4 of an inch on each side. YAY! When I bought it a month and a half ago it fit perfectly... Oh and it's got these little spaghetti straps on it but I'm converting it to a strapless. Yes girls, I'm taking the plunge. I'm putting my bat wings out for the world to see.

I've got to get to the tanning booth today since i've got weird tan lines on my arms from my short sleeved shirts. Does anyone ever tan? I've never ever been. Will my already tan forearms get darker? I'd like to just even out myself...

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Hi Terry! You look awesome now even with residual swelling! The difference is so subtle but WOW! Great results...

Things with Juan are going alot better. I know that it's not anything that he's doing because he hasn't really changed much but since I'm working on myself my outlook has really changed the dynamics of how I feel towards him. Umm, I don't know if I'm explaining myself right. Well let me try... I used to put him on a pedestal, putting him before me. When I did that I was very unhappy because I felt like I wasn't on a pedestal in his life. So like I said, I was unhappy, always bitchy, always whining. So then when I said fuck it, i'm responsible for only myself and how I feel things just started to change. Now that he's not the center of my life I feel alot happier, alot freerer and my attitude has changed. He's definetly noticed the changes but he's being cautious because he feels like it might be temporary? But we do spend time together and we talk alot more than we had been when we were living under the same roof! Whatever happens happens...

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      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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