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Shrinkin' Violets- Part 2 Read Here

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Man, I slept 12 hours last night. Just got up at 9 am and jumped right in the shower. The sun is shining bright and low humididty.

Gonna try to get my house in order today. That way I can concentrate on getting the pool completed this week and ready for next weekend.

Tomorrow I'm gonna call the Doc and see if I can get the MRI done on my knee. It was hurting all day yesterday, but I happen to be on it for 2 days working at Curves. But still want it checked out.

Terri, I love to tour old homes. It does reminds me of when my Sis and I would visit our Grandparents. I love the old architecture.

Judy, can you send me a video of you doing the wii hoola hoop? I tched them do it on "Good Morning America" and had a good laugh. It looks like a lot of fun.

Jane, Sometime we need make a date to meet up in Columbia. We can do lunch and than hit the outlet malls along the way.

Everyone have a great day. I'll check in when I can.

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Good Morning from New Jersey, Vi's~~

Oh my gosh... I'm on my MIL's computer and she has it set at like 500% enlargement! Everything is so BIG!! Too funny!!

Just hanging out... the boys went to the Philly's game... I'm actually going to do some work that I brought w/me... one of the perks of working for myself... I can do it whenever, wherever!

Tuesday is back on track day for me... I was good for those few days awhile back... & then it was my birthday and then this and that and now we're here where all they do is eat & then plan the next meal (seriously, we just finished up a huge Breakfast of Bagels & lox, etc. & now my FIL is in the kitchen working on dinner!!)... so Tuesday it is.

I can't wait to see the pic of Suzie floating in her pool w/a big 'rita in one hand, waving w/the other, w/a big ol' smile on her face!!

Make it a great day, everyone!!

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Good Morning girls!!

What a busy couple of days!!!

Class reunion is over, and we had a blast!! Although....some of those people looked really old!!! And yet others didn't look like they had changed at all in the last 30 years! Rick and I won a gift basket----full of silly things---chocolate body paint, a how to fight fair book, massage lotion, a honey-do note pad---all kinds of junk. There were only 3 couples eligible for the drawing for this prize---it was for us who both halves of the couple are from our class.

We did have a great time at both the ice breaker and also the picnic.

If ever I have loved my band....this had to be one of the top times. To mingle and visit, and not worry about my weight was totally wonderful! I cannot tell you---I don't have the words!

The memorial service yesterday was sad, yet comforting. I had not realized he had as much family as he did. I wish they had been more supportive when he was well...but they obviously did love him, and that made me feel better. Rick told a couple stories on Paul that were funny.

Then last night we went to Colorado for my friends wedding. It was great. It rained, so it was cool. It was in the mountains, in a forrest. It is a family owned camp ground, so there was a covered pavilion, and restrooms. They had games set up, and both sides of the walls on the pavilion building were hinged, and folded down into sideboards and they were full of food!! I behaved pretty well. Ate a bowl of green chile stew, and then stick to veggies and fruit. I did eat 1/2 a piece of carrot cake (wedding cake) and gave the other 1/2 to Rick.

There were I'd say 40-50 people at the wedding, and a VERY diverse group! They ranged from infancy to 100 y.o.---grooms grandmother was carried into the meadow they got married in. There were cowboys, hippies, bikers, super prissy aunts running around making sure everything was just perfect!!! The bride (my long time friend) is hispanic, the groom white.....so there were hispanics, whites, Navajos, blacks, and Asians there. And it was wonderful!!! Everyone had a great time. At one point my friend and I were walking together from the building back to the meadow, and come across our granddaughters playing together! Now her granddaughter is from her son, but she is 3 and looks so much like her daughter---the childs aunt---it is amazing!! Then Kinsey is so much like her Mama, it was like transporting us back to when we became such close friends when our DD's were kids! They were 2 when we became neighbors and friends....we just stopped dead in our tracks and looked at each other in shock, it was eery!!!

We finally made it home late last night, weary, but happy----we got through the day of chaos!!!

Laura---did I miss a new update on your Dad?

Suzie---yay a pool finally!!!

Terry---you look amazing for how bruised you were---wooohooo!!!

Pamela---enjoy your last few days, sorry it is ending for you, but will be glad to have you back!

TracyKS--did you survive the weekend with all the boys? I cannot help but laugh at you being the only Princess in the castle!

Haydee---how did the first wedding go? I thought of you during my friends wedding!!!

Judy---the memorial service we went to was done by the VFW and they have no music, was kind of strange.....only music was TAPS.

Jane--when do you get your phone answering help back?

TracyK---what do you have lined up for the week?

Michelle--I hear you on the eating thing, I tried really hard yesterday---but noone seems to get it!!! LOL they just have tons of food everywhere!

Denise---has Dimitri got to come home yet?

Jenn---still missing you!!!!

Love to ALL!!


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Charlie comes back to work Tuesday, and still not sure about Della.

Susie Columbia sounds great!!! I am off on Sundays and Mondays, you name the date and I will see what I can do!

Terry I thought you were working last week?

Maybe Laura went to Las Vegas!?!

I just got up from a nap!! Sometimes it is GREAT to take a nap! I am not a good nap taker, so I can only take one if I am off. (work that is)

Well going to catch up on some cleaning.


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Went out to lunch with my friend Judy. We usually meet half way and so far the best place we have found is "Hy-Vee's" grocery store. The have a very good salad bar and some other stuff. So that's good for us. And it's a place were we can sit for hours and talk without being pestered about sitting there. We had a really good time and she did all the talking. Later she apologized for taking over the conversation and I told it was alright, I enjoyed listening to some one elses problems. Reminds me that my life isn't so bad after all, LOL.

Jane, It's sounds like we will have to pick a Sunday, since that is my day off also. The only other day I have off is Thursday. I'll let you pick what Sunday becaus I'm really flexible. Just PM me and we can set things up.

Kat, Thanks. That was a nice surprise. Glad you enjoyed your reunion. I missed mine last year. Next one won't be for another 4 years. Maybe I will have lost all my weight and have had my surgeries by than. I really shock them all. Something to look forward to.

Terri, Hope you enjoyed some of your time off work. It's always hard to go back.

Hope eryone had a great weekend. I know I did. Hugs.

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How many times did I see that, but since they didn't have the wii I didn't get it? Stupid, stupid, stupid!!! Oh well the good thing is I can't find either right now, and am too cheap to get it any other way!

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HELLO V's! Sunday night and I'm getting ready for bed.....

I am sooo tired. My mom asked me to attend her appointment on Tuesday as she and my step dad are basket cases... my sis will also be with us. She looked at many IBC pics and a couple looked like her boob. She is pretty sure that it.. but we can hope for less serious diagnosis (but I have the gut feeling) First would be Chemo then breast removal..... I am so stinking emotional thinking that this could be the last year of my mothers life....... I'm not ready to lose her yet... I'm not ready for Robby to lose her.. (she is only 62) crap.. my emotions are so raw... positive thoughts, positive thoughts.... I start crying at the drop of a hat.... its pretty pathetic, but will find out for sure on Tuesday...... its going to be a long couple of days.

TracyK: HOW DID YOU KNOW?????? LOL...... Taco's and Icecream.. a nutritionist nightmare and the model BAD BANDSTER behavior! and 178 today....... and old navy NON STRETCH size 12 regular jeans that I wore all day.... (I did have bacon and eggs this morning)

Laura: good luck to dad! Cute pic of him.

One of my favorite LC deserts was cream cheese, cocoa, dash of vanilla, and splenda.... either lighly heated up for easy mixing... or mixed and then frozen for a really rich desert....

I've also put cinnimon and splenda on plain pork rinds........

but this is the person who has made a Pizza Crust from pork rinds! LOL

oh.. and my step dad is down 42 lbs on LC and he is swearing by these WRAPS found in the Walmart Deli section under the brand of Josephs....... 4 net carbs and they don't taste like cardboard of the LC tortilla's........ might try them out.

OK.. I'm getting off here......... thanks so much for all the prayers and well wishes.Talk to you tomorrow.

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Good morning violets~

Wow, I slept like a baby last night. I didn't budge all night. At least I don't think I did! lol

Today will be a quiet day. Swimming lessons is about all we have planned.

Oh well, I need to get off here right now cause everyone is up and calling my name for one reason or another....

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TracyKS, sending all my purple power to your Mom. Keeping you and your family in my prayers and also the doctors. Good Luck.

I went down that road with my Mom and Sis. It's a hard road and one that makes you stronger. Keep your head up.

Hugs to all of you.

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Good Morning, Violets...

Ethan arrived early this morning so I haven't had a chance to post yet.

TracyinKS....my continued prayers to you and your mom and family. You mom is only a year older than me. And as far as I'm concerned... that's way young. I'm glad you and your sister are going to the doctor's appointment with her. That way you can ask all the questions you need to and know that you're getting first hand information.

TracyK...I slept like a baby last night too....... up every 2 hours!! lol

Suzie..it's 58 degrees here now so you know my pool is freezing.. It's supposed to get up into the 80's today so my fingers are crossed that we can raise the Water temp. I've never had a summer where I couldn't get in the pool in July.

Pamela.. can't wait to have you home so we can hear more about your vacation!

Jane.. Who knew that the Wiifit would be what everyone wants?? Well, obviously the people at Nintendo. There are a ton of them overseas. We just can't get them here in the USA... go figger.

Laura... are you in Vegas???? Hope your dad is still doing well!

Time to get dressed and ready for the day. Ethan is lying on the couch after playing for a couple of hours.

Everyone have a great day!! Catch ya later...

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My day off and I get to have a barium swallow!!

Are you guys jealous????? You know I don't mind this because I know a FILL IS A WEEK AND A HALF AWAY!!!

Tracyks this is such a scary time for you and your family. My thoughts and prayers are with you.

Okay off to drink some really really gross stuff!!

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Morning V's!!

Wiifit sounds fun, do you have to have the console to play it? (I'm trying to follow along). My parents have the Wii, and it has sports and fitness, but it's not the wiifit, you mentioned a lot of 'sports' theirs doesn't have. So is it a game that goes in the Wii or something else? I'M INTERESTED! I am stalled at 221lb for a while now, at least it's not going up, but I am actually eating pretty good so surprised. I guess I need to go back on dailyplate and start logging.. I probably am at the point I need to cut calories back a lot..darnit. (Or exercise!) My best friend since I was like 12, we moved apart and stay in touch online, but we did Atkins together years ago when I actually lost 60lbs on it, and she got to a size 12 (She's about 5'4). She looked great! I haven't seen her in person in years, and she doesn't 'do' pics, but she said yesterday she's at 228lbs. I couldn't believe it. I am actually lighter than her, and I can't imagine that weight on her. Her docs said she's allergic to almost every food, and so she has a TON of Water weight. I never heard of this before, but she has like 3 items she can eat--and only 3.. and she will lose weight, but if she eats anything else, she gains water weight. Very bizarre, they said it can just happen (she wasn't always this way). They said she had H Pylori, and she thinks that has something to do with it. She told me I need to get in touch with her daily to motivate her.. so I'm going to do my best. I wish she and her husband would move closer.

Dad finished Saturday evening, in 128th place. Not final table, but we're not being down about it, it's extremely exciting that he made it that far out of all the people in it!! He did bring home $42k for making it that far, but it wasn't about the money for him.. although I'd crap myself if I made that much. I won 2nd or 3rd in the first tournament I played, was $45 entry and I won $4,500. It literally makes you high, after that tourney I was in, you're kind of on a cloud 9 and it's surreal.. I couldn't imagine being in THE WSOP and finishing so high up.

Hm, what else.. The Blue Angels did an Airshow in FL this weekend, and another flukey storm burst... 3 hit by lightening, 10 sent to the hospital. Our local paper is saying Blue Angels should stop flying.. like they're causing it.. Sheesh, but still weird 2 of their shows had flukey weather bursts that hurt(killed) people.

Pam back yet??

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Laura!! 42K is just shy of what I made my last year of teaching, and it took me 32 years to get to that point. Holy smokes!!!

The Wii fit is a game that goes with the console. You have a balance board that sits on the floor and you step on it for certain things, like hula hoops, ski jump and step aerobics. You just use the remote for running and don't use the board. The Wii console is almost $200 and the Wii fit is $90. Wii Fit is whole separate unit. The neat thing is it keeps track of your BMI and weight and progress. I really am enjoying it a lot.

That sounds so strange about your friend. What three things can she eat?? Does she take diuretics???

Chicken salad for lunch is calling out to me now, so I'm gonna go and have a cup. BBL.......

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Bet no one else had as a delicous of breakfast as I had!!!!!!!!

I know I know I shouldn't gloat!!

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Good morning girls, going to attempt a post with Kinsey sitting on my lap!! She is a velcro kid this morning, been away from her Granny for too long!!! No more vacations for Daddy we decided!! LOL

She has been trying to fit all her Granny things in. We have had mini pancakes, and a bubble bath, all after snuggling in Papa's bed. Why it is Papa's and not Granny's since it is me that takes her there I have no idea, but it has always been Papa's! We might go to lunch with my parents--not to sure. Well I bored her so she hopped down!!

TracyKS---will be thinking of you and sending prayers your way today for the appointment with your Mom.

Laura, sounds like Dad did great to me. Manda's old boyfriend was very into playing for high stakes, but he had a very addictive attitude about it. He played on line every second that he could, excluding them, and even work with it. She was very concerned, but he refused to even discuss it. He was good unless he got mad, and then he was all in, and out to "show them" and then you are sunk!!! Plus he did not have disposable income for it, so when he come up short, her paycheck had to cover them. It was the biggest reason she left, even before the problems with Lindzie---although those were a major issue too.

I was pleased with her that she continues to go over and see Lindzie on occasion, took the girls to the park over the weekend. She said she remembers when Rick moved to Denver, him coming after her made her feel so important, and she knew he loved her regardless of anything, and she hopes that helps Lindzie.

Judy, you ought to bring Ethan over to play in the yard with Kinsey it is about 80 out, and the yard is shaded well in the morning! Wouldn't that be nice, we could sit on the patio and sip Crystal Light!!! And we could talk about all these girls.....and how much we miss them and look forward to the next trip!!

Speaking of.....anyone have any ideas???? I told Rick I was going to start putting money in my vacation fund again.....woohoo!!!

Do you still have your step kids TracyK? Do you get extended summer visits?

So I had this "stitch" pop out of my incision, right in the middle of the low one----so I pulled it.....and it kept coming! It come from all the way on the left side! About 7 inches of heavy fishing line feeling stuff! There is still a piece sticking out for the right side, when I tug on it, I feel it about 3/4 of the way down the incision. Waiting to hear from my surgeon about whether this is normal!!!

Well my folks just called and they are ready to leave and I am not!! Better get a move on!

Hugs Violets!!!


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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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