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Shrinkin' Violets- Part 2 Read Here

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Pamela when do leave?

TracyKS HOORAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I am going to switch Dr.s for a number of reasons, but the biggest is that he lied to me, or his office staff or someone. I am not one to call or bug him at all. I see him 2x's a year when I have to. I hate going to the doctor. I had a problem when my insurance switched pharmacies, I had problems getting what I needed, pharmacy said it was Dr., Dr. said it was pharmacy, who do you believe, anyway that went on for 5 weeks, and cost me money because I couldn't use the 3 month thing. Anyways that all worked out, but when I needed a Dr. to tell me my results from the heart thing they told me they never rec. fax. The heart Dr.'s office said they did and had gotten confirmation back, they said they had sent it twice, but would once again send it again. I finally had to go pick up the report, and when I came home from work, it was in the mail with the date of last Friday on it. That was when they said he didn't get it and was already gone for the weekend. He then could have called me Monday and didn't. So long story short and probably lost most people by this point out of boredom or confusion, I am switching Dr.s. I can take my time because I don't go back to Dr. until October or November. I just hope that I never pass out again, or have an episode like the one I did.

I have been out of my mind eating like it is going out of style. Makes me mad that I have no control.

Oh well, better get to bed.


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(((Pamela))) You are so sweet. I hope you know we all love you, too...in just the same way. Smooches!!

You're all gonna be so jealous, but me, Haydee and another bandster friend from the old days got together for dinner last night! It was just awesome to see them. I can report that Haydee really is strong and resolved in finding happiness for herself ....in whatever form that takes. Believe it or not, she gives all of us a bit of credit for helping her through it too. I know how she feels....I remember those days of feeling like you're wandering through the darkness but knowing it's all going to be OK because you have friends to fall back on if you need to. It's weird to be 'alone' for the first time in your life....but invigorating at the same time. There is no doubt that it IS good for the soul. You're well on your way, Haydee....with or without Juan, you WILL come out of this experience a better, stronger woman. Cheers!:embaressed_smile:

Janie - No matter what, you need to report to your doctor by phone or letter, that you're switching and WHY. A lot of times these guys don't even know that their staff sucks.

Laura - Uh, yeah. We need to go hang out with your Dad in Tunica. They'll be more than happy to host all of us so they can get their money back!!! $30K :lol: Holy Moly!! My DH would be soooooooooo jealous. I keep telling him that you need to take $5K to gamble with....and be willing to part with....if you want to hit it big. We're both way too cheekin!! $10 slots! Oy, I don't know if I have the emotional stamina for that! LOL

Sorry about the stress, sweetie! Ever done any yoga? Deep breathing does wonders to release stress for me. Ommmmmmmmm.

Judy - You dawg. Can't wait to hear about your adventures!!! Parasailing is way cool...but I was 25 when I did it. Don't know if my heart could take it now! Sounds like you're ready for Tunica, too!! Gambling?? What's next....COCKTAILS??:lol::eek::lol:

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Laura - BTW, I still get a giggle everytime I see your doggie avatar. Way, way funny!

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Good morning violets~

Judy-glad you posted & texted too! I am so glad that you are having fun!

Laura-30k, that is just insane. All I ever do with 10 dollar slots is watch the people that can afford to actually play them!:eek: 30k, I know it would be life changing for me too! I guess I will just have to stick with the lottery.

TracyinKS-I PM'd you last night...so I am not forgetting you:tongue:

Pamela-sounds like you had fun yesterday and that you are going to have fun again today! Swing by and get me so I can go swimming too :lol:

Terri-you must have TONS of that motivational reading stuff at your disposal. You have an inspirational quote for every occasion. You remind me of a fortune cookie! :biggrin2:

Kat-loved your pic the other day. You look fantastic! Was it different trying to walk without the the weight on you? Seems like you would have to adjust the way you are used to walking & standing. Might be a dumb question, just wondering. You know, kinda like when you have really long hair and you cut it and feel light headed for a few days?!:biggrin:

Jane-sounds like you are making a great decision about switching your dr. The pharmacy was not lying I don't think cause they have no reason to lie...ya know? If I were you I would choose a new one now and go see him for just in case you need him withing the next few months! You don't wanna get caught with you drawers down, right? (or maybe you do?):laugh::thumbup::lol:

Michelle-that is so sad about your friend and her family. I will definitely keep them in my prayers.

Haydee-uh huh, I see, bail out on me!:tt2: It is OK, I hope that you do not get rained on this weekend trying to help your parents! Last time we moved it POURED so I am praying for a decent weekend!:embaressed_smile:

Jen-I miss you!:lol:

Well last night before macy went to bed her fever was 101 (not bad) and today she is not running any fever so far. I am bouncing back & forth on the thought of bringing her to the dr. I will just wait to see if she starts running fever again today and if she does I will just go in with her so they can look her over. If she were in pain or miserable I would have brought her before now but overall she has felt quite good for a sick child. Just when the fever gets high, she lays down & sleeps. If her cough would go awa you would never know she is sick!

I am SO glad we are moving this weekend...last night (or should I say the as*crack of dawn this morning) our neighbors were outside their townhouse between 10 PM and 2 AM partying like rock stars! What woke me up was something that sounded like a sledgehammer hitting our house. Come to find out, it was the bass! AND the live 3 doors down. Good thing we weren't right next door! We called the cops eventually and I guess they showed up and said something to them cause it sure got quiet around here. UGH...even when I was a kid I wasn't that disrespectful.

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wow, I just kinda ended my post without saying bye or KMA! Sorry, I was in another world...

Have a great day everone!! ((((hugs))))

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GOOD MORNING!!!!! Thanks Tracy!

I am soooo excited to go to Vegas tomorrow! I am taking a tiny bit of gambling money since I've never been there before.... 30K WOULD be a major blessing.. (I'd pay off all our crap bills) and have money for a tt! A girl can dream.

OK...someone just walked in

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Good Morning.

I too was shocked when I read Judy's post. "Judy, gambling"

TracyKS, when I was reading your post about your dilema of what to do about becoming a spokesperson, I was thinking to myself that we just don't see you on here as much as we used to. It's almost like you have your plate severaly full. What with trying to lose weight, just getting married, husband issues, taking on a stepson and his mother, living with a bunch of boys and their growing pains, Cody's accidents, work and everything else. Are you sure you are not getting overwhelmed? Maybe you need t step back and take a big breath and re-evaluate. Hang in there girl.

Jane, So glad you are taking charge. I agree that you need to find a doc now. You may not think you need him right away but no sense in waiting to the last minute. Hugs to you.

Judy, Come home.

As soon as I can I will post a pic of the "TOE". Actually the toe is the least of my problem. I think I did more damage to my knee. I called the Doc but they said he can't do nothing about the toe but if the knee still hurts in a week to call and make an appointment. I know that I am having residual affects of falling down, but this is something more than that. This goes beyond the just falling down pain. Looks like I need an MRI.

Weather here today is kind of crappy so Hubby and I are going to the movies today. Think we will be going to see the Indianan Jones movie.

Everyone have a great day.

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Yep, 30K would make a difference in my life as well. And no it would not all be spent on motorcycles!!! Even though Rick calls me yesterday and tells me he found a new bike 34K!!!! Yeah sure!!!!!! But then all HELL broke loose!!! He ordered a part for the Yamaha he is chopping---so he give him his name and all for the part, along with putting it on the debit card. During the conversation regarding this Big Dawg Chopper bike, he ask Rick if he had ever used their financing, Rick told him yes several years ago we financed my bike. He said the guy finally left him alone to wander the store, but soon he come back and told Rick he got him approved! He had used the info to look up what he needed in the computer and ran our credit etc, and approved us for this bike----at $34,000.00! Rick was livid!!! He called me, while he waited for the manager to show up from wherever he was having lunch. Everytime you run your credit, you drop your score, and now we show an open approval for that much money. So if we needed to get a loan in the next few days---it would affect our rate. Rick said he would not have thrown such a fit, but the guy was non apologetic, and rude about him being mad. All he would say is that most people are happy when they find out they can get approved. The manager was apologetic, and gave Rick a $250.00 store credit---whoopee! But in the end it is done, and nothing can change it. He was still irate when he come home! Of course he had told the story all day and not allowed himself to let it go.

But......30K would make a nice nest egg, and might even convince me to move!!!

TracyKS, you have fun in Vegas---it is such a fun place, we plan on going later in the year....maybe October.

Terry & Haydee, I am so glad y'all got together, jealous yes, but happy for you just the same!! I think it is wonderful for you guys to be able to do that----and good for both of you just now. Glad to hear our Haydee girl is really doing well, and not just pretending with us!!! j/k Haydee!

Suzanne, how are the toes??? Been thinking about you!

TracyK---kids are so hard, you never know. You take them to the Dr. and they miraculously are improved. You opt not to, and they get worse. Even when they are too young to know how to purposely be perverse that way they do it!!

Michelle, how is Evans mouth this morning? Manda went through 2 sets of braces. She had a slight underbite---so they put her in her first set at 9 years old, so they could manipulate the formation of the jaw bone before puberty----stretching the top jaw, while holding the bottom in place and correcting the bite. Then they come off for a year, and then went back on for 9 months to correct some bite issues it left behind. They look good today. The other 2 (technically Ricks kids---so different blood lines) have PERFECT teeth! Abbey still to this day has the brightest whitest, most perfect smile! Of course she drinks no caffeine....or soda, has never smoked......they are just beautiful.

With Manda's underbite, we watched Kinsey's really closely, but hers is fine. She has seen the dentist regularly since she was a year old, and so far so good!

Jane are you seeing a cardiologist at all? If not, I would ask for a referral, let someone with experience in all those issues look at your Holter results. I have yet to see any real explanation of WHY you passed out, with such serious issues---it wasn't like an overheated fainting spell. And how do you know it won't happen again....like when you are driving? It scares me for you!

Pamela.....swimmin' nekkid! Lucky you!!

I'll be back in awhile.....Mom's on the phone, this could take awhile!!


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Good Morning~

Terri and Haydee~ So jealous that ya'll got together. Hope you all had fun!

30k would change my life too. Remember, I work 2 jobs to afford "fun" from time to time.

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UM...hello, wasn't done talking!

Today I have a coffee meeting @ 8:30. A friend I used to sit on the board w/ @ the Cathedral City Chamber of Commerce called and wanted to "run something by me"! I am totally curious. Plus, I need to get out of the house on Thursday am so the cleaning lady can come!

Then this afternoon, we are going to hang w/ Jackie and Melissa, our friends. Gonna go swimming (w/ suits:mad:), then dinner somewhere. Tonight Susanne has a sleep study and won't be sleeping here:frown:. Our dinner w/ friends was rescheduled to Friday night.

OK...gotta run...xoxoxoxoxoxo

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Good morning! Yes, dinner last night was wonderful ya'll. I wish ya'll could have been there too. We met up with Josie! She dropped off the board and dropped into the gym, LOL. She looks AMAZING! Like a freakin supermodel. Tall, thin and with blonde hair, and huge blue eyes... hubba hubba... She's an amazing woman with a great personality. Ya'll would love her. Hope she comes back to us (hint hint)...

And yes, what Terry said is right. I am feeling alot better. Am dealing with this alot better than what I thought. And I do credit all the support that I've received from you girls as part of the reason that this time I'm going to achieve what I want. Happiness and contentness. That's it. That's all I want. With or without Mr. Lara, LOL.

Well our grand opening is scheduled for Tuesday. We've already hit a few bumps and my boss is on me like white on rice. I've got stuff that was supposed to be here already and hasn't arrived. I've been on the phone with a few vendors pleading with them to get us our stuff by Monday at the very latest.

My parents are going to start moving this weekend. They've already scheduled a dinner party for next Wednesday! Can you believe it?? I'm like "mom, are you crazy??" Looks like we'll be moving the kitchen stuff and the backyard stuff first. Oh! and my dad has agreed to put in a pool. He said it won't be until next year but that we should have it for next summer. That's awesome!! We've been begging him for a pool for years now, our wish is finally coming through!

Have fun in Vegas Tracy!! Good luck! I hope you hit the jackpot in one of the slot machines!!

Pammy, you're doing alot of swimming, I'm so jealous! I haven't had time to go to the pool alot. Hopefully 4th of July will be spent in the pool...

I'll be back for the rest of my personals... My boss is calling me in for another meeting...

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Tracyks have fun in Vegas!!!! We are jealous!!!! I am sure the other Tracy would much rather be on a plane then moving!!!

I made a HUGE mistake at bank on one of my loans, thought I had an automatic payment set up, but nooooo!!! So it hasn't been paid since the end of April. Have to go in today to straighten that out. Luckily I have a real nice person who takes care of me!!! She said she would wipe out all late fees etc....... Need to stop and get her some something!

Okay enough of me have a great day!!


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Just took a shower and decided to take a pic of the foot. It's hard to see the discolor but it's there. You can definately see the swelling.





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such cute little toesies!!! (even IF they are purple..) but hey they at least fit into the VIOLET theme! :Angel_anim:

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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

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        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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