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Shrinkin' Violets- Part 2 Read Here

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Good Morning girls!

I know we cannot just stop concerning ourselves with our diets and weight when things happen in our lives....but I hate seeing you all down on yourselves BECAUSE of it! We have enough negativity in life, it just makes me sad to see you down on yourselves! You are all such wonderful, STRONG women----

..............As wierd as it sounds, as soon as I quit beating myself up over it, I quit doing it so much, it was like I let my mind release it, so it wasn't something I constantly thought about anymore. I quit gaining, and hovered for awhile....and managed to get back on track, when my life got a little more on track.

I know you cannot just give up....but accepting that things are a bit out of control right now, and allowing yourself to deal with that first, might just let your mind release it enough it won't be such a big deal. I wish I could put it into words better---I just know tht personally when I over focus on my "diet" then that is all I think about-------which ends in a binge. When I allowed myself to quit worrying about it for that period of time, then I had other things to concentrate on, and I quit hitting the vending machines every 15 minutes! --Kat

Reminds me of the concept "What you resist, persists".... it's pretty interesting! If you're interested, here's more:

What does the phrase "that which you resist, persists" actually mean? How is it significant to you? What is it that you are resisting? You actually are resisting a specific outcome, a particular set of events, or a certain feeling. In other words there is something that you do not want to feel or have happen. In order to prevent this feeling or circumstance, you then put your energy into controlling it. Remember the Law of Creation, though, like energy attracts like energy. If you resist looking at something or feeling anything, it just creates the need for you t look at this or feel this over and over, again.

Resistance says that you have stored energy. You have saved this energy by saying "anything but _____________." The __________ must continue to come into your awareness because you are putting attention on it. If a parent only provides a child with yelling attention, in the absence of this yelling that child will do things to inspire this volatile energy - just to feel something. In resistance, your focus even if you think the direction is away from you, is saying to the universe this (what you are resisting) is important and this (what you are resisting) is the order to be filled. Albeit, your focus would not be considered by your head to be positive, but it is energy regardless of your mind's judgment. And, remember, the universe doesn't place the same judgments on your energy requests as your head. It simply fills orders.

In the Unity movement, I often heard the phrase, "Love brings up anything unlike itself." This is "that which you resist, persists" in action. Whatever needs to be healed will come to the surface. You will automatically draw to you people or situations that pull out whatever needs healing. I love the fact that the universe works in this manner. In fact, it is because the universe works this way that I know that you will always end up exactly where you need to be. You are always in the perfect place.

Another explanation

Are you repeatedly struggling with the same issue, no matter how hard you have worked to ignore, avoid, run away from or change it? You may have noticed in the past that you could simply push something away and you seemed to be rid of it. Or were you really rid of it?

The truth is, the more you push something, the more it comes back-now or later. This is Isaac Newton's third law, which provides the theory of relationship between the forces acting on a body and the motion of the body. This physics and metaphysical law is often summed up as: "That which you resist persists."

Furthermore, resistance tends to strengthen the opposing energy by giving it power and energy to work against-credence. Resistance keeps one from learning more about what one resists. To fully understand anything, one needs to be open to it, to the degree that one knows its energy, otherwise one remains ignorant of its purpose for showing up in one's life. The story of a Tibetan monk who retreated to meditate in a cave only to discover he was faced with demons clearly explains this phenomenon. He did everything he could think of-hiding, chasing, fighting, ignoring-to get the demons to leave or at least leave him along, but nothing worked. He then decided to learn what he could about them and then they disappeared.

This same wisdom can be applied to anyone's circumstance or situation. This story conveys the truth that our demons are inside. What plagues and pursues us on an inner level has a way of manifesting itself in our reality as people, events and issues that seemingly are beyond our control. As the monk learned once you face your demons they disappear. Ergo the axiom, "We met the enemy and he is us." Pogo comic strip quote.

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Very insightful Terry, I am overanalyzing and can apply that to just about everything under the sun!!

My funny DH.. I have paint on my hands from the frame I made, so we were on break and he goes "What are you painting?" and I said "Paint". And then he starts bugging me, wanting to know what I'm painting. So I said "Don't be nosey!!" and he got all huffy and goes "You have all these secrets.. a blog you won't let me read (he knows it's bookmarked on my computer, he threatened to go look it up, I never said anything.. if he wanted to see it so bad, he could!!), you always hide the computer when I look over (I just shrink down LBT, I don't want him looking at it), and now you're painting stuff I can't know about!". Men!! lol. I just said "Yup, I'm just a book of mysteries, get over it".

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((Kat)) That's just the kind of "tell it like it is" motivation that I needed today. You, too, ((Terry))... thanks for the more in-depth analysis... I've actually been TRYING to do that w/both my eating issues and MONEY (ugh)... or lack thereof... at the moment... and I *know* that when I stress about lack of money that that's what I get: LACK of money... so I'm trying so hard to "let it be" and to "embrace the moment" and focus on money flowing TO me... it's not quite working yet... and I still feel like there's too much negative energy coming from me about it... seriously, if I let myself, I would hyperventilate and spaz out about it... but I'm conscious of the energy and trying to make it work... again, ugh.

Braces cool? I don't know about that... I don't think it's cool or not, it just is... but the "fun" part about it is that you can color-coordinate your bands... so Evan picked red & white (Phillies baseball team colors, as it's b'ball season)... he's already planning on changing them to school colors in the Fall... whatever!

Ok, off to work, which = money, so it is good... and I am grateful for work, I like work, I am thrilled that I have lots right now!!

(Is it working??)

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I had braces from 8-13, and I remember getting them I was ECSTATIC. They were definitely cool, and in all my school pics, you can see how keen I was at coordinating them to the season (Red & green, orange & black, etc.) In retrospect, I'd hate to have braces now, but at the time.. yeah, I was proud lol.

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Oh yes...my dsd can not WAIT to get braces cause her 'friends' have them. UGH..

Oh, and the only thing 'flowing' towards me is junk food. Guess I need to build a dam. lol

Thanks for the uplifting words Kat & Terri. I know what I have to do to turn things around. I just need to DO it. I need to not let my past dictate my future. The past few days I have been pretty good and I haven't gained any more...so that is a good thing! Now if I can sart the scale in the other direction I will be doing GREAT!

I need to brainwash myself about Sonic only having diet coke or iced tea....ya right! lol

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Me again...

If ya'll could keep my friend LR & her daughter & family in your prayers & good thoughts... she's my friend whose dd tried to commit suicide a couple months ago... things have gone from bad to worse... they will be taking her out to a facility in Utah tomorrow & she'll be there for about a year... my friend is devastated that it's come to this... and the dd isn't taking it well... I just got off the phone w/my friend & the dd spray painted the family room walls w/very "colorful" words... I'll be keeping the other dd while they take her out... it's so heartbreaking... I just hope she can heal!... that they all can...

It really puts my own life & petty problems into perspective...


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Me again...

If ya'll could keep my friend LR & her daughter & family in your prayers & good thoughts... she's my friend whose dd tried to commit suicide a couple months ago... things have gone from bad to worse... they will be taking her out to a facility in Utah tomorrow & she'll be there for about a year... my friend is devastated that it's come to this... and the dd isn't taking it well... I just got off the phone w/my friend & the dd spray painted the family room walls w/very "colorful" words... I'll be keeping the other dd while they take her out... it's so heartbreaking... I just hope she can heal!... that they all can...

It really puts my own life & petty problems into perspective...


This just breaks my heart. I guess I have a soft spot for 'troubled teens' because my son was one of them. I wish I could make all that go away for them. :tt1: Definitely going onto my prayer list.

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Thank you, Terry... I'm so upset but I need to be strong & funny & a diversion for her right now...

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That seems so inconsistant with the graduation pictures of your son Terry! However, I do know how it is, our son went through, and drug us along on some pretty yucky times----and to look at him now he is so totally different! Now he is a young husband and Dad, and into his job----nothing like the young man he once was.

Michelle---I agree the younger DD needs some diversion right now, but are they getting her any kind of counseling so she has a way of dealing with what is happening in her home, and her sister going to be gone. If the sister leaves, the entire dynamics of that house will change----and it sure seems like she could benefit from some outside encouragement.

I am like Terry, it is heartbreaking---I truly cannot imagine being a kid these days. Hell I have the utmost respect for those of you raising kids these days! I would have had things so much more difficult with this rate of inflation (whether they want to call it that or not!), with kids all having cell phones, and laptops....I was lucky to afford to keep her clothed when she was really young! Then when it went to 3 of them only a year apart each----it would have broke us in a hurry!!!

Suzie, how is the foot feeling today???

Laura, the picture is beautiful! Back a long time ago----when we had our first anniversary---we made an agreement to not spend a bunch of money, and to stick to the paper thing--our agreement was something along the line of buying a card and that being that. Instead we cracked up, we had both gone to the same novelty shop and bought the same coupon book with naughty coupons for one another. Was a Win/Win anniversary!!!

Haydee, I think you are handling yourself wonderfully. Allowing yourself time to really think things through, and deal with them as the issues come. Did you opt not to tell your parents yet? I am so glad to hear your Dads surgery went well. I cannot even begin to tell you how thrilled I am with mine---I feel so incredibly normal...which is wonderful! Not everyone will understand that---but my belly was soooooo horrible, and for it to just suddenly be gone, is a dream come true!

I know horror stories about about surgery in Mexico, but I could not have ask for a better banding surgery! I loved my surgeon, and the people in the hospital were great, the care I received was outstanding. I would not have any qualms about going back again. There is a lot of screw ups, and they happen right here as well.....you just have to look around!

Laura ask you about speaking Spanish to people.....my DD's Manda has a best friend Amanda who is Hispanic, and she is teaching Kinsey.....she makes her say the words right, and at 3 years old she can roll that rr......and is soooo cute doing it! She counts to 15, knows most of her colors, and most animals, and relations (Tia, Abuela that kind of thing), the Por Favor, Gracias, De Nada....And now she is doing the quick sentences and question, asking how you are or telling you good night---it cracks me up! My mother has no accent ability at all, and it makes Kinsey crazy! She tries with Dora The Explorer to teach my Mom things---to no avail. Instead here is this little blonde haired blue eyed little girl rattling it off. I love it! I hope she continues until she is fluent! When she hits 8 we can let her do the kiddie kollege and they offer it.

Well I am off to get a few things done while she naps. We went riding, and no matter how late she sleeps, it wears her out!!



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Yes, Kat, she is, as they all are. Remember that, ironically, social work w/a concentration on teen issues is my friend's area of expertise! She's working on her master's in it now. I joke w/her that maybe she could apply to use all this for practicum credits or something! So I am confident that she is well-informed about treatment programs & modalities, etc. & so forth... again I note that it IS ironic... dontcha think? a little too ironic... yeah I really do think...

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I got to 179 BEFORE VEGAS!!!!!!


Now how in the world did that <3 chocolate one get in there? LOL

Edited by TracyK

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Heck Michelle it took me months to figure out and remember what all of us do----let alone the extended family or friends!!! I do good to know what my own friends do!!!

It is sad, ironic and for her I bet a little scary for her to have a masters (or working on it) in an area hitting so close to home, and be unable to really help or do much about it. It is a difficult thing when you know less than I am sure she does. Our only thought getting us through some of DS's issues, was Rick kept saying, "I did this when I was young!" I kept telling him though that the things he experimented with and the things Lenny experimented with were worlds apart! And laws and all had changed.....I am just thankful we all got through it with everything in tact and no records! LOL---well not really!!


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No time to check all the posts. Just wanted to say HI and let you know I'm having a wonderful time. Weather has been great for the most part. Para-sailing was awesome, but not anything I'd do again!! YIKES!! Won $200 so far in the Casino. Today we're in St. Thomas and tomorrow will be St. Maarten. It's BEACH day tomorrow so that will be fun. Hope everyone is doing well. Will be in touch as much as possible!! Miss you guys!!!

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Michelle~ Purple power to LR and family...and to you. It is hard to be the cheerleader too. Take care of yourself to be strong for everyone!

Laura~ Smells like me? I hope that is good! Remember last week when I got together w/ the girlies from high school? I gave Janee a big hug and she said over and over, "you smell the same...you smell the same!" I was wearing CoCo Chanel and Sebastian Shaper hairspray...guess that is some good stuff. Was your curling Iron a real big (fat) one? If so, I used it really quick one of the nights. Just to put a little bounce in my pony!

Haydee~ I just love you to pieces. I love that you are feeling strong and "feel" our love and support! I sooooo wish I could pick you up for a drinky poo!

TracyKS~ 179...(said w/ soooo much love and admiration)...YOU ARE ONE SKINNY BIOTCH! My goal is 180, so 179 would make me faint on the freakin floor! We are all soooo proud of you!

Judy~ Thanks for the post and the text...we miss you. I think I'll be in Europe when she gets back...and we will miss each other. I am gonna go CRAZY w/o you all for 2 weeks!!! WOW. Nobody do anything great or lose weight w/o me, K?

I don't know if you all know how much each and everyone of you means to me. I am a better woman for having each of you in my life. I am very blessed to have such amazing, beautiful, supportive and loving friends. OK...enough of the mushy stuff...you biotches ROCK!


Johnny is coming over and I'll take him swimming at friends house. Today Susanne went skinny dipping and I went chunky dunking and we lounged on rafts...it was heaven!

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Hah hah yeah that was mine! The big fat curler.. well now I know, cause I kept telling my senses they were confused. I said no it's TRACY, but Pam came to mind everytime I curl. Must be the hairspray? It's a good thing, smells yummy.. it's just not my yummy stuff so I notice it.

AND GASP.. Judy is gambling in the casino???

My dad won 30k last night in Tunica. Yeah, 30k. I wish!!! It's good to be him apparently. He took 5k for a 24 hour trip with his guy pals, he texts me some triple 7 thing on a $10 slot.. was for 18k.. 3 hours later he texts us an 8k win.. by the end of it he came home today with 35k. 30k would be life changing for me!!!! Anyway.. I am having serious stress induced band tightness, and it's really bugging me. Stupid midterms and stupid customer demands, I am really close to anxiety attacks.. then i can't eat, which makes me feel worse.. I think I'm xanax-ing it tomorrow!!!!

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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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