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Shrinkin' Violets- Part 2 Read Here

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Susie, thanks for swinging by and picking me up!!!!!!!!!!! Unless I am needed as a car I am in!!!!!! If I remember correctly it was cheaper for people to fly into St. Louis. Actually why don't we just rent a party bus from KC airport to St. Louis airport, then we can go to Memphis airport pick people up and be there and none of us have to drive. I am sure that won't cost much?!?!:ohmy:

Trying to get motivated to clean. So far that hasn't worked. I took a nap and had a strange dream, now I am trying again for motivation. Anyone have a spare bottle??? I'll even drink it out of a can!

Wow now I don't have to go to advanced to make smilie faces or big letters!

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We';re back, long day, fun day, nice to just hang out w/family w/out other obligations/activities...

"I love my Violets, oh yes I dooooooo... I love my Violets, & I'll be true.... when you're not with me, I'm bluuuuuue... oh Violets, I love you!"

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WoW...What a time I've had!

The concert was AMAZING...one of my top 10 (and I see lots of concerts). Great show!

Yesterday, we stayed in the room ALL DAY! We ordered room service and did not leave the bed until 6 pm to make our dinner reservations before the concert...it was a great day!

One of my students called me at 2am...yes, you read it correctly...2am. Lets just say I was pissed...and let her know it! Then she proceeded to argue w/ me that she was calling my "work phone". Hello. This is an online class. Does she think I have a VIRTUAL OFFICE somewhere in cyberland...where my "work phone" is plugged into. Anyway...I can still get hot thinking about it.

Today, we had a great day. We went to my dear friends house. She has been an friend since I was 18! She has a 3 and 5 year old boys...wonderful kids...and a 3 mo. old little girl. We had a great day! She has this HUGE house 4200 sq. feet on a half acre about 20 min away from the strip. It was great to get away from here. We stayed all day, played...had bbq...just relaxed!

My mission tomorrow is to get my new handbag out of the casino w/o it smelling like smoke!

Be home tomorrow night! Everyone have a great day!

I love my Violets!


Laura...you are beautiful!

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It's a bright & shiny new Monday morning, Vi's!~~

And I'm up early & ready to head out to the Y for aqua pilates & aqua ai chi classes!!

First of all, I pretty much blew off all my aqua core classes since May... so it's good to be getting back in the groove. Second, these two classes begin @ 7:45am (!) so I can take them only in the summer (gotta get kids on the bus the other 3 seasons of the year)... & today's the first day & I do enjoy them... they are wonderful classes, especially the ai chi... very centering & empowering & relaxing...

Make it a great morning... I'll be back later!

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Good morning everyone-

Happy Monday.

I went and picked up dd yesterday. Saturday night she stayed at my sisters house and she also had my little neice spend the night. Well, my neice was sick Sat night so guess what happened....you got it....macy woke up with a fever & sore throat last night. This morning she is fever free but I am keeping her home to make sure she stays that way. Lets pray that is over this quick.

Pray for me too cause I have issues... :grouphug:

Have a great day everyone. BBL

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Ohh Tracy, hope Macy feels better. I've been sick too. So weird. Sore throat, coughing. I didn't take any medication, just trying to get rid of it by sheer willpower, lol. Hope your "issues" get resolved. I'll keep you in my prayers.

So... Juan went with us to church yesterday. I know. What the heck, right? He doesn't want me to tell my parents because he says he doesn't want us to be over. So I told him that I didn't want us to be over either but that he made that decision when he told me that he doesn't want to get married yet. So he begged me for some more time. He says that he really wants to get his head together and he really wants to be with me but for some reason he can't get himself to committ. He wants to go talk to his priest so that he can figure out what is preventing him from doing this. On the other hand, my little voice inside of me says, if he really truly loved me would anything be preventing him from committing to me?? Such are the things I wrestle with within me.

My dad is doing so great girls! He is healing just beautifully and the doctor contoured him so good. Even though he is still swollen you can already tell how flat he is going to be... I would truly truly recommend this doctor to anyone who wants to get anything done but can't afford to go to a US doc. I can't wait until I get to go!!

So this wholel drama in my life has brought me down to a new low. 227! Yay? Whatever, I'll take it... I fit into a pair of size 16 jeans. Tight but they zipped. I had been at 229 right before we went on our trip, then I went back up to 236 for a long time, then Sunday I weighed myself and i'm at 227. Oh it feels so good to be losing again... I guess the only good thing about this whole drama I've been going through is that I'm hitting the gym more often!

Okay, we open up the newest location on July 1st! I've got to get busy. This is the last week that I can still order stuff so I can get it in on time...

Talk to ya'll later...

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Haydee and TracyK Hugs!!!

I am off to get some things accomplished and have lunch with a friend. I might stop by a flooring place, been saving money the past two years from Christmas at work to get a new floor at home. I think I have enough saved. I will feel guilty though, I think about what I should pay off instead of a new floor.


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Haydee -- Wow. It sounds like standing your ground and being serious about your wants and needs is doing the trick in getting him to face his issues once and for all. Begging you for more time?? Uh, he's had 10 years as I recall. He's trying to keep you anchored while you are struggling to move forward. Be careful what you agree to, OK? It's not like you're joining a convent or moving to India.... he knows where you live and what your 'demands' are. XOXO I know it's hard. The right thing is seldom easy.

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Haydee - What happened with the Med Center job??

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I'm taking the job med center job. My contact over there is trying to coordinate my entry over there. Hopefully I'll be in there by the end of the summer/early fall. I need to give at least a months notice here at my current job.

I'm not "agreeing" to anything with him yet. You're right, he's had 10 years to "think" about things. But during those 10 years we've had our difficulties. I hope no one here is making me out to be a victim in all this mess... I'm far from innocent. The only thing that I know for absolute sure right at this moment is that I'm going to concentrate on ME for awhile. One thing that I know that has been a huge issue with us is that I am constantly focused on him and on our relationshiop and how it's going nowhere. Everyday it was a constant fight about how I could FIX him or FIX our relationship in order for us to move forward. For now I'm going to leave things as they are... Kinda in limbo, actually. Not really together but not really broken up. I'm plan on finding ways to make myself a better, happier and more fulfilled woman.

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I found out that I have to work on changing MY behavior because over the years I have learned that there is nothing I can do to change him and the more I tried the more problems we had and the more he resented things and the more he resented me and the less he wanted to get married, etc. So... I need to work on loving myself, loving life and finding MY OWN joy again...

My whole world has always revolved around him. Not that he ever asked for that but that's just the way I was raised. My dad always expected my mom to revolve around him so I figured Juan needed that too. But he doesn't. I really need to get out, make friends, get out of my confort zone.

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CONGRATS Haydee on the new job!

I seriously think its a step into THE NEW YOU......... and you have got to quit beating yourself up for the past... (I hear you do this all the time) WE'VE all done or acted in ways that we most likely wouldn't dream of now... (ITS LIFE!)

I think yes.... moving on.. (in your job, in a new circle of friends, in your weight loss, and in LIFE) is a VERY GOOD THING.... it will free you from your old life. I would NOT say no to a drink or date with someone new either........ (YOU NEED THE EGO BOOST) innocent FUN and flirting never hurt anyone............

and hey... as for kids....... well you could always hook up with the bouncer at bar like I did after my divorce! (ROFLMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!) Seriously not condoning that. :)

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Congrats on the new job Haydee!! And finding YOU, that's important :))

My mom plays Pogo, and she gets nervous if people try to talk to her in those things, so she never says anything in the chat. She said the other night some lady was talking about her daughter wanting WLS, and everyone was going "I know someone who had it, it didn't work/they died/they're always sick", etc. So my mom said she finally had to post, and said "My daughter had the lap-band and is doing great!" and she said EVERYONE started attacking her! She got so upset she logged out of pogo lol. I died laughing, I asked her if she remembers the lady's name so I could get in touch with her, but she was too panicked to remember.

I just had like 4 bites of salad (to the tune of $7.00), and the a/c in me and DH office is broken for the 5th time in 1 month. It's a scorcher today. We have our air show this weekend for the company, I invited the in laws, his mom is coming. His dad said today he's not coming, I asked DH why and he said "He thinks he's dying" and I'm like WHAT?? And he goes "Same shit, he always thinks he's dying". I'm baffled, this is first time I heard of this. I dunno, DH isn't acting worried, but that's so bizarre. HIS FAMILY IS SO WEIRD!!!!! I never understand how they do things. I told him to tell his mom to come down Sat. night to stay the night with us so she doesn't have to drive 4 hours on Sunday. I feel like the good DIL!

Lastly, I am getting this weird rash.. on my left hand, and belly. It's puffy, and on my hand, it's where my wedding ring was and my thumb near my wrist. It itches like crazy, hurts, and makes my joints hurt. I have been putting stuff on it, and it's getting worse. I don't know what it is, but I'm a little worried. If it was just rash, I'd say it's poison ivy or something, but it makes my whole hand ache down to the bone and to bend my ring finger hurts. Wah :tongue: My granny just had shingles, I thought maybe I got shingles.. but shingles only affects 1 side of the body and I have it on both sides of my stomach.. left hand, and right arm.

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Well I saw my surgeon today, and he said it looks great! I also asked him about getting copies of my pics he took to send to insurance, since mine did not turn out well, in the dirty mirror with a flash at 2 AM!!! He said sure he would email them to me, and at my next appt. in 6 weeks then we will do my afters. He said he is already pleased, and in 6 weeks he knows we will all be thrilled, he might discuss with me then using them (my before and afters) in his album. They are body shots, no head showing.

I weighed 176 fully dressed in his office today. The infection seems cleared, I still have some necrosis leakage, but very minor, and only on occasion. A PITA, I have to wear a bandage, because I never know when it is going to decide to drain.

Anyway, all is well. I got permission to ride again, and I only have to wear the compression 24/7 for another week and then only when I am doing something such as riding, or on the bike, or working out. I can begin that again in a week too.

Rick blurted out my blood issues right off the bat, like he thought I wouldn't. He said that it is very likely, and that he blames himself---that the antibiotic I was taking -Keflex- is related to Pennicillen, and I am allergic to pennicillen, so he said 2 back to back rounds of it, was probably too much for my system to tolerate--and bleeding is usually related to a reaction of that sort. I did the spit test to test for an ulcer, but like I told him, I feel fine now, have ever since I quit the drugs.

Haydee----please read this with all the love it is said with. I agree with everything the girls have told you. Do not let Juan or anyone force you into a relationship that is not right. But just as Tracy pointed out, you keep saying you were not innocent. Well none of us are totally!!! I mean I knew when I opened my mouth sometimes when I was married the second time I was asking for it, but I still did it! Anyway my point is----you recognized an issue within yourself of wanting to control everything and you are working to change that in yourself. But if you have not got the faith in yourself to be confident that you can do that, you can not expect him to have the faith either. So going at your life with the new approach is going to garner different reactions out of him. The old saying that to change anything, you have to change something----well you did, and things WILL change. Whether it be him or you or both. You may find he wants to get married and you don't! But making the decision to work on YOU is perfect. No matter about Juan, you will definitely be living with you the rest of your life!

We love you as you are, but it is time for you to learn to love you....you deserve it!

TracyK---sorry about Macy being sick, and you having "issues" too. If listening would help, you are free to call me anytime. I hesitate to call you, with today a sick little one, and usually work......plus you know when you can talk about "issues" and when you can't!!

Manda's sister on her Dads side---such a sweetie----spent the night with her, and is keeping Kinsey today, I feel kinda lost!

I did have Rick take a picture one morning this weekend----as I stood in front of the door in bra and panties, he took the picture, and it looks like I am way across the room, so I told him to zoom it a little and try it again, about that time the doorbell not 12 inches behind me rang!!! The neighbor, bringing some bike parts!! Anyway we never got more taken. If you want me to email you that one, I will.....not so sure it is something I want up as a permanent pic. Tomorrow I am going to Durango to have lunch with Sofi. I thought I would try to get someone to take a pic of us together to post too....since she is a bandster!

Terry, is your Mom improving at all? I can only imagine how stressed you are right now with everything going on. Did you ever hear back from your cousins or Aunt? Did you ever say anything to your sister about telling them that?

TracyKS---how's the boys? Enjoy your time with Charles. It sounds like you might need some together one on one time.....no ON was NOT the keyword in that sentence!!!

Jane----spoil yourself! If you want the floors, get them! You have saved a long time for them! Make payments to the Dr. if you have to.

Michelle--how was your aquasize class?

Pamela---so glad you loved your concert!!! Did ya manage to get the bag out safely???

Laura---Your pictures are wonderful! And I find it refreshing to find someone who loved themselves in spite of their size. I know when you saw the pics you hated them, but you still loved you!! I like that!

Suzanne---where ya at? Who you taking care of today??

Denise---we need an update on Mom and baby!

Jenn---hope you are holding up under all the stress you must be under. Hugs girlfriend!

Gina---we miss you girl!!

Judy--hope you are having a blast cruising!!!

Hope I didn't forget anyone.....tried to keep my head straight!!! I always worry I will have a brain fart and miss someone without ever meaning to!


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I know you said sometimes you just skim through posts, so I wanted to make sure you read this one...lol:tt2:

I have a picture of all the Violets on the front porch of our cabin. I had it printed out at Walmart and I am carrying it around in my purse. Macy saw the picture and pointed at Judy and asked "who is she?" I said "Judy". Macy said "she is nice, right momma?" "yes babygirl she is very nice". Then she pointed to YOU and said "what is her name momma?" I said "Laura". Macy goes "she's pretty". I said "she sure is pretty, what do you think is pretty about her?" Macy goes, "she is just beautiful, right momma?" "yes babygirl, she is beautiful". :) Thought you would like to hear that....

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      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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