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Shrinkin' Violets- Part 2 Read Here

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I had a post this morning that was as long as your arm....with all kinds of personals and thanks to all of you for making my birthday so speshul, and special thanks for my latest arrivals from TracyK, TracyinKS, Denise and Michelle. I almost broke down and CRIED when I lost the post, so instead i just logged off in disgust.

Not having a good day at all over here....just want to bite somebody's head off. Kids are OK but everything else is shit!

I do need to pass along to all of you that I spoke to Jenn on the phone last night .... she is going through a very hard time right now and needs our prayers. One of her dearest friends is in the hospital dying of pneumonia. It's been very quick (3-4 days) but supposedly there is no doubt that his organs are shutting down. He is a gentleman of 60, married to her best friend and they have an 11 yr old daughter. As difficult as that all is for the family, it is made 100x worse because the hospital will not allow the daughter to visit...not even to say her final goodbyes to her father....because he is in ICU and they "don't allow children in ICU." Everyone is torn up about it...and Jenn is watching over the daughter during this time. She promises to check in soon, but wanted me to let you all know that she's with us in spirit all the time.

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((JENN)) Sending purple vibes & prayers your way!!

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aaww poor Jenn. Really puts things into perspective for me. Here I am whining and bitching about my relationship issues when there is people DYING.

Kat - his mom is heartbroken too. I do still work with her on the wedding stuff and I'm gonna continue to do it. I love her and I love the work and I told her that just because things might not work out with him doesn't mean that I'm gonna bail out on her. Maybe once she gets etablished she'll be able to hire someone. No, he's not willing to go to counseling. We tried it once and unfortunately the guy was a quack. Took me forever to convince him to go since he is a very shy and private person and then once we get there the guy is an idiot and that ended that. He doesn't realize that sometimes it takes having to try out a few people until you find someone to help you...

Laura - no, Hispanic people don't care if someone tries to speak spanish to them and it comes out broken. They think it's nice that they even try. I've always found it contradicting when hispanic people say that it's nice that english speaking people try to speak spanish to them even though it sounds stupid but then they won't even attempt to speak english to a english speaker because they're afraid of sounding stupid. We're a very proud group of people.

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Haydee: HUGS girlfriend.......... keep strong....... this is the toughest time..... but you will get through it.

OK... I did have some exciting news.......

They just called again to say that I’ve made it to the top 10 and they are presenting to the client next week………

For sure it IF CHOSEN it is looking like They would fly me into New YORK Sunday July 13th for fittings and wardrobe with a max 2 night stay into NYC… they said that they are still working out compensation but that my flight and hotel and all expenses would be paid for………………. Plus compensation…

I asked them how many are going to be chosen and they think 4 or 5, but are unsure at this point.

HOLY CRAP!!!!!!!! Still trying not to get too excited......

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Well I went to lunch with Mom and Dad, stuck to the salad bar---this place we go has a huge covered wagon salad bar, and on Wed. they have shrimp on the salad bar, so my Dad is a regular!!!

We go in, we all decide we are having the salad bar, Kinsey too--the waitress comes around and is ready to take our order, Kinsey very seriously tells her "I would like the crab legs please with the salad bar" We all busted out laughing---told her we are not at Red Lobster there are no crab legs---she was so sad, but ate as many shrimp as we would peel for her!!! She listens way too much sometimes, the girl ask about her drink, and she tells her "Ice tea please and you can keep the lemon".....she is turning into her Mama!

So Michelle, was your fill on stage done while I was in TX? Did I miss how it went????

Terry--I love that you are still receiving surprizes in the mail!!!

I will add Jenn's friends to my prayers as well. That is such a crock about kids in ICU.....they allowed it here---and I have seen it in many places. That is unforgivable---I would get in touch with the Chief of Staff immediately! He/She can and WILL I bet override that damn ICU staff. I understand that they limit children due to what the condition of the patient is as well as the germs kids are notorious for----but if her Daddy has no hope----she needs to be able to see him. I would be fighting mad! I raised hell over more than one thing when Rick was in there! The night nurses were awesome---they would let me sit with him, and only make me leave when the nursing supervisor made her rounds ---sometime between 2-4 AM. But the day nurses, would wait to do anything to him, until the few scheduled times we could see him---I did not put up with it. At that time we did not know yet if he would bleed to death when his balloons were removed, so every second seemed so precious and was so needed. We did not take Kinsey and Connor in to see Rick, they were too young to know, but they did let them bring them up to the waiting room on the ICU floor to see me, and that was not supposed to be allowed either!

That makes me furious----that staff is not God! Poor Jenn.....what a job to have.

If you get in here to read Jenn, know we love you, miss you and are with you----you have a decided purple aura about you.

I am going to go clean out a couple of drawers.....of drawers!! I finally broke down and bought new panties today!!! LOL



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(((Poor Jenn))) I feel so bad for all of them!

Hi everyone...just here taking care of this fake illness. LOL The MJC made it all better! :smile2:

WoooHOOO Tracy! you GO girl!

Even if Friday is my last day dd will still be in pre-k 2 weeks since I paid for it already. It will give me a little momma vacation before the macy & me time. I have never had 2 weeks off without a child around before. It will give me time to plot and plan and come up ill all kinds of neat stuff to do.

Speaking of....she just got home so let me go....

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Tracyks that is great!!! I hope you get it!!

Purple power to everyone in need of it!! There seems to be a great need to a wide variety of people!

Car broke down today. Had a major hassle getting it towed, not happy. I hope it is not too big of a repair bill.

Not too much to say, waiting to hear from a bunch of people. I need something that doesn't require batteries or phone calls. You think I am asking too much???


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Just got home from our shift at the hospital. Not very busy for us tonight but they were still doing some late surgeries.

One thing I did notice was when I went to ICU to pick up some equipment. There was a room that had some young kids in it. The man looked like he was well in his late eighties and not long for this world. Standing next ot his bed were two very young kids. So this goes out to Jenn, fight the fight. That little girl deserves to say good-bye. That hospital should be ashamed of it's self.

Purple Power to Jenn, Terry, Pam and that new little baby waiting to be born.

Tomorrow I will be gone all day. Heading to Carthage with some friends to go to "Precious Moments Chapel". Hopefully the rain will hold off till we get back home.

Everyone have a great evening and a great day tomorrow. I'll check in when I get home.

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Haydee-- Wow, are you really serious about breaking up? I thought you were just kind of taking some time for yourself to think things through. Where's your head (and heart) at right now? I have suggested this book to every girl I know going thru your same situation...and maybe you've read it...[ame=http://www.amazon.com/gp/offer-listing/0684848066/ref=dp_olp_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1213843387&sr=1-1]In the Meantime[/ame] by Iyanla Van Zandt. Awesome book...and it sold about a zillion copies so it's not just me!

Kat - I thought that sounded so strange about the ICU situation, too... I'm hoping there was just some kind of misunderstanding. I can't imagine, in my wildest dreams, that she would not be allowed to see her father.

New panties for Kat!!! Wooo Hooo!! I'll bet you dropped a size or two eh?

I have a girlfriend who's son is 18....a little older than mine. He was arrested yesterday, drunk, walking out of the grocery store with 2 cases of beer in a shopping cart. Just waltzed right out of there! (Hello?) He was arrested and charged with theft. Well, she made the tough decision to let him spend the night in jail! I supported her in that decision totally, but can you imagine the hell she went through worrying about him? Her boss is the one that lost his 20 yr old son last October driving while drunk. His parents bailed him out of DUI trouble at least twice that we know of. Bailing them out is rarely the right answer. Adult decisions, adult consequences. But OUCH!

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Michelle - Are you still on a roll with your eating & weight loss??

I'm eating too much...I can eat anything at any speed. Errrrr...time for a (small!) fill very soon.

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Good morning violets-

Happy Thursday.

Not too much to say this morning believe it or not.

Hope you all have a fantastic day!

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Good Thursday Morning, Vi's~~

Leave it to me... but even though school is closed for the summer... I have an 8am - 1pm meeting there today!! :rolleyes2: w/the administration to plan for next year!!

Thanks for thinking of me, Terry... darn it!... thought maybe I could skate by unnoticed... so the answer to your question is... NO... grrr... I have a "sobriety" record of a whopping 3 days! & then it's been, let's see, a week off... yeah, that sounds about my speed lately! I still have my good intentions every day, however... hope springs eternal here in my little corner of the world! I am wearing my BEAUTIFUL Violets necklace today to give me strength... I always get SO SO many compliments on it every time I wear it... I love it so much... it really does help channel all the purple power & good vibes from ya'll... and keeps me centered & reminds me of what I *should* be doing. So maybe today will be a new "Day 1"! (she says as she packs up her home-baked "Hummingbird Cake" (a big bundt cake made w/bananas, pineapple, & spices... mmmmm) to take to the meeting!)

Do as I say & not as I do, Vi's! Make it a great one!!

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LOL Michelle.......... everything you bake SOUNDS SOOOOO GOOD!!!!!

Terry: I agree with your friend.... but it would be hard.

Haydee: I just pm'd you

Jane: That stinks about the car......... made me smile about the phone and batteries :rolleyes2:

Suzie: Nice weather today.. POOL anyone?

Kat: NEW UNDIES whooohoooo!

TracyK: MCJ queen! You crack me up!!!!!!!!!!!!

Laura: Where are you?

Judy: Where are you?

Jenn: You won't be reading this.. but Prayers girlie!

Pamela: Are you gone yet?

Denise: Any word on baby Dimitri yet?

OK.... so I virtually nibbled on pork steak ALL day and then last night DH grilled steaks....... of which I ACTUALLY was able to eat AND not PB it!!!!!!!!!!! HOLY CRAP it was soooo good!

So then DH says he needs Dairy Queen, I say.. I'm NOT going cause I want to be good... (plus I had already snuck some orange sherbert) but he twists my arm and tells me to get my clothes on and just come on....... so I do............ I order my pecan mudslide.... and 3 bite into it... I just can't eat any more... (as I am still FULL from the steak) I pushed it aside and said.. I'm FULL.. I can NOT eat one more bite... (he is looking in amazment) He says... well that was $3.00 wasted....

I replied.. I TOLD YOU I DIDN'T WANT TO COME.... I KNEW better.. we all just got done eating STEAK! anyway........ I took one more bite (out of guilt) and just in my head said... SCREW THIS.. this is EXACTLY HOW I GOT TO BE 272 lbs!! So I pushed it away and told Dustin the 11 year old.. TAKE THIS AND GET IT AWAY FROM ME!

So this morning............ I get rewarded with 181.2 (a new low!!!!)

Imagine how low I'd be if I'd had a drink of Water in the last 5 days!

I'm guessing my real waterless weight is 179,,,,,,,,

Have a good one!

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Good Morning, Violets...

I'm here... just busy getting ready for the cruise. We leave on Saturday. Today I have my hospital shift to get things caught up so things won't be behind when I'm gone for a week. Then I'm going to TRY and get some sewing in. I have some shorts outfits to make for my year old granddaughter, Amelia. I haven't had the time to sew with Ethan here most every day, but he's not here today so I hope to accomplish something!

The Bobster and I went biking last night. We got 6 miles in, but I had to wear a jacket and socks and GLOVES!! Can you imagine?? It's 55 degrees here right now and gloomy. We're supposed to get rain yet again and no sun so of course my swimming pool which is now down to 68 degrees will not warm up no matter what we do. I'm tempted to do laps in the hot tub!! I miss my pool exercise. At least I'll be able to get Water exercise in on the cruise in between scoping out hunky cabana boys.

The Bobster and I had a Schwans meal last night .. chicken, broccoli, Pasta and alfredo sauce. It went down slow and came back up fast. I keep trying to sneak the forbidden foods in and my band keeps telling me, "nice try, but it ain't goin' down".

Time to finish up my oatmeal, get my hair curled and make up on and head to the hospital. Everyone have a great day. Enjoy the sunshine if you've got it and make wise food choices!!!

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      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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