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Shrinkin' Violets- Part 2 Read Here

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Terri, Love the pic of your family. You and your husband make a handsome couple.

Another nothing day. We will be cutting grass here pretty soonthan probably sit out on the deck the rest of the day.

We did go to a graduation party yesterday. Enjoyed it and saw some cousins we hadn't seen in a while. Got lots of compliments.

Church is having a vendor sale and I ended up buying 2 baby blankets for a cousin that just had a little girl. I had fun shopping.

Everyone have a great day.

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Good morning!

Tracy, our company got totally out of the offshore business after Rita.... we just can't afford the risk of loss in production. It's a very real threat. Who's a big offshore driller....like Newfield? If you watch Newfield stock during hurricane season, it's quite entertaining. LOL....as long as you don't own any! I think that no matter what, we all need to start thinking in terms of $5+ gasoline.... if it doesn't happen now, it will be a reality within a few years. So don't anybody go out buy a Hummer! I am soooooo glad I got Evan that Civic when I did...another couple of months and his Pathfinder would have been worth ZIP.

So much on my list today!

Ya'll are gonna be jealous, but I've got another trip to the Guadalupe River this coming weekend. Several families get together and we all have a total blast. This is our 6th year and I used to go to this place when I was a kid... love that my kids are now enjoying it too.

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Wow toobin again!!! Too bad I can't come this weekend I have got a graduation party!!! My bruises just faded too!!

Gonna see Thoroughly Modern Millie today with my parents. I am such a broadway geek!!

Gonna see Dr. tomorrow about weird thing happening two weeks ago. It really has me freaked out sometimes. Then going to the gambling boat with a friend. We don't see each other very often, so usually end up talking most of the time, at least we are not eating or gambling!

Off to start my day!!

By the way Terry those were great pictures!!!

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OOoooohhh Terrrrrryyy.......I want my $20 so I can go shopping again!!! I actually feel great today!

To top of my day yesterday....my family, and our friends and their families we all went to dinner (17 of us!) then we took our 2 grankids and their one, to the local carnival! Granted with the kids and Rick there, I did nothing more than laugh and take pictures. Connor is still too short to ride without a parent, but that made for some of the best pictures--Lenny with his looooong bony legs sticking up in all the rides!! But Kinsey has made it to where she can ride many of the things---and Becky & Gary's grandson Ray is younger than she is but is equal in height, so they rode all sorts of things together, and had such a great time! These two little 3 year olds bouncing through there holding hands and having such serious conversations---I loved it. You know how when it is really loud you speak into someones ear, as opposed to facing them to talk----these 2 little kids were doing just that, then they would crack up! Becky and I had more fun watching and laughing at them! Their own parents didn't get as much of a kick out of it as we did! Of course being a small town they were running into all the people they went to school with and all----it was a great night!

I was tired---come home----walked in the front door, and began shedding clothes on my way to the shower----and went straight from the shower to bed, and slept like a log! Woke up feeling so good for having slept good! I don't think I was ever doing anything to make myself tired before!

Becky and I are thinking we will take them back this afternoon during the Bracelet session---where for one price they can ride anything---as opposed to last nights tickets.

Terry---your family is beautiful! Congrats to your son! And to you for getting them through! Kids are not always easy----my son about killed us getting him raised, but after him, the girls seemed easy.....ok easier! Manda had her share of difficulties. Abbey was just one you never knew what to expect---she did not break rules with curfew, or get caught smoking or any of the things the others did----but she ruined THINGS! Painted a high dollar bedroom set----ruined the carpet in her room....repeatedly....and ignored her English for her Art. Thankfully they all grew up to be good people!

Jane I am glad you are seeing the Dr. I am anxious to hear what he has to say. I must admit, I had a fit of the giggles when I imagined the scene.....here we sit at the same little restaurant, the Adobe Verde or whatever it was.....at our little picnic tables.

Terry and Richard, then come TracyK and Frank, and there you are at the end, while they hit the flame to the really cool cheese thing, sitting with your little purple friend sitting right on the table next to you!!!! LOL!!!

TracyK----I brought in a box of clothes from the shed from last year--some of them are longer shirts---you want me to send them to you to look through before I discard them???

Man Pamela----now I really want to go to the movie as opposed to going to the carnival again!! Sofi is coming down Wed, maybe we will go see SATC then....so glad to hear it is good from a "normal" person!!! Yeah I HAD to " " normal!!!! Sometimes I hear a movie review on TV or something, and am so stunned by the difference in how I saw it. I mean we heard on TV the morning we went to see There Will Be Blood, what an amazing, wonderful movie it was, and none of us cared for it at all!!!

Suzanne---it sounds like you guys spend a lot of time on your deck, we do the same with our back patio/porch. We live out there during the summer! I keep a cordless phone base and phone out there! We have dinner out there most nights, we have a fire pit, and torches, as well as lights inside the covered area----it is just extended living space when the warm months are here. I trade my recliner for the hammock swing or the lawn swing!

Well I better go unload the dishwasher.....I have been relaxing all morning!!!



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Good Evening V's.......

I found the purple heart (sold as an annual here) as purple QUEEN..... got it planted in the back and am ready for it to fill in the area... THANK YOU TERRY! I had to go to a Nursery to find it.

WE spent yesterday at Charles sisters having a bbq it was really nice... Dustin is spending the week with us (the 11 year old) so he and Cody will be going to the pool everyday while we are at work... I'm lucky to live near a very nice aquatic center.. (new as of 5 years ago) Robby goes to the doc on Thursday for more xrays.....

Cody was at his moms this weekend but is home now..... so far he's ok.... hmmmmmmmmmmmm

OK... time to check the meatloaf.

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OK... time to check the meatloaf.

I dunno why but this sounded like the "time to make the do-nuts" commercial from years ago. I am weird, I know! :lol:

We had a blast at moms. It was definitely pool weather here today.

Terri-yeah, Newfield is a big one. And the usual, Exxon, Shell, Applied Drilling, Anadarko, Chevron and BP. Things just go ballistic around our office when a storm enters the gulf. An A/R nightmare! :P The back to back Katrina and Rita liked to have put me in an early grave:cursing:

I wish we were all sitting on the back porch in Gruene with a drink. I really would like to talk to all of you again! I have so much on my mind. I used to keep a diary and then found out that having those things around can be dangerous. Then there are blogs but I can't do that either. yikes..dh is home..gotta go.

Have a great evening violets!!!

Edited by TracyK

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Well we are carnival, ice cream, and Water sprinkler'd out!!!! I am vegging in front of the computer, and Kinsey is crashed on the couch!!

We went, and they rode and rode and rode---until they went in a house of mirrors, and there was a spiral slide coming out of it, and it was so hot, it literally burned the skin to a blister on Kinsey's elbow and Ray's ankle! So that was our key out of there. From there it was on to my friends ice cream shop, where we all had a cone. When we come home the guys are playing motorcycle in the back yard, so we went out there, and the kids were sticky from ice cream so we stripped 'em down and let 'em go in the sprinklers. Being a Granny is so much fun!!!!

I have potatoes baked, and steaks ready for the grill when the guys get home from riding. Not making anything else either-I am tired!

I wore a pair of my new capri's though!!

There was one of my friends who was dead set against me being banded. She has always been the thin friend. There were 3 of us that went around in this particular group, our kids were all in karate together for years. The other gal and I were big, and this one was always petite and small. The other big friend was the first person I knew to be banded, she and her DH went together. She has not followed up on her fills, and has not met with much success. But this thin friend was majorly upset that I did not listen to her and abandon the idea. She refuses to discuss it, will not acknowledge how much I have lost---nothing. We drifted apart from it, I do not need the negativity. So we run into her with her grandson at the carnival. Becky finds her a Miss Priss anyway, so she antagonized her and point blank asks her "Doesn't Kat look great?" She agreed, and Becky tells her "She went shopping yesterday and fit in a size 10" to which she jerked her head and looked at me, and says "That's what I wear!" I just smiled, and changed the subject....let her think on that for awhile!!!

Tracy---I wish we could all get together like that too!!! how fun would that be?!

Gonna go light the BBQ, and get this show on the road!!! Check in with y'all later!


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No time to catch up, gotta get to bed.. just got home from visiting my friend who had the baby while we were in TX. Oh.. my...god. I have not seen a newborn in like a decade, and I just melted. I'm ready to have one TOMORROW. I can't stand it, honestly. I am just itching, I am ready to have a baby!!!!

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Kat, congrats on the NSV. How awesome that must have felt.

We spend more time out on our deck than in the house. I know the neighbors must hate it that we are out there all the time, but now that we have a fence up they don't have to worry about it anymore. Several years ago Hubby and I were on our way to the Lake when we ran across a little Amish furniture place. We ended up buy a glider that is divided in the middle by a little table. We thought that would work better than sitting side by side. Now I can rock all I want and have my glass of ice tea.

Speaking of ice tea, I made my first batch of Sun Tea today. It's delicious. Love the stuff.

Hope everyone had a great weekend.

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I love sun tea!!!

Saw Thoroughly Modern Millie today and that was great. Went to a place for brunch with my mom and dad, and my mom starts in on me about losing weight. How if I don't watch it I could gain all my weight back being unfilled like I am. We have had this discussion before. Now, I just point blank said I don't need that, I wasn't rude, or mean, or catty, just didn't want to go there. She started crying in the restaurant. Now, in our family we have a serious family issue going on right now, that is tearing my mom apart. So I know how lightly I have to tread, but as Michelle would ask:


Just is kind of making me nuts right now. I wish I had restriction. Everyday I say this is the day I will do good. Then I would start with June. Now I am thinking I will start on Tuesday (my work week start). But I am going to be headed into the most stressful time of my life (I think) for the next two months or so. I can't really talk about it, but it involves my cousin and court, something happened last year that totally turned our lives upside down, and now the trial is going to start in July, with a thing Friday. I am really rambling, and I am sorry, but things are soo jumbled in my head right now too!!

Alright, enough, I am going to bed and watch the end of Andromeda Strain, I taped it and it seems sort of scary so far. Weird though.

Have a great work week!!! First week of June can you believe it?????

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I have no idea what was in the Water today but all day I had a peech inspediment. Know what I mean?????

BIL asked me what the hubby was doing out in the back yard and I told him he was putting down the "tea and flick" killer. I kept doing stuff like that all day long.

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Good Evening V's.......

I found the purple heart (sold as an annual here) as purple QUEEN..... got it planted in the back and am ready for it to fill in the area... THANK YOU TERRY! I had to go to a Nursery to find it.

You're very welcome, sweetie! It should do great as an annual...you won't have to worry about it spreading out of control that way.
We had a blast at moms. It was definitely pool weather here today.

I wish we were all sitting on the back porch in Gruene with a drink. I really would like to talk to all of you again! I have so much on my mind. I used to keep a diary and then found out that having those things around can be dangerous!!

It most definitely was a day for the pool. I sure do wish we had one. :thumbup: Our back yard is very shallow so it's impossible.

I used to keep a journal in a password protected Word document... could you do that? Anytime you feel like talking or getting together, just ring me up!! I'd be more than happy to meet you!

...... So we run into her with her grandson at the carnival. Becky finds her a Miss Priss anyway, so she antagonized her and point blank asks her "Doesn't Kat look great?" She agreed, and Becky tells her "She went shopping yesterday and fit in a size 10" to which she jerked her head and looked at me, and says "That's what I wear!" I just smiled, and changed the subject....let her think on that for awhile!!!
HA!!!! I love it!!! :) Becky sounds like a very, VERY good friend! Can I borrow her?
No time to catch up, gotta get to bed.. just got home from visiting my friend who had the baby while we were in TX. Oh.. my...god. I have not seen a newborn in like a decade, and I just melted. I'm ready to have one TOMORROW. I can't stand it, honestly. I am just itching, I am ready to have a baby!!!!
Babies are great and high school graduates are great....it's all that stuff in between that gets kinda hairy. :)

I cannot believe it's so late and i'm here on this computer. What a weekend....where did it go?????

Well, see ya'll in the mornin'. G'night!

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Good morning everyone!

I slept like a log last night and so did Macy. All that exercise and heat can wear a person out. When we went toobing, I made sure I had on loads of sunblock and it worked well in most places, right? Well, I had these big dandruff looking things in my hair and finally realized my scalp had burnt and was peeling. How attractive, right? Well, dd has a burnt scalp now so I know in a few days she will be shedding like an english sheepdog just like I was! Luckily she has real blonde hair so it will not be too noticeable! Is there a sunblock for hair & scalp?

Terri-I think I will start a word journal. I really miss keeping one cause it is very theraputic. I loved that link of where you are going this weekend. Looks like fun!

Laura-babies are fun... Especially when you can bring them back to their mom. lol But seriously, I know what you mean about the yearning to have one. Good luck! You will be a great momma! Then you will have an internal clock and wake up early like me :)

Jane-sorry to hear about what you are going through. I wish I were there to give you a big hug!

Jennifer...we miss you!!

Kat-what a great NSV! I LOVE IT!

Tracy-how was the meatloaf?

Haydee-how was Galveston?

Suzie-If we had a deck I would probably live outside!

I need to get my butt in gear. Have a great day everyone!

:) Hi Judy, Pamela and Michelle!! (if I missed someone I am sorry)

Edited by TracyK

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Well, the day is finally here. I go to the Doc's at 2pm today and I'm afraid it ain't going to be a good one. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that I will have lost at least a couple of pounds. Hope, Hope, Hope. I just hate to disappoint Doc. My last two appointments went really well but this time I just didn't play by the band-rules. I over ate, I ate the wrong stuff, yadda, yadda, yadda. One thing I did do right was exercise. So I have that in my favor.

Disappointing myself is one thing but disappointing Doc and my Hubby is something else. They both have such high hopes for me and I just hate seeing the look on their faces when I don't have a good weigh-in. I'm not going to get on myself real hard. I'm still losing and I'm very proud about that. It's just that I didn't do good this time.

Maybe I need to look into the journaling in Word. Just wish I had the computer on when I get these thoughts in my head. I try to mentaly remember them to write later but by that time I can't remember what I was thinking about. Maybe one of those little pocket recorders would come in handy???

Everyone have a great day and I'll pop in later and let you know how my appointment went.

Hugs to all.

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        That's a great choice! 😊

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