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Shrinkin' Violets- Part 2 Read Here

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Happy Mother's Day my friends!!

Well I began packing in earnest this morning. I have clothes figured out, and jammies that will hopefully work--I guessed and stitched up the arm holes on the new ones I was given that are too big!!! LOL--nver even tried on the pants----I hope I don't embarass us all!!!

I will not be around a lot in the next few days---it is going to be crazy.

My kids are due here within the hour---so the rest of the day will be busy.

Tomorrow I have my final appointment with the plastic surgeon before surgery. Then my Mom is taking me for a pedicure, she knows how it is when you are heading to the hospital!! I love my Mommy!!

If my PS puts me on steroids, soon after I begin them I lose my ability to drive, my sight is affected! Hoping, and kind of doubting I will be on them, maybe a heavy diuretic---meaning we will have to stop at every potty for me!! sorry......

Wed. we have to leave early, I have a 2 PM appointment with my band Dr. for the unfill, and he is 6 hours away! So it will be a full day for that. Just found out Rick cannot take me either. He has a class to teach, and I doubt we would be back.....dammit!

Thurs. I have lots of cleaning to do, and I am then going to drive to Albq. I will spend the night there, as I have to be at the airport by 4-4:30 the next morning. If I wait at home I will be leaving about 1 AM to drive to Albq.---so I would arrive in TX the next morning with no sleep the night before. I would be excited enough to make it, but I am trying to keep myself healthy as well as happy at this point!!!!

So......doesn't leave me a lot of extra time. I am seriously bumming about Rick not being able to go to CO with me for my unfill.....I was looking forward to the one on one time before all this starts, he is my calming force!! Oh well......

OK kids should be here soon, gonna go brew some tea!

See y'all later tonight maybe!!!


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Happy Mom's Day, everyone!~~

You know you're a mom when...

after partying 'til late @ a wedding on Sat night, you get up @ 7am to get ready to go to your son's 9am soccer game!!

Yep, that's me! Party last night (note to self: add "diet cranberry juice & vodka" to our shopping list for next week) & up for soccer this a.m!

DEFINITELY NO food POLICE NEXT WEEKEND. If I wanna eat it, I will. If I don't, I won't. Voila. (Just don't pack any of those Fried Twinkies, Tracy!!!)

+ I'm pretty sure I read on here somewhere, in the rules or some other "official" area, that there are no active calories that count during official LBT gatherings w/2 or more current members, + additional benefits if Admins are present, so we're GOOD TO GO!! :welldoneclap:

I hated I Am Legend. I think because I can imagine too easily that that scenario won't be just "fiction" one day.

I, like Kat, am going to be CrAzY busy this week, so don't know how often I'll be able to pop in this week. But don't fret -- I'll BE THERE FRIDAY!! I'd write it all down, but #1 it'd take too long, #2 you wouldn't believe me as it's just too darn much, and #3 I can just regale you w/the tales of my week next weekend!! lol!

Speaking of which... that's JUST what I did last night @ the wedding... actually, 1st @ a "first communion" party, THEN later @ the wedding. Evidently, my life is HILARIOUS to others! Or maybe it's just the way I tell it. Seriously, I had someone suggest that I make comedy routines out of it... but I can never remember what was so funny when I try to duplicate it... it's a spur-of-the-moment thing... ah well... give me a few drinks next week & you'll see for yourself!!

Ok... I *think* we're off to <insert name of "bad" Italian restaurant here> for dinner! TTFN!

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Hey Vi's~

Hope everyone had a great day! I had a horrible morning...just woke up VERY SAD. But as I was walking out to go to my Memossa's on Mother's Day Breakfast, I got a funny wonderful call from Judy...and the rest of the day was lovely.

Sadly we only were able to chat for a minute, cause I was leaving...but it was sooo great to hear her voice. Just think, in a few days, we can put voices AND faces to the posts we've come to know and love!

At breakfast, I ordered a Cobb salad. I ate just a small amount but did ok. Then a few hours later, I tried to take some "quick bites" of it...and you guessed it...PB city. Actually, it was puke city...no PBing about it. OOOO man that hurt. Problem was I was still hungry. I managed to get in some Tums...then a bit later some Beans and cheese. I was able to get in some bites of salad tonight. Then I took a spoonful of Peanut Butter, and squirted some jelly...and treated myself to dessert, lol!

Have a great night everyone...I've gotta go grade some papers. I too have a hella busy week and I have to have all of these done before Thursday night!

Terri~ thinking of you today. I hope everything is going well and that you've enjoyed your day!

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Good evening, Violets..

Hope everyone had a good day. It was fun hearing Pam's and Tracyk's voice. I figured since I programmed in everyone's cell phone, I better make sure I have them in correctly. Don't want to be calling TracyK to pick me up and find out I don't have the right number!! And of course I had to have my Roomie's number right.

The Bobster and I just got in from the hot tub. It's so pretty out there. The stars are out, and just a few drops of light rain. It was nice to "relax" out there.. :)

I got two beautiful hanging plants today from DD and DS plus a cute Hoops and YoYo talking thermal cup. DD says it's for my Crystal light. She knows me well. Oldest DS called to wish me a Happy Mother's Day and 2nd oldest DS will be calling the florist tomorrow I'm sure, cause my flowers from him never arrived. He said he's hoping they are so sorry that they give him free flowers that he can give to the Bobster on his birthday later this month. The boy's always thinking!!

Ethan will be here at 8 so I better head to bed. Everyone have a good evening!!

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Just left a message on the Greune thread, but I cannot open the travel docs---the Google one---and I need to program all the #'s in my phone........HELP!!


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Judy~LOL...is "relax" code for getting lucky? (Subtle huh?). In that case, I "relaxed" today too!

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Judy or Kat~ could you copy that PM and send me the numbers too. I have Judy's only. I could use the xmas list...but that is not only cells.

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You might get doubles Pamela!!!

Judy -----------TY TY TY!!! Seriously----THANKS!!!

They are all programmed in now. I should not have put it off that way. Everytime I tried to open the travel docs file, I just get a blank page, that says it is done......it might be me, of that there is no doubt!!!!

Well I am going to approach my PS about doing the surgery without an unfill tomorrow. Especially if he opts to put me on steroids. Scares me to approach it, that he will want to postpone the surgery, until I can work it out. My DD has an appt. with her gyno that day concerning the follow up on all of her stuff. Everyone else works or has small kids.....and if I cannot drive, that is 12-13 hours with good vision!!!! Lots of mountain roads....this sucks! I cannot believe the one class he has to have----and it is the same day---but everything seems to be happening that way lately.

My friends wedding is the same day as our class reunion---I had to choose.

My Aunt and cousin who I am very close to will be here the 17th & 18th of July----I seldom get to see them, and they sent this email all excited to see me after surgery....but we have already set up reservations and we will be out of town the same weekend!

Oh well......will let you know what the Dr. says----I see him at 11:15 in the morning. Then off for a pedi----hope it is a relaxing time.

We had a weird day, and I was not a real happy camper. We were getting things ready for cooking, and Rick's cell phone rang, it was a guy who used to work for him, he told Rick he was down the road, and he had just bought a new Harley and wanted Rick to see it, so he was going to drive by. I told Rick, "Don't hang out, out front talking to Johnny if our kids and everyone show up" He told me ok. So they pull up, get off the bike, we go out do the oohs and ahs. He said they were going to Rubios (Mexican restaurant in town) but they were closed....which was not a biggie, it is 4 blocks away. About that time Manda and Jason and Kinsey showed up, and they said Hi and walked into the back yard, because they bring their dogs----well Johnny's wife, just follows Manda back there, sits down, and ASK Rick for a beer! They did not leave! They insinuated themselves in with our kids, and my parents, and she ticked off my DIL who said his wife was flirting outrageously with Rick! So.....instead of "helping" Rick ended up trying to maintain peace, and entertaining people. I was furious!!!!! The girls kept trying to get me to go sit down outside, and let them get dinner ready, for me not to do anything. I told them nope, I'd just be rude, I would rather spend the time in the kitchen with at least a few of the people I choose to spend time with.

These people for one reason or another, will act like we are long lost best friends one time, and then the next time we see them, they may act like we have never met! Not my favorite people anyway, and to make themselves at home during a family outin---and her kids called her on her cell 3 times!!! They kept asking for beer. I LOOKED at Rick and he told them no more beer, not on a bike....I thought they would leave! NOPE!

Finally my parents left, and kids were wanting to take us to ice cream, and we had to tell them we were leaving. AAaarrgghh!!!

We went to our friends ice cream shop, and they showed up there too. But they didn't buy any ice cream, and I didn't offer---I couldn't I didn't take my purse even. Kids bought!!! They told Rick they would stop by next weekend, and maybe go for a ride....I betcha I end up being a witch!!!

If they had been decent, I would have invited them, I have others----but this ticked me off in a major way! Oh well.....we survived, and I enjoyed my kids...and grandkids, and not so much the dogs. DS's dog is toooooooo wild!

Manda brought me tons of pictures to bring, just like I ask, DIL did not. Abbey left the ones she has for me at my MIL's---but I will get them. Hopefully DIL comes through!

Well I am off to bed-----I'm exhausted!!! Tension takes it out of you!!! LOL, my poor DH was so unsure how to handle things, I almost felt sorry for him.....LOL


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Man, that would have ticked me off, too, Kat!!! People are so STUPID sometimes!!! On Mother's Day?!? Poor Rick...I'm sure he did feel bad and quite awkward. He's too nice to just ask them to leave...but KAT! You could have done it!! LOL I wish you would have...they deserved that! How rude! Musta been raised by wolves.

Michelle you are hilarious!! You seriously crack me up.

(((Pammy))) Thanks... I did enjoy my day with Mom. When I'm dragging ass and don't feel like going to the hospital or nursing home, I always remind myself that these are my last days with her and I should enjoy every moment. And when I finally get there, I am much better and happy to be there. I just havent seen very much of my DH in the last week or two!

My teenage kids are narcissistic and egocentric twits. But I love them with all my heart. I don't allow DH to 'prompt' them to buy cards and gifts for me....I just see what they do left to their own devices. As a result, I rarely get those treats. In their defense, however, they are wonderful to me every day of the year...do whatever I ask, don't argue with me often, I get hugs and kisses all day long, and they tell me they love me about 10x a day....literally. I really shouldn't complain, eh?

Gotta hit the showers. Be back later!

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I think I have Pink Eye!!

But then again, maybe it's just allergies???

Woke up & my eyes were all gummed together, blurry, and now they itch like the dickens... ds said they looked red earlier, but now they don't.............. what to do? Call the doc or wait a day to see if it goes away???

& dh is home sick w/dd's stomach bug...

get me the heck OUT OF HERE before I catch something REALLY dangerous!! :)

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GET TO THE DOCTOR TODAY. Here are the symptoms from the mayo Clinic website:

Redness in one or both eyes

Itchiness in one or both eyes

Blurred vision and sensitivity to light

A gritty feeling in one or both eyes

A discharge in one or both eyes that forms a crust during the night


The thing is, Pink Eye gets so bad SO fast....you really need to jump on it early.

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Oh, and stay the hell away from DH!!!!

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Long weekend here.

The fencing material came in last week and we spent all weekend working out in the yard. Boy are we all sore. They guys worked on the fence and I shoveled landscape rock. I'm removing what we have so they can deliver 2 tons next week. I wold like for all of it to match. I was trying to move a huge box over to the deck by pulling it and got my feet tangled up and went down on my arsssss. Close call. My head came inches from hitting the steps. Took me a sec to figure out I hadn't broke anything. So up I got and went back to work. I've done most of the clean up after the guys. All in all it was a really good weekend. I'll try to send a pic of the guys.

Yes you right, the Doc told me to stay off the walking for a couple of weeks but I don't think he knew at the timethat David was coming. I'll stay off of it this week, no working out for me. I'm to sore anyway.... My neice is the one that dated David several times and they have remained friends. He texted her over the weekend. I agree that both Davids are good and that they both deserve to win, but a home town boy is hard to not vote for.


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Thanks, Terry!

Why don't I ever think to look up stuff on the 'net?? Duh!

I have some but not all those symptoms... waah waah waah.

Not only am I avoiding dh, but I'm sanitizing everything in sight, as well!!

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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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      Bought a treadmill and some 5 lb weights. Time to get off my butt and get moving!
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      1. DaisyChainOz

        That's a great choice! 😊

    • DaisyChainOz

      Surgery done!  Really looking forward to the next chapter 🥳😁
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      3. Alisa_S

        Fantastic! Best of luck to you & I hope you're healing nicely & not having much pain!🙏

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