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Shrinkin' Violets- Part 2 Read Here

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HELLO V's!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Michelle you crack me up!!!! I can very well picture your mickey keds!

It was cool and overcast today and I spent $200.00 on perenials for my yard!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OHHHHLLALLLAA I love spring......... and they are all planted and watered!

I worked on my front beds which are 100% shade due to the big ass tree that covers the front half of the yard....... (last week I actually climbed on my roof to trim branches) NSV NSV NSV.... I have to say that I'm quite pleased with my efforts.......

Have any of you ever trained a wisteria vine into a tree??? We have THE most beautiful one on campus at work and I think it would look great..... Funny part is DH gave me 60 bucks for mothers day flowers and I spent $200! LOL he about keeled over... I talk flowers and he rolls over dead..... oh well....... I love the big goober! I was itchy and sweaty,, and I crammed a fairly large piece of sour cream angel food cake down my pie hole... and oh imagine that IT GOT STUCK! So I let hot Water beat down on my chest until it dislodged....... and I have been bad bad bad...... primo sabatage at work ... girls this is EXACTLY why I've lost 80 lbs 3 freaking times PRE-BAND......... and Michelle I had a dream about your blueberry buckle!!!!!!!!!!! I'm an idiot......

Oh and can we say this now........ NO FOOD POLICE next weekend. Please... I know I'm going to be bad..... so just bite your tongue while I run out of the room to PB! (I'm laughing as I type this but its only because I'm such a dork!)

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I wear socks in the winter, or when I am cold....and they HAVE to match whatever I am wearing....I will change if they don't!!!

I am almost as bad with my flip flops--I own probably more than 40 pair!!! I match them when I can too. I am trying to decide whether to bring a generic pair, or pack multiples!!!!

I have capri's, tops, and flip flops, and that will be my outfit...day in and day out!!! And back to the sock thing---I hate going to TX in the fall, I am never sure what to pack weather wise, some years we get there, and first thing we do is get the AC going. Other years, we are digging out the space heaters!!! BUT one year when the weather kept changing on us, I wore tenny shoes and socks down to the pecan bottom....and got chigger bites all over my ankles, where the socks were....nowhere else, just where my socks were!!!! Little horrors itched Omg they itched like crazy!!!

Well we had a nice lunch with the parents and the kids. We did call ahead seating, it still took them 40 minutes to get us a table...they were idiots!! We told them, there would be 15 of us. So at one point they cleared a table for 8, and were waiting for the next table to clear so they could pull it in to finish us off, and another hostess sat a group of 7 down, so we had to wait longer! I was getting highly irritated!!! But in the end it was all fun. Tomorrow the kids are all going to be here, I guess we are going to grill---I don't know nuthin' about it, the girls are handling it!!!

I love my DD, today they were discussing it, and my DIL ask me "well can you eat ribeye and baked potatoes and things like that?" My DD told her, "She can eat anything! We'll plan it, and she eats around it, taking what she wants---she really hates always being ask can she eat something." Yes!! Sometime, somehow, somewhere she listened!!! I simply said....Ribeye is my favorite---hoping they stick to that plan!!! LOL

So get this, I was all happy because my wallet I loved matched my new purse....today we stopped at Lowes to get some lawn fertilizer, and when I opened the snap to get my debit card----the snap broke! AAarrggghh!! I paid close to $30.00 for it no less than 10 years ago at Dillards, and I loved it....apparently too well!!! Oh well, time to buy a new one, and try to learn where things are! Question is----do I go back to Dillards and spend the $$$ on one to last another 10+ years, or do I hit Wallyworld???? I think Target has some nice ones, Penneys too---will look Monday!

Grandson has arrived in a flourish of noise and activity!!! Better Run!!!



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Kat~treat yourself one from Texas...that way everytime you use your wallet...you'll think of us. I am hoping NOT to fall in love w/ some wonderful leather purse/wallet combo next week.

I have about 10 pair of Birkies...wore them EVERYDAY up until I was diagnoses w/bone spurs...and the doc thinks the Birks are the suspect. I loved 'em! I am a Dead Head and that is part of our "uniform"...lol. Speaking of what a dork I am...I wore Birkies w/ socks...even w/ my thong Birks. I TOTALLY agree w/ Terri...I have NEVER given a shit what people think of me.

Ok, I am pedi'ed and waxed for our trip! I have a totally busy week and wanted to get it done today. Getting the "do" done on Thursday! I know what I am flying in...just gotta figure the other 3 days. My flight pants will probably double as my Sat night outfit...just changing the tops. Probably not gonna get a new suit (unless I can drop that last 70 pounds in 4 days...lmao). I have one I like and it looks good...enough.

Getting 'cited!

Have a great night!

Laura...enjoy your meds!

And I agree w/ Tracy...NO food POLICE...we will just get a table near the bathroom...lol, that should be hysterical...we all get up and run to the bathroom at the same time! What a visual!

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I don't care WHAT you wear....as long as you are comfortable with yourself. That's what I say!!! Life is toooooo short to worry about what other people think.

So there.

Wait, don't get me wrong. I don't care what other people think...I just dont wanna be in a little Gruene jail cell (while you all drink all the margaritas) cause I had to beat the crap outta someone that says I look like I rode the short bus to school....:tt1:

Edited by TracyK

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Kat, do you have Ross or Marshall's there? They have great deals on wallets...nice ones, too!

I spent the day in my car mostly! Gotta love Houston! I put 90 miles on that baby today. Just now getting home from the hospital...Mom looks good. The prayers are working!

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Terry I am glad the prayers are working!!!

Okay so I am weird. I wear something on my feet at all times!!! I even sleep in socks, those socks are my sleeping socks. I wear socks all the time. I never am barefoot. The times that I have had surgery I have given them socks before surgery to put on me as soon as they can. My old room mate used to joke that she has never seen my feet.

I got the cutest card for a very early b-day, the person who sent this to me does not know about violets or anything, anyways it has a little girl from the waist down in a violet and white checked skirt trimmed in violet, white tights, and sparkly violet shoes and it says

"I get to because it's my birthday" and then inside it says "make this your motto". Cute, if this was after the trip I could post a picture of the card, cause Judy is gonna show me!!!

Susie, I saw on tv yesterday that is was David Cook day in Missouri. Imagine having a day that is yours!! I think it was a slow news day cause they showed a lot of the festivities. How far is Blue Springs from K.C.? I want him to win, I read an article about him in People magazine that said his brother in law (not exactly sure) has a brain tumor and that the guitar he has with him from time to time on stage has his initials on it (J.C.). That is special!!

I rented I am Legend, don't know if I can watch it or not, but will try. Then in am go to church and maybe some shopping, then dinner with my parents and sister and family. I am still flabergasted and embarrassed (for Erik and to be called a girl) by what those girls did to that poor Erik on Survivor.

What a good day Mothers day is to remind us how special are mothers are/were and be thankful.

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Pamela--you are brilliant---shope for a wallet in TX!! Of course!

Terry, I so hope Mom is improving, prayer always helps, of that I have no doubt.....you have been in mine, for continued strength....it has to be very hard on you. (((hugs)))

Jane in the summer, about once every 2 weeks, I put some heavy duty foot cream on my feet at bedtime, and put on socks----it is misery until I can finally fall asleep!!! They drive me out of my ever lovin' mind!!! I am bringing jammies with me to TX, but at home prefer nothing between me and my sheets---including socks!!! But it makes my feet so soft---I make myself do it.

Today while chatting with my DIL, I referred to a ring DH gave me back when we were very young.....that of course was waaaaaay too small for years, when I thought about it, I went to the jewelry box, and dug it out---and it fits like a dream!!! I am wearing it with my new little gold band. Rick wants me to find a 3 stone ring to wear with the band, he saw several when he bought it, but.....not happening right now! The point of this is---when he gave me the ring back in the day, I was probably no more than 135-140 pounds. So that tells me a size 7 is about what my size is going to be from here on out. So.....I am thinking it might be the time to have my wedding rings sized---after surgery I mean, but still----actually do it and wear my beloved rings again, I would be sooooooo happy!!!!

Well, I am going to go play some games, until Rick finishes watching this movie, and then go on to bed! See you girls tomorrow!!


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Tracy~ That was hilarious! If you end up in jail, I'll bake you a cake w/ a file in it! I can't go to jail...I'd look really bad in horizontal stripes. All I know about Texas is that I better not kill anyone there...so ya'll are off the hook:sneaky::tt1:

Susie~!! I forgot to say how cool is was that you went to see David Cook...especially that you walked a mile. Was it you or Jane...probably you, that told us in the beginning of the season to watch for him cause you knew a friend of a friend who knew him...am I on the right track! Anyway...when he is uber famous...you could say you "walked a mile to see David Cook"!

Janie~I AM LEGEND was great! I hope you like it....PS...get a couple tissues ready!

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Good morning, Violets.

Happy Mother's Day to all the Violet Mothers.

Yesterday was a beautiful day. The party was great. It was so awesome having my kids together and enjoying each other and their families. The food was great. I ate a little bit of just about everything and I mean EVERYTHING and it all stayed down. I didn't overdo so that was a major accomplishment.

Now it's on to getting ready for the trip. Don't want to forget a thing. I'm going to do the final packing evaluation this evening and then I'm good to go.

Got to go get ready for church. Everyone have a wonderful day. Next week at this time those of us on the trip will all be in church together. Right?? RIGHT???:tt1:

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I Am Legend was good. It really wasn't what I expected. I thought it was going to be more gory/monster than it was. It really wasn't. Plus I thought it ended totally different, by what my nephews girlfriend told me a long time ago. I did like it and liked the way it ended.

Off to get ready for church, then I am going to come home and try to take a nap. I am lacking some serious sleep and it is catching up with me.

I hope EVERYONE has a great day!!!!


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My favorite comedian is Ron White (know him? Blue Collar Comedy?) and he happens to be from Texas. He has a joke about death row in Texas: "Other states are trying to abolish the death penalty -- mine's putting in an express lane!" Don't Mess With Texas. Ever.

Here's some other Ron White quotes, just to make you LOL in the morning!

  • I believe that if life gives you lemons, you should make lemonade. And try to find somebody whose life has given them vodka, and have a party.

  • (Imitating his cousin, Ray, about hunting) "well, it was four in the mornin. 22 degrees outside. 'Course you weren't there. Pussy. I'm in a camouflage deer blind, i got grease paint on my face. I had deer urine on my boots -- I'm not sure why -- (as himself) I made that part up. (returns to imitating Ray) I've got a thirty-aught six rifle that can fire a bullet at 2500 feet per second. When that deer looked up ta' lick the salt lick I'd hung from the danged ol' tree, I caught him right above the eye." And I'm going, "Yeah? Well I hit one with a van. Going 55 miles an hour, with the headlights on and the horn blowin'!" Woo, that's an elusive little creature! If you ever miss one, it's because the bullet's moving too fast. I'll tell you what; slow the bullet down to 55 miles an hour, put some headlights and a little horn on it, the deer will actually jump in front of the bullet!

  • I have two dogs , named Birdie and Bogey. The other day some guy said that nice you named them after your golf game. I said, no if they were named after my golf game there names would be, "double bogey" and "Where the fuck is that ball going?"

HA! Any day you start off laughing until you cry is gonna be a GOOD day. Oh, I love Ron White.

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Happy Mothers day all

so much to do... and I am having a picnic at 1 with my neighbors and then have to be to work at 3. somehow have to pack too.... I have stuff in my suitcase but need to get organized.

Oh... dbf just sent me an ecard.. wonder what else is to come today>..

Terry, Ron White was just in Kingston, NY my cousin went, she loves him too

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I know this will probably surprise you, or maybe you'll just say... "that figgers".. but I love all the Blue Collar Comedy guys!!

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Happy Mom's Day to all you moms!!!

I Am Legend.. the book is so much better!! The end of the movie kind of leaves you with a lot of questions.

I am off to my mom's!

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Somebody else said they were left with a lot of ?s after the movie. I thought it was all tied up in a neat little package. Did I miss something??

Off to buy some bleach, was doing laundry this morning and getting ready for church when I knocked over my coffee, and my bra? Don't know how is happened, I was doing white load so my 2 other bras were in wash, wet. So I got out one of my old bras, and the strap broke putting it on. So then I just popped my coffee soaked bra in dryer, so I would have a bra to wear in next 15 minutes. I hope the stain is not set for life. Oh well if it is it is just my bra.

Rambling, sorry!!


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