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Shrinkin' Violets- Part 2 Read Here

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Allergies are flaring up tonight. I stood outside and talked to Rick while he waxed my car---outside is not a good place for me right now, the couple across the street have tons of lilacs. I mentioned to Trudy I was allergic, she was not impressed, her partner loves them, they even planted more.......woe is me! Makes me want to move before the time we planned, and I like the neighborhood, and the neighbors......but man I am miserable right now!!!

Hey Ms. Jen, how's things going? Whatcha been doing with yourself??? Long time no see!!!

Rick is taking my Dad to an oil and gas conference tomorrow---and I am going to get my hair cut. Then not sure what all is on the agenda, we have to hit the nurseries, and get some plants ready for the Moms.

Will check in later girls!!


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Hey Jennifer!! Long time, no see. How is everything with you???

Violets... has anyone received an email from the Boston Consulting Group asking you to participate in an hour long phone interview about lapbands? The bobster got an email about it and we're wondering if it's legit. They will pay $75 for his time. It looks legit, but you never know about those email scams.

The pinning for DD was really nice this evening. Not only did she get her LPN pin, but she also received an award given to a student with a 3.0 or higher grade point, more than 10 hours of community service and an exemplary nursing student. I'm so PROUD of her!!!!! Tomorrow is graduation in the evening and an honors Breakfast in the morning. I'll be choking down breakfast with her. Should be interesting!!

I'm just in from the hot tub and am going to change into my pjs and hit the sack. Everyone have a great evening! One week from tomorrow I'll be downstate at the hotel before getting on the plane to Texas the next morning!! Wooooooo hooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!! And Yeeeeeeeeee Hawwwwwwwwwwwww!!

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Hi Ms Jen!!!

No I didn't get anything about a phone interview Judy!

Getting ready for bed, and trying to get some things done.

Hey Pam, I did think that was funny about the cats!!!

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Good Morning, Girlies~~ just think... in a week I'll be saying that to you all in PERSON!!

Another busy day PLUS ds is up in bed w/a continuing stomach ache/nausea... he was up all night Mon night throwing up, stayed home from school Tues sleeping, etc, popped up & was fine & ready to go yesterday, & now he's back to being curled up in a ball in his bed. Hmmmmm. Quick Judy, can your darling dd RN diagnose this??

Speaking of which... that's just great, Judy... enjoy celebrating with her!! And no, I haven't received or heard of anything like what Bob received.

PAM!! How wonderful!! Wowza!! I can't wait to live vicariously through you this summer!! All that's on our vaca list this summer is 3 days at the beach!!

Hi Ms. Jen!!

Kat, the pollen is really messing w/my dh, too... it's that time of year... stay well!!!

Janie... If I were single (now THERE'S a thought!)... I'd just want to have fun... (isn't that a song??)

I'm getting my hair "done" today... yay!... it's been since FEBRUARY since I've had it cut... and I think the last highlighting was last year!! :frown: Then it's to the Mall for much-needed errands; the ES to coordinate the Spring Flower Sale delivery; the MS to help with the concert concessions; then down the road to go to dinner w/my mom & sisters... phew!

Make it a great day, Vi's!

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Good morning...

I am glad that the results turned out that way on Idol. "bye Jason...see you in my dreams!" :frown:

Pam-I am SO jealous! You 2 are going to have a blast. I have never ever left the country. I guess I am what you would call a home girl. But not by choice.

DH went on a job interview and it is over by where mom & brothers & sisters live (where I grew up). I have mixed emotions. Things are running through my head like 'it is a great opportunity for us job wise and being closer to mom' and 'omg where will I work?'. There is a slim chance I would be able to transfer back but we would just have to see. i will just take it one thing at a time and not worry about it until they call him and tell him if he has the job or not.

Talk to you all later....

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I was marreid befrore there was anthing going on the internet, but I have met alot of really nice people on here. Just look at you guys. But I have met people from other sites and still remain friends with them.

Big day yesterday. 2 Docotr's appointments and all went well, will just have to wait till test results come back. Hopefully cholesterol hasn't gone back up. He wants me to lay off the walking for awhile. Seems I have a sprained foot. No wonder it's been hurting, duh.

We got our tax stimulus, it was direct deposited. And our fence material came in. Should have our fence up by Sunday. Can't hardly wait. Pool people said that the are waiting for the rains to end and the ground to dry up. They should have been out this week, hoping for next week.

Long day today. One thing I am doing is going to go watch my BIL get a tattoo. I bought him a t-shirt last summer while we were in St. Louis from Budweiser and it has the neatest scroll work on it. I told him it would look good as a tattoo and he took it to a place and they are going to enlarge it and place it between his shoulders on his back. Can't wait to see it.

Everyone have a great day. Group Hug time. :frown:

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By the way, When you are watching American Idol next week. If you look really really hard you might be able to see my house. This Friday they are having a parade for David up on Adam's Dairy Parkway and that is less than a quarter mile from my house. Depending on which angle they shoot from. It starts from the corner by my house and ends up at Blue Springs South High School. They are having a concert and have sold 10,000 tickets. They were $5.00 apiece and the money is going to the American Cancer Society. Than they are whisking him off to the "Royal's" game. He will sing "Take me out to the ballgame". There was already a group of middle school kids scheduled to sing the Anthem. David didn't want to take that away from them and their parents. Even though he is from here, I think he has the most talent of them all.

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Morning gals

Kat - I feel your pain today, we sat outside at the neighbors last night and a front came through blowing around... and the lilacs hit me just right. I feel like i have the flu with some energy. My head is so stuffy, my ears are a mess. I took my last clariden last night so going to get some more asap!

I got an email this morning, I start Working on Tuesday, they know about our trip, not to worry, but how sweet, even if i get 2 days in next week it is a check when i get back, and then Tues am I'll have full time hours. So I'll have a check when I get back and regular checks after that. I'm going in to quit tonight. It is official, I'll do Saturdays in May but no more sundays.

Well, off to drink more coffee, shower and go take my aunt shopping. It is grocery day

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Congrats Jenn!

HIYA Ms_Jen!!!!

Suzie: I haven't gotten our stimulus thing back yet, but we have mutually agreed that it will be paying for our summer trip to Sturgis.

Judy: I would have the bobster sign up for it because they are doing focus groups like that all the time!!!!!!!!!! Give them my number! :frown:

Remember its something similar in cirmcumstance that got me a free trip to VEGAS W/ a consulting fee!!!!!!! I have seen focus group applications on places like slick deals.net....

I've done focus groups on other things and been paid $20.-$100 in past years........ I've also done some mystery shopping..... GO FOR IT!


Made it to Day 4!

Today's weight 184.2 lbs!!!!

Yesterday's menu:

Pork Steak in a crock pot w/ 1 jar of ragu roasted garlic alfredo, and 1 jar of Water 1 small can of sliced mushrooms.. cooked on low overnight....

B: coffee w/sf Creamer

B: Pork Steak

S: Pork Steak

L: Pork Steak (I basically ate this 1-2 bites at a time for most of the day)

D: OUT Subway, I had 3 scoops of their tuna salad over lettuce w/brown spicey mustard

S: Carb Freedom ice cream bar: 2 net carbs

S: 1 spoonful of Healthy Balance Omega blend Peanut Butter

60 oz's of water

1 fountain diet coke

1 glass of diet dr. pepper

I know that the induction honeymoon is coming to a close... but at least I'm nearing the 90lbs lost mark... and wouldn't it be nice if I saw 179 on the scale before I hit the post induction stall! :tt2:

Wish me luck today friends... I am attending a funeral and the lunch afterward!

Trying to keep it strong... trying trying... its going to be hard because I KNOW DH will want to eat mexican tonight... and the attack of the chips and dip will haunt me! OK... gotta go!

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Hi Ms. Jen!! My band twin! How are you?? How's everything going for you??

Whew, so glad it's finally Thursday. Been busy as heck around here. Won't slow down again until next Monday. Should be able to breathe by then.

I've got family coming in from out of town so I've been trying to put the final touches on my house and our guest rooms. Mother's Day is a big holiday for us since we have such strong awesome women in our lives and we loooovee to spoil them on their special day.

Yay Tracy!! You're doing so good! Send some of your will power over here... or do you need every single last drop? LOL

TracyK - where would you be moving to? closer to houston, perchance? :biggrin:

Suzie - I love David Cook and I do think he's the best one of the bunch this year. I'm so glad they finally got rid of eye candy Jason last night. Hopefully he'll do some modeling or something where he doesn't really have to open his mouth too much!

Can't believe our trip is already a week away!!! I'm so excited and I've got so much to do before we leave!!

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I GOT A CALL FROM TRACYK!!!! SHE IS SOOOO CUTE AND HAS AN ACCENT!!!!!! I was sitting there and trying to motivate myself, and bam there she was!!! I am motivated now!!! YAY!!!!!

Long day at work today. Not bad, just long. Then after work I am getting my hair colored. I cover up the roots to say 'I don't have the white hair that made my grandmother totally grey by the time she was 25'. Obviously the grey gene is rampant in our family, EXCEPT my older sister, who deserves the grey hair more than anyone, she has very little. I had my hair cut a month ago, and now I am going to let it grow some.

Oh I am just sooo excited that TracyK called!!!

Well I am not off!!

Hey congrats Jen on the date of starting!!!

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Good afternoon, Violets..

I'm back from the honors breakfast and waiting for Ethan to arrive for the afternoon. The breakfast was really nice. They served french toast, sausage and fruit. I ate one of the french toast rounds, 1 sausage and a couple of pieces of fruit and it took me a half hour at least. DD Kristin recieved her honors cords for Cum Laude and Phi Theta Kappa. One more ceremony tonight and then she is officially graduated and an LPN. She will take her boards this summer.

Suzie... how exciting for you to have a potential Idol in your hometown!! Did I remember you saying that he dated a relative of yours? Just think.. you can say you knew him when! I saw Clay Aiken on the View today and that boy sure can sing. I am definitely a Claymate. I wish he was on tour this summer so DD and I could go see him again.

Time to think about lunch. Everyone have a good afternoon!!

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Hi girls----doing my best to lay off the allergy meds today to see if I can straighten my stomach up. It was starting to hurt---that is not good. If I cannot handle the allergies, I will see the Dr. tomorrow and see if he will give me a shot.

I am off to get my hair cut.....woohooo!!!! I have to leave it long enough to put in a ponytail so I can contain it on the motorcycle, otherwise it has enough curl and is soooooo fine, I have a mess I end up cutting mats out!!! Yuck!!! So I ponytail it, and swoop it up, even under a helmet! Not sure what we will do with it.

I am excited to see Lori----haven't seen her in awhile. We always have so much catching up to do, we yack away, and soon it is all done!!! Gonna let her tame the old eye brows too!! They are so pale in spots they hardly show, and then I get the stragglers every few months, I let her rip em out!! LOL

Rick and my Dad are off at an oil and gas conference. Kind of like a giant man cave, full of things they like, and lots of BBQ!!!! And of course dozens of men they know. This afternoon we are going shopping for flowers!! Yay!!! BUT.....nurseries and no allergy meds might be a challenge of a major size!!

Thinking part of the stomach hurting could be mucus like before, so going to go fix me a cup of hot tea to take with me.

Will check in with you girls in awhile!!


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Kat... I went to my hairdresser once in the evening after school and other commitments and she and I were the only ones in the place. She had the radio cranked up and 60's songs were on and she and I got to singing and before we knew it my hair was the shortest it had ever been!! The running joke there now is, don't let Cindy sing when she's cutting your hair!

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Lori, my stylist was married years ago, had 4 kids, and after 15 years he was caught fooling around, and they divorced. I began going to her after this, and followed her through different relationships, and the pitfalls of dating. Then along came Denny---and she fell hard. They dated, she got very philosophical in the approach to remarriage, they talked everything over, as they both had mostly grown kids. She was extremely happy. She is a natural red head, and I am talking wild, aimless curls---and her personality was just as wild. Then one day out of the clear blue, Denny told her he didn't want to be narried anymore. Crushed her! She was so despondent....her kids worried about her, we all did. Ironically this was about 6 months after I was banded, and Rick was going through so much health wise, and my hair was falling out like crazy, and I did not get to see her often. She is still bitter, but I think safe to be around with scissors now!!

I am hoping when I see her today, to see a spark of the old Lori, ready to take on the world again.

If she starts singing--I'll run!!!


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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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