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Shrinkin' Violets- Part 2 Read Here

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Good afternoon, Violets..

It's been a semi-lazy day today. I went to the hospital at 9 to help out with their brunch for the nurses in honor of Nurses Week. Of course they had Cookies and cake and punch there. And of course I couldn't resist the chocolate chip cookies. I had a few of the smallest ones and then came home and had to take a nap cause the sugar buzz had worn off and left me tired.

When I got up I purged the Bobster's closet getting rid of all his 3XLT and 2XLT clothes. He's got way more room in his closet now. Gonna be one heck of a garage sale before our cruise.

I'm finishing up on some laundry and then have a singing rehearsal from 7-9 tonight. sure wish I could watch Idol, but haven't been able to this year yet. :lol:

Pam... I feel for ya!! Luckily where I worked, all of the teachers in our neck of the building got along great. Now the principal was another story, but fortunately I had so much seniority that she didn't want to step on my toes. Unfortunately that left the newer teachers for her to mess with. Ahhhhhhhhhh those are the things I really don't miss about teaching. I'll get my kid fix when I go back to help with Kindergarten Round up May 27 and 28.

Tracyinks.... day 2 and you're doing great!!

Kat.. are you getting enough Protein? ? Are you taking your Vitamins? ?

Has Gina left us????

Suzie... I've given up on the Tigers. I'm focusing all my energy on the Pistons and their run for the NBA championship.

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Well Judy, I could probably up my Protein and not hurt myself---but it is not from lack of ability to eat....although the thought of eating some things makes me want to gag. It is just I don't WANT to eat---anything, the thought seems almost repulsive. I am taking my Vitamins, and forcing myself to eat a mostly healthy diet. I have just never felt this way about food before. I had lost the hunger since being banded, but never the real desire for food. I had quit getting the intense cravings, and suddenly just have NONE!

Wierdest thing I ever lived through....LOL


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Well Judy, I could probably up my Protein and not hurt myself---but it is not from lack of ability to eat....although the thought of eating some things makes me want to gag. It is just I don't WANT to eat---anything, the thought seems almost repulsive. I am taking my Vitamins, and forcing myself to eat a mostly healthy diet. I have just never felt this way about food before. I had lost the hunger since being banded, but never the real desire for food. I had quit getting the intense cravings, and suddenly just have NONE!

Wierdest thing I ever lived through....LOL


Send a little of that my way, would ya?? I've been in the grazing mode lately!!

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They found 'human remains' about a mile from my house. Ew.. bones & clothing all they said so far. But due to gawkers, it took for friggin ever to get home from work today.

And my sister is in the news tonight. Not for anything exciting, but of course the laziest person in the world sits around all day in a sex-toy shop, smoking a hooka with flavored tobacco. Only one there, and they are trying to ban sex-toys (or have, but you can call them 'educational toys' for now.. which they are trying to ban). So the news was doing a story on them, and my sister was there.

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They found 'human remains' about a mile from my house. Ew.. bones & clothing all they said so far. But due to gawkers, it took for friggin ever to get home from work today.

And my sister is in the news tonight. Not for anything exciting, but of course the laziest person in the world sits around all day in a sex-toy shop, smoking a hooka with flavored tobacco. Only one there, and they are trying to ban sex-toys (or have, but you can call them 'educational toys' for now.. which they are trying to ban). So the news was doing a story on them, and my sister was there.

LOL...this was funny! Hey, what did any sex toy ever do the "them"? Where the hell is it that they would ban sex toys? What year is this? Of all the shit in the real world, banning sex toys should be at the bottom of "their" list. LOL

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Believe you me, I've been signing the petitions.

It's our old white male congressman I believe.. I wonder what his wife says. First, sex toys were bad.. they are immoral. In 2007 Alabama.

So they changed it to 'novelty toys'. Then, novelty toys were banned. So they changed the name to 'educational tools', and when you buy a sex toy, you have to put your name down (we all put Jane Doe), and mark a box saying you are ONLY buying it for educational purposes. Le sigh. It really is stupid, what's more stupid is that the votes keep going through. We all have been fighting it, who is this guy to say what we can do in the bedroom. Heaven forbid women make the most of sex, you know sex toys are something like 90% for women.

This is a whole nother rant, I just can't believe my sister sits at the sex toy store all day smoking a hooka.

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I don't know how many of you actually look at blogs.. But if any of you care, I was bored tonight and did some fun stuff to my blog. If you're bored, maybe check it out.. Teehee.

I made cornish hens & asparagus casserole for dinner tonight. The casserole, I looked up a random recipe, the one my mom makes I don't like. Now, asparagus is my fav. veggie.. and this casserole I made was nasty. Maybe I only like it plain. I eat it out of the jar, or fresh ones I like to roast with garlic.. The casserole had cream of mushroom Soup, bread crumbs, and cheddar. Yuck yuck. 226lb!! I'm right around the corner from the 2-teens?! EGADS!! I tell you V's, I swear if I hit the 100's, I will just keel over. I won't believe it. I am in shock everytime I hit a new set of numbers in the 200's. I could ramble, or I could close this now.. hah.

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I had to kinda giggle too....but the whole banning thing does not surprise me---they gotta find something to waste time and money trying to control, as opposed to doing REAL work!!!

Why does your sister choose to smoke her flavored tobacco, through a hooka as opposed to everyday flavored cigarettes???

Well I ate dinner....ate a rolled taco, and some onion rings from the A&W!! Rick come in, and found me asleep again on the couch, I am telling you these allergy pills are doing me in!!! But, as usual the food went down fine. It just had a gaggy taste, as everything does unless it is super sweet---and then I can only handle a little bit of it. So it seems the meds are messing with my tasters!

Single digits til we get together---woohoo!! Means I better get my butt in high gear with all I have to do, with it, and surgery the next day---not taking naps on the couch!!! LOL

I was sitting today with Kinsey on my lap, and we were talking, I told her that her hair was so pretty....she said "so is yours Granny, but I think you need highlights"----a 3 year old and she is giving me style advice!!! Of course I need it!

About 10 minutes later she says "SEE" and there was a commercial on with Bratz dolls you spray their hair, and bright pink highlights show up!!! And it comes with mascara type of highlighter for the childs hair, in bright silver glitter. THOSE are the highlights my fashionista DGD wants me to have!!!

Manda bought her a new car today. In her name only. On her own. She did have Rick go over it, but she made the deal, and paid on her own. She is still calling every single day to try to move her appointment up!!! She is going to call the Heart hospital tomorrow to find out if she can work in quicker, now that driving to Abq. is a more affordable venture for her. She is feeling MUCH better though, the achiness, and swollen lymph glands have eased.

Well, after sleeping all night long, and taking 2 naps today----you would think I would be up all night, and I am ready for bed!!!

Will check with you girls in the mornin'!


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Laura - I think that casserole sounds YUMMY! Asparagus is my fave too! Your sister is just plain odd. That's all there is to it.

Kat - Have you looked up the patient info for Zyrtec? Might shed some light on the sitcheeayshun. Maybe you're anemic? I know after the CRAP I've been eating that I probably am.

What I had today:

oatmeal, coffee

1/3 c mashed potatos, small amt of squash, 1/4 c. chili

cottage cheese & strawberries, granola on top

1/4 of a turkey wrap (got stuck), potato chips and ranch dressing

vanilla froz yogurt cone

Gee, I wonder why I'm not losing weight?????????????

Gonna try to wean off of my Lexapro over the next few weeks. Wish me luck! It'd be nice to be off of meds. I have NO sex drive. I'm hoping it's the drugs and not a permanent state. Oy.

I'm pooped. Nighty-night.

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I'm liking the new forum rules! Did ya'll see the link above in green?

It was hard to moderate with the loosey-goosey very liberal rules we had before.

I'm ready to bring the hammer down!!! lol

Seriously, ya'll don't hesitate to report a post that you feel isn't in alignment with the rules. It helps the mods to have your eyes working, too.

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Loss of appetite is possible---I read it earlier, drowsiness may occur......the list goes on, hoping I stop having side effects soon!!!

I can eat without issue--I have to do it without thinking about it though, because thinking about the taste makes me want to gag! So wierd!!

Breakfast, I ate mandarin oranges---and later a piece of sausage.

Drank some of the icee!

Lunch, I had tuna salad with wheat Ritz. Kinsey loves Tuna salad, but she likes hers in fritos scoops!

I got about half a piece of cheese eaten, and it was gagging me so I quit!

Then dinner I had the taco and onion rings.

So it was not the healthiest of days, I just have to force myself to eat something. Will make an effort tomorrow to force better food upon myself!!! I will actually be cooking dinner, so that alone should help! That is usually my Protein meal!

I know my last blood work up, my Iron levels were fine, as well as the last time I donated blood, they were high enough for me to do a double donation---platelets and whole blood. But anything is possible!!!

I take Multi Vitamins and B complex each day----still doing that, although I thought the B complex was coming back up---it is sublingual, and it hit the taste buds being affected by whatever, and OMG it was nasty!!!! But it has all stayed down!!! I am almost out of Vitamins, need to buy some---anyone have any suggestions, I usually just buy childrens chewables and do 2 a day.

Thanks for the ideas---it just seems so strange to not want to eat. If I were not so aware of the health implications, especially facing surgery in less than 2 weeks now!!!!! I could really drop some weight. Amazing how now I concentrate on the health aspect of doing things that way---I would never have looked a gift horse in the mouth before!!


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I think the dish sounded good too Laura~I love asparagus.

Ready for this...for the first time since getting the band...I HAVE AND FEEL RESTRICTION!!! OMG...no wonder ya'll lost weight. :):thumbup::thumbup::thumbup::hurray::):Dancing_wub::) w Wonder how long this lasts??

Well the cutest boy in the world will get booted off American Idol. Jason...w/ the dread locks (although, if his hair smelled bad...that would be a deal breaker). He is really pretty...but dumb as dirt. Although, I am not really interested in his speaking skills (naughty lesbian). Anyway...just thought I'd share.

Well I am taking my NOT HUNGRY BUTT to bed! Can't believe our trip is coming up quick...can't freakin wait!

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Well I did not get an unfill. The dr. doesn't seem to think it is my band. So Monday I am having a barium swallow for sure and then hopefully these two other tests. One is a 24 hour ph test, where they stick a tube down your nose and leave it there for 24 hours, and the other is a esphogeal manometry. I wonder how much this is going to cost!! Sounds expensive. In addition to this expense, if I have this done I don't think I will go to the annual meeting for the taxing district, and thus be out of more money! So much for not meeting my deductible.

I guess I was feeling a little down today, I always feel bad when I see two people holding hands are being just very supportive. I am tired of doing these things by myself, and I want some support. Now, on the other side of the coin, I haven't really mentioned this to friends so unless they start reading minds they don't know. But you know I want to be important enough in someones life that they know because they love me. One would think I have a serious case of PMS!!!! Enough from me.

I hope everyone sleeps well tonight, and just think two weeks from tonight we will be at home, probably in bed, getting ready to start our routine day over. Our trip will be but a distant but wonderful memory!!!


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Hey gals...

Another day closer to our trip! :)

I'm eating like crap, but as ever, every day dawns with renewed hope & motivation... until my basically nonexistant willpower caves and I'm face-first in <insert naughty food here>... ugh. I realize that it's my emotional eating that's at work here... so at least I realize it... that's something, yeah? <grasping @ rationalizations>...

At least I'm dressed & ready to go to the Y for my 9a class... I didn't even do THAT on Monday ("too busy" was the excuse du jour). So today IS starting out on the right foot.

Sigh. Oh well. Onward, ever onward. No one said this would be easy!!

Make it a great one, Vi's!

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Morning gals,

my butt is kicked. I am just so tired

Kat - I use to take zyrtec but couldn't stay away so I changed to Clariden D (I take the Equate brand at wallyworld, much cheaper) and it works great and I can function. I give you credit for taking that for so long.

I am so bloated and pms... i feel yucky. Still not eting much - I had a few baked wings last night, they are tiny an for some reason work for me, but I think the hot sauce backed up and is burning my throat. so no more for me.

ds and I are going to Lowes, when mom is staying here, we always do something silly for each other for th house/summer for mother's day. I am going to get my grill filled, put motion light and outlet on the back deck I built last summer for the grill, hanging up my hammocks on the front porch and putting landscaping lights out front around the porch.

Mom took pics of the house the other day i'll post them when she takes them off her camera, I have a crabapple tree and it is beautiful this year. But I'll do an after pic with the chairs and such. It is funny because my xmas wreath is still up, I can't take it down, a bird built a nest very early spring and has her eggs in it, so I'll take it down after they hatch and move away.

So another busy day, have a good one everyone.

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      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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