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Shrinkin' Violets- Part 2 Read Here

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I'd kill myself if I tried walking in those Haydee---but they would be gorgeous with the dress!! You will be such a beauty!!! Juan will not know how to act!!!

Jenn---I know there is a line, that friends cannot cross----YOU are allowed to say what you want about your DH, or Mom, or kids, but not anyone else!!!

But.... I feel a need to ask you if your Mom has ever been tested or looked at by a Dr., she seems to bounce from one extreme, buying things for you and being happy go lucky--to being angry with you over nothing! Maybe she needs the medication.....not you!

I would never under any circumstances say that to my DD---if I was in a normal state of mind. Maybe these outbursts are a sign of some mental illness, something along the lines of depression or bi polar disorder.

Maybe she is already taking some sort of medication that is altering her----a Water pill that is dehydrating her, interupting her electrolyte balance....something!

I hope things mellow out for you at home. Try to think seriously that it might be something medical with your Mom. I hate to even mention it, but possibly early onset Alzheimers.... something that alters her personality from time to time.

Hang in there girl----YOU know deep down your own worth, keep it in mind, and do not let anyone convince you otherwise.

I am exhausted tonight. My DD goes to Albq. to the cardiologist tomorrow. I am staying home and keeping Kinsey, Jason will take her. We discussed different options, this seemed to make the most sense. I am sure hoping to hear good news.

Her boss, looked into things, and told her she has coverage if she wants to go to Scottsdale, and check herself in, if she does not find anything out. That is at the mayo Clinic, and her PCP could refer her. So that is hopeful. Knowing something, anything for sure, gives us an ability to create a plan of action, the not knowing is so hard.

Well I am off to bed---I have killer heartburn---I ate chile for dinner....dummy me!!!

Will chat with you all tomorrow!



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Good morning violets-

Michelle-glad your "dumb cat" is back lol

Kat-I will be praying that all goes well for your dd at the cardiologist!

Haydee-i love those shoes. I would kill myself in them! I have been fat my whole life so I just never wanted to get into heels. My feet were having enough trouble holding up my body as it was!!

TracyKS-glad you had a good time!

Hi everyone!!! Have a great day :coolgleamA:

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I'd kill myself if I tried walking in those Haydee---but they would be gorgeous with the dress!! You will be such a beauty!!! Juan will not know how to act!!!

They are really pretty shoes and you are going to look hot - I use to love shoes like that and still have a few pr but can't walk in them anymore.

Jenn---I know there is a line, that friends cannot cross----YOU are allowed to say what you want about your DH, or Mom, or kids, but not anyone else!!! Did I say something TO someone here that I offended? I thought I was only getting out my personal thouhts and fears that have been suckingthe life out of ME. If I did I'm sorry

But.... I feel a need to ask you if your Mom has ever been tested or looked at by a Dr., she seems to bounce from one extreme, buying things for you and being happy go lucky--to being angry with you over nothing! Maybe she needs the medication.....not you!

I would never under any circumstances say that to my DD---if I was in a normal state of mind. Maybe these outbursts are a sign of some mental illness, something along the lines of depression or bi polar disorder. She said she was upset because she was so tired and walked into a mess, ok ... so here is the thing that I told her, I worked a shit job all weekend and had to get on my hands and knees and scrub the freezer floors and empty out all the stations and scrub all the pizza oil from everywhere and I walked into a mess that I did not create, I have not eaten since Wed, it was rainy and I am exhausted. She said i gave her a look, ok... no look I have literally been crying all day and my eyes were swollen shut.

Maybe she is already taking some sort of medication that is altering her----a Water pill that is dehydrating her, interupting her electrolyte balance....something! She doesn't take anything but lots of vitimins and crazy natural stuff. She gets like that mostly when she is so tired she can't see straight, but scary because my gram had Demensha (sp) but I think my Aunt from LA is the one who is going to end up just like that. My sister is the same way.

I hope things mellow out for you at home. Try to think seriously that it might be something medical with your Mom. I hate to even mention it, but possibly early onset Alzheimers.... something that alters her personality from time to time.

Hang in there girl----YOU know deep down your own worth, keep it in mind, and do not let anyone convince you otherwise.

I am exhausted tonight. My DD goes to Albq. to the cardiologist tomorrow. I am staying home and keeping Kinsey, Jason will take her. We discussed different options, this seemed to make the most sense. I am sure hoping to hear good news.

Her boss, looked into things, and told her she has coverage if she wants to go to Scottsdale, and check herself in, if she does not find anything out. That is at the mayo Clinic, and her PCP could refer her. So that is hopeful. Knowing something, anything for sure, gives us an ability to create a plan of action, the not knowing is so hard. You guys will be in my prayers today, I hope they can give you good news

Well I am off to bed---I have killer heartburn---I ate chile for dinner....dummy me!!!

Will chat with you all tomorrow!



Morning everyone, i'm awake and drinking coffee. DD did her dishes this am so I can move forward. it is raining again but I can at least tackle something today and it is not so overwhelming.

I had such a killer Migraine last night by time I went to bed I couldn't think, I'm going to have my coffee and take a pill. I need to get my clothes ready for my meeting on thursday morning because I'm working tomorrow and Thurs night.

I hope to have a better idea Thursday on when i'm going to start so I can give pizza shop a time when I need to be replaced.

Well I'm down to my ticker weight this morning, so that is -5lbs from my contest start weight but only 3lbs away from Onderland again, which to me is the most important thing.

Hope you all have a good day, and again, I'm sorry if i said something to someone here:frown:

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Good Morning, Sun is shining and it's supposed to get up to 68 degrees today. Looks like a good doggie walking day here.

Haydee, The outfit is beautiful and will look lovely on you. I also agree that I would be flat on my face if I wore shoes like that.

Judy, Thanks for posting the pic. I never would have guessed that it was you in there. What a tremendous change. It must make you feel all warm inside that you have made such strides. Thanks for being an inspiration to us all.

Up this morning to take my younger sis to a doc appointment. Than off to the pharmacy. Shhhhhhhh, I think I have the rest of the day free for me. I don't want to jinx it.

Things are kind of winding down around here. Not so stressful. Not sure what I'm going to do with myself. Guess I'll just have to take it easy, maybe get a pedicure.

Everyone have a great day.


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Buenos Dias Violetas~

Another day, half a dollar! It is testing week(s)...boy, did we plan it well...we stop testing May 15th:biggrin:. So, for the next 3 weeks, on Tues, Wed, Thurs...we have testing block! Then we have 30 min. periods! That should make the weeks FLY BY!!! Yes Tracy...looking forward to summer. Since the start of the year, I've had 4 kids placed in Special Ed ALL DAY, 2 expelled...and that is my good class. We have 33 work days left...and we are all in counting down. I know it sounds like I am miserable w/ work. I am blessed to have a job, and very blessed for it to be a job that I really love...just this year is rough. Can't beat it as work goes; I work 181 days a year, school day ends at 1:50 (only about 1 meeting a week after school, sometimes 2), and I am paid EXTREMELY well for all of it. So, I shouldn't complain. But, if you all knew Manuel...you'd be "cryin" too!

I worked out last night. I had a "kick yo ass" headache walking in...thinking it would go away. It just go worse, but I did it. She played the Justing Timberlake song "Love Stoned" and I love that routine! Hopefully I'll go tonight. I have the air conditioning guy coming to do the spring service. The window is 3-5, so...I'll have to wait and see what time he comes.

Have a great day. I'll check in from work!

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LOL, I didn't get those shoes because I too would be flat on my face within minutes. I can stand in them but I can't actually take a step in them, LOL!! That's the exact color that I want and I'm gonna just start looking for a little bit shorter heel.

Jenn - I don't think you understood Kat's message. What she was trying to do was not to offend YOU. She was letting you know that she was about to say something about one of your familly members that you might not like and she was hoping that you wouldn't be upset with her about it. That's what that "there is a line that friends cannot cross" comment was about. She was about to cross that line and was giving you a heads up. You feel better today?? (((Hugs)))

Pam - your job sounds wonderful on paper but I know it's much harder than it looks. My best friend is a teacher so I hear first hand about all the stress and the problems. But she loves what she does and loves all her kids even the trouble makers. She's been wanting me to go into teaching for years but I don't think that I would be able to play the behind the scenes politics aspect of the job. I'm kinda blunt and that gets me in trouble...

Well we finally narrowed down where we are going for summer vacation. My dad is so indecisive about stuff like this. He hems and haws for months. He finally decided on Cabo. Never been there. Any one of ya'll been? I haven't done much research and we're due to leave in the middle of June. That's about a month and a half away. He always waits till the last minute. Oh well. I don't complain, I just go where they take me. :coolgleamA:

Off to get my coffee...

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Ok, still don't have time to catch up, anything immediate that I missed?!

Tunica was fun, DH lost, but I won, so last night, we had lots to play with. Woke up, everyone decided to stay an extra day since we were winning. You can't leave a casino a winner ya know?!

So we came back yesterday, and DH & I still came home with about 1/2 the money we took, which is pretty good.

Slammed at work, only thing I HATE about going out of town.

Oh reminds me, I saw no cell phones/ work-emails on the trip. I have to!! If a customer needs me and I'm not there, it takes forever to make them feel warm & fuzzy again. I am bringing my laptop, but I only have to check e-mails on Friday & Monday.. and cell phone I can be more leniant on as well on Sat & Sun.

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Haydee, thanks and a bit better, not great but better. I just don't want to offend any of you :coolgleamA:

Laura, i'm the same, friday and monday is when I have to check, they will have my cell number and I will not bring my wrk phone.

I'm going to try to do dishes and straighten up the kitchen, the crazy kittens are eating my laptop as I type

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Haydee had it exactly right Jenn---you did nothing to offend me--I did not want to offend you by suggesting maybe something was going on with Mom, that needed some looking in to. I said there was a line friends don't cross----meaning I can be mad at Rick and call him a dumb ass, but I would also be offended if one of you called him that! I married him it is MY right!!! LOL

I hope your new job eliminates a lot of the stress from your life. Sorry you got stuck with all the crap jobs......kinda like being a Mom at home and at work huh?!

Haydee----thanks for helping me explain, I was not mad!! I would love to be able to wear those shoes....of course I would look 7 feet tall in them, but still---the things those heels do you emphasize your legs...mmmm----but the falling on my face would probably leave more of an impact than the nice looking calves!!!

Congrats on winning $$$$ Laura! I am the opposite, I win, and I am outta there!!! I will once again allow myself my original amount, but the winnings, remain mine! I am not a gambler! But in comparison, I look reckless to my DH!!! He wins a quarter it goes in his pocket! LOL

Pamela----after running my day care center for so many years, I do know exactly what you are talking about. I loved it! I loved the kids---most of the time! And in the end I loved the management side of things---but there were days, I was ready to walk away......especially as regulations increased, and snotty inspectors, and even though it was a day care, they wanted to begin regulating curriculum. That was when I sold out, went back to my few kids in my home, that I could pull on my lap and read a story they chose, not the state. I totally understand where you are coming from......And Manuel.....I still believe he must in some way be related to Alyssa!!! LOL Hang in there, we need a Pamela countdown, like out Gruene countdown....for how many days left!!

TracyKS---I remember the field trips well!!! Once when my DD was in 2nd grade, they decided parents could no longer go on field trips. This was one they were going to the college and see a film on how the big telescope worked, and get invited back for a stargazing, then they went to the Smiths Grocery Store to tour the meat cutting department, then to the post office to see how mail was sorted etc, then to the local pizza place for lunch. This was all set up by several parents in another class---all the Dads worked in these places. I refused to let Manda go----I ask them, if there are 20 kids per class, who is going to be helping watch those 200 fingers in the meat cutting area? If my child has to go to the bathroom, who is taking her? If the teacher takes her who watches the other kids? In the end, they left 2 girls behind at the college, and as they were running figuring out they were being left, one fell down the stairs and broke her ankle. So they all come straight back, foregoing the remainder of the field trip. And by the next week, parents were again allowed to go, we just had to follow in our own vehicles. It seems too many parents were taking multiple younger children along. I went on EVERY one! I went to parties in the class.....baked countless cupcakes and Cookies. Never missed a conference. And HATED every second, because I felt so conspicuously fat the last few years---K-3rd or 4th grade, I was not terribly big, but from then out I was. I hope it was not as embarassing for her as I am afraid it was. Wierd to look back on now.

Well today Manda hopefully gets some news on the heart situation. Then she sees her Gyno on the 1st. The rheumatologist has her on stand by ---as soon as they have a cancellation they will call her. Otherwise it is late June! If nothing gets decided they will go to AZ.

Suns out, so I guess I will go start some irrigation water....I am going to go buy some plants this weekend---YAY!!!!!



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ok, I just wanted to make sure I didn't upset anyone. That is all that is important to me.

Yup, that is me, crap jobs and i can't commit to anyone or anything right now

I have laundry going and i'm going to get it all done and away or gone today and pull out my suitcase and start putting stuff in there that I know I'm not going to wear before then.

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Morning, well today starts my week. Didn't get the things dones yesterday I needed to. Oh well, busy day today here. I go to dermatoligist this afternoon and get some things cut off my neck, sounds like it hurts but it only hurts for a second. I have skin tags, they are a pain!!! They don't hurt, just are ugly and on my neck get caught on things. I hate to get them burned off because it takes so long to heal, so this way boom, and they are done. I am glad he will do them like that. Then I get my manicure. All I can say is it is a good thing I am a hairdresser and not a manicurist!! I would be broke and in the poor house. I had a nail break, so I thought I can fix that! I am a hairdresser!!! HAHAHAHA Looks so pathetic. I go everyother week and I don't know if I love that or getting my house cleaned more.

Oh well enough jabbering, I need to get some things done!!! My posts are long when I need to do things aren't they!!


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Good afternoon, Violets..

I just got back from my shift at the hospital. It's Volunteer appreciation week so they gave me a nice card and gift certificate to the local nursery. As soon as spring hits, I'll get some plants to replace the ones that bit the dust during the winter. It's 38 degrees here right now and sure feels like winter, though the sun is shining. I'm trying to eat my lunch, but it's not going down at all. Great.. as soon as I typed that I had to go PB. It's turkey tenders and mashed potatoes and gravy from Schwans. I took small bites and chewed well, but it didn't work. I'm guessing this is my sweet spot with the band. I could only eat a couple of bites of ham salad for Breakfast (I know it sounds gross, but it's really yummy) and that was uncomfortable. I swore I wouldn't eat any more ice cream and I didn't yesterday. You know how smoothly it goes down!! I'll try and be strong today too. Just have to figure out how to get some Protein in. I think cottage cheese is calling my name. Just wish I could find some fresh blueberries. Walmart was out last time I checked.

Haylee. love the dress and the shoes in bronze. You're going to look awesome!!

Laura... welcome back!!!

Janie... I get my nails done every 3 weeks. Can't afford more than that!! Just looked at my appointment schedule and I have to change it because of the trip. I'll try and get them done just before I leave.

Kat.... prayers and purple power sent DD's way today. Hope everything goes well.

Jenn... you REALLY need this trip. We'll be your support system here AND in SA. If we can't make you laugh and relax, then no one can!!

Suzie.. glad things are not so hectic for you today. Take time for yourself.. you certainly deserve it!

Tracyinks... Wooo hooo for round up. I go back to my school the end of May to help them with theirs. I love looking at the new batch of little ones coming in, even if I won't be there to teach them.

HEY ROOMIE.... i remember the countdowns so well. checking off the conferences, the field trips, the Field Days, all those things that you finish up before summer comes. I absolutely loved teaching, never wanted to do anything else, but I sure knew when it was time to leave. I was fortunate enough to be able to retire when I was 57 after putting in 32 years.

TracyK...check out my question on the trip site. I need to know whether to bring a checked bag or not.

I'm off to pay some bills and practice a little bit before rehearsal tonight. Everyone have a great day!!

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oh Judy I really do and I know my violet sisters will help me relax

Starting to work will be good for me too, and away from family and the BS

plus i'll get to work with guys, so maybe a little flirt now and then will help me feel better about myself.

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Kinsey has arrived, will be with me through the day and night tonight---Manda will call as soon as she leaves the Dr.'s

We are off to stay busy today. Taking the girl and my parents to lunch. Then going to do some shopping, not sure for what!! LOL--------Kinsey loves the mall, so we will meander through for awhile...see what catches our attention besides the toy stores!

Then need to go by the store and plan something for supper. Something Kinsey friendly----and unlike Judy, tonight will likely be our ice cream splurge---take her to see our friends at their ice cream parlour.

I am milking the spend the night at Granny's thing!!! Plus it keeps my mind busy.

Hugs to all, will check in later----wonderful thing being able to take the laptop to the yard while she plays!!


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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

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        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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