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Shrinkin' Violets- Part 2 Read Here

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Tracy and Janie~ OMG...it is true...I saw it w/ my own little eyes!!! And lets just say, he is, um...very very, um...larger than life!! :sad::sad::lol::wub::wink::sad::tt1::cool::sad::wub::prrr::hand::frown::mad5::lol::thumbup::sad::eek::yikes::eek::yikes::yikes::eek::drool5::tongue_smilie::willy_nilly:


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Pamela---bulbs are the easiest in the world!!! You plant them once in the fall ---they look kinda like a dirty turnip. Then come spring, they grow---all on their own. Then they die off, and sit in the ground dormant, until the next spring when they do it all over again---and most of them multiply---so they spread....and living in CA you would never have to dig them up until you decided they had spread too much, or you no longer wanted them!!!

You DO know what a tulip is---and a yellow daffodil---they are both bulbs, as are peonies, and they grown into large blooming bushes....love them.

I must admit though, my peonies for years, grew into large gorgeous bushes, and buds would come out, and then nothing, the flowers would never open up. They would die off as buds.

Then one day the woman across the road was over and I was showing her around the yard, and when I showed her my peony bushes, I noticed they were full of little black ants, I told her I thought they were killing the flowers, that I better get my spray....she laughed at me, and informed me the ants are needed to eat the sap like stuff holding the buds together. I always saw the ants, and I would poison them!!! I now let the ants go for a few days---and have HUGE peony blooms!!! The ants don't stick around when their job is done.....I never knew that!!!

I had a couple of humming birds today----so I guess maybe spring is really here!!!!

Talk to y'all in the morning!


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OMG Pamela!! Ya know I wonder what Chelsia is gonna think!! I am really not THAT surprised about the man on man part....but I would love to see Chelsias reaction if/when she finds out!

Today is meetings in Houston day. I need to get on the driving directions again cause I have not been there in a year so I need to refresh my memory. Pray for me. Terri & Haydee...I do not see how you do it living so close to there! I used to live there but my apartment was like..down the street from my office (on purpose). lol

Terri-My dr is really concerned about the bump and wants to see how the antibiotics are working first hand. He was happy with it so far but is still being very watchful. This is like the 3rd or 4th time that it has reoccured in the same place. That is why this time he is making sure he is doing everything he can before he has to cut it out!

Have a great day everyone.

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Morning, Vi's~~

What an evening! My dear friend's 9th grade daughter (who's in care for depression & some other issues) took a combo of pills yesterday afternoon and her boyfriend called EMS so my friend is making dinner when they appear on her doorstep -- she didn't have a clue what was going on! Long story short, her 5th grade daughter came here & ended up spending the night while they went to the hospital. She was released @ 1:30am... but now dear friend is going to try to get her into a residential adolescent treatment facility for sexual abuse (original issue)... please keep them in your good thoughts & prayers... they are such wonderful people... my heart aches for her & them...

Count your blessings.

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Morning girls

Kat, As i was reading I was wondering if you had the ants to open the flowers. LOL. I have tons of them and love them

Pam - good luck, can't wait to see pics

Michelle, how sad and scary! your friend and family are in my prayers

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Good Morning, Violets...

I'm getting ready for my hospital shift, but wanted to get Pam's pictures posted before I leave.

Kat... gonna take more than a sneeze and a healthy poop to get me into the 160's. I weighed today and I'm up again.. grrrrrrrrrrrrrrr I've got to boost my exercising, I know that for sure.

I got all the flowerbeds cleaned out last night and now have to get the piles of debris cleaned up today. It's supposed to rain tonight so I want the leaves taken care of before they become soggy piles in the yards.




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Yeah Judy! Thanks so much! I think they look soooo cute, I've even made one of the pix my desktop background! I'm so proud of myself! Here's hoping I don't kill 'em!

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CUTE CUTE CUTE!!!!!!! Way to go Pam!

Kat: that is SOOOOOOOOO funny about you killing the ants! I was getting ready to tell you that they were planted too deep...but no it was the ant killing that did it! LOL I LOVE PEONIES! I love everything that I plant once and it comes back year after year!!! :)

Went to my KCBandsters meeting last night and it was a good one.... I always get so jazzed up after them.... it is one of the things I'm doing for ME..... DH would rather I didn't go but I am taking that one evening a month for some Tracy time.

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Pamela---bulbs are the easiest in the world!!! You plant them once in the fall ---they look kinda like a dirty turnip. Then come spring, they grow---all on their own. Then they die off, and sit in the ground dormant, until the next spring when they do it all over again---and most of them multiply---so they spread....and living in CA you would never have to dig them up until you decided they had spread too much, or you no longer wanted them!!!
It doesn't work that way here in S. Texas!! We have to dig up the bulbs every year and put them in the refrigerator until November! Needless to say, you don't see a lot of tulips and daffodils in this neck of the woods.
Morning, Vi's~~

What an evening! My dear friend's 9th grade daughter (who's in care for depression & some other issues) took a combo of pills yesterday afternoon and her boyfriend called EMS so my friend is making dinner when they appear on her doorstep -- she didn't have a clue what was going on! Long story short, her 5th grade daughter came here & ended up spending the night while they went to the hospital. She was released @ 1:30am... but now dear friend is going to try to get her into a residential adolescent treatment facility for sexual abuse (original issue)... please keep them in your good thoughts & prayers... they are such wonderful people... my heart aches for her & them...

Count your blessings.

Michelle, that breaks my heart. I'm so sorry!!! I hate hearing that ... my son was one step away from getting checked into residential treatment until I heard one too many horror stories. Actually it was a message board (link) that 'saved' him. The message board was full of residential treatment 'alumni' who were there to offer opinions of the various centers, along with opinions as to the variety of alternatives available. I had a few of the people tell me to just give him a thorough psychiatric evaluation....so that's what we did instead of sending him off....and it literally saved his life. He is a very healthy honor roll senior now, getting ready for college, does not do drugs or alcohol, has a job, and always (without fail) makes curfew. Please encourage them to get a psych evaluation before sending her off. It's important to take that step first. If she's an internet person, please also encourage her to get educated about the 'troubled teen industry'.... it's not as it seems.

G'day all!!!

Edited by TerriDoodle

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So yesterday I went to the pool store and got a new chlorinator because mine must have had moisture in it because it cracked and was leaking, so i get it hooked up and start to fill up the pool and the stupid skimmer basket is cracked. UGHHHHHHHHHHH - I'm broke! so here we go back to the pool store this am to get the part and get the pool filled up. The Water is up to 68 already. LOL, by time i get it going it will be warm enough to jump in and vaccume

I got a call from the temp agency this am to check in, I reminded her about my weekend... so that is all in the works, as well as a start date and attire because do I wear jeans or pants? I'm sure no flip flops... what a bummer but that is ok LOL

I am not going to weigh in until Thurs am, there is nothing I can do about it so why freak, but i'm doing my Protein shake/tuna diet for the next 3 days then hope to back it up even more when i get a fill. I have been taking my water pill and nothing, so last night i had a warm glass of lemon water, for the first time in weeks, I was up peeing my brains out all night. I' just made one to start my day and will end the same way to try to get rid of the bloat. At least i have to pee, which might be a good sign.

my kitten is eating my hair as I type which means he is going to pass out - he usually gets all wrapped up and then it gets really quiet - oh great here is the other one.

well, i'm going to take my fat ass to the pool store!

talk to ya'll soon

pam = you did good!!!

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How pretty Judy!

You're right Kat about the post this time last year, hah.

Well the irony is, today I find out why they want to move me again. They want to give this office to DH!!!!!

I am near the IT department, and the only other office near here is either the conference room (big) or the other office they want to move me to (huge). DH has like 4-7 computers in his office at once, so it actually MAKES SENSE that he gets a bigger office for all the equipment. But their problem? It would look bad to give a huge office to a little IT guy. Just fumes me. I keep saying, he has all the equipment, it's justified, he needs the room and the ventilation. I don't! Just cause I'm in sales, doesn't mean I need a big office over the IT guy. Sigh. We got into it again this morning, but I tried to be more logical than emotional, and explain why he should have the bigger office. Regardless if they move me or him, we're going to be next door. I dunno about that. We don't see each other except for smoke breaks, I don't wanna be close enough to talk all day lol.

Oh and I hurt my back. I am guessing it was from moving stuff this weekend, but my lower back is cricked, I can't even bend over to pick crap up. It hurt a little yesterday, now it hurts a lot.

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Pammy - your flowers look so pretty! I'm like you, I don't know the names of nothing. I like pretty stuff. As soon as my garden blooms I will post some pics...

TracyK - Traffic is horrible everyone in and around Houston. One of the many drawbacks of living here. But I wouldn't have it any other way... :clap: Too bad you have to spend your whole time working. I would have met you for lunch or something!

Terry - I've never been to the Bayou City Art Festival :) ! I view art the same as I view flowers, I like pretty stuff...:)

Yesterday I was feeling melancholy and I went back to read through our old thread... We've always been so supportive of each other. Through everything that we've gone through... I really feel in my heart that the reason I am being successful is because of the support I receive on here with you guys... :thumbup:

Yesterday I was doing laundry and I saw that my closet was once again filling up with stuff I don't fit anymore. I'm starting to purge once again... I have size 18-20 tops. Does anyone wear size 18-20 tops? I'll try to post some pics tonight....

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Thanks for your advice, Terry. Actually, she's already working w/a psychologist AND, ironically, her mom is a social worker working on her masters in teen issues, so she is very up-to-date on all of this. In fact, last night the hospital docs wanted to send her to one place and my friend said "no way", that she wants her to go to another one that the hospital docs didn't even know existed. Duh. So I'm confident that she is well-versed in all this. Now if it were me, I'd be completely lost... of course, then she'd be the first person I'd call. As I said, ironic.

Purty flowers, Pam. I am the worst @ gardening. We're lucky if the grass is maintained! Seriously. If it weren't for flowering weeds, I'd have no garden at all. Whenever my mom visits, she plants things and then I'm supposed to Water them... ha ha ha! She keeps saying that she needs to come for a couple weeks & get my yard into shape... and I say, "c'mon!" Actually, my in-laws are watching the kids for our Gruene weekend (dh will be in Chicago for work) and my fil is a big gardener, so I'm going to get some plants/flowers and let him go crazy in the yard... I'm hoping he'll like having a "project" rather than just sitting around. So *maybe* he'll inspire us??

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Haydee, I am almost there in tops! If any run big I would be interested. I am still HUGE in pants.

Oh well. Hopefully Friday I will get a fill, not that I have NEEDED ONE FOR OVER A MONTH!!!!!!!!!!

Bitter huh???

Pam the plants look great, I planted (sort of) this seed roll in my planter box. I got it for $5.00, last year I spent $80 for flowers and didn't like them, they never grew pretty! I am sort of excited about my seeds. I am like a little kid. I planted them Saturday night (I sure know how to party don't I?) and look every day!!


Tracy and Pam OMG, how shocking about James???? How do those things slide by the powers that be?

Oh well, I just got a call that my house didn't appraise out, so I have to come up with $2,000. What is a poor girl to do!!

Have a good day!!


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Pamela---flowers look good!!! You plant like I do---symmetrically! If I have a red here I need a similar one over here. DH is a throw it in the air, and plant it where it lands kind of guy----so we compromise. Together we prep the flower beds, and together we pick out what to plant. Then I walk around and sit out the flowers where I want them, and he puts them in the ground or pot!!!

He has a few things he wants EVERY year, he loves the Pale green Dusty Miller plants, so we always have to include them, and he loves the Blue Delphimium. Except he calls it purple. Rick is double color blind----so I think that is why he is less inclined to try to make a flower bed look organized!!! I don't strictly go on color, I try to keep overall size, and height in mind, and he could care less, he tries to put tall spiky things in front!!!

But.....he is out there doing it---so I zip my lip, and just move it!!!

Where were all of you when I needed to know not to kill the ants??? Here in NM, I can leave all my bulbs in the ground year round, with a layer of leaves to mulch and hold warmth, except for gladiolas, and the big dinner plate Dahlias, they have to come up, or they rot from the moisture.....needless to say--I don't grow them for more than a year!!!

I might get by this year, but over the next several, it looks like I will either go back to getting allergy shots, or live on Zyrtec. The new woman across the street, tore out a rose bush border between her and the neighbor---and replanted it with lilacs. I am soooooo allergic to lilacs! She told everyone she did it, so when their baby is born, and begins running around the thorny bushes won't hurt the baby. IN reality, her dog, who is always going through the bushes to poop in the neighbors yard is always getting hung up in them and yiking, and crying. She ties the dog out to the corner post of her carport, so he can either lay on the cement, or crawl through the bushes and lay on the neighbors grass.....hard choice for a dog!!! She could tie to the other post, and the dog would be in her own yard, or she has a fenced back yard----but this way someone else ends up cleaning up after her dog. She is such a nice lady----very quiet, and friendly, and she always asks about everyone, but I am glad I am not the one with her dog in my yard...I would find it hard to not say something!

So.....today I am meeting Sofi for lunch. She called me a bit ago, to say it looks like she will be a few minutes late, it had been a rough morning. She runs a group home type of thing. She called me while she was stress relieving on the elliptical.....while I was being lazy and snuggled down watching Wonder Pets with Kinsey!!! I know I should be an exemplary bandster, at lunch today......and yet at the same time, I want her to see, you can eat the bandster way, and still eat normal food, have a normal life....and despite what my MIL says....be successful!!! By that I mean, I should ditch the bun on my burger etc.......but my personal choice in the matter is to eat it, just eat less of the burger overall.

I may end up out of control with no fill--the thought is kinda scary!!!

Someone better take a roll of duct tape to TX so you can tape my hands together and my mouth closed!!!

Well....everytime I turn around I am having to lay the computer down and chase the girl, so I guess that is my hint---it is time to play!!! So....I am off to push a girl on a swing, I have done my best to teach her to pump her legs, to no avail.....


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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

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        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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