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Shrinkin' Violets- Part 2 Read Here

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You will never believe what I am doing tomorrow night. I am going to a gay leather contest. The guy that owns the building is doing this Mr. gay leather midwest, it sounds like a big deal, but I am sure it can't be that much of one because there are only two other people running. I went to the website of the bar OH MY GOSH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It doesn't start til 11:00 p.m. luckily I am a night owl, so the hours won't kill me, just won't go to church the next morning. I will post after I get home, should be a hoot!?!? I am sure I will see things I never thought I would!!

Have a great weekend!!

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Hey V's~

Home from our fun night! Had a great night...very relaxing. Went to Ron Baron's Homeshow, that was cool. We went a couple years ago and bought a Cal King Tempurpedic (sp) bed...LOVELOVELOVE IT!

Then dinner w/ our friends (1 taco and split some nachos). We sat outside (weather in the 80's), just BEAUTIFUL!

Then we went to a gay bar and had 1 drink. That was nice too. Just relaxing all night! Fun, friends, laughs...aaahhh. I am not uptight anymore (until Monday).

Michelle~Happy Anniversary...and feel better!

Janie~You'll have fun! Keep an open mind and take pix (kidding).

Kat~ I loved your description of you sitting in your lawn swing thingy. It is funny how we sometimes think..."if only I xyz...then EVERYTHING will be great". Your great already, and your life sounds soooo rich. TT will only make it lighter...not better!xoxoxox

Terry~ Get your eyes done first! That is my 2 cents. I want my eyes done. My friend had it..and LOVES it.

Laura~ I met Susanne online. You just gotta weed through the idiots, (although she was the first woman I've ever ever...you know...that is a story for our trip:rolleyes:).

OK...the eyelids are getting heavy. I had 1 margie...but it has been a long day!


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Good morning everyone~

Yesterday I got the ball rolling to get things together to bring with me to my PS appt on the 28th. I have 2 drs to go get paperwork & documentation from. I am just so scared that I will get turned down. I wonder if they turn someone down if it is no forever or can I try again at a later time or maybe again next year?! Oh well, whatever will be will be!

Supposed to be a very beautiful day here today. DSS and DSD are here this weekend. Last night was pizza night and I was able to eat 3/4 of a piece. That is not bad I think. It was the piece of cookie I ate afterwards that I should be ashamed of!

DH worked all night and I am wondering how I am going to keep 3 kids quiet while he sleeps today. That'll be interesting.

Jenn-I just love baby kitties!! They are so funny!

Judy-how are we today? I hope yu are even better today!

Jane-have fun!!!

Terri-whats on your agenda today?

Just like Pam...dh and I met online as well. SEE...there ARE success stories :tongue:

Have a great day everyone! (3 weeks today of no smokes! yay me!)

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Morning girls

I am so jealous of all of you and making ps dates. I'm canceling my appt for monday, mostly because they don't really seem like they want to submit to insurance, 2nd because I love my dr, so i want to use his PS, he may give me a hard time but it is tough love - and i know that, and his ps will submit to ins and knows what I need to do-

How my stomach looks is what i am obsessing about and honestly, I need to obsess about loosing the last 25lbs then go to the ps thing. I am loosing sight of my priorities. Then I will be at my goal and then have ps. I am going to meet ps and then see what i need to start doing.. I have had back issues on and off for the last 15 years, I just stopped going to the dr for it, I've been on and off on muscle relaxers but because of my accident 15 years ago, just always put the blame on that.

Oh well, I had chinese eggplant and black bean sauce last night, must have been loaded with salt more than normal, i feel huge this morning! my entire body feels swollen.

Hope you all have a great day

Jane - I want pics!!!! LOL

Shoot, I forgot - my favorite cousin is in town for conference... we are going out... and i'm sure going to get into huge trouble. LOL

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Hey Vi's~~

I'm up! That's something! Actually showered & dressed & ready to go... to the DOCTOR'S!! I have a 12:15pm app't for a strep test. The "razor blade" feeling is gone from my throat, now it just feels like it's swollen shut! and that's pressing up against my ears, making them hurt... + my eyes still feel all hot & wet... d'ya know what I mean?? So not feeling great, but have TONS to do + dinner tonight... dh said we could re-schedule it, but we NEVER go out w/just adults to a nice place and I know that SOMEthing else will ALWAYS come up... so we are going unless I REALLY feel much crappier as the day goes on. Right now it's manageable... I just have to take it slowly & not think about it.

I'm taking dd out for some spring clothes shopping today... I need something to wear for tonight, as well + shoes... then she has her riding lesson... then home, a quick nap (??) and out tonight. Phew!

Make it a great one, everyone!!

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Good morning everyone~

Yesterday I got the ball rolling to get things together to bring with me to my PS appt on the 28th. I have 2 drs to go get paperwork & documentation from. I am just so scared that I will get turned down. I wonder if they turn someone down if it is no forever or can I try again at a later time or maybe again next year?! Oh well, whatever will be will be!.....

Terri-whats on your agenda today?....

Have a great day everyone! (3 weeks today of no smokes! yay me!)

Tracy, if PS is anything like lapband approvals then the story is to appeal, appeal, appeal!!! You might have to appeal 5x, but you might just wear them down! I think that they deny 1/2 the people just hoping that they 'go away'....and probably most do! We'll be here to get you thru it and encourage you ALL THE WAY to the operating table!!!

Not sure what I'm gonna do today. I know I've got to work on some jewelry and we might ride out to Bentwater later....that's about it as far as plans go! Nice to be able to play it by ear. Hope you enjoy your day with the kids!! Why don't ya'll pack a picnic lunch and go to the park or the zoo?

Hey Vi's~~

I'm up! That's something! Actually showered & dressed & ready to go... to the DOCTOR'S!! I have a 12:15pm app't for a strep test. The "razor blade" feeling is gone from my throat, now it just feels like it's swollen shut! and that's pressing up against my ears, making them hurt... + my eyes still feel all hot & wet... d'ya know what I mean?? So not feeling great, but have TONS to do + dinner tonight... dh said we could re-schedule it, but we NEVER go out w/just adults to a nice place and I know that SOMEthing else will ALWAYS come up... so we are going unless I REALLY feel much crappier as the day goes on. Right now it's manageable... I just have to take it slowly & not think about it.

I'm taking dd out for some spring clothes shopping today... I need something to wear for tonight, as well + shoes... then she has her riding lesson... then home, a quick nap (??) and out tonight. Phew!

Make it a great one, everyone!!

For being a sick person you sure do have a LOT on your list, girlfriend!!! You're gonna be sick like a dog if you try to do all that today!!! If you want to go out tonight, you better rest, don't you think?? Gawd, I used to get strep throat ALL THE TIME when I was a kid...I think I'm immune to all of those germs now! I made it thru fall and winter without getting sick once. I feel so lucky considering how sick my Violets have been! :tongue:

Ya'll have a good day. I need to go hammer some silver for a bit.

Love ya!


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I think you should make a nap a priority, that and some anitbiotics and i'm sure you will feel better. I hope

sorry you are so sick, i was there a few weeks ago, went to a birthday party and ended up with 102 fever...

take care of yourself

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Thanks, gals... Terry, be careful about saying that about not being sick all Fall/Winter... I said that EXACT SAME THING on Thurs night and BAM... got hit w/it on Friday! I even knocked on wood when I said it... but in retrospect, I'm thinking it was plastic w/a wood finish... dang it!

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Morning Violets!

Sitting here looking at my calendar thinking.....I picked a really bad time to look into surgery!!! Oh well.....will do what I can, and go from there!

I have a couple of things I volunteer for coming up, and .... Rick will take care of one, they are both things that will go on if I am not there, and no one will even miss me!!! Nothing of dire importance!

Our area is hosting the next 2 years of the National High School Rodeo. Thousands of kids, from all over.....the fair grounds turns into a mini town. Companies come in and set up pools, and other fun things for them during their down time. We hosted it 2 years in a row, several years ago. It was incredible! It butts right up to the Connie Mack World Series of baseball. Which is high school age, and brings teams from all over the US as well as out of the country. I helped with concessions the one year during that.

It was such a relieving feeling. On the news and it seems everywhere you go all you hear is bad things about the kids today. With those 2 events, I saw thousands upon thousands of kids, and was sooooo impressed! Our world is not in such bad hands as I feared!!!

The other thing Rick got involved in is called CAST. It stands for Catch a Special Thrill. It is a local thing, where they take disadvantaged, and challenged kids out for a day of bass fishing. We live near a large lake/dam. They teach them about Water safety, fishing, also taking care of the land....the kids smiles are HUGE!!! Bass boats look like large speed boats, and they love being on them! It is May 10th, so it looks like it will be up to Rick.

The other items will be later in the summer, I should be able to be recovered and less self concious by then!

I look forward to all of it, I am soooo tired of winter!

I gave myself a pedicure last night with bright coral color-----so I NEED sandals!!!! LOL

Michelle-be careful not to overdo today. You will end up sicker for it! Be sure to drink lots while you are out today.

I agree with Terry--appeal insurance if it turns it down......I would have in a heart beat! My history with the documentation of the torn muscle might have been why mine went through.

It is one of those morning, I feel particularly tight. This might sound totally wierd, I notice if I sleep on my right side,or my back, I wake up with super restriction.....if I sleep on my left side, I can eat anything I want when I get up. Figure that out!! Rick has a theory of the Fluid moving between band and tubing. I dunno, I just noticed it several months ago, and began watching it! Anyway, I am thirsty, feel like guzzling my iced tea, and I feel it trickling through, so guzzling is not an option!

Well I am going to go take my vitamins---and find something to do with myself for awhile.



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Top o' the morning Violets~

We had a wonderful morning w/ coffee in bed and watched the movie Simone on TNT! Sooooo lazy, I love it!

We are going out to Breakfast now...walk around downtown, and play it by ear too! I LOVE SATURDAYS! We have the concert later, so beebop around until then.

I didn't tell ya'll...I got my retro check this week from a raise that goes back to July. Well, I was expecting around 300, but it was 1200!!! Anyway, I was thinking..."what do I want???" Couldn't think of anything I want/need. Then it hit me...I wanted the complete DVD set of the ENTIRE I Love Lucy series! And I went online and got it! I am sooo excited! It was only 170, but it comes in a cute box thingy! One day or two this summer...you guessed it...LUCY DAY(S)!

Anyway, if ya'll wanna come over and watch, more than welcome!:tt1:

Have a FANTASTIC Saturday!


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LOL Pamela, my nieces call me Aunt Lucy! My DH's given name is Ricky---his Mama is a true Texan!!! So she still calls him Ricky---so they teased him by calling him Uncle Ricky----which naturally makes me Aunt Lucy!


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Laura - don't feel bad, i'm at work too today. I need to submit some financials over to the bank on Monday and I didn't finish entering all the information. So here I am.

It got so cold here today. Yuck. We had yard work planned for today. I guess we can still do it but I wanted sunshine dammit! Now that we "finished" the inside of the house we're focusing on the outside. The yard is a mess. I don't think the previous owners sodded the backyard so our backyard is 99% weeds and 1% grass. The front has a few measly bushes but not flower beds and no landscaping stones. We're gonna tackle the front first. I'll post before and afters so ya'll can see what we did...

Jane - woo hoo!! have fun tonight!! Are you dressing up too? he he he...

Michelle - Happy Anniversary!! I hope you feel better for your night out. I'm with Terry, you should rest today...

Terry - It's a good day for a drive out to Bentwater... Do both of ya'll golf? I have no idea if it's good golf weather or not. Much to my father's disapointment none of us took up golf! He would play everyday if he could! The house that they are building is in front of the golf course in Augusta Pines soooo my mom will be a golf widow soon... he he he Have fun today!

Okay, back to work for me. I want to hurry up and finish so I can get to the garden store. Have a great weekend everyone!! Talk to you monday...

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Haydee...LOL...any day that it's not lightening and thundering is a good golf day, you should know that from your Dad!! No, I tried to play but gave it up my first time on a real course. I had a blast at the driving range with DH giving me some instrux and I could whack the ball pretty good! But when it came time to keeping it in the fairway or getting it onto the green I was like "Oh f*** this!!" LOL Besides, I would be one of those people who only plays when it's 74 degrees and sunny! DH is playing 1-2x per weekend now....and I am home cleaning the garage, doing laundry and washing dishes! Hmmmm. What's wrong with this picture? S'ok...it makes him happy...and I only clean when I really feel like it! (so...like never!)

Kat - Yeah, I would be sore from head to toe...but not for very long and I could be back to work in 10 days. I just looked over the wish list of procedures again and I think I will forego the lower lid correction and the Lipo of the neck and jowels. If I do that I can save an extra $3000. So I'd get the eyelids done (a must), lipo on my tummy, and injections for wrinkles. Then in a couple of years I'll get a face lift and other stuff if I feel like I want it. That's where I am so far.

I may have missed it...when are you going to get your surgery date???! If the doc says you can do it next week, could you?...i mean with your personal schedule? Oh, this is so exciting!!! MAN you're gonna look great!!!!

Speaking of which....I've been meaning to check on losingjusme's thread to see how she's coming along.

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Terry if I could have done it yesterday, I'd be a lot funnier right now-----high on pain killers!!!!

I am waiting for 2 things. For either the Dr. or myself to get the actual paper confirming approval in our hands. We cannot move forward without that. Then I have my appointment on the 18th--she said I should be able to schedule the following week for surgery. IF I get the confirmation of approval, and they get a cancellation, I might get that appointment moved up. It is a fine line to walk to schedule it and schedule my unfill. I have a 12 hour round trip for the unfill. I don't want to leave Kinsey with my Mom for too much, she does tend to wear her out, and she will have her steady following my surgery, so I am gonna end up doing a goofy dance to fit it all into position I imagine!!!

I have so many more wrinkles than when I was fatter it is unbelievable!!!!

But the belly is far and LARGE the biggest issue.

We have tried the golfing thing too----but Rick is just too loud!!! He is shall we say "lively"? He laughs and gives people a hard time, and is not one to hide his emotion---good or bad!!! And me? I get mad and would be the one who throws her clubs in the Water trap! Or wing some jerk up side the head!!! Wasn't a good fit for us! Rick sticks with his motorcycles. I used to love to play volleyball and softball. Too old now! I watch the kids do things now!


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      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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