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Shrinkin' Violets- Part 2 Read Here

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Morning girls

i'm up after very little sleep - my back hurts so very badly out of no where. I am starting to have my belly hang different because i'm been getting rashes under it. Sorry, I know tmi. But for these reasons i'm going to start documenting this stuff, and maybe get something to take away the pain so i can sleep.

Kat, if my lower belly wasn't so nasty I would be very happy with myslf, i don't want to be a size 6 - I'm older and realistic now with my goals, but I kind of ok with the rest of me, so i figure 15 more lbs and the other strange bumps that bug me should be gone.

I had about 1100 cals yesterday and 70g Protein - today i'm going to lower that to 900 and going to hit the gym. I may die in my travels but i'm going

Has anyone considered a medical alert Bracelet? Someone suggested it at our support group last month and after being dehydrated and sick Sat, I got really scared. I am going to get one. I sent an email to one of the girls who was at the meeting to gt what it should say, i cant remember exactally.

Hi Michelle :cursing:

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My mom mentioned a medic alert Bracelet. Not a bad idea really. If something ever happened to one of us it would really pay off for us.

Good morning violets-

Monday, ugh!

Terri-I have heard of the places you mentioned but if I were gonna win a million dollars to find one of those neighborhoods I would not win at all! lol But if you are excited about it, they must be really beautiful! I know when I worked in Houston I lived IN Houston instead of having a commute! So I hear what you are saying.

Judy-happy cruising in the new car! :cursing:

Tracy-hope you were able to salvage some of the weekend!

Michelle-I hope you slept OK. I know when DH is working nights I can hardly sleep!

I need to run....have a great day everyone!

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Hello to All Violets!!

Sounds like everyone is doing wonderful.

Sorry to hear a few had the *bug* but it's that time of year. :crying:

For the first time since my band was placed I'm having pain in the port area. When I move a certain way it HURTS. I can put my hand on it and push it tight against my body and the pain lessens. So...I'm hoping it's muscle pain. I've exercised some and wonder if that is the culprit?

Anyone have an idea what it is? Hurts like Hell! And of course it makes me not want to excercise but of course I look for any excuse NOT to excercise! I'm soooo lazy in that respect.

Still haven't lost any weight in over 3 months....playing with the same two lbs. It just sucks to know I'm not eating ANYTHING like I use to and still gain 2lbs on the same amount. My body hates me I think.

O.K. enough venting for now...Thanks to all for listening.

Have a wonderful Violet week!!

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Morning Girls~

I can't believe it is over! I've decided I would like to retire sooner rather than later! LOL...I am still 21 years away from retirement, but a girl can dream. :crying:

Well, the move is over!!! She officially lives in Palm Springs, but works in Orange County. We had a great day yesterday and officially started a new ritual. We always do this...but now it is a ritual. coffee and the Sunday morning show (CBS) in bed! It is a great way to start a week! Now, if only she can get a job w/ Sunday's off, lol. That might ruin our ritual.

I have no idea what I have to do today. I told myself not to even look at my calendar until I get to work...therefore, extending my vacation to the last minute. 5 am came too quickly!

Off to download the multitude of papers I must grade this week!

Have a great day!


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Good Morning, Violets..

I'm up and eating cottage cheese and fresh blueberries. Well, as fresh as they can be after 5 days in the fridge. But they're still way better than frozen.

going to get dressed after Breakfast and head to the bank to sign the papers for the new car. Then will have to check on getting the XM put in my old car. THEN I can get to painting!! I have all day and evening so I hope to get as much done as I can. Pulling this computer table out so I can get behind it to paint will be a major job.

Househuntress....I've had pain in the port when I lay on my stomach now. Never happened before, but then again, I don't have all the extra fat padding like I used to. But that's the only time it hurts. Congrats on the great weight loss!!!! I too am stalled as I think most of us are, but I look at where I was a year ago and I'm sooooooooo thankful I did this. It is soooooooo worth it!!!

Pamela.....the bad news is the vacation flew by for you. The good news is the remaining weeks in the school year will too! Just think.. it's almost APRIL!!! And the days til the Bandiversary Bash are really flying by. Pretty soon it will only be a month!!

Gotta run and get dressed. Everyone have a great morning!! Make wise choices and drink, drink, drink that water!!!

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No NG without scope, Lap-Band placed _____, contact Dr Singh at _____

and there should be something about NO ..... (the ingredient in Motrin we are not suppose to take)

I am still not keeping anything in me, but I'm able to drink Water so I feel a bit better about "going down" but it was enough to scare me. I found a decent one online for $50 and it had a nice chain and clasp so I'll probably order that tomorrow

Pam - 21 years to retire... hmmmmmm i have about 35 so I would happily take that.

Hope you all have a great day, i'm off to shower and hit the gym

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Kat, Just about had apple juice come out my nose when I read "Side Boobs". I've never heard them described like that. But that is how I search for bras'. Need to make sure I can get all 4 boobs in there.

I don't have an alert Bracelet but my Doctor gave us all cards to carry in our wallets. I have mine right behind my insurance card. When ever I go to the emergency room for anything I always let them know.

Winds are horrid here this morning. News said they are clocking some of them at 50 mph. Yikes. Even the kitties don't want to go out. Not much going on today. Have to do my morning shft at work and than I'm free after that.

Terri. BASEBALL starts today. Already have my outfit picked out to wear. All Royal Blue.

Everyone have a great day.


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House- I have had port pain every once in a while. Like if I sleep on the remote on my port.. oh dear goodness. And I have pulled/twisted certain ways that leave it sore for days.

Jenn- I can't wrap my head around the idea of wearing a Bracelet (jewelry makes me itchy), but my phone has an emergency info thing if someone found it, has my band info.. and I keep a medical alert card in my wallet with my license.

It's been so warm, and today it's COLD again. Argh! I just bought all those new cute spring/summer shirts.. and I paired it with my winter coat today. Have to go with DH to turn his car in to get it fixed where the lady side-swiped him a month ago.. and then I've been nagging him for over a week to go get his stupid passport, men are like children, he drivin me nuts. For a while his excuse was, I didn't remind him so he wasn't picture-ready. So for 4 days now I've reminded him in the morning and he says 'not today'. Today I said 'You need to do the passport, be picture ready" and he goes "No" and I said "No??" and he goes "I'm not awake yet". YOU CAN'T HAVE IT BOTH WAYS!!!

I did not schedule my fill too soon. I figured it out. When I hit 232lbs, my restriction POOFED. So I've been unrestricted and eating bad.. and I swear, the band gave me an inch and I took a mile. I can't stop eating now that I have little restriction. Kind of scary, if I ever lose the band I'll balloon back to the 300lbs. So much for good habits. I keep going in with good intentions, but yesterday was chili day. Normally I have about 1 cup, and struggle with it. I had 2 large bowls full yesterday. Ack.

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Good morning Violets!! How was everyones weekend??

Well thanks to all the prayers and good wishes from her auntie Violets my little sister did great. She was in absolutely no pain and she has no gas pain. Lucky dog!! I booked their stay until Tuesday so that she would have plenty of time to recover but she's been ready to come home since Saturday. She's on Clear Liquids until Friday, then she can move up to creamy Soups. Because she feels normal I think her head hunger hit before it should have. I don't remember being hungry until about two weeks after but she's already complaining about that. Good thing our transition period into mushies is only three weeks or else she would probably chew her own arm off, he he he...

Househuntress - I too feel port pain more often now. I feel it when I eat too much and when I'm sitting hunched over my computer for long periods of time. If you're working out your abs that probably is the reason too... I thought about calling my doctor about it but it hasn't been so severe yet.

Terri - I love the Heights! That would be my dream area to live in if I could afford the price of the houses! I really feel like you have the best of both worlds in that area. Big city living blocks away but still it still feels like a small cozy town.

My coughing and hacking has gotten worse! I can't seem to shake this thing out of my system. The only good news to come out of this is that I'm slowly losing again. I hadn't seen changes like this on my scale in quite awhile. I hope I'm able to maintain this weight loss and not shoot back up once I start to feel normal again. But for now I'm claiming it!!! I can't believe I hit the 220's!!!! It feels like I'm so close to onederland now... :crying:

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Good morning Violets!

Feel much better this morning, have sipped some Water, have not attempted anything else. Kinsey come in and has been sleeping ever since, so I napped, and am taking it very easy this morning.

I have a medical alert Bracelet. I seldom wear it! It is so UGLY!

Mine is one that my Uncle sent me. It has a phone # and an identification # on it is all. That is because he feels I need more instruction than a single bracelet can hold!!! Along with my band, I have several drug allergies---including pennicillen, codeine, morphine, corticosteroids......and more! I also have the active tumor issues I told you about before I think. I have a tumor in my leg, in the right fibula, and another in my right mastoid. They are active....but not growing. The name for them is a mile long---but he thinks it is important info.

So with my bracelet, the emergency personel calls, or there is a website, enters my ID# and my entire medical history is available, as I have entered it on the form/website.

Been thinking about talking to this really cool lady I know who makes AMAZING jewelry and seeing if we could make some sort of bracelet part that I would actually like, but leave of course the medic alert emblem prominent enough to be noticed. You are getting the hints here......aren't ya Terry????? LOL!!!! It is wierd but I really was going to ask her about it in TX!!

I also have the card in my wallet, and my cell phone has ICE #'s in it......I need to wear the bracelet....but.....yuck!

Haven't had any port pain----lots of stomach pain recently....but my port only causes pain, if pressure is put on it. Mine is low profile, and buried deep.....and I still have a healthy layer over it!! Dangit anyway!

TracyK---glad it went to the right address!! Whew!

Well I need to get ready---when Kinsey wakes up, I need to go out and move some cows. They are calving....we have new babies! Mine (yes my own---I lay claim to her---as well as her calf from 2 years ago) dropped a little bull yesterday.....I would have preferred a heifer! I lay claim to her, because, Tim usually is around to help when one of them has a problem, but he was gone---and I had to help pull this calf all by myself! So she is mine! Last year she didn't seem to apparantly attract the bull, she did not have a calf. Then we missed a run when Rick was down with heart problems---so now both she and her first calf are/were calving. The first calf should give birth today....you could tell yesterday it was iminent, she may have already. Kinsey will love being around the babies. I tool a picture of her last year with one of the babies! I'd show ya---but we all know I can't do the picture thing!!!

So I better get up and around, I don't wanna do anything....still no energy. Should hear from my band Dr. sometime today.


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I know some of you avoid R&R, so this is not for the squeemish.. but it is extremely entertaining if you have time to kill.

Some new girl complaining about how we complain.. then when we don't give her kudos, she saying we're all fat and annoying and to go eat a donut.. and yes, this girl is getting the lap-band.

All you people do is complain... - Page 12 - Lap Band Talk Forum - The largest forum for Lap Band Surgery Discussion and Lap Band Surgery Support

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Wow Laura!!! Talk about odd!!! I guess that what happens to some very immature people. I hope she doesn't think life is not full of complications!! Maybe she has just lead a very sheltered life, it is sad though.

Trying to get motivated to clean some more. I spent yesterday switching my files and SHREDDING!!! I have two big bags to take to the recycle place. My house seems like a bigger mess today! Need to clean up from my cleaning!!

I am going to hop in the shower, good thing I waited to after I read that post, need one after that!!


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Thanks for the link Laura~ I enjoyed the read, but what a complete waste of my time. That is the first time since I became a moderator that I've ventured out to other threads (with the exceptions of unanswered posts). That kind of shit raises my blood pressure. But at least I got to use the smilie I've always wanted to. Never had the need over here in Violet Land...where everything and everyone are wonderful!

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Aw, well.. it was too funny for me to get upset about. This is a person pre-band.. band.. meaning, they too are obese (at the least).. trying to be the bully in school making fun of fat people. And just for shits & giggles, I looked at her other posts.. it's amazing, the whole thing she 'complained' about in her original post, her other posts are "I'm worried about my pre-op diet" "What do I do about xxx". Derrr.. that's what this forum is here for, there was no reason for her to post the post I linked you guys too.. except to be a troll. So it's just funny!

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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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