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Shrinkin' Violets- Part 2 Read Here

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Happy Easter~

Terry...love the pix...especially the silver necklace and earring set...that is my kind of jewlery! You are exceptionally talented and I am lucky to have such a talented friend.

Judy~ Thanks for the ecard...too cute! I am impressed w/ you knowledge of Tony and Cyd! If you ever make it out this way, I can take you to the house they built! It was beautiful!

Michelle~ Hoppy Easter to you too..that was cute! Enjoy your guests today, sounds like a ton of work...but I know it is worth it.

Kat~ I hope your day goes great...especially after all your hard work.

Well...we stayed in bed and drank coffee and watched the news there from 7-8:30 this morning. It was great! We haven't done that in forever...I loved it!

I am off to peel pot's and cut up veggies...and try to grade papers too!

Love you all my Violet Sistahs! I hope the Easter Bunny brings you all some good stuff!


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So Pam, you're like one of the L word girls? All the lesbians really get to hang out with the posh gay men (and why are they always posh!!). Hah, I am definitely envious, everything I've ever seen on TV of those poshy places are unreal. I'd have loved the dinner too!

Sorry about DD Kat, sounds like a rough situation :wub: Hopefully, she will do what's good for her DD!

I have kept my blinds open all day, watching all the neighborhood kids. Lots of fun, makes me want my own (yet again). And then there's the asshole neighbor who stacks trash for pick up but doesn't put it in bags.. lot of beer boxes and cans ALL OVER the street in front of my house. Can you call the cops for things like that? I get so mad at these people. This is a nice neighborhood and their laziness causes all these brand new houses to get trashy looking. I have to pick up OTHER PEOPLE's trash out of my yard every friggin day.

I figured out why I can't breathe!! It finally clicked, thanks to mom. When I went to docs, I said yeah I had seasonal asthma as a kid, but I haven't had it since I was like 12!! Well, when I was 13 we moved out of the country. Before that, we lived near fields and CROP DUSTERS!!! So yesterday, we were pulling out of my neighborhood.. we have a field connected to our backyard, and they were crop dusting. So, mystery solved. I can't breathe the pesticides. Kind of sucks I'll have to deal with this every year.. mom said use a face mask when I go outside, but I figure it would still get in our a/c since we're right on the field.

Going to go make some new outfits for my clothing store, going to be a lazy day.

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I just called the police.. (non-emergency), just asked if the guy with beer, kegs, and beer cans laying all out in the road is illegal.. she said littering is illegal, so they're sending someone out here. Hopefully, this will get them to stop in the future now.. cause since I know it's now illegal and they will come out, I'll keep calling.

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Michelle, chicken conspiracy!!! I love it!! Thanks!!! Thanks to Judy also!!

No, no pizza last night. I feel totally normal today. I didn't set the alarm and told my mom that if I woke up I would go, well she called at 11:00 am and I WAS STILL IN BED ASLEEP!!! Guess I needed it. But feel totally normal now (well never feel totally normal:laugh:).

Terry that is so pretty the azaleas and the tulips, those are my two favorite spring flowers, but I have to admit when we have a good spring for forsythias you can't beat it!!!! Let see if I was able to take a picture of all my greenery and flowers, I could post NOTHING!!!!!!! I am so ready for spring. I am more ready for the SUN!!! We have had the most sunless season we have ever had.

Off to take shower and get ready to go to Aunts, don't know what I am going to wear, since my outfit is in my car, which is at my work!! My coat is in there also and it is cooolllddd today!!

Have a blessed day!!!

Hang in there Kat!!! Special thought being sent your familys way!!!

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Meeeeeeeeechelle. you have captured the essence of Easter in the card you sent. Too funny!! :wub::tt2::frown:

Well, we're home from church and getting ready to pick up Ethan and his daddy to go to DD Kristin's house for Easter dinner. The bobster and I just finished the left over fish from our dinners Friday night. It was just enough to tide us over til the ham and corn pudding, cheesy potatoes, salad and pecan bars. Not to worry, I won't be eating the Pecan bars. However the corn pudding has been calling to me from the crock pot all morning!

Everyone have a good afternoon. Catch you later tonight.

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Hi everyone!

Sounds like everyone is having a great Easter. I am just lazing around now after hiding eggs about 50 times today for Macy...lol

I am just waiting now for spongebob to be over so I can watch something on TV. DH is at work. Quiet day at my house for the most part.

Terri-love the pics!

Michelle-you got a basket? hmmm, someone has been a good girl!

Laura-let us know what happens with the 'trashy' neighbor. Did the cops come out?

Kat-how was your party today?

Jenn & Michelle-tommorrow is my liquid day too. I have to do something, this is SAD!

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Hey Everyone,

Im new to the forum. I was banded in April 07 ....more pounds to go. Just wanted to say Happy Easter to ALL.

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Welcome CPR

The trash thing.. :crying:

It was windy, I watched the beer boxes & cans rolling down the street. Then I saw a cop pass twice, never stopped. I guess since it all blew away he didn't know where to stop.

Then I took a nap.. just got up, look outside.. said beer box & cans ARE IN MY FRONT YARD........... ARGFHGFHSEUT. So Mad.

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Laura, why don't you call your homeowner's association? They can send him a notice. Didn't the cops ask for an address? How aggravating!! The neighborhood we used to live in was a nice one... 3000-5000 square footers....and for some reason attracted a lot of ...uh...foreigners. About 20% of the houses had crappy yards or concrete lions by the front door or 6 cars in the driveway. Drove me insane. Gay guys always have the posh houses because it's two MEN with two incomes. Men make more money! grrrrrr.

Hey Crystal!!! Welcome to our little corner of LBT! Hang out with us...we're cool! :crying:

Jane - Soooo glad to hear you are feeling better and got to sleep in! I can't remember the last time I slept that late! I wake up at 5:00a no matter what day it is! I have to make myself stay in bed 'til 7:00 on the weekends. Hope you had a nice day at your Aunt's!

Pam, your weekend sounds nice!! Just a few more weeks 'til Susanne is moving in eh? Does she have to sell a house or anything? When does she move? We can start a new countdown!

TracyK - I hope you enjoyed hiding those eggs for Macy. Those are the best years for holidays! My kids are too old for that now and I miss it. My son even had to work today!! :thumbup: We missed him.

Ha! I made a double batch of banana pudding and there were 5 Desserts today... my pudding was the only thing that got wiped out! LOL Everyone loves banana pudding, don't they? I had two helpings myself! I also had this great bundt cake...tasted like toll house Cookies except it was cake. YUM.

Ok, back to oatmeal and cottage cheese tomorrow! Yesterday I almost hit 179 (180.0) but today bounced back up to 181.4. It'd be awesome to see the 170's!

Well, I'm gonna go moderate for a bit then head to bed.


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Welcome Crystal. Join in when you can.

I'm all in for the liquid diet and I'm shooting for all week. Jenn and Judy, you need to keep me going. I'll need the extra help this week.

Our Sunday was wonderful and so was the food. My sister and attended Mass and I was also one of the Eucharistic Ministers for the Mass. Ended up sending food home with everyone which will really help out. I got lots of compliments today. I guess spending a little extra time on my hair paid off.

NSV. I discovered today that I have very boney elbows. And I found that out when I found that my thighs were hurting form my elbows digging into them. It's amazing, I actually have thighs to put my elbows on now. I even find myself putting my hands on my knees and pushing off when I stand up. Never was able to do that before.

Glad everyone had a great day and hope that this is just the starting to a very wonderful week for us all.

Jenn and Judy, hope we get more to join us on the liquids this week.

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Funny you mentioned that Terry, I didn't say it since it sounds racist, but all the neighbors that are doing this are non-american. The ones from today are asian, and they don't speak english.. we tried to help them when their sprinklers busted once, went though 10 people living in that house (no idea how), and never found one that understood us. And this really is a nice neighborhood, it's frustrating.

Ok girls, time to get my butt in gear. I let it all go this weekend... and tonight I was craving a Coke like you wouldn't believe. I don't drink it anymore, and Mt. Dew was my poison of choice, but it was such an intense craving, made DH go to the gas station and I've been sipping on it.. Mm.

Tomorrow I WILL NOT be bad!!!!!

I finally finished all my homework tonight, down to the wire. Spanish homework was really overwhelming today.. had to fill in words in a diary, and I guess I'm suppose to know Spanish by now.. to read it.. and to fill in the blank with some sort of appropriate word.. uhm.. yeah.

I got the V's trip surprise tonight too! Here's a hint.. it's... get this.. violet!! :crying:

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Phew! I'm pooped!

But today was a lot of fun... family, good food, laughter... what it's all about (well, besides the chicken conspiracy, lol). We don't hide eggs anymore (yay) as the kids are too old for that... but we do play "Egg or No Egg" -- which is our made-up Easter version of "Deal or No Deal" where plastic eggs are stuffed w/slips of paper w/amounts from .10 to $20 and then you play it like DoND... it is sooooo funny & fun... a couple of them went down to either like .15 or $20 & ended up on the .15!! I played and won $20!! Yay me! It's a hoot for all ages... this is the 3rd year we've done it. We alternate the "banker" family each year. (The first year when I "invented" it I was not so smart & actually stuffed all the money in all the eggs!! Duh!!!) It really gets us all laughing.

Everything's mostly cleaned up but I still have a bit for tomorrow... just call me "Scarlet"... lol!

Haydee, your eggs were amazing!! Wowza!

Laura, I hate bad neighbors! grrrrr.

Pam, your dinner sounded fabu!! Ooh la la! (oh, & I knew who "Cyd" was, too!)

Terry, I LOVE your art! What talent!!

Judy, mmm... your menu sounds so tasty!

Janie, hope you're all rested up now!

Suzie & Tracy, I'm in on the liquids this week... altho my "evil" brain is already trying to get me to bump the start day to Tuesday... "because we've got so many yummy leftovers in the 'frig..." -- but I say "NO!" and I'll start tomorrow!!

Jenn, Hang in there... we're all with you in violet spirit!!

Time for bed. G'nite!

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Hi girls!

Well, I had a fairly nice day afterall--there were a few glitches courtesy of the inlaws---but in the end it turned out well.

Manda showed up here early. Kinsey went to Sunday School and Church with my parents, so Manda come to help, she vacuumed, and did everything that was left to do with dinner!!! She is making plans....actually called her ex, and explained to him, that things were not great---told him what was going on, and ask if it come to it, could she drop Kinsey at any time, a moments notice. He told her Of course she could, and that if need be he had an extra bedroom since his roommate moved out, and she was welcome to it, so Kinsey would know she was ok. I tell ya I was shocked! He works with Rick, and he had been telling me that Jason had finally turned a corner and decided it was time to accept responsibility. Being the Mom, I still hold a grudge!! But he come to pick Kinsey up today---brave man I will admit---to come to our house in with all the people here, and face them---and she cried, she didn't want to leave.....so he let her stay. I honestly felt kinda sorry for him. His Dad lives in TX, and is aloof. His Mom lives in town--but works EVERY holiday---since the kids left home, and she is alone, she works so others can be with their kids---she is an OR nurse (with a drinking problem---scary!), His brother is in Boston, and a sister in ALbq. But he was alone, he just looked sad when he left....I wish he had stayed the same person he was when he was a boy----I loved him then, the man he grew into was a jerk though!

Kinsey called me early to tell me the Easter Bunny come! She was beside herself with excitement!

With Kinsey supposed to be leaving, and my inlaws needing to go to my SIL's as well, I told everyone between 12 and 1---ASAP following church. Well, dinner is done, we are waiting for my inlaws and my DIL and grandson, my son got called in to work. And we waited, and waited....finally DIL calls, Connor went to church with my inlaws, and wasn't back....and she had just finished making biscuits, and was going to get in the shower. I was livid!!! They should have been here an hour ago, and she is just getting in the shower? And inlaws are not even home yet??!!

Rick stood up, ask my Dad to say grace, and we ate, without them! They showed up while we were finishing up. I tried being nice and told them to grab a plate, my MIL says they already ate, they stopped on the way in from church and had something to eat, so they wouldn't have to upset one of the kids by choosing to eat with the other....so they weren't going to eat at either place. I saw red, but held my tongue and told her there was sugar free cake, and sugar free cheesecake---they are both diabetic, so I made special dessert for them. She says real prissy "Oh no thanks". So I sat back down, and we were all visiting, and she asks Rick " Do you have anything diet to drink, I am so thirsty" He tells her, well I figured you refused everything else, I wouldn't even offer, but yeah I'll get it." She sat there then and refused to talk for awhile....but eventually perked back up. She told my son, that she was not taking any food, because she wasn't going to eat any food. Which is all fine and good, but she just told me she would.....woman is worrying me to be honest.

They left, my folks left a little while later, all our kids were here, and we ended up out back throwing some horseshoes, and riding the 4 wheeler----just enjoyed the kids.

Lindzie at one point told me Kinsey has a toy in her bag, and I didn't get one.....a common complaint. So I kneeled down, and told her---no you didn't get one, you got the other item, made for bigger kids. Kinsey still sometimes needs us to come wipe her bottom, do you want me to come wipe yours? She says no of course, and I told her you are 4 years older, and sometimes you get different things. So I thought---what the heck....so I told her, I heard what she said about wanting Kinsey to die, and I almost didn't give her anything because I was so mad at her, and if I ever heard her say or do anything mean to Kinsey again, I would never, EVER buy her anything again, not for birthdays or Christmas, or anything. She tried telling me she didn't, then telling me I really couldn't do that. So I reached in to the basket I give them, picked up a bunny slinky I gave her, and tossed it in the trash---I said I sure as hell can and will! She got wide eyed and kept looking over at the trash can ( we were having this conversation in the kitchen). I told her do not even think about taking it out---it is gone! And if you cannot behave lots more things are going to be gone! She was miraculously well behaved the rest of the day. I still believe Manda will be making a move soon. She is off all week on vacation. Originally I was to have both girls on Tues. & Wed. I told Manda---I was rethinking it! But in the end she took vacation. I have no idea what Ryan would do if she moved out----she takes care of Lindzie's schedule....lines up her daycare, makes sure she has clean clothes, and lunch money....everything! But I still believe he is going to have to figure it out---not sure I like the idea of her being at Jasons---but at the same time, not sure she should be alone either....kids, do you ever quit worrying????

My youngest DD's husband, the germaphobe---had my grandson helping him pitch horseshoes, he had Connor picking them up and handing them to him, he grossed out, digging them out of the dirt!! Hilarious!

The day had highs, and not so much lows, as mads!!! But it ended wonderfully---all my kids together, laughing, and enjoying one another.

Tomorrow morning I leave early to take Dad to Albq. for his appointment. He has a list of things he wants to do....LOL! Sort of blame Rick for that!!! Rick mentioned I wouldn't buy a couple of things I found at Bed, Bath & Beyond----so Mom says she wants to go there, I know they actually want to go so they can buy the items as a thanks for taking them, they are pretty easy to see through!!!

Dad wants to go see the Body Expo thing too---so, I plan on hitting Macy's and shopping while they go----I saw it, think I will keep my $15 in my pocket this time! Although in all honesty I would probably get out cheaper seeing it again, than shopping!!! LOL

So.....will see all you ladies tomorrow night!

Oh and Haydee's eggs---someone ask what they do with them once they are filled with confetti----they get broke over someones head!!! Of course!! Great colorful fun! My grandson would have loved it--to him the eggs looked like balls and they all got thrown!

Terry---love, love, love your jewelry, I agree, I love the silver!

LOl---see ya tomorrow!


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Hey V's~

I am freakin pooped out! Kat and Judy...I don't know how you do it. The 3 1/2 year old wore me out...couldn't do every day. I used to teach 18 three year olds...but I was younger. Anyway, he is in my bed sleeping...and I just had to come out and say hey!

Terry~ Susanne officially moves out of her apartment this weekend! She will spend the next 6 weeks sleeping in her office. I should explain...she works in old barracks. There are showers (plural) in her office and a kitchen. She is saving 2100 hundred for the month of April and 1/2 of May. She will probably work 4 days/week then come be here for the better part of 3 day weekends. THEN on May 15 (yep, while we are in Texas) she will be in Phoenix for outprocessing. She will then stay w/ her mom for a month or so, as I finish my school year. Then we will be together most of the summer. Her OFFICIAL retirement starts Sept. 1, 08...but as you can see...there are many stages. We are very excited for this weekend. That is huge...not gonna be easy...but huge because she is really living here. She owns her home in Phoenix, but her mom is her tennant, so that will not be sold now or anytime soon.

Glad to hear everyone had a great Easter!

Talk to you in the morning!


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Egg or No Egg! I love it!! I hope I can remember it for next year!!! Michelle will you remind me!! That is a GREAT idea!!!


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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

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        Thank you ❤️

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        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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