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Shrinkin' Violets- Part 2 Read Here

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Thank you Jane!! I got the mail earlier, 2 greeting cards in there, I had to think really quick.. not anniversary.. not our birthdays.. lol. Then I realized it was for Easter.

It kind of snuck up on me. Haydee those eggs are so cute!!

We have cook outs at my parents, I assumed we were tomorrow but dad has a Tee-time.. so I guess not. Mom asked if I'd go to church with her, I said yeah, but neither of us belong to a church and had such issues in the past with our old church.. so after discussing the different church options, we kind of decided not to go. So I doubt I'm doing anything.. Well I AM avoiding stores that sell minieggs at discount tomorrow.

My menu for tomorrow... chili! Sundays are chili day at our house now.

Aw and thank you Judy, I just got your card. Re-itterating my need to stay away from discount minieggs!! :thumbdown:)

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I don't think I have ever had those Cadbury mini eggs, I don't like the big ones cause of the filling, not a filling person. I like Susie like my peeps stale! I also like white jelly Beans.

I am feeling much better tonight. I had a customer call me at home and wanted to know if she could come and get me and her and her husband were going to take me out for pizza! :thumbdown:

I hope everyone has a great Easter tomorrow!!!


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I hate marshmellows and jelly beans! Couldn't pay me to eat a Peeps..

The minieggs aren't like those normal cadbury eggs with fillings (and their minis), they're like big M&M's.. they have a rough texture coat and solid chocolate inside.

In case I don't post again tonight, hope you all have a Happy Easter!

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Cadbury mini-eggs are my all time favorite candy. I could eat a whole bag of them. Those crispy shells and then the rich chocolate.... yikes!! I'm drooling!!

But never fear.. I have not bought one bag nor had one mini-egg this season. Matter of fact we didn't buy any candy at all and so we haven't been tempted. First Easter I can make that statement.

Sugar free jelly Beans are calling my name though so we might have to break down and get some of them. They really give me gas and the runs, but sometimes that's not a bad thing :thumbdown:

Well, I better head to bed. Church in the morning and I have to be there early to get things ready for the choir. Everyone have a Blessed Easter!!

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Ok Easter Bunny--------bring it on!!!! House is done, laundry is done, baking is done, everything that can be prepped ahead, has been.

Yesterday was one of my oldest friends birthdays. She recently moved, to be closer to her fiance, (she is remarrying after being divorced for 25 years). She gave it to me when she was in town in October, and I talked to her twice since then on her cell phone. When she moved, the cell changed, and I had lost the #. I ALWAYS call her on her birthday, so when I didn't call, she called me to see if I was ok!! Was so glad she did. She had Gastric bypass about the same time I was banded---she has lost 112 pounds, and looks great, she is in a size 16....she is hoping to be in a 14 for the wedding. They are getting married on some family property of her husbands up in Colorado.

I am ticked off at my DD!! She was supposed to come and get Kinsey's dress----and has yet to show up. She called, but now is not answering.....if I blow her off and go to bed, she doesn't suffer, Kinsey does, it is her dress. She left it here, because Kinsey was crying to wear it, and she didn't want to listen to it, so she left, I hung it in the closet, and by morning Kinsey had forgotten to ask for it. Now she isn't going to have it---or I am going to get woke up early in order for her to have it. Some days my DD definitely stands for something besides Dear or Darling......grrrrrrrr. I left a message---she will have no doubt her Mama ain't happy!

I think next year I will be like my MIL a grouchy old lady and if any of these kids want a holiday dinner they can doggone do it themselves!! Feelin' major grumpy with them!!! Abbey informs us that as usual, we are getting to come AFTER Rhetts family, so even though she agreed to bring food, she isn't going to be here until 2 hours AFTER we planned dinner, I told her skip it I would cook hers too! I swear.....wonder who raised these inconsiderate brats???

Abbey has not been to our house for anything since she married. It is always his family first. Look up Mama's boy-----and there is a big ol' picture of my Son in Law!!! They go there first because they always have something for him to eat, we don't. His Mom cooks him cheeseburgers to have while they all have dinner.....I don't! I did offer to toss a cheese pizza in the oven, and I really wouldn't have been happy about it!! LOL I feel like I am on a roll!!! GROUCH!!!!!

Rick is sick---running a fever, so he is in bed. I really wanted him to clean off the back patio, he has all his junk out there from building the trailers....but he didn't get it done, so maybe in the morning, and if not....they get to stay in the house!!!

Thank you for my ecard Judy--it was tooo cute! I saved it so I can play it for the kids. I am watching my mailbox.....Jane and I had heck exchanging things at Christmas!!!

Speaking of Jane, glad you are feeling better, hope the pizza was yummy!!! We called out to the A&W and picked up dinner, I refused to cook! LOL

Well---I am gonna go kick back, and read my new People I think---relax a few and head to bed!!

I hope all of you find that the Easter Bunny visited overnight and left you lots and lots of calorie free candy!!!

My Easter weakness is Reeces Eggs-----I ate 2. That was all I bought!!! I had a bag of Cadbury eggs, but sent them home with the girls! Jelly Beans are not my favorite....and Peeps do nothing for me.....so avoiding the candy this time of year is not a big deal.

The only jelly bean type of candy I like is Hot Tamales...mmmmm

LOL--enough candy talk!!!

Everyone have a GREAT Easter.....as we all Celebrate new life!



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Hey Violets~

I am so bummed. We got ready and we at the church early...and guess what...no mass! They always have a 5pm mass, but today it is a 7pm mass. So, the first time in our 3 years...Susanne was ready to go, but no. Tomorrow is 8, 10 and noon...and I can't go to any of them either. Oh well, we went in and said a prayer, and she promised to go w/ me another day.

We went to dinner at a our new friends house. The gay male couple and they live in the swanky swank swank part of town. As soon as we were invited and I found out where...I couldn't wait to go. The house and grounds were AMAZING. They have huge orange blossom trees in the front and back and the doors open and the whole house smells like orange blossoms. The pool is a pebble stone bottom, the dinning room as huge glass doors looking into the yard and pool area. Our dinner was lamb, fresh asparagus, coss coss (sp)...fantabulous!!! We had a wonderful evening. They even have a star on thier house and a plaque because it was built and occupied by Tony Martin and Cyd something...some famous people from back in the day?????? Anyway...georgous!

Susanne is sleeping(too much wine) and I am here...watching BB showtime.

Happy Easter everyone!


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Well finally heard from DD---all was not well. She was trying to find out what was going to happen---Lindzie was supposed to be in the bathroom with her Dad doing her nebulizer treatment, and he had left her there, and went to his bathroom---and she had Kinsey breathing her meds. It ends up that it isn't supposed to be too bad, but now Kinsey won't quit coughing----it has to be related. And when she got in trouble, she told Manda and her Dad she had hoped it would kill Kinsey. So Manda is beside herself---I look for my DD to move out soon. She has reached the end of the rope, and tied the knot----and is simply hanging on.....but she sat here tonight and cried. As much as she wants it to work, it isn't. Makes me sad for her....but I cannot honestly say I am sad over it in general. I am actually fearful with Kinsey being there.

She said Ryan was mad at her for being upset by a kids anger, and he was mad at her, because when she called Jason (Kinsey's Dad) and told him she was coughing so much she wouldn't probably be going to his house tomorrow---he wanted to bring her her Easter Basket and stuff and Manda said ok. He was mad that he was coming to their house, and bringing stuff for Kinsey but not Lindzie---even though Lindzie's Mom buying for her is ok....I don't know. She said when Jason got there, Ryan was rude----and Jason had brought a stuffed bunny for Lindzie! Hope he changes his attitude before tomorrow---I might not be nice either!!! Oh it IS tomorrow! Manda and I have been talking for awhile!

But now she has my mind going a hundred mph....

Pamela---your dinner sounds amazing, I would have been gawking like a tourist!!!

Well---I really am going to go try to lay down and make myself sleepy.

Happy Easter Violets!


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Good Morning and a Very Happy Easter to all.

May you have a very Blessed day.

Hugs to You.

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Good Morning, Violets.

A BLESSED EASTER to you all.

Pam.. sorry you didn't make it to mass. The house sounds beautiful. The dinner would not have been my thing cause I don't like lamb, but asparagus and couscous sound wonderful. And the lady's name was Cyd Charisse. Tony Martin was a singer and she was a beautiful dancer/actress. They've been married for over 60 years and he's 94 and she's 87. I guess I'm showing my age here, but they are very familiar to me. sighhhhhhhhh

Kat... so sorry about your DD and grandkids. I would be so worried and upset. She needs to get her out of there for her safety and I'm afraid I wouldn't be able to be civil to Ryan at all today. You do what you need to do and prayers from me to your family today.

Time for me to get ready for church. Hope the Easter Bunny brought lots of Protein for you all today!! :wub:

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Happy Easter everyone....especially Denise, TracyinKS, Gina, Lunasa(Amanda), and Jenn....those who haven't been checking in much lately. I think about you guys all the time! HAPPY EASTER!

Kat - That is such a scarey situation. Lindsey just seems so "ill"!...sorry to say it. I can only imagine what kind of child she will be by the time she's 14 or 15! OMG! Is there any mental illness in her family by chance? I'm not being cheeky...perfectly serious. Poor Manda...what a horrible situation. But she HAS to do what's right for her daughter PERIOD. Otherwise she'll regret it for the rest of her life. You know as well as I do that things don't generally improve after marriage. So sad.

I hope your day gets better. I understand your feelings about doing all that work and trouble with MIL. The day is for YOU, too!! You're not the family slave! Maybe this is the year you should have a sit-down and explain your feelings....and get some darn help with these holiday dinners. It's only fair and I'm sure they'd all be glad to pitch in.

Jane - you feeling better today? You didn't go eat pizza did you?!?! Yikes.

Well, I gotta get in the kitchen myself to make some banana pudding. We're heading over to my brother-in-laws for a BBQ. His wife really dislikes me for some reason...she always treats me with a very cold shoulder. Well, feeling's mutual!! Yuck. Going to see my mom first though and when I talked to her last night she sounded horrible! One day she's up the next she's down.

Ya'll have a great day!

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~HE IS RISEN~ Happy Easter everyone!

Good morning! The Easter bunny stopped here last night. Macy is having a blast this morning and the bunny even left me a surprise on the scale...2 pounds added back on...the little jerk! So much for willpower against the forbidden chocolate. Oh well, this too shall pass.

I hope you all have a very special day with your friends & loved ones.


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Happy Easter everyone

just a quick check in, have to get ready for church, if I can make it... I worked last night and didn't get home until almost 1 and I've just been running like crazy and getting upp at 7 and hitting the gym. It was so hard to get up this am for ds. He loved his easter stuff. We always get them new socks and undies, and beach stuff, new towels and bathing suits. They only got an M&M egg and a small bag of chocolate coins and a very small chocolate bunny. I never really give them candy.< /p>

I have managed to gain 10lbs this week, I don't know what is going on. I am bloated and retaining Water and feel like crap. I am going on liquid diet tomorrow. At least i'm working out again

Kat - that is just horrible. I'm not the one to talk about relationships but that is just insane! That is just not a safe sounding environment and seems like getting worse

everyone - i miss you all, I need to get out of my bad place

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Happy Easter, Vi's!

We have about 20 folks coming here today... spent all day yesterday cleaning & organizing... hope to relax & enjoy today. My basket had a yankee candle, some Bath & Body Works items, and, I admit it, some of those mini-Cadbury eggs... yumm-o!

Jenn... I'm doing the liquids with you tomorrow, too... all week, I hope!

Peace of the Season to each of you!!

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Happy Easter everyone!! Getting ready to head to mass this morning... Afterwards a little while at Juan's mom's house then off to my parent's house.

I tried on this dress this morning and it's so cute but I wish one of ya'll was here to tell me if it's too tight. If I'm thinking it is, it probably is. I got it at a thrift store a few months ago and it wouldn't even slide past my thighs but now it zips up and everything. But I think it might be a tad too tight... I'll leave it for my Violet's weekend. It should fit perfectly by then...

Jane - the eggs took all day to make. We started around 10am and finished around 7pm. We had a ton of them. First we dyed them, let them dry. Then we decorated them with glitter and little rhinestones and bits of lace. Then let them dry again. Then stuffed them with confetti and sealed the top with tissue paper. So much work and they'll be gone within a matter of minutes... But it's a family tradiotion and the kids look forward to it.

Okay, well off I go to get ready... I think I'm gonna wear my plaid skirt instead. I don't want to be uncomfortable all day.

Everyone have a wonderful day today!!

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Wow Haydee....the eggs sound so cool! What do you do with them (the confetti)?

I took these pics this morning for my jewelry album...the last one shows what a freakin' mess my dining room is! thought you'd get a kick out of it! LOL Picasa Web Albums - Terry - March 2008

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

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        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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