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Shrinkin' Violets- Part 2 Read Here

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First, Judy I am older than your TV!!!! I was still poopin in diapers when you got it, but I was older!

I have several people waiting to hear how the all inclusive turns out, but I am only doing it because a coworker swears by it, he goes a couple times a year, every year for 6 years now (Sandals & Beaches in Jamaica and Bahamas). So he said, his favorite was Beaches in Negril-Jamaica.. but he thinks he'd like Sandals more, but Beaches had kid stuff there.. and he brings his kids.

Anyway, glad the site is finally back up!!!!!

And yes, my dad is great like that lol. But, it's not like I only call him when I need something, I see him every day! We actually went to dinner with them tonight. I gave him a check for what I borrowed and told him to cash it mid-next week. They should have it all fixed by then. I still hope they do something to compensate me for the inconvenience. What if I wasn't so lucky as to have a dad that could help me out? That's bad bad business, bounced checks, ruin my credit report. Agent said she's never had them do that before, they sent HER a receipt for the deposit- not the full amount. Blah blah, all over now I guess. She said the trip will make this seem like a distant memory.

Now I can't wait, we had Rum Punches at dinner and they were talking about their annual Bahama trip (they go to Atlantis).

DH has to go get his passport on Monday, he's gonna have to tough it out by himself.. I'm not goin back down there!

I ate quite a bit at dinner, everyone commented on it. Might be time for a lil fill. I had 1/2 rack of ribs, cheese with tomatoes & onions, 1/2 baked potato, and a couple bites of baby green Beans. I do feel stuffed.. I was so hungry, with all the running around I did today, never had time to stop and eat.

Ok done rambling.

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Oh, no I'm not!

I've been getting weirded out by that whacko drug. I can't remember if I told you, I'm out of whack due to the boards being down!!

I think I'm going to call them Monday and ask if they can prescribe some less invasive things and try that. I am using the Rx cleanser they gave me, and a co-worker gave me a bottle of Retin-a she got but never used. So giving that a go, and see what else they can try. Not so much the pregnant thing, even with 100lb loss and lackadaisical on my b/c.. haven't gotten pregnant in our relationship! So I'm not worried about accidentally gettin pregnant and havin to have an emergency abortion (you have to sign to that!!).. but.. she re-itterated it can cause night blindness and hearing loss.. which can be permanent. She said if I ever plan to be a cop or pilot, I shouldn't take it. I don't plan to do those things, but I don't want night blindness either!! So there's that. I'm chickening out on it.. but darn I want to stop having skin issues, especially since now I know weight loss isn't helping it (always told that would cure it!).

If I don't do the whacky drugs, me and DH are going to 'start trying' in Jamaica. Teehee.

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Let's see how much more I can post.

Tracy, someone quoted your April 07 pictures in B&A.. I forgot how big you were!!!! You look SOO different!!! Since we just saw your wedding pics, I went WOWSA. You really lost all that gut.. what was the trick?!

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I wanted to post these nice, cheery, spring pictures for ya'll this morning... the azaleas are bloominig in my yard (and all over town!)



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How pretty!! My azaleas haven't bloomed yet, I bought them in fall last year and planted them, so I wonder what color they are.

So website screwin up again, mine is getting hung up on google syndication ads. Lovely.

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I'm safe. Didn't go. But I am very very sad. Just found out that my favorite Easter candy made the most fattening list. "Peeps". Does life get any better than that. Second favorite is black jelly Beans. Gotta have them.

We were told that Indian woman could tell when they were pregnant that if there something wrong with their child and if there was they would go out into the wild and deliver it. They would leave it out there for the animals. Supposedly some would survive and be raised by the animals. They would learn to run around on all fours. They would live in the caves along the river beds. If you were out hunting of fishing and ran into one of them you were not to look them in the eyes. I don't remember what would happen to you if you did. I know this sounds like a wild story but when your eight years old and in an unfamiliar place, it can seem true.

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I have heard that story, and also that if a child commits an act considered heinous by the tribal elders, they are banished to the badlands. The bandlands are a section of land in the 4 corners, referred to as the Bisti (Bist-I) Badlands. The land is barren, but has the strangest outcroppings of rocks, and arches, totally foreign when compared to the rest of the dessert area. From there, they have moved around to survive, and live in and among the local bluffs (flat topped mountains).

When in High School we would party in the hills, pass the hat around and collect enough money, buy a keg, go out to the middle of nowhere, and build a bonfire, and have a party!!

Many people claimed to have seen things, and heard things, and a couple I know swears they saw a man with antlers on his head, and wearing a cape of an animal, with the head resting on his shoulder, staring into the car they were making out in!!! It freaked them out enough, they never went out to party with us again!

Personally I have never seen anything. I mean there are ruins all over the place---and finding pottery, and arrowheads, is pretty commonplace. We live in an area with lots of sandstone, and petroglyphs are everywhere, there are entire parks related to the petroglyphs---some of them in the cities!

When I was in High School the entire area was in serious unrest due to racial tension. 3 boys from Farmington high school, took 3 Navajo men out in the Glade, and killed them. They were discovered, because they had threaded one of the mans fingers and wore it to school as a necklace!

It used to be a common thing for kids to "roll" indians. They would be passed out drunk in the park, or behind the bar in the alley, they would roll em over and take all their cash. You knew if someone said they went rolling over the weekend, they were people to avoid!

At the time this was all going on, my Mom was a dispatcher for the Sherrifs Office, so the Sherrif, and the deputies, the jailer---they were all part of my life, I saw them everyday! I stopped in her office every day after school.

Well the boys tortured these men, and no one could identify who the men were, because they have no local homes. There are massive amounts of NA's who are alcoholic, so they get their checks, come in to Farmington, cash the checks, buy bottles of cheap booze, and drink and sleep in the parks, until their money finally runs out, then they head home, most catching a ride with someone heading to the rez. It is illegal to sell alcohol on the reservation, yet they have HIGH percentages of alcoholism---6 times the national average. So these men, were not missed, and they had decomposed.....

So this man I always referred to as Uncle Bruce who was a deputy, stole one of the bodies, loaded it in his car, and removed the remaining fingers, and soaked them in vegetable oil, to try to get a finger print, so that they could identify him----and it worked!

Nowadays they could do it without issue but 30+ years ago----that's how they did it.

So anyway, the Indians marched on the town, feeling the boys were not being properly punished! We were coming in to town with my Mom to shop---3 of us girls, and the Main street was teeming with raging Indians! We turned around and went straight home, my Mom was scared to death!!! They were marching because they felt the sentences given were too light.

Through the years, the boys all met with strange ends....I cannot remember exactly.....

There is a book about this---called the Broken Circle---I think the authors name is Barker. I read it when it first come out, it was VERY bizzarre---I knew the people they talked about in regards to the law enforcement!

Through the years the racial tensions go up and down.....never easing in the ways many other racial issues do.

Anyway----I have never had a close encounter with a Skin Crawler----and if they exist I don't wanna have one either!!!

Sorry for the book and history lesson----just showing I still live in the Wild West!!!


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Interesting you mentioned the Bisti Badlands.. When we lived in ABQ, that was one place I was dying to visit, one of my professors at UNM was a photographer and he had the neatest lookin pics of.. weird rock formations.. was quite a drive though, like hours.. I forgot about it, and we've moved back here now! Dang.

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Hey V's~

Long freakin day here!

First...Congrats Laura!!! I (we) are so proud of you...that is amazing! Thanks Michelle for the boobie nanners for Laura. I got home last night about 9pm and saw you had it covered!

Second...Terry, I loved the pix. It was BEAUTIFUL around here today too. It was 91 this afternoon. But it smells like orange blossoms and I love spring.

Third...I forgot my third.

Forth...TracyK and Janie, I know who is nom'd and who already got veto!!! Wanna know?

Fifth...Susie, say it ain't so:eek:. I was hoping Peeps became a major food group...not on the fattening list. I love peeps, but I haven't had one this season.

Susanne and I left the house this am @ 8am (cleaning lady comes and chases us out) and we just got home @ 9pm. We went to Breakfast, lunch, here, there, got that offer started w/ brother on the land, went to movies, then to Best Buy and we ended up buying a 52" LCD Sony flatscreen TV:thumbup:. It will be here and hooked up on Thursday! Tomorrow, we are going to the Bose outlet and getting a new surround sound home theatre system. They have them nearly wireless now. Can't wait!

My brother will bring Johnny over on Sunday so I decided to make a small Easter dinner. We ran by Honey Baked Ham and grabbed a small one, and I'll whip out some pots and veggies...then we can have leftovers too. Susanne loves ham, me...not so much. But they gave us a free turkey breast.

OK...gotta put cream on Susanne's feet. She just soaked 'em and they are healing nicely!

I have missed you today. It is funny, I think about you all during my day.

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Well I went to work yesterday feeling fine, and then less than an half hour later I was in the bathroom throwing up and pooping. My how fast that hit me. I had to have my dad come get me, and I slept on and off so now guess what? Don't know if I am going to work in am. Will see how I feel.

Pam, you can tell me, I wonder if they will do anything special for them on Easter.

Well I will talk to you all later.


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Janie- Yuck. Hope you get up feeling better today. Take care of yourself.

Pam- I just love hearing about how you and Suzanne are such a good match. It's always nice to hear of a good love story. Hugs to both of you.

Kat- Once I decided to take my husband out to L.A. to visit my old neighborhood. We ended up taking my neice and nephew with us so that we could drop them off at their Uncles. They had never met each other and this was a chance for them to get to know the other side of the family. At the time Luke was 5 and Amy was 3 years old. We had a blast with them on this trip. People always look at us like "were you out of your mind for taking kids that were'nt yours on vacation". They were so well behaved and we had a great time with them. Nothing like seeing the world thru the eyes of the young. It was wondeful showing them things like the Grand Canyon and the Painted Desert. Anyway we were coming into Tucumcari. and it was getting close to dinner time. The kids wanted pizza, so we found a Pizza Hut and pulled in. We walked in and there was the sign saying "Wait to be seated". So we stood there, and they saw us. We waited and waited. Meanwhile looking around, there was only 2 tables taken up. No one else in the restaurant. We waited and waited. You could see that they knew we were there. All of the employees were Native Indian. I'm light skinned and light blond. Hubby is about the same. After about 15 minutes the door opened up and in walked another family of Native Indians. They had no choice now but to seat us. So we finally got a table and some Water. They waited on the other family that had come in after us. Hubby and I wanted to leave but the kids were set on pizza. Finally the waitress came over and took our order and Amy blurted out that she was going to "Disneyland". The waitress started talking to the kids and actually started to warm up to us. When she found out that we were from Missouri she started asking all kinds of questions. Her brother was stationed at Fort Leonard Wood and she wanted to know a few things about the area. We ended up getting really good service after that. We ate and left. Got to the car and I told my husband that that was what discrimination felt like. We were being treated differently because we were not one of them. Little did they know that Luke and Amy are part Apache. You can tell it in them know that they are older. Their great grandfather was a Great Apache Chief. His name escapes me right now.

I have heard stories of the drinking problems among the Indians. I remember seeing trucks that would come into Farmington caring the whole family in the back along with the family goat. I have a lot of memories of that area but I'm sure so many things have changed since then.

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Good morning violets!

Wow I slept like a baby last night. If I had any weird dreams I sure don't remember them thank God!

Laura-FWIW (now that I know what it means:wink2:) I would not take that RX they wanna give you. Sounds like they want you to be a guinea pig. Blind? No way!! But, that is just me.

Pam-I am gonna just wait and watch it on TV this time. I guess because I have no clue who he might put up because he kisses up to everyone in the house. Thanks anyway. Its funny though, I think about all of you all day too in my RL. The best part is that in my it will really become RL!

Terri-aren't the azaleas gorgeous? You are right...they are blooming everywhere. They are so pretty.

Suzie-good job on no blizzard!:cheers2:

Today is one full week of no smoking. Seems like a lifetime. My oldest sister that had quit for 3 months started smoking again the other day:unsure:. It worries me that you can stop for that long and still crave one so badly! Oh well, thats her, not me. I will just keep on keepin' on!

Everyone have a great day and I will check in later.

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Pam- I like to unwrap the Peeps and let them sit out for awhile and get that little crusty on the outside of them. Hmmm Hmmm Good.

OMG, The Garden, Lawn and Flower show is at Bartle Hall next weekend. Is Spring almost here? Warm weather? No more snow????????

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TracyK- What a great job you are doing. It is now day 6 of Hubby being smoke free. I know from experince how hard it is to quit and to stay that way. There were lots of times I would have killed for a smoke. It just takes a little while to really get it out of your system. You can do it. I have faith in you.

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Hi Tracy - Funny thing is that it's not that you 'crave one so badly' ....it's just that you feel like you are strong enough to have 'just one'....and then another....and another. Before you know it you're buying a pack. (That's how I ruined my quit.) I can't tell you how many packs I bought and threw away after just taking one or two out of it. The absolute best rule of thumb is NOT ONE PUFF EVER (NOPE). Trust me when I say that before long you will only be thinking of cigarettes maybe once or twice a day...for a fleeting moment. Then there will be whole days that go by when you never think of them at all. You're doing great!!!! Just hang in there!! It keeps getting better and easier. (Does your sister live with a smoker? That's got to be the hardest thing ever.)

Janie - Ugh! I'm so sorry you're sick!!! That's miserable! Hope you're much better today for your Saturday appts!

Suzie - I'll send you all the black jelly Beans I run across! YUCK!!! I'd rather have brussel sprouts than licorice! Funny how people's tastes are all so different. I have so many weaknesses I can't even list them all, but they ALL involve chocolate! Gotta have some every day. I have a very addictive personality (cigs, chocolate, Violets, beads, ....) I am lucky I am not an alcoholic, although there was a time when I was seriously close to it. Just grew out of it, I guess.

Pammy - I am soooooooo jealous of your big screen! We want one badly but for some reason DH wants to "wait". We do have a surround sound system and it's freakin' awesome!! You'll love it!! Bose is the creme de la creme!! You'll never leave home! What movie did ya'll go see? We looked yesterday and couldn't find anything worth going for! We did almost go out to one movie (can't even remember what it was now) and I went to buy the tickets online and they were $10.50 each!!!! Are you freaking kidding me??? It would have cost $50+ for us all to get out of that theatre! We went to Blockbuster instead and got 4 movies for $17! and made our own popcorn! LOL

I'll have to post a pic later of the necklace I finished yesterday... vewy cute. Just silver circles linked together. Ya'll just ignore the pics if you're tired of seeing them....I just get excited and want to share. I've only been beading for 2 years and the skills are developing rather slowly...so I still get excited when I create something new or learn a new technique. Sorry about that if ya'll are sick of it. Just ignore me.

Ya'll have a great day! TTYL!

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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

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        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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