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Shrinkin' Violets- Part 2 Read Here

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I'm exhausted today, no idea why. None of the meds they gave me cause drowsiness, but I was too tired to even drive home, so I rode home with DH and left my car at work. I've been in bed folding laundry and gettin ready to sleep and gma called, can't figure out how to open an attachment in an email.. so had to fix that for her, and my elliptical-mini arrived today! I just finished putting it together, was on it about 15 seconds to test it, but it has to wait till another time. Feel like I'm gonna pass out sitting here.. but wanted to say g'night to ya'll before I went back to bed!

Laura...sleep well. I just had to quote this cause remember last week, I was POOPED OUT! So, when Susanne is not home I use gourmet coffee, but it is already ground up. Then anytime she is home, I ground the Beans for us. Well, I was making my coffee ready for the morning, and I noticed that last week, I was using DECAFINATED! HAHA...what a silly goose! No wonder! Anyway, sleep well!

Off to chill before Dancing w. the Stars!

Laura~ Have you been watching L Word??? OMG is that soooo good!


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Well, once AGAIN, I had a multi-paragraph post with personals for everyone and it vanished.

I'm weary... I'm going nite-nite. zzzzzzzzzzz

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I'm off to bed early tonight too....CSI is a rerun!!! So gonna go snuggle in and watch something in bed with Rick, and let it lull me to sleep....I might make it past the opening credits if I work at it!!

See y'all in the morning.


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I had eggs for dinner. I got home exhausted and didn't feel like cooking anything. I'm gonna go to bed now too. Night all....

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There was a time when St. Paddy's day meant green beer, party and bar hoppin, and a green hangover in the morning!

Now, the violets can't keep their eyes open. I am watching Dancing...but my eye lids have other ideas!

Sweet dreams violets!

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Morning girls

Haydee - HUGS Girlfriend .... I am the last one in the world to give advice on relationships, but I do know where you are ... remember?

As for the hangnail... soak your finder in warm sea salt Water. it works for other infections and new piercings

Tracyks - thanks... I did look good

Wow, all you guys with your ps appts, i'm going to try to get one 4/17 since i'm already going to be off for court and surgeon appt. My new ins starts on 4/1 and now that my belly is starting to really sag I might actually meet some of the requirements to have paid for by ins. I'm going to do everything I can to make that happen. Funny, I hated everything about me and I'm to the point if I had that skin gone I would be so happy with myelf. HUGE difference.

Well I'm off to work in 10 mins, have to get dressed - I went to the Y last night for the first time since... 12/18... yikes that was scary to see.. Going again right after work - water aerobics at 6:30. Wish I could check in during the day, I miss you guys

love ya all

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OMG I am sick to type this. I am so sory guys....I can not go on the trip. I am SO SORRY! There are many reasons why. I have struggled for the past few days over it and this is the only thing I can come up with is to not go. It will definitely keep peace in my house. I am being selfish by wanting to go with all we have going on here at home. I am not going to go into a long story about it.

Please my friends...don't beg or try to come up with solutions because it would only make me cry more. This is something I have nochoice in the matter over.

Terri-I am truly sorry. You have done so much to bring this thig together. Hopefully things will be easily figured out as far as the transportation thing goes.

I love ya'll....

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Awwww Tracy---that is horrible! We all understand how things can be disrupted at home--and we love you and do not want things to be made worse for you.

Maybe if nothing else, those of us flying in that were supposed to ride with you--could get together and have lunch with you or something since you will be soooo close??......just a thought.

If you want to talk---------you know we are always here. Remember we have replaced Dr. Phil.

Slept much better last night. I am sore! Trying to manhandle cows is not always easy!

Well Miss Kinsey wants some waffles....so BBL.


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Warning, This is not pretty. I'm sorry if I offend anyone.

Miss Suzanne woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning and I need to vent. This is not going to be pretty and please don't think that this is intended for anyone here. I'm just fed up with a few things that have bothered me for a long time.

Here it is.

I am FAT. I am addicted to food. I eat what I want and I eat when I want. I eat to much and I eat big bites. I have tried all kinds of diets. I have tried all kinds of fads. I have joined Weight Watchers several times. I have joined gyms. I have walked so much I have had to have surgery twice on my feet. I have gone thru Lane Bryants, even worked for them for 3 years. I buy from Roaman's and the Big and Tall mens sections. I have gotten a seat belt extension for my car and one for the truck. I have broken chairs by just sitting in them. I have stood for hours because my ass didn't fit in chairs. I don't go places because I don't fit. I have not gotten jobs because I'm fat. I have lost friends because of it. I have enough not gotten friends because of it. I don't get invited because I'm fat. I take medications because I'm fat. I am FAT and NO I am not proud of it but I finally decided several years ago that enough was enough.

That led to the decision for me to get a Lap-Band. One of the best decisions I have ever made. First was marrying my husband, but that's a whole nother story. After haveing talked to the Doc and getting as much info as I could I decided this was going to be the best thing to do. And believe me it has been. BUT, it is still a struggle. That is one reason why I still go to Weight Watchers weekly. I need all the support I can get. I go to several websites also and I try to get to as many meetings that I can find. I will beat this addiction and I will make my life worth it.

With all of that said I still find something that just boggles my mind. I listen to people complain about how little they eat. They tell it in the meetings, they write it in their blogs and they confess on websites about it. "I can't believe I didn't lose any weight this week. What went wrong?". "I had 2 bites and had to run to the bathroom to puke it up". "Husband and I went out to dinner and we shared a meal". On and on and on. All kinds of stories. "I can't eat a whole meal". With so many people confessing about how little they eat, How come no one is loseing weight? With as little as food as everyone is claiming. How come the scales aren't moving? Is everyone fooling themselves into thinking this? Is everyone really not eating as much as they say at meal times but forgetting to confess the stuff they eat inbetween? Do we think that just because we are not sitting down at the table that it doesn't count. If we eat in silence, if no one sees us put in our mouth that it doesn't count? It's just one bite. Just a lick. Is there a whole lot of nibbling and snacking going on? Are they trying to fool themselves or are they trying to impress other people with what little they are eating? What's going on?

I'm still amazed that after having my band for over a year and a half that I find myself still learning how to use it. I find somedays it lets me eat and some days I struggle a little. I find myself putting things in my mouth that I shouldn't eat. I find out at those times that my band doesn't care. My band doesn't tell me what I should be eating. It just tells me not to put anymore in there. Sometimes I listen to it and sometimes I don't. I have never thrown up. Not once has my band sent me to the bathroom. It has however talked to me and made me feel miserable. I do make bad choices. I have all my life. That's how I got here. I'm learning though. I'm learning by listening to the daily struggles of people I have met at my meetings and by the people I have met in the chatrooms. By reading the blogs of people willing to put themselves out there for us. I'm learning from a group of women whom I have never met that mean the world to me right now. Who no matter what I look like have still stood by me. They have put up with my moods and have listened to my rants and rave.

"Violets are the BEST".

Thanks for listening to me. Sorry it was long. I just woke up in a bad mood and needed to get this off my chest.

Hugs to all of you.

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TracyK, Hang in there. We support whatever decision you make. Know that you are in our prayers and that we are thinking of you.

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Suzanne---I hear ya!!!

I am of the same thought in many points you make!!!

For many, many years I made horrid choices food wise. I would sit down and make a meal of french fries---helllooo??? I feel like some minor friends, might have distanced themselves from me maybe due to my weight, but overall, my friends have proven to be good friends. Some of them are in more of a quandry now----for the first time ever in our friendships, I am the smaller friend....I sense that troubles them. Not enough to cause rifts in the friendship--but enough to get them off their butts and working on their own weight!! One of them is a little put out with me right now that I do not care to join her choice of gyms and work out with her. She didn't ever care to go with me before, I told her! LOL

I do share meals with Rick, or with Kinsey. And as you point out, I do a lot of picking at home, a bite of this or that---but my weight stall right now is lack of exercise!! I cannot get my motivation back! Winter has been hard! I cannot take Kinsey to the park---which we walk to--no yard work--lots of sitting here at the computer or in front of the TV!!! I could use my exercise equipment--but I don't! And I have lost enough weight now, that I need to DO more to get the rest off----and I don't do it!

You have been my saving grace for reminding me to drink, or that too would have been falling off for the winter! All my momentum seemed to vanish last Fall. I was having all the thyroid issues----and I really hoped getting it resolved would give me my energy back. And I know it did work, I feel tons better, but cannot seem to find my get up and go----I think it got up and went--------away!

I see glimpses of it----when the weather is nice I want to get outside and do things! I get to ride, and walk, and I think of tons of things I want to do--then wake up the next day and there is more damn snow, and I just want to crawl back under the covers! SAD to a point I fully believe. Between us here, I pray that my determination makes a return when Spring really, finally gets here!

Unlike you, I have hung my head and tossed up what I have eaten! But I do not PB often---only 2 times since banding have I known I was going to die, and ended up PBing and living afterall!! I have slimed enough to fill a pool----but nope not your new one!

Some days I just have too much trouble eating in the morning, and push it, trying something simple--and it starts me sliming. I know I would feel better if I would just PB it up, but that is not good for your band, so I fight it, and slime---till I finally get relief and it passes! More than really tight restriction, my band has helped with my hunger issues. I am not hungry all the time anymore. My snacking now is done out of habit, and boredom, not hunger. I cannot remember being really hungry in a long time.

IF---big giant IF I could control those snacking impulses, and get myself moving again, I could lose the last of my weight.....wonder why I don't do it?????


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Tracy- I won't push it, but you will be missed!! And if you can get together with us for lunch, that'd be good too!

Suzanne- I can't help but think of the comment I made, but I really was curious. My point in my mind, was that if you CAN eat whole meals from restaurants, perhaps it's time for some fill?

Now, that being said.. I can NOT eat entire meals, unless I make them at home and serve myself little bits. The reason I'm stalling (even though I'm doing nothing different) is either, I am at a plateau, or I have so little left (in comparison only!!) that I have to 'work' at it now. Time to hit the gym, use the new elliptical I bought, stop snacking so damn much (argggh). I can't complain to anyone about when I stall, since I never completely changed my eating habits. I can't eat whole meals... buuuut I can eat those mini-cadbury eggs till the cows come home.. and I can eat ice cream, and Snacks with no problems. When I'm in a 'mood', I do just that. Shame on me! Although, until lately these things never effected my -2lb loss a week. Waaah. Time to have to work with the band.. I jinxed it I think.

And Pam- YES I have been watching L Word. I knew Jenny's assistant was up to no good. And then when Kit was watching Angela and she got the gun, my heart was in my throat.. I just knew they were going to have her kill herself... Bette & Tina drive me nuts, I was so upset when they broke up, wanted them back together, now they're dragging it out. They need to get back together already. Jodie is sad too, I don't know what I'd do if I had someone I was breaking up with be so adament..

Edited by FairyFacade

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Good Morning, Violets..

TracyK... so sorry to hear you won't be there with us in May, but can you do the lunch so we all at least get to see you in person???? We all do understand that things happen. I sure do hope this bash is the first of many yearly ones and that we can continue the "tradition".

Suzie...whew... can we all see ourselves in your post?? I sure see me!! I PB a lot, but it's because the food is too dry, yet I still try to get it down. Or I don't wait long enough between bites. I just have to get the mindset of eating properly and wisely. The bobster and I always share meals now when we go out to eat. But then again both of us are banded so it works out perfectly. We take turns picking the restaurant and the meal and the deal is whoever doesn't pick, doesn't pout! :shades_smile: It works for us.

I know for a fact that when I have my act together with eating, drinking Water and exercising, I DO lose weight. I just have to keep working on getting that combination daily.

Well, off to hear Obama give his speech. Remember that church I told you we belong to. Welllllll, Trinity United Church of Christ is one of ours and Rev. Wright is one of ours too. It's hard to judge 36 years of ministry on 36 seconds of tape. With so many important issues facing us today, why we get bent out of shape by something that Barack Obama didn't even say himself is beyond me.

Everyone have a great day and I'll check in later.

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Hi All!!

BTW..there is no green beer in Ireland..lol!! We're too fussy for that!!

Paddy's Day was very cold but dry and bright and our local parade was nice to see. It was more full of kids than ever and it was great to see the many outlets they have locally. Ie..fishing, sport, guides, karate, sailing, hurling etc.

I spent most of my day chatting and catching up with local friends and then came home and lit my fire and watched "The Brave One" with Jody Foster..wasn't great. Is it just me or is she the same in every movie? She looks great though, very fit! I feel the same about Keira Knightley, or as I call her 'Skelator' I Bloody HATE HER!!! she drives me mad with that feckin JAW of hers, her bony ass and posh ass accent...booooooo.. I tend to boycott movies she's in. I just can't stand watching her! And while I'm on the subject, here is a short list of actors (and my pet names for them in brackets) whos movies I can't watch coz they 'annoy' me (am I mad?)

angelina Jolie (goldfish face/ Mother Theresa)

Kevin Spacey (Conceited man/ legend in his own mind)

Brad Pitt (Founder of Brad Pitt fan club and husband 2b to mother theresa)

Gweneth paltrow (She who does no wrong)

Ben Affleck (JAWS)

Dakota fanning (ChAdult, a word I made up meaning child adult) She's a good actress tho, just can't stand her being interviewed)

Tom Cruise (Psycho)

Katie Holmes (Mrs Psycho)

Ah to hell with it..the list could go on forever!! lol:lol:

Anyway, LAURA..just something for you to consider re birth control..

DO NOT TRUST CONDOMS as your only protection. I have been told this by numerous doctors not to mention the 5...yes 5

friends of mine who were surprised with pregnancy after taking such 'pre-cautions' Especially 'fancy' ones from the net.

As for DH protesting against the delivery ward, my sisters DH we all thought would be a mile away when the baby arrived was right there, holding my sisters leg up for the arrival of his son and then cried more than the baby.

It is said Women become mothers once they know they are pregnant, men don't become fathers until the birth.

Haydee...your situation sounds very frustrating and I could never try to figure you guys out without having met you both and seen you together, I am quite a good reader of people and body language and can usually decide quite fast whether or not someone is genuine or not. It comes from years experience working in the bar trade and as you know I've been running my own family's bar now for 5 years, and it is as good as a phd in human behaviour. So I would have to SEE to advise, but would you consider Juan to be a bit controlling do you think?

RE: TUMMY TUCK..is that what you guys were discussing before? Remember I've had one done.. when I lost my 100lbs before. It was an AMAZING thing.. I LOVED (and still do) LOVE the results. Although i am fat again, women always comment on my 'flat stomach' hehe!!

It was sore sure, but nothing major really, nothing that outweighed the benefits! I would do it again.


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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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