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Shrinkin' Violets- Part 2 Read Here

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That's cute Terry! I like stacking rings.

I am about to go watch a movie with DH.. we made Sat. night a movie night.. with Amazon.com's unbox, we can download movies right to our tivo.. yaaay.

Anyway, first I wanted to tell ya'll a recipe I tried last night. It is my fav. food EVER now.. oh nom nom nom. I found the recipe online, it's suppose to be for mushroom ravioli.

8oz of Mascarpone cheese (I had to ask the deli where to find it, it's in a little tub in the deli area)

8oz of fresh chopped mushrooms

1tbsp of olive oil

2 large shallots minced (i just chopped)

S&P to taste


The rest of the recipe is to make the ravioli.. I ended up flunking making ravioli's, so I turned the dish into something else.

Saute the shallots in EVOO, until turning brown. Then add the mushrooms. Cook for about 10-15m, until most the Water from the mushrooms evaporates.

Remove from heat, put the mascorpone cheese into a bowl, add the mushroom mixture. Mix.. the cheese melts, it reminds me of butter actually. So it turns into this rich, absolutely fantastic, I been cravin' all day.. sauce. Since my ravioli's failed, I served it with Pasta noodles for dh. I just ate about 1/4c of the sauce. NOM NOM NOM.

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And Tracy I meant to say it earlier, but forgot. CONGRATS NON-SMOKER YOU!! :o)

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Terry, Wow you can make rings too??? You are tooo talented!! My Mom went and sold some of her old gold and coins the other day, and they gave her her emerald out of a ring back. It is an emerald cut, and is 50+ years old. Do you think it is real? What do you think we should do with it. It is really scratched up, but about average size. How is your Mom?

I have been a very very bad girl today with my eating. I gave up cookie, candy, and cakes for lent. I did fine until today. One of my customers who works at a bakery brought me a wonderful thing called a marshmallow mound. Suffice it to say it is good and has cake, and you could also say the marshmallow and chocolate make candy. Then I came home and ate some of my Vday candy I had saved, then girl scout cookies!!! Thank goodness I am not catholic! Bad Bad ME!!

Off to bed in a few, sleep tight!!


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I started a new Violet recipe section!! Don't ya'll think thats a good idea??

Yes, Tracy...Congrats to you on DAY 1!!! It's the hardest day of all. Best of luck to you, girlfriend!

Janie - If the emerald is scratched up it makes me think that it's not real. Emeralds are pretty hard ...about a 7.5 or 8, I think (with diamond being a 10). If it is real, it could be polished up and re-set. Any jeweler could tell you if it's real or not...or look to see if your town has a local lapidary society and contact them for advice. That's also a good place to find custom jewelers who are probably reasonably priced.

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Good morning ladies!

Terri-your dd dress sounds really pretty! Have fun with the shoe shoppng :(


Judy-how did Ethan sleep? I hope you all had a very peaceful night!

Jane-we all have our bad days. Great thing is...today is a new day....forget yesterday and start over :wink:

I am going to have to stop drinking coffee in the mornings I guess. I associate smoking with my coffee and right now I am having a hard time, but will keep on fighting off the demons. So, I need to change things around in my life until I find a new routine.

I need to go and get some things done before macy comes home. I have grocery shopping to do as well. I will check back in later. Have a great day everyone!!

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Good morning!! I hope everybody slept well especially Tracy, Laura, Ethan, and Judy!!

Gotta run!!


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I think the recipe link is a good idea. Did anyone set up a birthday link?

Judy, How did Ethan do on his big night away from home?

Slept like crap lat night. I kept waking up and tossed and turned. I guess spending your life savings will do that to you. I am so excited though. I kept visioning what my backyard is going to look like. Can't wait to decorate around the pool. I already have a dolphin statue. Wonder if I could get a palm tree to grow in Missouri???? Pam, you got an extra one?

Going walking later today. It's supposed to get up to 47. That will be warm enough.

Everyone have a great day.

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Hi Girls,

Terri..i love those stacking rings!! I am known for my jewellery, I have tons of it, love co-ordinating my accessories. I mostly wear black clothing so it's my jewellery that I change to make the outfit!! lol

Laura, your B&A photos are unreal!! I understand what you mean when you say you keep asking "do I really look like that!" after all is is a shocking transformation. And you're sucha a beautiful looking girl.

I thought of you the other day when I read in the newspaper that SL will be having a St Patricks day Parade!! LOL The Irish tourist board are doing it as a form of marketing! that's just Craazy!!

So, I flew to Manchester yesterday to meet my surgeon for my fill. I had gained..wait for it..27!!!!!!! lbs since my last visit. So I am now HEAVIER than I was even at my initial consultation before pre op diet... How in the heck did I manage that???!!!

So I was expecting a disappointed reaction from him and a bit of a lecture but instead he put down his clipboard and pen and sat down to talk with me. He said tell me what's going on with you. So we chatted and I explained myself as honestly as I could and he thanked me for being so honest with him. He said he sensed ambivalance from me and I explained he was right and that I most likely was because I can't seem to make the commitment to myself because of my past weight loss failure demons.

He said not to beat myself up ar feel disheartened and that he has seen people go through this before, struggling for up to a year with the band and their issues and it's not always good from the get go for everyone. He said then that he has seen some of these people finally click and get going and that he believed I would do so also and never look back when i finally happens, but that I can't go MIA on them and just "give up" because I feel like I'm failing. And never to be ashamed or embarrassed to come over to get it adjusted.

Soooo...I was really delighted with this chat and the fact that he took the time to be so understanding and caring with me. The clinic was running late and he was VERY busy, and it really touched me that he stopped to chat with me. So he said, right let's give you a right good fill and get you sorted.

After the fill, which I didn't even feel, he's so gentle, he sent me to the cafeteria to get a sandwich and see if I could eat a quarter..SLOWLY.

I only had about 3 small bites and BAM...STOP..I never felt that before.

I feel right now like I did post surgery!! I reported back to him and he said "you see?"

So I'm on soups/purrees for 3 days now, which brings me up to my weight watchers class on Wed. then I will follow the core plan and continue with the meetings.

My baby Nephew is geting Christened here in May, so that's a mini goal for me. I am his Godmother and I also have a cousins wedding that same weekend so I am looking towards that as a goal to be right back on track and feeling redeemed!!

Tomorrow is Paddy's day and it's batten down the hatches day for me!! It's not a day I particularly like as everyone just gets tanked and the streets are a terrible mess after. I plan to take a drive to surprise a friend who is hittin the big 40 tomorrow also!

So there's my story girls. I really hope to get a good start when I weigh in wed in WW. I don't own scale anymore, I delibrately left mine behind in the old house..lol so I have no way of driving myself crazy jumping on and off everyday at home.


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Morning Ladies~

Lunasa...keep popping in here honey. You are w/ friends who do NOT judge, only support! I promise.

Tracy~ A suggestion w/ the coffee. Switch to ice coffee, or drink it later or something. You can not do what you "usually" do. I had to do that too. I switched to ice coffee for a couple of weeks. Same coffee, just over ice. It helped...don't know why. I too would wake, have coffee and ciggys. I didn't drink alot, and the worst time I fell off the wagon was my first "drinks".You all remember the "END OF THE SCHOOL YEAR PARTY" where we all get schnockered and oooooo my. Well, I had a few drink-y-poos and the next sentence was..."Hey, can I borrow a ciggy?" That "cheat" lasted 3 weeks. Literally. 3 weeks of cheated and hiding from Susanne, (she was in San Fran for work). Anywho...just a suggestion and a LONG story to let you know you are not alone. We love you!

Judy~ How are you feeling today? My nephew is spending the night next week, I am a bit scared!

Terry~ Love the rings! Would love to see the dress too!

Susie~ pick one...I've got tons! I'd be happy to send you one if you think it will grow.

Gotta run and play scrabble. Didn't get to play yesterday. We are going out to Breakfast w/ my lead teacher from the other night. Then...home to chill and work for Walden!


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Lunasa- I'm glad you went and got your fill and your doctor reassured you. A lot of people are emberassed to go back to their docs feeling like failures, but without that doc's needle & saline the band doesn't work!! Hang in there, and don't be afraid to come back in here, like Pam said we're a SUPPORT group!!

And yeah SL stuff is crazy, Swedish 'leader' (I don't remember how they run sweden now) has a council set up there for meetings, and China did political stuff there too. I just made some new irish outfits for patty's day--



Finally.. I CAN'T BREATHE!! This sickness is gettin worse, I'm wondering if I have pnemonia. I have to breathe really shallow, and it's so gunky and I start having coughing fits. I start feeling panicky that I can't take a breath. I go tomorrow to the clinic to get bloodwork for the scary drug, I am going to have them check out my lungs while I'm there. I had seasonal asthma as a kid, I wonder if that's what it is.

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Good afternoon Violets. Well, I have to report that it was a great night with Ethan. After his longggggggggggggg nap, I was really worried that he would be up at 3 or 4 a.m. Well, he laid down at 9:30 and slept til 7:30 this morning!!! I, however, didn't get as much sleep.. arghhhhh I laid down and then the patio lights went on and I had to shut the curtains. I laid down and the police scanner came on really loud, so I had to turn that down. I laid down and then had to go pee. I laid down and got hungry so I got up and had some string cheese. I laid down and the dogs decided they wanted to jump up so they were crying. got them situated and finally went to sleep. the dogs jumped on an off me all night. (I slept on the couch to be in the same room as Ethan).

We all got up and had breakfast and got dressed for church. Bob dropped me off early and then came back with Ethan, dropped him off in the nursery and wheww......... time to sit and enjoy church. Afterwards we went up to the Fellowship Hall where we have a portable labyrinth set up. It's meant for meditative walking, but of course Ethan thought it was the greatest thing going. He twirled, ran, fell, jumped and thoroughly enjoyed himself. The labyrinth is 24' square so it was a huge thing for him to run around on. Got him home, fed him and he's now laying on the couch resting. I'm going to go watch the Pistons and get on my elliptical. I'm back down to where I was just before the cruise so I'm happy. Now to shed some pounds before our bandiversary bash!! I'd LOVE to be at my first goal by then.

Everyone have a good afternoon. I'll check back after Ethan goes home.

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Last night I was bad!!! I've had several days of getting back into the swing of thing, made the mistake of weighing myself.. NOT MOVING.

I contribute this to my "I don't care" attitude last night. Argh. I ate a strawberry ice chiller, 2 oreos, salsa & chips, green Beans from the can, hot chocolate, 90c quaker bites, popcorn rice cake, whip cream, cheese sticks, and I was still looking at things to eat. This was all around the same time, while watching movie with DH. I also contribute it to, I didn't like dinner last night. I bought one of those boxed meals, where you just add meat & roast it.. I've never liked them before but though maybe they make them taste good now.. wrong. So I was hungry, but obviously I wasn't eating food to fill me up :( Bad bad La.

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Laura - go get checked. I was like that 2 weeks ago, i was so scared, i couldn't get any air and it hurt to try to take a breath. I had bronchitus and was told so close to phnemonia that if I had put it off til monday I would have been in the hospital.

well.... i survived yesterday and i'm making corned beef and cabbage for dinner and tomorrow is a new day

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We're Back!

Had a very nice time @ bro in-laws house... the soccer games didn't go so well, lost the 2 yesterday, won the 1 today, but it wasn't enough to get into the finals so we came on home. Now it's time to gear up for the new week!

Tried, tried, tried to be "good" w/food... did ok I think... am nervous to weigh in tomorrow but I must...

Hi Lunasa... if at first you don't succeed, try, try again! Keep checking in w/us!!

Fantastic job w/the no smoking, Tracy!

Love the ring, Terry!

If you're not feeling better, then go see a doc tomorrow, Laura!!

A new pool! Lucky Suzie!!

Great NSVs, Janie!!

Glad the sleep-over went well, Judy. I can relate: there were 10 of us sleeping at my bro-in-law's! The kids got to all sleep in the playroom... talk about fun for them!!

Hey Jen!

How's the puppy adjusting, TracyKS?

Everyone: Hi!

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LOL Laura..they are probably the sexiest Paddy's day outfits I've ever seen, but Beautiful nd love the undies!! You're so creative! You could be a RL designer!! :rolleyes:

:tt2:<------BTW WHAT is this??? lol

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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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