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Shrinkin' Violets- Part 2 Read Here

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Just a quick check in, i'm so tired and going to bed, ds now has an ear infection, we never went out last night because he was so sick.

anyway, Judy, I just got my ecard. I LOVE Hoops and YoYo. they are my favorite!

I can't wait to have a weekend off, i'll catch up then

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Just checking on....on my way out again!!!

We got the son do list somewhat accomplished------fixed a few things, worked on this and that. Took Kinsey riding, she fell asleep--so I just revelled in my happy!!! On my horse, my baby girl snuggled up tight!!! Rode for about 2 hours----pure pleasure!!

Worked with Rick on the shed when I got back---we come home, hopped in the shower, he is building a fire, and we are off to meet with Becky & Gary for dinner!

Will check in when I get home--or tomorrow. I have a blood donation at 11 tomorrow---hoping to get some motorcycle time.

Hugs to all!! Will read up and all tonight!


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Someday I'm going to have to go to NM and go horseback riding. That just sounds so nice. I haven't been since I was a teenager. My girlfriend and I used to go all the time. Her family owned 9 horses. I miss it.

We got enough sprinkles tonight to mess up the dirt on our cars. Supposed to get somemore rain and possile some snow this weekend.

Did my work out tonight and than came home and had a salad and a slice of Papa Murphy's pizza. That last bite was a little too much. Got all my Water in though 120 ounces.

Everyone have a great evening.

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Did ya'll hear about the woman who sat on the toilet for 2 years in the news today?? I've heard a lot of strange things in my life, but this was waaaay up at the top of the list.

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Yeah----her skin had literally grown to the seat!!! Too wierd.....her bf took her meals to her in there!!! I thought that was totally whacked!

We just went to Chili's---shared some fajitas with Rick---beef, chicken and shrimp. Had some veggies, and meat...a bit of cheese, sour cream, and was a happy camper, left the tortillas for him! Becky and I are talking about taking the grandkids to see Horton hears a Who tomorrow....the guys are not on board!!

Still no insurance news in my mail today. Think I will give it til next week, and call my insurance company....one of those things I am almost scared to hear the answer. I know if they go by their own guidelines and take my Dr. at his word, it is a covered condition if medically necessary---but they live for loopholes as we know!

Saw my dentist again today. He adjusted things a bit more. He does not want to get carried away --- slowly letting the swelling go away, and working with it every few days. I actually wore it all night, and through til dinner tonight! So....it is getting better. Don't know that I can ever eat with the dang thing tho!

I have this friend Marci, she used to work with me when I had the day care center---she and her partner, Shelley have been together now for 7 years. Shelley has 3 kids, they are all on their own now---well the youngest I think lives with her Dad. They recently---5 months ago or so, found out that her 17 year old DD was pregnant. She told me today, they are delivering the baby Tuesday by C section, and she and Shelley are raising the baby. Shayla, the DD is in an alternative HS now, but is planning on going on to college, and was considering adoption, instead her Mom and Marci are going to raise the baby----Marci is on cloud 9!!! So I need to go tomorrow and find a baby gift!

Well I think Rick is finally ready to go to bed! He has been watching a Drew Carey comedy special from Iraq. Drew Carey is taking over for all the old Bobs!!! He is doing a USO kind of tour, like Bob Hope....and doing The Price is Right, like Bob Barker!!! LOL---better than sitting on a toilet for 2 years eh???

Talk to y'all tomorrow! Nighty night!


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Up early this morning and already have started the laundry. Actually trying to finish up what I didn't get done last night.

Really foggy this morning. We have some wacky weather here today and this weekend. Not much going on today. I have to work at 10am but nothing planned for the rest of the day. Probably take it easy after yesterdays fiasco.

I had a really good Water day yesterday. Going to try to do it again today. Water, Water, Water.

Everyone have a great day.

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Hey Violets~

I feel sooo much better (that is until those kids wear me out)! Last night susanne and I met my former lead teacher (when I did my student teaching) and her hubby at California pizza Kitchen. We had a great dinner, then walked a couple of miles up and down at the huge street fair. It was great to see Diane again, it had been 13 years. Also, just to be out, relaxing and enjoying the beautiful night (we dined outside) and just had a great night! Amazing what some fresh air can do!

After work today, we are meeting some friends for drinks @ 6pm. Then we will walk over to my hair dresser's salon opening (a big party tonight).

We lounged in bed this morning and watched the news...so I am hella late!

Have a great day!


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Kat - That is SO cool about Marci and Shelley!! ...and it's good for the mom, too. I canNOT imagine a greater heartbreak than having to give a baby up for adoption! So how old are Marci and Shelley!?! Egads...I'd hate to think of starting over at my age!:angry_smile:

Suzie - I WISH I was home doing laundry!! I've got lots to do at home and have to be here at work....where there is absolutely nothing going on.

We're supposed to hit a record high today of 88 degrees!!! Isn't that wild?

Spring Break starts this weekend for the kids...and our 'project' this week is to find a dress and shoes for my daughter to wear to the 8th Grade Dance! God help me.

I've really been a good bandster but the scale is not moving. I WILL go to the gym this weekend!! :cursing: I am really concerned about my inability to eat meat. Kat, sharing fajitas with my dh is a fantasy for me! I could no more eat fajita meat than fly to the moon. I'm really tight and eating a LOT of mushies. I'll give it a couple more weeks, I guess.

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... We had a great dinner, then walked a couple of miles up and down at the huge street fair...... Also, just to be out, relaxing and enjoying the beautiful night (we dined outside) and just had a great night!
I've done that!!! Palm Springs was my first (of 2) visits to California and I fell in love with it! You're so lucky to live in such a beautiful town! I'll have to come visit sometime and let DH play golf 'til he wears himself out!

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Good Morning, Violets.

Got to sleep in today and it felt great. Ethan doesn't come until 1 today so we have a little time to relax this morning. going to the car dealership to look at a new Buick LaCross The Bobster's truck is just eating way too much gas and if he gets an interim position after he's done with his little church, he's going to need something that gets good gas mileage. To lease the car would only be $60 a month and we would save that much in gas alone, so it's kinda a no brainer. We would have to sell the RV though, but we had decided we liked cruising better so that's not a problem. Just finding someone to buy it might be.

The scale has been moving a little bit each day. I just know that the exercising is the difference. That and lots and lots of Crystal Light. I'm eating some oatmeal right now and am sure I'm not going to make it through the whole bowl, but my Mom would be so proud!!

Last night was a Democratic Party meeting and they had the head of the Michigan Dems party there. They had boxes of pizza and lots of pop. I knew I wouldn't be tempted, but the Bobster thinks pizza is a food group. I was so proud of him.. he never had a bite. Course we had just come from splitting a New York Steak dinner at Applebees and I would have smacked him if he had!!! He said he was tempted when we went up near them to get his coffee, but he told himself no so of course I told him how I was proud of him. He REALLY needs a fill on Monday. He says he eats a meal and then is hungry. Hope this one helps him. He's not getting his exercise in like he should either. I just love having the elliptical trainer near the tv. It makes it sooooooooooo easy for me to hop on and do 10 minutes several times a day. Yesterday it was 4 times. I also do exercises in the hot tub each night. It's not just laying there looking up at the stars. I really get a workout.

Time to get my hair curled and brush my teeth so we can head to the dealership. Everyone have a great morning. Make good choices and drink that water!!

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Getting back to the lady stuck on the toilet, does that mean she didn't clean the toilet? I hope they had another bathroom for the boyfriend!! All sorts of weird things went through my mind when I read that!!

Running late as usual!! Have a great day and for I think everyone but me, today is the last work day of the week. So enjoy!!


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Good Morn, Vi's~~

Just popping in before we leave... am trying to get EVERYTHING done so we can pull out early... ha ha ha!

Am taking care of my friend's cats so got to work out on her elliptical this a.m.... hadn't done that in awhile & it kicked my heinie!

Yesterday I went on the field trip to the 8th grade band adjudication and they ended up earning all "1's, Superior" ratings, so now they'll go on to State! DS was so proud & happy about it!I thought they sounded great, but I'm a bit biased, so...

That toilet lady story creeped me out... when I think about it my mind goes all sorts of weird places... 2 years??????? on a toilet??? Yuck only begins to describe my reaction. Yuck & psycho! Yikes!

Ok... I've got tons to do before Noon... laundry, pack, make snacks/sandwiches, dust, vacuum... ack! "See" you all on Monday!! Make it a great weekend, everyone!!!

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Terry~ You should come out! We'd have a blast! It is beautiful here...I get kinda sick to my stomach if I don't see a mountain now. Living so close to a mountain keeps me grounded. We went to Chicago (well a rural suburb) in 94...and ooooo my....I couldn't stand that as far as the eye could see there was no mountain! I was nauseated.

Ok...the lady on the toilet...are you kidding me? Did she shower? Were her pants around her ankles the whole time? Did she change pants/clothes/underpants (why bother)...EEEWWWEEE is all I can say. And I am sorry, but what a prize that boyfriend is, eh? Bringing her food on the potty...EEEWWWEEE. Yuckity yuck yuck!

My doctor called yesterday to change my fill appointment. However, I talked w/ the nurse and we TEMPORARILY cancelled it cause ofthe procedure I am having (hopefully) soon! So...it is all me...and we know how "me" does on her own:cool2:.

Tracy~OMG...the Showtime stuff was good last night. Wanna know who is nom'd??? HeHeHe

Ok...must work...can't fight...it is too strong...ooo nooo...out

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Yeah the toilet thing, I don't understand.. how. Why? Why would any normal boyfriend just go "She kept saying 'Maybe tomorrow'". ....... And yeah Pam, the article I read said her pants were still mid-thigh when they found her.

Still sick, head is killin me. I started taking Fish Oil & Flaxseed Oil last night. The fish oil I got says specifically "No fish burps!" lol.. which is why I stopped taking them before. Supposedly the stuff they're cased in won't dissolve till the pills get to your intestines. They are massive though, I was surprised I could get it through my hole with no problem. HMMM maybe I need a fill.

And Terry! Sounds like you need an unfill. I don't think you have to eat solids to stay full sometimes (sometimes mushies are enough for me!) but does it stay that way all day? In the evening will mushies keep you full without wanting to snack?

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The toilet story I read in the paper this morning, said he gave her clean clothes, and food in and she was not in one position the entire time, but had sores on her that had adhered her to the seat, and that the stench in the home was horrid, eminating from the bathroom....and her. Both are believed to be mentally challenged----gee ya think???

Well.....looks like a windy day! We are wanting to go motorcycle riding. Might end up Becky & I taking the kids to the movie instead!

I would like to take Kinsey....I guess Lindzie is going on a school field trip to see it Monday and has been rubbing it in! I mentioned to Becky waiting til mid week---definitely do not want to go if entire classes are going to be there....LOL! It is gonna be all kids anyway--but classes full----no thanks!

Hate to take Kinsey before Lindzie gets to go, but.....dunno what we will do.

So I forgot to tell you about the dream I had! I dreamt that I got my approval, but they would not pay for disposal, so the surgeon explained to me, that I would have to make my own arrangements for disposal of the removed tissue and residual fat! So I am sitting up in bed, admiring myself (seriously!!) and in they walk with a zip lock bag marked Hazardous Waste! It is not a small bag by the way!!! And it had been frozen! So here is this huge slab of me handed over in a bag!! Rick picks it up and he says "Wow! woman--this was a lot of weight they took off!" We looked at it---and oohed and ahhed and we were laughing,I was in amazing shape and moving....like nothing had happened!! Then everything had changed and we were in Lenny's new house.....go figure, I hope this does not take as long as it is going to take to get his house built! He is talking 2 years! I am also hoping not to have a frozen Katsicle to carry out of the hospital!!! LOL

Well they just called and moved my blood donation up to 10:20----so I have to hit the shower and get ready.

I WILL be exiting the bathroom---no need to hold our bash in my bathroom!

Oh Terry---Shelley is 41-42, and Marci would be 35 ish. She was in my first group of HS volunteer readers....and as hard as it is to believe it happen that many years ago---it did!!!

Now Marci is an assistant with the childrens advocate part of CYFD---a state organization. And Shelley does title work for several local real estate bunches. Marci is talking about staying home now! Wild! Happy for them, I think they are all pretty used to explaining and adjusting the kids with their different lifestyle from the norm---around this redneck country, so will be able to make this work without some of the issues that come immediately to mind. Hope it all works wonderfully for them!

Ok off to the showers!


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      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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