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Shrinkin' Violets- Part 2 Read Here

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Well done Michelle!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I have been cavin' too much lately!!!

Laura, that is a potent drug!! Scary decision for you!!

Kat hope you have a good night!!!

Tracy, I hope you do too!!

I am so screwed up on what day it is since I didn't work Tuesday!

Hi Judy, Terry, Pam, Denise, Gina, Haydee, TracyKs, Lunasa, Jenn, and whoever else I am forgetting!!!!

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Kat- Sounds fun!! Cirque's are amazing, even the travelling ones.

I assume it's Route 66? We wanted to see Carlos Mencia when he came there, it sold out like on day 1!!

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Morning girls

Tracyk- I would have to say after yesterday it is about a 6.5 but for the most part is is a 9 all places have little issues right? Today is one of the Attorney's birthday and they are having a party so it should be interesting. I went and got a lb of Cookies from this bakery called "the cookie factory" I feel like a cheap ass so I'm going to get some Bagels and cream cheese on my way in.

As for work, we are just getting up and running so we do something and then decide we want it different so ... ughhhhhhh... enough already... lets get them going! Within a month we should be so busy I won't have time to breathe.

Being sick and bloated from all the meds I have been up and down weight wise... up 10lbs at one point, but i was heavily drugged so just said it is what it is. I'm back down to 203 so almost back to onderland. I have Breakfast, the last couple days bring lunch and have dinner at a normal time. Now just need to get back to the Y and all will be great.

Kat - I would love an invite for adult co. LOL

Pam - holy crap... $51!

well, I'm going to get ready for work, I am feeling better, wish i could stop coughing but anything is better than i was. I have to be better for next week

Wed - we are going to dinner when mom gets back

Fri - going to a toy party and then sleepover at my sisters house

Sat - St. Patty's parade - drinking on the streets in downtown albany... yipee! I call it my birthday parade. LOL and I'm going with different friends this year and they bring a cooler full of drink... so I'm going to bring my fav...grape vodka an crystal light to save some calories. then Country band is at bar by my house so we are ending up there (yes I have the night off at the pizza shop) but do have to work Sunday

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Hi Everybody!

I have been waking up every morning at 4:30 and have to get up because of headaches. So, here I am on my day off...up before dawn. Ugh. At least I can go take a nap later if I want!

I went out with some girlfriends last night and had a great time drinking wine and eating good food (eggplant parm for me!). I just have the greatest group of friends in the universe.... all of you here PLUS my RL friends make one heck of a circle! I am so very blessed. One of my friends volunteered, after her 3rd glass, to host my 50th birthday party (in June) at her house. She will probably wake up this morning and think "Ah $*%!#! What did I do that for??!?!?" LOL

(((Kat))) I'm so sorry. I wish there was something I could do. Sounds like Kinsey is such a sweet angel! Is she really or is it just grandma talk? lol I haven't heard you mention Lindzie in a long time! How is she doing?? They're all still living together, right? Still going to counseling or not?

Laura, I'm just glad you're getting treated! You'll finally be rid of that thorn in your side forever! Does this drug have any other serious side effects that you'll have to watch for? As for your posting on science vs. religion... the thing I don't get is how can a person look up at the stars on a clear night and NOT believe that only a GOD could create something so beautiful, powerful and perfect. I may not be able to define Him...but I know without a doubt that He exists! But I understand that it's just me and my own beliefs. Everyone is equipped with their own understanding and I have never felt a need to be "right" on that issue! To each his own...for sure!

Judy, don't you just love having your hair freshly colored? Reminds me that I wanted to do that today myself. I highlight mine and have done it myself for years and years. I save $80 a pop. (Sorry Jane!)

Lunasa, It's great to see you. Obviously you've been very busy!! I remember the pics of the view from your new house and I have to say that I am VERY jealous!!! I know you must wake up every morning feeling very blessed to have that little slice of heaven! I can see why you never want to leave home anymore! LOL Well, good...then you don't have an excuse for being absent from here any longer! Glad you let us know you're still kickin'! Don't be such a stranger, ok?

Tracy, Whatcha doing this weekend? I think our weather is supposed to be cold-ish. I liked last weekend's weather better!!! Man, it was awesome. We've got yard guys coming today to do our annual Spring overhaul and our azaleas are about ready to POP!! This is my favorite season....I'll be so glad to have my yard back in shape. I hate winter!

Michelle, What's on your agenda today? Catching up on all your other chores?? Whoever said stay-at-home moms have it easy are crazy!! The moms I know are busier than a one armed paper hanger!! I hope you are able to rest a bit this weekend. Got any editing jobs right now? Are you independent or do you work for a publishing company or what? And what kind of work do you edit? (Sorry, I kknow you've told us before but I forgot. Big surprise there, huh?)

Well, I'm going to go nurse this headache.... get some oatmeal... shop for beads...LOL I'll be back later. XOXOX

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Jenn-Well YES all jobs have there bad days (except if you are a pro sports player or movie star, you know, jobs that make you a millionaire and you enjoy doing it!) I am glad you like it so far! That is really good.

Terri-My mom & stepdad are coming to get macy:biggrin:Sooooo, I am going to relax and enjoy the peace and quiet. I am actually going to have a glass of wine (or 2). I have not had any alcohol since way before my surgery. I just really do not drink that much anymore. Mainly because of dd. Glad you had a good time with your friends last night!

Judy-I feel like a bulemic at times too. Some days, no trouble at all....others are horrific!

Michelle-great job on resisting the temptations!! No, I am not supposed to get on here at work but, at least it isn't a porn site. If this is the worst thing I do there I figure that is pretty good!:teeth_smile: (hopefully they never findout though)

Pamela-OMG....was the 51 dollar food good? I would probably only be upset if it tasted like dirt!

Today when my mom & stepdad come to get macy we are having a birthday party for my stepdad. Macy insists on a cake. She designed the cake and told me to make sure the lady makes it jus the way she drew it. An orange sun, blue clouds and blue birds on a white cake.:crying: And it has to say happy b-day pop. We also have to have balloons, and a big bow on the front door.

Terri-if it snows there today...take a pic for me:biggrin2:but be quick before it melts! lol

Have a great day everyone!!

Laura-I loved survivor last night....how about you?

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Good Morning, Violets..

Up early waiting for Ethan. Just got a call and the Bobster has to go pick up DS and DDIL to take them to work. As DS said.. our car is a piece of @#$%. Spoken like a typical preacher's kid.

Sooooooo Ethan will be here until 6 tonight and I'm going to be run ragged just before my concert. Ahhhhhhhh the perks of being a grandma! But the hugs and kisses are worth it.

Going to take it easy today and see if I can hold good food down. I certainly won't be getting a fill on the 17th! The Bobster is eating way toooo much and his acid reflux is kicking back in so we both know he's way due for a fill. Just hope this one hits the spot for him.

Terry.... what a coincidence. I'm going to be 50 in June too! Actually more than 50. More than 60 even. YIKES!!! I'll be 61. Just a year away from Social Security.:teeth_smile: Thank goodness it's only a number. I sure don't feel elderly. and I spent $80 yesterday to get "springy" blonde. Well worth it cause when I tried to do my own, one of my Kindergarten kids said they loved my hair cause it was the color of their bike.. yellow in front and black in the back. And of course a parent told me that at conference time. Wayda make me feel special!!:crying:

Kat.... hope you're feeling better today. I can't imagine watching Ethan and feeling so bad. He's just about into the terrible 2's and sure is acting the part. Kinsey sounds like such a sweet little girl.

Michelle...good job on avoiding the brownies. I used to love snack time in Kindergarten. Seems like there were never any seconds for the munchkins cause someone.... we won't name names....nibbled on the Snacks before they were passed out and then of course had to have one with the kids too. arghhhhhhhhh no wonder the weight kept going up and up and up. Hope you get a little break today. You've been doing a lot this week.

Jenn... TGIF today! Made it through another week AT WORK!! Remember when you couldn't get a job to save your soul??? Look how far you've come in every aspect of your life! Kewl!!

Ethan will be here soon so I better get my poop in a group and be ready.

Everyone have a great day. I'll check in when I can!!

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Terri-if it snows there today...take a pic for me:biggrin2:but be quick before it melts! lol

SNOW? :crying::blink::teeth_smile:

(I love this guy :eek: because this is how I feel 90% of the time!)

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Lunasa, Welcome back. We missed you alot.

Sorry I didn't check in yesterday, busy, busy and busy. All day long. Got home at 9:15 and was in bed at 9:45.

Doing pretty good on my eating and even managed to lose 1.4 pounds last week. That was even after eating a DQ blizzard. I have my next appointment on the 19th. Looks like I might have a 13lb. loss for this visit.

All is good with me but I think the hubby is having a relapse with his cold. He's back in bed right now after being up all night. Hope no one else comes down with this gucky stuff.

Everyone have a great day and make sure you are getting your Water in.

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Good Morning Violets~

Well the $51 food was good...matter of fact, it still is. I have nearly 2/3 of the pizza left. The salad was great. I had a muffin in the morning and felt "greasy" all day. I can't do "greasy" food anymore. If I do from time to time (like the fish and chips the night before) I need some bread or something to absorb it in my tummy. I just felt sick thinking about greasy food. Oh well...what a waste.

Michelle~ what will power you have. Me...nnot so much. I do AVOID doughnuts, have not had one since the band. I just would rather get my calories else where. Good for you. I know Book Fairs, but ours are done by the librarians. I have never seen a PTG lady there. Well maybe 1. I do like to spend there. Matter of fact, I just bought a Rachel Ray book there last week! Plus some pens/pencils, etc. I made a $30 contribution to Scholastic!

Jenn~ So a toy party huh? ((Leans in and whispers)) Would that be a sex toy party? I am having one in May. They are so fun. Enjoy your weekend!

TracyK~Enjoy your weekend too! You need to start drinking to build up your tolerance for our trip, lol.

Ok...I am going to church this morning and need to get "crack-a-lackin and bootie smackin" or I'll be late. I am really looking forward to mass, it has been a long time!

I slept wrong in the ding dang bed and now I can not turn my head left w/o a SHARP pain in my right upper back side. Hate it when the chirpractor is 400 miles away. Gonna be a long day!


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Judy, you say Bobs acid reflux is acting up, what do you mean? That is a problem I am having and my Dr. told me I couldn't get a fill with it. I have only had it once or twice before the band.


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Morning Violets!

Well Terry, I am sure some of it is the Grandma in me thinking she is a sweetie--but she is an easy child. She minds well, is easily entertained, and overall mild tempered. She is 3. She knows how to beg, how to argue, and how to pout! But luckily she has also hearned how to listen, how to reason, and most of the time, even how to pick up after herself!! She behaves well in Sunday School, and for the few others who take care of her on occasion--most of the time she is with her parents, Rick & I, or my folks.

Lindzie is doing better as far as behaviour most of the time. She is struggling a bit in school still, but it is better than last year. She had been doing much better, but she is spending too much time with her Grandparents again, and is showing signs of acting out again. The lady who provides care for her after school, and on days off, has been put out of her house. The house across the street, blew up--due to a natural gas leak, and her house is still considered unsafe. So Ryan's Mom and former step Dad are getting her after school. She is spoiled beyond belief by both of them in a competition type thing with one another. They both have issues with their houses---his new girlfriend has cats, and grandma bought a bed that has cat hair all over the box springs cover, and Lindzie is horribly allergic--causes her asthma to kick into high gear. When her asthma gets up--she gets out of control---she is cranky, mean, and difficult in all ways. I understand the meds make her hyper, and she feels bad and scared so she acts out, but it is scary too, as she takes a lot of the anger out towards Kinsey and their dogs. That makes me wonder how she will be as she ages. Mostly now it is little things--but very manipulative in nature. She was caught in Kinsey's closet---when Ryan ask her what she was doing she said nothing, and come out, but when he went in, he found she had opened all of Kinsey's play doh tubs---so it would dry out, because she had left her play doh shape maker thing at her Pappies, so she wanted Kinsey's....her way to get it was to ruin all of Kinsey's play doh then she wouldn't need it. She admits to it! Strangest thing! She will let one of the dogs out the front door, and then run after it----because she likes being in the front yard--not the back. She does not care that the dog might get hit by a car she says. Plus they have the neighbor no one trusts....

All in all, she is improving, and they are still seeing the counselor---they are going to try to get more of her family involved as the therapist see's some troubling issues he says. Going to try to get her Mom, as well as grandparents in. That guyhas no idea the can of worms he might open up!!!!

Waiting til 8 to callmy oral surgeon, we have to change my meds, I throw up every single time I take this.....and it scares me to throw up! My face is going down a bit, not quite so swollen today, and the bruising has a greenish tinge to it now. And the socket itself feels better. So it is improving! Like you Terry, my headache remains!

Gotta go put Ricks check in the bank today---so guess I will get dressed--more than I have a few days this week!!!! Then we are supposed to go to the big bosses for dinner.... ay yi yi!!!! They are really nice people though so it won't be abig deal, if I don't eat some of it---plus I can blame anything on my tooth---never even have to worry about my band----!

Well, I am off to the shower. I ate a waffle with Kinsey this morning, and it is not gonna stay down. I imagine my stomach is swollen from all the anitibiotic tossing I have been doing....liquids it will be today!

TTY in awhile!


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Kat... You ARE drinking, aren't you? Don't get dehydrated! Poor baby! You're sure it's not the pain meds that are bothering you? I hate antibiotics...I don't do well with them either. I hope you get straightened out soon!

I just made a call to a plastic surgeon for a possible brow lift/eyelid tuck thingy. I scared myself when I caught a glimpse of my reflection in the mirror the other night in SteinMart. OMG...who was that very tired-looking, pale old lady looking back? I've been toying with the idea for months now.... it's time. We've got some amazing surgeons here in Houston...so I need to take advantage. Why do I have the feeling he's going to recommend a full face lift?? Could it be my sagging jowels and turned down mouth? ugh. I used to be kinda cute! Damn! And I always swore that I would just age gracefully. Hmmmph! To hell with that!

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Judy, you say Bobs acid reflux is acting up, what do you mean? That is a problem I am having and my Dr. told me I couldn't get a fill with it. I have only had it once or twice before the band.


Before surgery whenever he ate, he'd start coughing and sneezing. That was how his acid reflux manifested itself. After surgery the coughing and sneezing stopped. It started again big time on the cruise and has continued. I know and he knows he's eating way too much and not making wise choices. He hasn't had a fill since December, so he's way overdue.

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Gah! Get Bobster in there, you're there to beat him into shape hehe. WWJD!!


I'm gonna actually keep up with the blog in my signature! I posted a new one today, so I can keep track of how I'm feeling. I get so wishy washy!!

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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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