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Shrinkin' Violets- Part 2 Read Here

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I can't think of a good reason, but i could use a demerol, too.

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We could ALL use a little Demerol in our lives....Kat, are you planning on sharing? hmmm? even though I am a little more partial to liquid valium:w00t:

The dr always says hot Water & hot packs. I will probably have to self medicate before I attempt either one of those cause the pain will be a heck of alot worse. Maybe some soma or vicodin can talk me into a hot bathtub...:thumbdown: I am not a drug head, just a sissy:tongue2:

Kat-glad you are on your way to recovery!!

Pam & Jane-I have a feeling that BB is gonna be a good one tonight. Do either of you know what that 'alarm' business is about?

have a great night violets!!!!

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Hi gals

will try to catch up shortly. Musinex is working. now i'm coughing my brains out but stuff is moving. i'm due for another dose at 9 so i hope by tomorrow i'll be good as gold

i'm going to go tan to try to bake some of it out of me....

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Just got home from work and have not watched bb yet. I wonder about that alarm thing, that is weird. I think it has something to do with the program Jericho, don't watch it, but didin't they say something about that in a previous challenge? I don't like that Allison girl, I think she is trouble.

I am glad everything went well today for you Laura and Kat!!

Have a good night!!!


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HI---got some sleep, feel a little better. Made some frozen dinner thing for Rick. He kept saying not to do anything, but I hate not having some sort of dinner. So I cheated---bought a tub of Country Crock mashed potatoes, and Banquet Salsbury steaks, a can of green Beans, and I called it dinner!!! My Mom picked up the potatoes for me---she said my lazy dinner sounded good enough she bought the same thing!!! LOL---Rick ate, I managed some mashed potatoes and gravy---and some green beans--feel a lot better.

Y'all can have the demerol---it helps SO much, but it leaves me with a hangover headache. And I have some serious Demerol Dreams.....in a haze, half awake, half asleep! I am so ready to sleep well tonight though!

I took my tooth out and rinsed it---supposed to do that 3 times a day now. 'Bout cried when it gouged into the socket though. Rick tells me "Dayum that's a big hole!" Ya think????

Tracy did they say you could peroxide the wound? Maybe keep it cleaned out? Is it in the skin fold of your stomach?

Terry---how is your Mom today? You seem much calmer with the situation, hope all is well. I so hear you on the tattoos and kids. Rick and I neither one have one, nor allowed them when they were at home....but all 3 of them have them now! Manda's boyfriend has one on his arm, my DIL has none--which is a huge surprise! And our SIL has none, but encourages Abbey to get more....he is afraid of the pain, but hers make him happy. His Mother has 9 different ones.

I -------totally lost my train of thought....no idea what I was saying next!!

Haydee---hope you and Juan are ok---fighting is so upsetting. Rick and I have an occasional set to over something, but no knock down, blow outs for us! He is very careful with me still to this day, he does not raise his voice---and if we do disagree, he will sit down, and stay seated the whole time. Once early on we were arguing over something (Lenny and Manda I am sure!) and he stalked over my direction and I cringed or cowered, and it totally upset him, so now he never acts aggressive like that.

Now the other day we were walking in from the road, where we had said bye to Manda and her family, and we were pushing and shoving, and trying to get in the house first, but it was all in fun, we were laughing---not arguing so it makes a difference. I have since had 2 of my neighbors laugh at us, acting like kids! I love that I can play that way again----used to be I could hip check him into next week!!

Ok---I am off to dream strange dreams....Tracy you really don't need demerol dreams to go with your Chantix dreams!!!

Hugs girls~~see ya tomorrow!


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Glad you are feeling better Kat!!

I remember 5 years ago when I had my tummy surgery, I was in the hospital on really loopy drugs and I was in a half awake/half dream state and I was actually carrying on a conversation with the tv about how my best friend found a cure for high cholesterol!!! Never will forget that!!!

Hope Kat, Tracy, and Jenn sleep well tonight!!!:)


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Owie, owie, Kat & Tracy!! Hope your pains stop hurting soon!

Was gone literally all day yesterday 'til after 8pm, then had to come home & do my "Scrooge McDuck" act and count all the $$ & do the financials to determine our profit earned & then do math (yuck!) to divide it up between the classroom teachers & the "specials" teachers. Took me 'til about midnight. I always worry that I've put the decimal point in the wrong place & that Scholastic will call me up looking for its additional $1K or something. It's never happened, but I fret about it as, while I'm GREAT w/words, numbers & I are a different story!

Anyhoo... we have $2,846 in profits so each classroom is getting $126 in books & each specials is getting $55! Yay!

This is why I do the Book Fair (& go crazy for a week)... the kids get new books! They love books & are so appreciative. Last night a girl was crying big honkin' tears because the book w/pencil set she wanted was the last copy so she'd have to order it... well, NO ONE cries at MY Book Fair! You should have seen her face (& her parents') when I said, "It's yours!" She was stunned & then so happy!!

Between the Fall Fair & this one, the kids have gotten more than $6,000 in books this year for their libraries & classrooms!! & we're such a little school... only about 325 students, total!

Of course, the week DOES kick my ass!!

Today is "Teacher Shopping Day". I'm supposed to be there by 7:30am (ha!) and there's a very good likelihood that I'll be there 'til AFTER the PTA meeting tonight... so I'm thinking that maybe I'll be home around 9pm?? Whew!

Make it a great day, everyone!

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Hi Girls...

Remember me?

My sincere apologies for going MIA for the past I dunno how long!

I can't remember the last time I checked in, really.

I recieved some Christmas Cards From Jenn and Haydee, thank you so much! I'm so rude for not replying I'm sorry. I'm usually good at that but I sent ZERO cards this christmas!

We Finally moved into our beautiful new home and it was a couple of weeks of madness, boxes, dust, tradesmen, curtain fittings etc!! I'm still unpacking boxes!! My God..It's crazy, but I'm very happy with my new house. I also just got my new laptop for home so I am finally connected to the internet at home!!

My Sister had her baby Boy, 8lbs 6oz and he's just beautiful. I'd love to get pregnant this year but that all depends on the man above if he decides it's for me!

I see you all are doing great with your weight loss. There are even a few 100lb-er's? WOW!!

Well, Ms failure here has gained ALL weight back!! I haven't travelled for a fill since July of 07, and I just booked myself in for a fill on March 15th. I am mortified to go back to the clinic having not achieved anything, I am full of excuses for the doc, but they are all just excuses.

I don't have a scale in my new house but I weighed myself recently in my mothers house and it read 240!!!

I just can't allow myself to loose the weight!! I'm holding on to it for dear life. I can't go anywhere near "Diet Mode" without cracking up and I am just accepting myself as I am. I am still on my Cymbalta medication, which keeps me out of the dreaded depression, but I also have completely withdrawn from work, Also Socially and I do not see my friends anymore.

I do not go out and I drink at home alone instead of going out.

It's depressing isn't it?

Anyway, Good to see you're all still here!!

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Good morning violets-

So good to 'see' you Lunasa! We have wondered what happened to you! Congrats to your sister on the baby!

Pamela & Jane-oh, oh, oh did I love BB last night or what?! I was SO hoping they would let them play as singles before Ryan left. I am glad allison is gone. I wonder if that was the only alarm that will sound...?

I was up on & off last night. I feel OK as long as I am sitting down. Walking is slowwww going. The antibiotics must not mix well with the Chantix cause I was so neauseated last night. I will take them at different times and see if that helps.

Have a great day everyone....

We miss you Tracy!!!

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:biggrin:Good Morning from San Jose!

Lunasa~ I also suck at this weight loss thing...only -30...but there are so many other perks to being in band land. Keep popping in!

TracyK and Janie~OMG...loveloveloved the show last night. I of course peaked at the results before the show so I knew the outcome...but I loved Allisons reaction to the alarm...and she still had to go (that is mean of me, huh?). Anyway, I am glad they are singles now. Otherwise the show would be over in 3 weeks. Anyone know if they are gonna be on in the summer?

Kat~Enjoy the demerol ride:biggrin:. After the weeks you've had of pain...you deserve it. I ended up getting Susanne Sopranos Season 6 part 1 and 2 (how romantic). We are very blessed, and when we want something we buy it for each other or ourselves. So when b-days roll around, it is hard to buy something. She wanted it for a long time, but said it was too expensive, so she was watching...waiting for the price to go down. So, I bought her something she wasn't gonna buy herself (yet).

San Jose is great! I am near (I think about 2hoursish) from Denise. Last night we did have a few margies:biggrin: and I had smoked salmon fish and chips. I ate about 4 fries, and was able to take the fish out of the greasy fry. OMG the smoked salmon was KICKIN'. We walked all over downtown SJ. Ooooo yeah, the hotel is SWANKY! I am typing on a beautiful marble desk in my suite. It is huge and tonight, I am gonna skip the drinkies and take a bath instead. Maybe I'll do both!

Happy Birthday to my Susanne! I miss my girl and she is 45 today! She is beautiful and I love her to pieces!

Have a great day! Off to play scrabb and put my face on!


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Lunasa, good to see you! I think that fill is going to be well worth it for you. That is a longgg time to go between fills.

Michelle, you are too nice!! I bet the book fair is rewarding!!

I was glad to see Allison go, and thought it was funny too how she whooped and hollered when she found out the first time that she and Ryan weren't being evicted. I think I made my mind up last night that I like James and Chelsia. But now that they are playing for themselves we'll see. Last night wasn't live?

Well need to get a move on today, got a lot on my plate before work!!


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Good Morning, Violets.... it's almost good afternoon!! I've been cleaning and doing laundry getting ready for our friends to come over for dinner tonight. They are going on the exact same cruise we did and will be leaving Sunday. We're going to give them pointers on what to do and not to do.

Lunasa!!!! Soooooooooo good to hear from you again. Sounds like you have had quite a struggle. But you know, you always have support from this group. We can't help if you stay away! Sounds like you MOST definitely need a fill. I've had 4 so far and think I have found my sweet spot. I just have to constantly battle the head hunger issue and fighting off old bad habits. But we ALL do and we're all in this together so please continue to post. I've missed you!!!

Kat ,Jenn and TracyK...hope you're feeling better today.

Michelle... I remember those book fairs well. I would do the monthly book orders from Scholastic and got lots of great free books for my classroom that way. When we had book fairs, the teachers never got anything from it... the money always went to the library. Sounds like you have a good system going there.

I better get my butt in gear and get the dessert made for tonight. TTFN!

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wow, is it quiet in here today or what?

Judy-your friends that are going on the same cruise are fortunate that they will be able to find out the do's and don'ts. That is cool!

Pam-I agree...I love the way that little witch got thrown out of there. I know Joshuah has to be on cloud 9. Maybe we will see a more pleasant side of him now that she is gone. I don't know if there is gonna be a summer show or not. I sure hope so!!

Jane- BB but the east coast finds out sooner than we do since they are ahead time wise and Pam cheats by getting online...LOL

I will check in later....

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Hi girls!

Look up lazy in the dictionary and you will find me!!! I slept better last night, Rick woke me up completely about 2 and had me take a pill, I was moaning in my sleep, and he thought if I let it go til I totally woke up it would be harder to control again. The sirgeon said to stay on top of the pain, not to let it get out of control again, as it causes you to tighten the jaw muscles....and exacerbate the pain. So he give me a pill------and I was off to Lala land again!! Feel about like I've been drugged this morning!! My Mom had an appointment, so I have Kinsey back, but she has been a sweetie.

She come in and we went back to bed, when we woke up we were laying there talking about what she wanted for breakfast---she said lets eat Cereal, and I told her Granny can't eat---my mouth hurts---she comes over to me, lays her hand on my cheek and tells me "You poor precious baby"......took everything in me not to laugh, she was being so sincere!!! She has played quietly with her Polly Pockets, and been wonderful.

Now I need to find her some lunch. Thinking I might try to eat some Soup.< /strong>

Lunasa--good to see you!!! You won't find any better support than these girls! Enjoy your new house and new nephew--they are such fun! My DIL mentioned she may not go get her birth control shot....their little boy just turned 2, so they are talking about another! I am keeping my mouth shut!!

Jane---weather still causing your clients to hole up and not come in??

It is clear in our little corner of NM, everywhere else in the state is getting snow!

We used to order from all the book orders too! This year, Ryan (DD's bf) sent Lindzie to school with the ok to buy a book, and a poster, and the other $10.00 was to go to pay for her lunches. Well she come home, and she had 3 posters, and a purse toy with colored pencils and sharpener and notepad in it, and a magnetic puzzle of some sort. And she give me money back Lindzie said all proud of herself, she had a few cents left over!!! He ask her what about your lunches? She tells him it's ok, they let me charge it!!! She did not buy her lunches nor a single book at the book fair! He took her loot away from her, and told her she has to do extra chores now to earn it back. She was unhappy!

Well this little girl is starving! Her cereal wore off!!! So I better find her some food.< /strong>

Will talk to y'all later!


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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

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        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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