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Shrinkin' Violets- Part 2 Read Here

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The Favorites Idea would be great --- Maybe Alex can make that happen.

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Denise, that was very nice and uplifting!!

Kat how is the tooth?

Laura, that is great with the weight loss!!

Michelle, you are doing great and helping me!!



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Makin my fancy dinner, but had to brag.. 238lb stuck. Same today. YAY!


Does anyone else have a hard time judging food portions when serving a non-bandster?

In my day-to-day life, i stopped spooning DH's plate because I give him what I think he should eat... which is more than banded. But if he spoons it, it's so much that I am in disbelief. I have no good judgement of food portions anymore.

Christmas at the In-Laws, they pass plates around and whatever you sit by, you spoon up for someone. I had bad anxiety, cause to me, a small spoon was good. When I did theirs, I had to ask everyone 'more? more? more?' and I was always way off.

Just wondering if anyone else has this problem too.

My mom asked me to save her some of my dinner tonight, when she came by to pick up the plate I made for her she said "I'm not banded!!". I thought I did good. Huh.

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Makin my fancy dinner, but had to brag.. 238lb stuck. Same today. YAY!


Does anyone else have a hard time judging food portions when serving a non-bandster?

In my day-to-day life, i stopped spooning DH's plate because I give him what I think he should eat... which is more than banded. But if he spoons it, it's so much that I am in disbelief. I have no good judgement of food portions anymore.

Christmas at the In-Laws, they pass plates around and whatever you sit by, you spoon up for someone. I had bad anxiety, cause to me, a small spoon was good. When I did theirs, I had to ask everyone 'more? more? more?' and I was always way off.

Just wondering if anyone else has this problem too.

My mom asked me to save her some of my dinner tonight, when she came by to pick up the plate I made for her she said "I'm not banded!!". I thought I did good. Huh.

When I serve my hubby he just looks at me like "Is that all you're feeding me????"

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Hi Everyone!

Thanks AGAIN for your kind thoughts, hugs and support. Ya'll are just the best! They moved mom out of ICU and into a private room (yea!) in the stroke care unit. It's quieter, more room, lots more visiting hours...and all that is good. She's sitting up, eating, talking and alert....even almost cheerful and being NICE to the nurses!!!? The bad part is that she's not making a whole lot of sense about 1/2 the time, she's confused and forgets that she can't walk or get out of bed! She tried right before I got there but the nurses caught her and put her back with a good scolding. She said she was trying to get to the telephone to call me about that man from England. (huh?) Her heart rate is very high and blood pressure is low. BUT she's alive and not suffering. All is well.

I had a bit of fun today at the bead store. Judy has 'commissioned' a Bracelet and I got to go pick out all the accent beads today. All the ladies at the bead shop were oooo-ing and ahhh-ing and it was loads of fun. It felt so good to be doing normal things. I went to get my hairi cut as well...and talked her poor ear off. Kinda weird behavior today. Must be letting off some pent up energy or something.

Funny observation about the portion sizes for others. Hubby is probably not too wild that I've cut his down as well, but he needs to lose a few too!

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Hey Guys~

Terry~ So good to hear that update! And I am glad you got out to do "regular" stuff too!

Laura~Your eggplant sounds yummy! I cook, but don't know how to do it well. You always prepare such yummy foods.

Kat~What does the soda and pineapple do? I've heard another bandster talk about pineapple juice working like draino??? I have been having a 7up or Sprite from time to time. I know it is bad, but I am nauseated in the morning and a diet 7up really helps settle my tummy.

My poor Susanne...she had ingrown toenails removed on both sides of both toes today!!!!Can you say :thumbup::omg_smile::) She had a friend drive her to Palm Springs (113 miles) and the friend took off and went right back to Orange County. She can't walk, and took 2 pain pills, then some of my stuff from the surgery...and you know what comes next...yep, puked. I changed her bandages and OMG...wowowowow.

I feel so bad for her. We had plans w/ friends tonight, a party tomorrow @ 2pm and then dinner and drinks w/ different friends tomorrow. We canceled the dinners both nights, and will drive the gift by the party (a male couple are celebrating their new home AND the adoption of their beautiful little girl...her name is Roxy). I went and rented a bunch of movies and will hang out and take care of my girl. I felt so bad...she was crying from the pain. Her friend is coming back on Sunday to get her! I'll make us all a nice dinner, then we'll watch the Oscars, and they will leave Monday @4am. So...thats our weekend!

Judy~Happy Sails! Enjoy the heat! It is gonna be 81 on Wednesday here. We will probably start Spring on Wed.

Having a garage sale next Sat and it is supposed to be really nice! Anyone wanna come and visit?


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Oh yeah...Denise, I love the Dash video. Right after my mom died, my brother went to a funeral of someone he worked with. Someone got up and read a poem about the dash...how that is the most important part of the headstone. That was really lovely to see it like that...thanks! How are the bumps growing? How exciting for you!


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Pamela---when my Dad had his toenails removed from his big toe due to repeated ingrown issues---they throbbed and he was miserable. Laying on the couch with his feet up on the arm helped, got them up higher than his heart...and the throbbing stopped, so the pain meds could kick in----seriously no pun intended---too painful to laugh about. Then when he come off the pain meds, someone in the podiatrist office told him instead of Tylenon or Ibuprofin to take Midol---that it helps with the rythmic type of pain---like earaches, or toothaches, or something like this that throbs best. He said it worked----and he also said he did not have any cramps at all. Hope Susanne improves quickly---think that will be one of those surgeries once she recovers she will be forever glad she had it done!

The pineapple juice was recommended by my fill Dr. as one of the first steps when you believe something is stuck. VERY small sips of room temperature unsweetened pineapple juice. It has an acidic base that helps to break food down. Especially foods like bread. He also said to get Papaya Enzyme tablets and if you can to chew one up---but sometimes that makes you too full, and hello PB! And the last suggestion was for meat that is stuck or something the pineapple juice does not help---and is a last resort before an unfill---and that is to drink a Tablespoon of meat tenderizer. To break the food down and allow everything to pass.

I use the pineapple juice without issue, and it has helped a lot of times. But sometimes if I drink something carbonated, and can burp---it is actually like my band is vaporlocked or something, once I get the air moved---then I am fine.

Not tonight....Diet DP did not help, so sipping some pineapple juice. I have not eaten in hours-----so.....hoping I can drink some of this and let everything work then it will get better.

I tend to do the opposite with Ricks plate and over fill it! He is always telling me to fix his plate like mine and if he wants more he can get it. So I did, I put my amounts on his plate---he laughed and ask me what the hell? I always use small salad plates---he uses dinner plates, so here is this spoon of this and spoon of that on his plate----he figured it out, he makes his own now and I don't worry about it!!! If I fix it and give him too much, he just doesn't eat it all!

Wow! News just come on and a restaurant we go to in Durango (just across the Colorado border) caught fire---right on historic main street---and took out the stores on either side of it, and during the battling the blaze--something exploded and took down 7 firefighters, but just injured them---none were killed. WOW!

Well---I gave myself hiccups with the juice!!! Think I will walk around a bit, maybe hit the elliptical a minute see if it jars anything!!!

Oh yeah---Manda got her contract looked over and approved by her attorney---she got a check, and got to see the book mocked up on the computer!!! My DD is going to be a published author----of a book she originally wrote in 5th grade!!!

Night girlies!


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Kat that is neat about your daughter!!

Pam, I have heard that is painful I hope Suzanne feels better soon!! That throbbing pain is bad!

Off to work, it is suppose to be warmer and SUNNY!! Have not seen the sun in awhile. It is not shining at we speak, I hope they are right.

Tracyks isn't the wedding one week from today!! I am sure you are getting sooo excited!!

Glad to hear your mom is getting better and more comfortable Terry.


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Good morning violets!

Terri-thanks for the update on your mom. I am glad she is in a room that allows more visitation. That is wonderful.

Pamela-poor Susanne! Yikes:scared2:that must be painful! Healing purple power to her!

I do not even know how much food to put on MY plate mch less anyone elses. I still have the old habit of putting way to much food on my plate and end up wasting it. I am going to change my weight on here to what it really is. When I see the 173 everyday it depresses me, so I will just change it as it changes.

Have a great day everyone!

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Up and trying to get at it this morning. Things are starting to slow down a little for me. I have been so super busy this last week. Don't know where my head is at.

Last night there was a going away party for my next door neighbor. It was at a bar called "Twin Strokes". We had a blast. Mike and Hubby decided to join the pool tournament and they did pretty good. Debbie and I watched the Karaokie(sp?) singers. Got home about 11pm. Ok, here's my question. All I had to drink was about 5 glasses of Iced Tea. Everyone else was downing pitchers of beer. How come I'm the one with a hangover? Happens all the time. I feel like poopoo.

Terry, One time my Mom was in ICU and I stopped on my way into work to check on her. It was about 3:30am. (Since it was just me and I was quite about it, they let me come and go anytime I wanted). When I walked in the room she was crying hystericaly. I was trying to get the mask off of her face to find out what was going on when the nurse walked in and yelled at her to put it back on. I gave her the look of death and she left the room. I was able to calm her down and find out that they had told her that they were going to have to hook her up to life support and she wanted to call me at 2am. The nurse told her NO, thay she wasn't going to call me and wake me up. I finally got her settled down and her breathing was back to normal. I than proceeded out to the nurses station and laid in to the nurse about how dare she treat my Mom that way.I went on for about 2 minutes telling her that she had better start treating her patients like royalty. I didn't yell at her but I made darn sure she knew she was messing with the wrong person. I was told the next day by another nurse that they were all proud of me for the way I handled the situation. Your Mother's care is your resposibility and don't let any nurse step in your way. I find though if they know you are serious and willing to help out that they work real good with you. Just amke sure that you do what you feel is right fr your Mom. She is so worth it.

Kind of a slow day for me today and than tonight it's off to go play cards with some friends.

Everyone have a great day.

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Good Morning Violets~

Susanne is on the couch...feet elevated above her heart and has been here all night. She got some sleep here and there. I missed her last night:redface:. But she is not sick anymore. She has just moved onto my pain meds from surgery and her motrin (I told her about the midol).

Susie~Your story reminded me of MANY experiences in hospitals. During the time I took care of mom (8 years) I also took care of her father (7 years) and managed his private duty nurses (what a freakin nightmare). Anyway, one time, I was in hospital w/ grandpa and I told this bitch nurse that he needed to go to the bathroom (BM). She says to him ( a Col. in the Marine Corps) "Are you sure you have to BM...I am gooing on break?" She reluctantly put him on the potty and left him there. I helped him finish his business and was trying to get him in the bed and ended up pullin his foley cath out!!! I left him in bed (he was only wearing a shirt and no pants of any kind because of shingles) he was balled up, head where the feet should go, etc. I went into the hallway of this 5 star hospital (It is called Eisenhower...one of the best in the country) and I started screaming, "I'm calling the f'ing (said the word) editor!!!! You guys are horrible and I am going to tell everyone who will listen who terrible you people are!!" I was screaming this. I started crying. Grandpa was saying, "Don't cry Pammy...it is ok" I said, "no it is not...there have been no doctors or nurses in here all day." After I was in the hallway and at the nurses station screaming, EVERYONE was in that room. I told the head doctor that NO ONE had been in the room all day. That if I weren't there, grandpa wouldn't have eaten. That the care was completely shitty, in appropriate, and UNACCEPTABLE. Needless to say, the remainder of his stay was lovely! I seriously had a nervous breakdown right there in front of everyone! They were very glad to see us go...until the next time (I was there A LOT!).

Anyway, I am gonna go watch a movie w/ Schatzy! Have a great day!

Felt good to type all that...aaahhh!


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Once when I had my Grandma in the hospital, she was prepped for surgery with all the clean you out stuff--admitted, then the surgery cancelled, while they ran a few more tests the next day. They kept her NPO because they were afraid that her intestines would totally block up and it would have to be done, so her only intake was through her IV. Well the next day they decided yep it needed to be done, so Standard Procedure for them was the clean em out stuff--so they made her drink it again--even though she kept telling them she had not eaten in 3 days. Well drinking all that again, totally screwed up her electrolytes, and she was like a crazy woman, talking to people who were not there, complaining about the curtains being crooked, and the things she said or complained about were repetitive. There was always a man with no legs, and a little boy and girl....ALWAYS!

Then I walked in,and she out of bed-----VERY weak------stomping on the ground, she thought the phone cords and the IV tube everything was snakes, she was so scared her heart rate was over 180---and no one around! I tried to calm her down, she did not recognize me! Finally I grabbed her Water pitcher and threw it out the door into the hall~ then went the box of kleenex, and then the little spit tray--everything on her bedside table. Sure enough within just a few seconds this bitchy nurse come in "Dammit Mrs. Little" until she saw me throwing things and Grandma stomping the floor--I told her 'Help my Grandma!" She tried manhandling her, Grandma's IV is bleeding....finally a male nurse come in, and for some reason his presence calmed her a bit, and the old biddy nurse tells me these dementia patients sure make life hard. I was livid! I told her that she does not have dementia---until yesterday she was a mild mannered pleasant woman, who could have outsmarted her any day of the week, something was wrong! Lucky for us the surgeon happened around, and refused the surgery until her mental state was evaluated. Ended up all because of the imbalance of electrolytes!!! She was crazy acting! When they got her balanced back out she was Grandma again----until after the surgery when she was given morphine despite a hospital Bracelet, and a chart that showed her as being allergic!!!

I went out an apologized to the maintenance lady and offered to help clean up the mess I made in the hall, and she said it was not the first time!!!

By and large we had spectacular nursing care. But when it was bad----it was really horrid! My Grandma was so sweet to them, she usually won over the staff, and they took great care, but there were some who were so mean acting, it infuriated me, I would always ask for her to have a different nurse.

Take care of her Terry-----spend some good time with her--while she feels better.

The new temporary filling fell out again. Of course--it is the weekend again! So I am back to iquids and soft non chewing foods again. So ready to be done with this!!! If I could find something I wanted that was weight friendly maybe I could use this time to drop a pound or 2! But not me, I gravitate to the milk shakes! I guess I need to go shopping and stock up on some early band days pureed and mushie food.....and this is not even band related!!!

My DD is so excited. We looked through the book on line, and I was flashing back to when she was coming in from her room, reading me a bit at a time. Actually a Chapter at a time. She would come up with a new happening----and read it to me, and look at me with such excitement, and question in her eyes, wondering what I thought, and when we would page forward---she'd glance at me with the same look. Brought tears to my eyes!!! The whole thing is kind of amazing. I have watched her tweak this book, as well as write others....for years----but this one was what started it, and she knew it!!!

We have remained friends with her teacher from 5th grade, who had the kids do this project. So when it gets into print and we can actually hold it, she is going to take one to her. For winning the 1st place back in 5th grade she got to pick out a new book and have a dedication thing put in it for the school library----I think we need to have one for the school library, but not sure how they pick books. And it may be a bit juvenile for them....dunno!

I'll let you know when it hits the store! They have another of her stories now----but no word.

Gotta go find something to take for my mouth throbbing---together Susanne and I have hoof & mouth disease!!!!


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Good afternoon, Violets.

This will be my last post before heading out. We had a nice Breakfast out with our cruising buddies this morning. They can't go on the cruise with us this time so they were sending us off with their good wishes. They will go on the same cruise in two weeks.

We are all packed and will start loading the truck soon.

My DSIL, the P.A. called and he had such sad news. He had a client that was 400# and had tried to get approved for lap band. His insurance turned him down. Well, Nathan, my DSIL called the insurance company and gave them hell and told them he needed this surgery or he would die from the weight related complications. The insurance company finally agreed and he was to have the surgery this Thursday at the same hospital where I had mine. Unfortunately he contracted Stepsis from the cellulitus in his legs and he died yesterday. Nathan had given him my email address so he could ask me about the surgery and he was so excited to finally be able to have it done. His father passed away 6 months ago from the same thing as he was overweight too. This guy was only 30!!!! I told Nathan he needed to call the insurance company and tell them that because they wouldn't approve him right away, they participated in his death. Soooooooo sad. Whenever we Violets worry about a pound or two we need to remember those who never were given the opportunity to try. You and I are very fortunate.

Everyone have a great week. Drink that Water, make wise choices and I'll try and do the same! I have my Bracelet to remind me each and every day.

Love you guys!! I'll miss ya! Will check in as often as I can afford!! (try not to talk too much while I'm gone!!)

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