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Shrinkin' Violets- Part 2 Read Here

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Good morning Violets~

I slept in, read the paper, and here I am!! I actually have Kinsey for a short while this morning I think. I either will keep her here, or ride to Durango with her and Manda and keep her occupied while Manda has her treatment with the chiropractor.

Wrist feels much better, going to continue to baby it for a couple of days....but much better!

Rick on the other hand is not better. He was showing a couple of new hires how to open some valves on top of this Iron truck---the truck that hauls the pipe to locations---and one of them he figures thought it would be really tight, and put his weight into it, and when it gave to easy, he fell forward---into Rick. Which was going to send him free falling backwards---he lurched forward to try to fall better, but the open side hinge caught him. He "landed" on a pipe. Butt first. Girls he is hurt! 1 inch in a couple of directions, and his entire life could have been altered! It got him in the right butt cheek, way low....an inch forward and he would have literally ripped the boys off! An in further towards the center....you get the idea. Well it took a HUGE divot out of him. About 3/4 of an inch deep, and an inch wide, it just scooped out the skin, tissue--everything! He bled all over everything. So by last night, he is black --seriously bruised! His entire butt cheek, forward the boys look like they belong on a different man! His thigh----all of it! Well with his blood history we are concerned with clotting---so he is off to the Dr. this morning. I offered to go....he declined the offer!

He says it hurts when he first sits down or first stands up, but otherwise he is ok, he is just concerned with getting a PT check done, and see if the bruising is bad because his blood is too thin--or whether he is too thick which is what the United Blood Services lady thought---so it is best to check it out.

Poor guy! I know there is a Violet wide cringe going on!!!

Well Kinsey is on her way!

Tracy, did they ever give Macy any antibiotics? You might take her in to get a round if she is getting a secondary infection, although with ear infections anymore, they let it run it's course with no antibiotics....

Speaking of ears, has anyone heard of ear candles? Can you explain them to me???

Girl is here----BBL~~


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Morning gals

what a day. didn't hear anything about the job, but... there was a huge attorney event Thursday night - 400 people attended, attorneys and Judges so I'm sure he was busy or hung over. LOL My mom's friend who is one of my top references was here last night and she was playing phone tag with him but was so excited for me. I'll let you all know... man waiting is nuts.

We had a great day yesterday - wake, services went well - mom and I are in such a good place, and gram has so been here with us all week, she is like the old gram, I think she is letting us know she is all better now. We did get completely wasted and had 35 people in my little house. Ok not normally so little but everyone was in the kitchen getting food for a bit and omg... crazy.

Remember my neighbor who i was really good friends with who won't talk to me anymore... and I still don't know why... well I guess she was going to come to the wake and was trying to figure it out... then Thursday night out of no where her mom (who was sick on and off) passed away. I made her a tray of baked ziti and meatballs and sent it over with a note on the inside just telling her i was sorry. See, and one of the issues with her was that I am selfish. I didn't do it to prove a point, i did it because I care, I tried to bring it over myself but they were dealing with stuff and not home so I had annother neighbor run it over - since I had to deal with my own funeral and death this week.

Anyway, I'm going to eat some left over lunch meat and stuff this weekend and Monday is back to reality... I need to lose this 5lbs I gained. How depressing

Hope Michelle is having fun

Tracyk - sorry that poor little thing is sick again, i hope she gets better soon

denise - congrats on the house

terry, tracyks, kat, judy, haydee.... HEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Kat-the dr never gave macy any antibiotics cause it was one of the "let it run its course" kind of flu. I am just going to keep an eye on her over this weekend and see what happens. She has only been running a temp in the late evening so if she runs fever tonight & tomorrow night then I will have to bring her into the dr.:thumbup:

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Buenos Dias Violetas~

$$$$$$$ Power for Haydee!

We are gonna have a lazy day today! I am looking forward to it. Need to go to store, ain't nuttin for chow 'round these here parts. Then perhaps watch a movie at home and do laundry!

Kat~OMG I hope all is ok w/ Rick. How scary for him, you...not to mention the boys!

Everyone have a great day!

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Two of the four boys are sick.... Robby is running around bored because his brothers are sick and laying around.... I'm like...... NO ONE BREATHE ON ROBBY!!!!!!!!!!! LOL

Charles got in from WI last night and promptly got a call from one of the young guys needing help today............ so he is out on a job. I run to the store to get 7up and chicken noodle Soup with robby... and the one of the boys starts flopping around.. ends up calling his mom who is OK City this weekend and she calls Charles.. and so charles calls me pissed... I'm like I'M IN LINE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I had given Josh the phone to call me on my cell if he needed me in the short time I was gone..... I was trying to hurry as it was........ because although both Josh and Dustin are used to staying home by themselves at the their moms I was trying to hurry....

I had really wanted to go to my support group meeting today, but maybe its better that I didn't.. because my big mouth would of got me in trouble........

Suzie I will send you you a PM.... as I don't want anything being posted for the trolls.

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Good afternoon, Violets..

We had 8 at our Lap Band support group today. Sure is nice to have a group to be able to talk to in person. Two of the members were banded a month ago and they have lost 20# and 23# with no complications at all. They were so pleased. Next month we are going to try and get an exercise therapist to come in and show us some good exercises to do for all our problem areas.

I did really good at supper last night and even had a small piece of chocolate cake with ice cream and didn't feel guilty cause I knew I had gotten my exercise in and had not eaten anything in between meals all day. This morning the scale was the same as yesterday, so that's good. I had 3 pieces of canadian bacon for Breakfast, part of a pork chop with a couple tablespoons of mashed potatoes and gravy and that will be it until supper out tonight. And I'll indulge in a little bit of my chocolate mousse after supper, but certainly not a huge portion. I tried on bathing suits today and size 16 is definitely where I am. Didn't get one at Penneys cause they were way too expensive. I'll wait til Walmart comes out with theirs.

I'm on my second liter of Water today and will be heading to the elliptical trainer when I finish this post.

Terry... have fun at your jewelry class!! The silver Bracelet sounds beautiful. Post pics of stuff you're working on. I love looking at it. Not that I like jewelry or nuthin'! And congrats on losing that pound. 181 is knocking at your door!!

Kat... poor Rick!!! That sounds awful..:thumbdown: Let us know how he did with the blood work. I just got shivers when I thought of the pain and blood.. ewwwwwww

Jenn.. glad the wake and service went well and hope you hear something Monday for sure so we can throw lots of nanners your way!

Pam...look what you started with all those bouncing nanners! Hope your knee feels better. Keep pampering it. We don't want you limping around San Antonio and not able to do the boot scoot'n boogie with us!

TracyK...my goodness, you sure have had a time with Macy!! Hope she does well this weekend and you don't have to go back to the doctor.

TracyinKS...You and TracyK sharing germs??? Hope your guys get better quickly and don't share with Robby or you!!

Can you just imagine what fun Michelle's having with her kids at Disneyworld?? Can't wait to hear all about it.

Jane..take care of yourself. We don't want you getting sick too. It seems to be a Violet epidemic!

I'm off to do some elliptical work. Everyone have a good day!

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Hey Everyone~

Tracy...we have trolls here? Did I miss something. Plug in a movie and veg out w/ everyone today. You don't need any shit on your Sat :thumbdown:

Receipe Alert:

After a 1/2 a week of eating out, I decided to make something yummy. This is from a Weight Watchers Receipe book.

6 oz wide noodles (I only use whole wheat)

1 tablesoppon olive oil

4 teaspoons all-purpose flour

2 cups fat free mile

1 tablespoon grated Parmeasan cheese

2 cups cubed cooked chicken breast (I cheated and bought a premade roasted chicken from the deli)

1 red onion chopped

2 tablespoons chopped canned green chiles

1 tablespoon Dijon Mustard

4 teaspoons seasoned dried bread crumbs

1. Cook the noodles.

2. Preheat to 375 and spray a 2 quart casserole w/ nonstick spray

3. In medium sausepan, over med. heat, heat the oil. Sprinkle with the flour; cook, whisking constandly, 2 minutes. Whisk in the milk and cheese; cook, whisking constantly until thinkened 2-3 minutes. Remove from heat. Stir in noodles, chicken, onion, chiles, and mustard (I did this in large bowl and blended well). Transfer to casserole dish, sprinkle w/ bread crumbs and bake until brown and bubbling 20-25 min.

Serve w/ salad

1 generous cup: 414 cal, 9g.fat, 0 trans fat, 35 gr. Protein.

I did not use the chiles or mustard (Susanne doesn't like). So I sautee'd a teaspoon of garlic, added some italian seasoning instead of chiles and mustard. Also, I sprinkled a bit of parm cheese on top of bread crumbs.

Anyway, thought I would share. It is yummy!

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Pamela, I do a similar dish, the biggest difference is that I use the chicken tenders, and I cook them in a bit of olive oil, and season them up with garlic powder, season salt, etc. So then when they are done, I remove them, and use the seasoned oil remaining in the pan for mixing in my flour. I DO add the chilies!!! To everything doncha know!!

Then the topping I sprinkle on top is a mix of bread crumbsm crushed fried onions (like you use on green bean casserole) and parmesan cheese.< /span>

I have never used any mustard.

It IS good, I haven't made any in awhile---kinda forgot about it I guess, I tend to do that!!

Tonight if we don't go out, Rick wants tacos. Depends on how he is a sittin'!!!

Will be back in awhile....


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Poor Jane, Hope it goes away fast.

I have a story to tell you guys. Bare with me and I will be as brief as I can. We have a couple who live across the street from us. Pat and Becky. She has 2 kids from a previous marriage that she left to have an affair with Pat. So Pat and Becky have been married about 10-12 years. We see tham come and go all the time. He is a paramedic and rides in an ambulance, she is a flight nurse and rides in a helicopter. We have been friendly with them and was even friendly when she lived there with her first husband. One day Pat was over at the neighbors for a block party and he was telling us that he had just gotten the Band. Hubby and I were so excited because at the time I was in the final stages of getting mine. I don't think I had a date yet but we knew it was coming up. Anyway, they were so suppotive while I was going thru my surgery. They even came over the first night I was home to check on me. So, Time goes by and both me and Pat are losing weight.. Ocassionaly we would see him out front and holler at him or I would go over and see how he was doing. There were times that Pat would be out doing yard work or getting the mail and I would jokingly say to Hubby, "Woo Pat's looking good". Or "Man, Pats wasting away". You know what I mean. Just little remarks about how well he's doing. Now remember it's not unusual for us to not see tham for awhile as they have odd hours and work long shifts. So this morning I'm at Curves working out and in comes Pat's sil. So we were talking for awhile and she brings up living across the street and I told her that I hadn't seen Pat in a while but that it happens like that. She proceeds to tell me that I won't be seeing him there anymore since they are getting a divorce. She said that they probably were all ready divorced. I was dumbstruck. They seemed like they had a pretty good marriage. I was shocked to say the least. So she tells me that "You know, there are always 2 sides to a story". She said that what she knew was that Becky was threatened by Pat's weight loss.She had told him not to lose anymore that she was afraid that he would leave her. Now. Becky is one of those people who you would envy for her size. She has a great shape and can wear almost anything. Pat was at the most 100 pounds over weight. If that. I have read that this does happen. That people I guess change after they lose weight. And that the divorce rate is very high for people in our position. I just haven't known anybody it happened too. I'm still in shock over this. I wasn't sure I wanted to tell Hubby and have him get worried. I told my Sis and she asked if I had told Hubby and I told her I had. She said that he didn't have anything to worry about. That we were good as gold. It's till freaky though. I just can't help thinking that there had to be more than the weight loss that caused this. Maybe someday I will get the nerve up to ask Becky or one of the kids. I'll keep you posted if I do.

Sorry that was so long but this is an issue that might roar it's ugly head with this group. You just never know.

Everyone have a great weekend.

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Quiet night around here. Maybe we should have all gone to Disney World and joined in on the fun.

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Hi guys

just checking in, i'm mentally exhausted, got to leave work early and going to bed.

i feel like i've gained 100lbs and so swollen

Kat - thank you - I got your card. you are so sweet

Terry - hows mom? I know how hard it is

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We have been out to dinner, then sitting around here, trying to get my phone back to something I want it to be when it rings---my DD got ahold of it....heaven help me!!

Rick is watching 3:10 to Yuma....I am piddling, I read, then played with the phone, and now am here....need to clean, but don't wanna!!!

Actually sitting here thinking---I want something sweet to eat!!! I have things I could eat----but I want something decadent!! Oh well, this too shall pass!!!

Will check on all of you tomorrow!!!


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We have been out to dinner, then sitting around here, trying to get my phone back to something I want it to be when it rings---my DD got ahold of it....heaven help me!!

Rick is watching 3:10 to Yuma....I am piddling, I read, then played with the phone, and now am here....need to clean, but don't wanna!!!

Actually sitting here thinking---I want something sweet to eat!!! I have things I could eat----but I want something decadent!! Oh well, this too shall pass!!!

Will check on all of you tomorrow!!!


Kat you should be watching 3:10 to Yuma too! That's a fantastic movie and I don't even like those kinds of movies. I loved it!!!! It has a great story line, sexy, sexy actors and it was just fantastic!

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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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