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Shrinkin' Violets- Part 2 Read Here

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LOL.. FIRST time to check in today as I am off work and had a bunch of things to do........

1. in person at the SS office... deal with Robbys new name and mine.... OMG it was like black friday!!!! I pulled in to a full parking lot of people... I was like OHHHHHHH NOOOOO I have to be back in LV for my hair appointment..... so i got out of my truck and stood at the door until they opened at 9:00a.m........ I had my forms filled out and I ended up getting number ONE......... it was a nightmare in there and I even ended in tears from being so frustrated... but it all worked out and got it all taken care of.......

So then I went to get my hair did........... I LOVE IT... she did high and low lights all over my head.... got my brows waxed... and said what the hell do the lip too! OUCH!!!!!!! but I LOOOOOOOOK GOOOOOOOD.

I went by the store, tanned and came home for lunch...... I have 1 hour to my self before cody gets out of school........ then it will be attack of the boys........ Cody home, Dustin and Josh getting dropped off by there mom...... go get Robby..... then drop Cody off at the merit badge college, collect charles and his boss from the airport..... and then collapse!... I am not even looking at the house...... I DON'T CARE.

oh yeah... I also made my appointment for a pedicure the friday before the wedding.

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Woohoo Tracy, pampering :eek:

I'm havin a lousy day all around. I'm getting really emotional for whatever reason. Customers are making me upset, DH is makin me upset and he works here so I can't avoid him, and I'm just ready to throw something.. or go home already. Got customers being jackasses and once again nothing is ever their fault, so it's damage control for their mistakes. I always get to feeling guilty, I need to just say "Hey look, you screwed up, I'm fixing it, but don't make me feel bad about it". :glare:

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I need a hug!!

Anyone else think that guy (BMI 35-45?) on the right in the ad, looks like a pregnant woman at first glance? Everytime I see it out of the corner of my eye, I think it's a pregnant lady!

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I love it, I want him to come be our president. Can't believe he's a LIBERAL!!

Prime Minister John Howard - Australia

Muslims who want to live under Islamic Sharia law were told on Wednesday to get out of Australia , as the government targeted radicals in a bid to head off potential terror attacks.

Separately, Howard angered some Australian Muslims on Wednesday by saying he supported spy agencies monitoring the nation's mosques. Quote: 'IMMIGRANTS, NOT AUSTRALIANS, MUST ADAPT. Take It Or Leave It. I am tired of this nation worrying about whether we are offending some individual or their culture. Since the terrorist attacks on Bali , we have experienced a surge in patriotism by the majority of Australians.'

'This culture has been developed over two centuries of struggles, trials and victories by millions of men and women who have sought freedom'

'We speak mainly ENGLISH, not Spanish, Lebanese, Arabic, Chinese, Japanese, Russian, or any other language. Therefore, if you wish to become part of our society . Learn the language!'

'Most Australians believe in God. This is not some Christian, right wing, political push, but a fact, because Christian men and women, on Christian principles, founded this nation, and this is clearly documented. It is certainly appropriate to display it on the walls of our schools. If God offends you, then I suggest you consider another part of the world as your new home, because God is part of our culture.'

'We will accept your beliefs, and will not question why. All we ask is that you accept ours, and live in harmony and peaceful enjoyment with us.'

'This is OUR COUNTRY, OUR LAND, and OUR LIFESTYLE, and we will allow you every opportunity to enjoy all this. But once you are done complaining, whining, and griping about Our Flag, Our Pledge, Our Christian beliefs, or Our Way of Life, I highly encourage you take advantage of one other great Australian freedom,


'If you aren't happy here then LEAVE. We didn't force you to come here. You asked to be here. So accept the country YOU accepted.'

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Macys fever DID go back up to 102.3 and here is the weird part....I ask her how she feels and she says "good, I'm just hot and cold mommie". Soooo, looks like I will not get my "me" weekend unless something drastically changes. My neice is getting married tomorrow too and I probably wont be able to go. But my main focus is Macy right now so hopefully my neice will understand! I am sure she will.

Have a good evening violets....and send me some 'mommie purple power!"

((((hugs Laura))))

PS....I bet michelle and her kids are in heaven!!

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My poor dad.. he keeps ordering stuff from random websites. I've told him time and time again, ask me or DH to make sure the place is legit. They were getting me the Dyson Animal vaccuum for my b'day.. and frankly, I'm thrilled. Like I said, my vacuum went out sometime around New Years, then we spent all our xmas money on glasses, so our house looks horrible. If you drag something across the floor, you end up with a nasty hair ball. So it finally came today. Dad ordered it from some warehouse. Suppose to be a brand new Dyson Animal.

Instead, it's a refurbished normal Dyson. So we're putting it together, and I'm like.. this is the wrong color, and it says refurbished. So I called my dad, he's all confused because that's not what he ordered. So he told me to pack it back up and he'll send it back. The invoice says Animal.. and it doesn't mention refurbished. This is what happens when you order from bogus websites! And thus, my floors will continue to be nasty :glare:

GOOD NEWS. I am back to 241lb. WHEW.

I am cooking something for dinner tonight, anyone got a new fun ground beef recipe? I'm bored with the usual.

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Haydee, I wanna garage sale. I love going around doing that. We have to wait till the weather gets a little better. Have fun.

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Hey Everyone~

I've read through and now I am totally lost as to what I read.

Tracy~ Sending Macy some PURPLE POWER to shake this thing once and for all. Congrats on the couch too!

TracyKS~WooHoo...are you getting excited? We need pix of the "new you".

Terry~Hope mom (and you) are feeling well and that she'll get "sprung" soon.

Kat~ Hope Kinsey, like Macy, feels better soon. Sick babies are not good.

Judy, Judy, Judy~ You are my muse! I can barely walk...and your an exercise queen! Good for you!

Haydee~ PURPLE POWER for your garage sale! We will be having one in a few months too! Last year we made 800 bucks which paid for 1/2 of the new garage door!

Michelle~ I know you wont get this for a few days...but have fun fun fun! I think I speak for all the violets when I say, we want DETAILS! And pix!

Jenn~ What can I say sista! Hang tough, and enjoy the grape vodka (gotta try that).

Susie~Haven't had much Water in the last few days. I have been sipping on 7-up...WTF...anyone else have trouble w/ nausea? I guess I am falling apart! I am ALWAYS ON MY PERIOD...knees...back...nauseated! WoW!

I did go to chiropractor today and he took xrays. He said to keep exercising at the same pace, but not the same intensity. I am not quite ready to work it tomorrow am...but will try next Wed (my next available time).

Susanne and I are enjoying our 3rd anniversary! We had a busy day...waking up at Disney, and driving home! We pulled into town and went straight to the movies. Saw, No Country for Old Men. WOW...it was great! I would say brillant, but it is not for everyone. I am soooo glad we went.

Off to go catch up on All My Children! It is great to be home...I missed you all, even though I popped in a few times...I still missed you!


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I just got done reading "The Road" by the gentleman that wrote "No Country for Old Men". It was a very good book, but very disturbing. I think I want to read more of his books. I think his name is Carmac McCarthy. I don't like bloody shoot em up movies, so I don't think I would like the movie, but everyone who has seen it LOVES it.

I hope I am not getting sick!! I have a cough that sounds horrible, but it really doesn't bother me, but now my throat is getting sore. I am working, then going to a funeral, then babysitting. So I don't have time to be sick tomorrow!!

Have a good one!!


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Pamela, glad you are back!

Ended up being kinda a yucky day here. The weather was nice for a change, and so I decided to take Kinsey for a ride in the sun. We rode randomly over my Uncle's property, I usually ride the river, but it is considerably cooler---so we just wandered, saw a couple of deer, just looked at the snow, etc. She fell asleep coming back in, so I pulled the car up next to the barn, put her in her car seat, and let her sleep while I did some grooming. I think my cousin is right, the colt has vision issues, she threw her head into me, hurt my wrist---bad! Typing is not fun! I can't figure out what the vision difference is, but usually a horse only throws its head back to look at something directly in front of it...and she tosses it when you are in her peripheral vision, and yet other times, she sees you without issue----I think she has (my VERY uneducated thoughts) like a floater or something she thinks she sees out front, sometimes when she knows you are next to her--so when she is seeing binocularly, she thinks she sees something in the monocular vision, and tosses to try to focus it too. I don't know, I just know she got me, she flipped my wrist all the way backwards. Took my breath away, and almost made me pee my pants! Hoping rest will ease it.

Denise, congrats on the new house plan!!! Every now and then we think about buying something bigger, the family continues to grow and the house doesn't....but something about this one being paid off keeps stopping us!!! Our original plan is to build out on our property in about 5 years or so, when Rick retires. Sounds horrible I know, but we realize we cannot do it while his parents are able bodied so to speak. They own the adjoining property, and they would have Rick hooked up working 24/7. They have no issue with expecting him to wait on them....he sees it, he knows it is not the time now. Which is sad, it would be nice to be able to check on them easily, and be near our livestock---but he knows we can't. If we stop in to visit on a day off--his Dad will put him on chore after chore after chore. He will not sit down and visit with Rick, nor will he often even stay where he is working, he has been known to come in and nap, leaving him working! So we don't ever stop by anymore until later in the evening. When Rick gets his fill and says no more, he is on a day off---he gets the pouty treatment from them, and the siblings get an earful, about it----but I notice they stay the heck away too!!!

I hope you find a perfect house for you with room for a big nursery!!!

Jane, any news from your friends involved/witnessing-- the shooting?

Well girls I am off to bed soon, need to make Rick's coffee pot, and junk then calling it a night.

He got hurt at work, and is not doing great tonight, so better go check on him, we are quite the team today!



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Good morning girls-

Kat - you are just in constant motion, aren't you? Sounds like a great ride you had. I don't LOVE horses....they scare me....but I did go to a guest ranch with DD in Buena Vista and had a nice time. Went on 2 rides and that was enough...I had a great old mare who was sweet and sure footed as she could be, but this old body could not take it! 3 hours and I was screaming to get off that horse! LOL But the beauty you are able to observe by horseback is incomparable. I remember the beauty of the aspen forests, babbling brooks and incredible vistas. I remember the intense quiet, the swift change in weather, and feeling the power of my horse beneath me as she'd climb steep rocky trails. I love Colorado so much and my short time on horseback etched it even deeper within my heart. <sigh>

Pamela - so glad you are back! Maybe you jumped iinto Jazzercise just a little too quickly....doing too much too fast. That's one thing about being in a class...it's a double edged sword: you try to keep up with everyone else even when you're not so well equipped to do so...but it's hard to make yourself slow down. When is your next gyno appt?? You've got to do something about that! Are you taking Iron supplements?

Laura - I feel ya sista. The only advice I have for you is to calmly explain that your feelings are hurt and you would prefer that you stick to your original plans of dinner and a movie. Leave it at that and if he invites his brother over anyway, go get a facial and a pedicure instead. Demanding stuff seems to only make them dig their heels in even more and creates such tension. After all, he did get you a beautiful bracelet! Just food for thought. Sometimes its just easier to release your expectations. I hope it works out for you. I jumped all over DH for playiing 15 hours of golf last weekend. So today he's not playing and I feel bad...it's a beautiful 75 degree, sunny day but he's not playing :thumbup: He does have lots of yardwork to catch up on....and I hope he does it, but I won't be saying a word!!

Judy, your life doesn't sound boring at all if it makes you happy!!! You have a very full schedule it seems to me!

I have a jewelry class today that I'm very excited about. It's called Art Clay or Precious Metal Clay. It's what it sounds like! Clay!....except that it's made with real silver suspended in a clay material. You can cut it, stamp it, shape it, set stones in it, etc....then fire it in a kiln and the clay melts away and you're left with a sterling silver piece! I can't wait! Been wanting to take this class for a loooong time. Also, I started on a Bracelet last night that is going to be sooooo cute when I finish it.... I can't wait to show you guys but it will be awhile. It's a big project!

OH, and I weighed 182.0 this morning....that elusive 181 is coming closer and I sure do hope I see it tomorrow! We will have one helluva banana fest around here if I do.

Mom's (supposedly) getting out of the hospital today so I'll be checking in tonight. Oh, and because of that my valentine's dinner with my husband had to be cancelled. :angry: We were scheduled to go to the nicest restaurant in town. Oh well, ... another time.

Ya'll have a good day.

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Good morning V's-macy did not wake up during the night which to me is a good sign. She did not have a fever this morning but she says her throat hurts a little. I think she may have a little bit of an ear infection too. Kinda makes me not know if I should let her go to my sisters house. She feels great as long as she has a little bit of ibuprofen in her. One dose last her all day long and she is active and eating & playing...I don't know.

Am I the only violet that it takes about 30 minutes to actually post something cause it is constant interruptions, ie; momma I want some Water, momma i want some Breakfast, momma I wanna watch a movie. LOL

Kat-hope Rick is doing OK! How is Kinsey?

Pamela-sorry you are falling apart sista! Its hell getting old! (we aren't THAT old, but are at the point that we can say that) lol

Terri-How are things going on your side of the greater Houston area? I hope that things are going better for you....you are in my prayers!

Denise-congrats on the house shopping and getting approved! I wish we could but we just can't right now. It will be alot better once dh isn't paying SO much child support! I am so happy for you!

Jane-purple power for you not to get sick! Get some Vitamins in you and try to fight it off!

Haydee-hope you have a great garage sale :thumbup:

Laura-that sucks about the vacuum (no pun intended, lol)

Tracy< how is the "invasion of the boys" going? LOL

Jenn-how is it going? Are you OK and how is your mom?

Everyone have a great day! (I can't believe I actually finished this post)

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Terri-good lord! It did take me half an hour to do my post...I was typing and slaving for macy while you posted!

I am SO glad your scale is moving! WAY TO GO!!!!!!!! YEEEEHAWWWW!

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