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Shrinkin' Violets- Part 2 Read Here

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Amen sistas to Suzie and Pam for the Tip 'o The Day today! We need to remember what it felt like the day before surgery. Remember how excited we were?? And scared?? And then the weight started dropping off and we were perfect bandsters. We were doing it by ourselves and the band wasn't even that much of a factor. But then reality set in and we had to actually WORK with the band. Now we've shifted to thinking the band can do it all. We have to get back to the co-operative mentality. The band will do it's work if we do ours. That's my story and I'm stickin' to it!! End of sermon

P.S. Tracy is excluded from this sermon. She's doing so darn good!!!

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I was bad all weekend and we'll leave it at that......

TracyK and Jenn: ((((HUGS))))

Judy: Awesome Job on staying away from the treats.

It is shaping up to be a crazy morning... so I'll go for now

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Judy you are being GREAT!!!

Very foggy here today, wanted to sleep late, but got a call about my health insurance premium. It was an odd call about the auto payments I set up? Didn't set any up. But know she was from Blue Cross because of some of the other things she said and I asked, strange.

I think my mom and I are going give up candy for lent.

Okay off to start my day!!


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JANE!!! tHERE is a major telephone scam going on with insurance calls....CALL BLUE CROSS AND ASK THEM IF THIS IS LEGIT!!!

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Good morning girls~

Well much of my corner of New Mexico is shut down for all intents and purposes---we have probably 18"of snow inour yard, but drifts in areas, 4 feet high--and it is still snowing! It has not stopped all night. There would be more than that, but it warmed up for awhile about midnight, and thundered and rained!!! But there is nowhere for all this Water to go--it is a mess. They have shut down schools, court buildings, colleges, all oilfield roads belonging to BLM, or the reservation are closed--they are literally bottomless--trucks regularly drop in to the axle when they get bad, but this is so wet, they just keep sinking! They have a water truck on the news this morning----which is a 10 wheel truck---not as long as a semi, but the same height---just all on one unit, not a truck and trailer---and it is sinking....you can no longer open the doors, it is past the bottom of the door, no way to hook a cat to it, and now the cats are not even going out! Unreal!!! Rick was so glad they shut the roads down, everything gets broke when it is muddy and cold, and he then has crews going 24/7 trying to keep things up and running. So...now they will simply clean up the messes already made, and do some preventative things until the weather clears.

The shed surely cannot make it through this, but of course his Mom wants us to call and ask, she will not volunteer the info--so I will let Rick ask!

Becky and I were going to go to a movie today since they cancelled them at work too---in fact the highway into CO is closed. But....not sure if the weather doesn't clear up some if I want to be driving either! I am pretty comfortable with the snow driving, living in Denver, you have to learn....but not everyone lived there--and there are some real idiots on the road when it snows!

Jenn--take care of yourself as you help Mom and Grandma through this. Thinking of you often. We went through pretty much the same thing with my Grandma. She was at home, Hospice had been coming in for several months--and everytime she got really bad, and we called my Aunt in from CO (just her and my Mom as kids) then Grandma would rally, and my Aunt would be irritated, because she left work, and drove all this way....then when she did finally hit the bad spot, and passed, we waited for her to rally, and when she didn't called my Aunt who was mad we didn't call sooner! But she hung on, still for several days. There was my Mom, my Aunt, my Dad, and Becky and I. We had 2 of us with her at ALL times. 24 hours a day, we talked to her, played music for her, told stories about the grandkids, and 2 great grandkids. Mom, Dad and my Aunt told Becky and I stories from their childhood....and still she hung on. She had been semi comatose, with the cancer, and with the pain meds we were administering, but she opened her eyes and said plain as day "I said I was coming!" Her last words!!

Well the first day my Mom was so upset with my Aunt jumping her about every little thing, they kind of avoided one another, so eventually the stories they were telling etc, reminded them that this was sooooo stressful, and they truly did love one another, so they ended up in the room with Grandma alone together about midnight on January 6th, they talked, they cried,and they hugged, and made peace with one another, and within an hour my Grandma died. She waited til they were ok together, and the only 2 people in the room with her. We always would 2 of us go down the hall, and walk in to relieve the other 2....so when Mom and Aunt Carol, come out of the room crying---I knew. I went in, and closed her eyes, and told her I loved her. Becky stood at the door and cried and kept asking me "how do we know?" meaning, what if she really hasn't died....I told her look at her, the creases on her face are gone, it is relaxed again. Mom said as soon as she and her sister made up they relaxed. At first they felt guilty that she fought to stay for so long, but we all told them, we needed the time for the stories, and the memories to be good ones----so it happens in their time when it is like this Jen....

My folks have had 3 of their 4 parents with them in their home, when they passed away, and would have my other Grandpa, but he went suddenly in the hospital...he was admitted with pneumonia, and had a massive stroke in the night. Faith that they are moving on to heaven makes this time so much easier.

Tracy---how is your Frank this morning? Drinking and behaving I hope. I used to have to tie Rick down when he was sick, he would think he had to work anyway. The heart issue, cured him, he takes better care of himself now!

Terry---how about your Mom, have they figured out why she is bleeding, and where? I might have missed an update, but I have been praying for her. I had Mom and Dad put her on the prayer chain for their Thursday night bible class, and Mom called her the only thing I knew to tell her-----Terry's Mom. There are 7 of them in the class, and each of them thought she was talking about someone they knew!

Pamela---did Susanne make it home in the nasty weather ok? I was shocked at how well everyone drove when we were coming home last night. I drove, Rick had drank a few beers at the party---the only one to speed past me like a moron was a cop!

Speaking of which----I am gossiping now! My OCD son in law---his Dad is a deputy, sister, and brother both cops as well, they all look down their nose at him, because he had no desire to be. Well a few months ago, his sister was put on a 3 day leave because she was caught going 80 in a 25 zone with no emergency. And last weekend his brother got caught reporting his car as stolen, when actually he got drunk, and wrapped it around a utility pole! He lost his job over it. When Manda was in the police acadamy (yes she too was going to be a cop!), she said they were both very snotty to her, and the brother even apologized that she was related to his brother. So they are not perfect either!!! Abbey called to tell us....she said his family wanted to sue the TV station, but the lawyer said they could show his picture all day every day if they wanted!

OK enough gossip, and rattling on--I am off to get dressed, and take the latest couple of inches of snow off of the driveway and sidewalks. If I do it frequently it is much less work, than letting it get deep and heavy. I need Jenn's snow blower!!!!!!!



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I only got the first 30m of House, because of Superbowl. DARN TIVO!

And some reason, even though I have season passes to shows on HBO & Showtime, it never records them, I have to manually add them.. and I forget, so I missed L word Last night. GRR! So I am recording it tonight.

But through piddling around, I found out you can buy/rent movies shows/seasons on Amazon. com and have it directly download to your TiVo. WOOT! So I just rented the Simpson movie for 3.99, and the episode of House from last night for $1.99. Gives me something to watch tonight. I like that. I'm never goin to a rental store again. They have all the new releases & popular stuff (Netflix lacked this).

I am still sick, but I FEEL a ton better. I am still coughing my lungs out and sound stuffed up, but I don't feel like crap at all.

Across the Universe comes out tomorrow, I am so excited. I didn't get to see it in theatres for some reason, and I've been dying for it to come out so I can see it. I love the soundtrack (duh) and mom & sister told me the movie was great. I ordered it from Amazon, but they said I won't get it till Feb 23, so I am going to rent it from them tomorrow so I can finally watch it.. on my bday! DH and I were planning a dinner & movie.. I think I'd rather do dinner, and come home and snuggle on the couch in jammies and watch Across The Universe. Teehee.

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Laura~ I can't wait to buy Across the Universe!!! I loved that movie and must have in the collection! Glad you feeling better!

My boss pissed me offfffffff on Friday so much. I know now why people drink after work. I was pissed all weekend (wont bore you w/ details) and pissed again this morning. I was dreading working w/ him this morning. I am the English Language Learner Facilitator @ school and work w/ him everyday for an entire period (no students..just paper work). Anyway, when I walked into his office, the first thing he did was apologize! Made me feel so much better, cause he was waaaayyyy off base, then made me feel like I was the asshole. Hey, I have been the ass from time to time...but this was not the time! So, I have a renewed faith in our professional relationship :lol:. Next month we are flying to San Jose for another conference and I told him..."you owe me drinks:biggrin:"

Ok...back in a bit! My new pants are falling off me, cause once I sat down...they stretched. I am not complaining...but man...I spent $165 on 3 pair of pants yesterday. The jeans will be better cause they at least have belt loops, lol. But as w/ the other pants, I can pee w/o undoing them. I know TMI!


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I had DH check my jean label this morning. I remember I always loved stretch jeans, and my mom use to say she didn't like them, they would fall off. Well when I was bigger, it kept them on, now they fall off!! My fav jeans that I had in size 25 (3 pairs), as I've lost sizes, I keep buying the same pair in smaller sizes. I have a size 19 on right now, and they will NOT stay up. So I had DH check the size, they feel like my 23's, I shouldn't be wearing them they are so big. So I guess I don't like stretch jeans anymore!!

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lunch check in......

So far today:

coffee w/sf creamer

OHYeah wafers

1 liter of Water

1 can of chicken breast w/light mayo and hotmustard

filled up my water bottle again....... going for liter number 2

Pork Chops for dinner......(don't know how I'm fixing them yet.)

Tanned and made a hair appointment for Friday.... (getting foiled) also a brow wax..... has anyone ever done a lip wax? I've only bleached... and am afraid of waxing... comments?

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Tracy~ I used to get my lip waxed, and then about a week later, I'd have a dozen horrible blisters. I thought they were fever blisters, until after about 3 times, I realized it is from the hot wax. Now, I bought Sally Hansen Lip Dipilatory Cream, and do it at home about 3 times a year. Does not burn and more importantly does not blister. I must have sensitive skin there cause I get eyebrows done about 2x a month and beside some redness, no problems.

Are you going for the Brazilian??? LOL

Anyway, that is my 2 cents. I am sooo pissed again. I need a drink already and it is not even 11am. Oddly enough I don't drink but a few times a year...maybe I should start.

NSV...3 large PINK BOXES full of donuts...walked right past them about 6 times already. Not worth the calories. Now chips, kickin salsa and a margarita...that is worth the calories!:lol:

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Hi girls! Just got back from a doctor's appointment. Blood pressure is PERFECT. WOW, can you just believe it!! I'm so happy about that... I also did bloodwork and that should come back in a few days and I hope my cholesterol is also good.

Tracy - For years I always waxed my upper lip but then one day I just started having a bad reaction to the hot wax. I would get this scab that would last for a few days. I stopped doing that. Now I pluck. One by one. Takes me forever but my skin has become so sensitive that not even dipilaroty creams work for me. And I'm Mexican so I'm super hairy! Try the cream first, that might work for you. HEY, has anyone ever gone to to get waxed in your bikini area?? TMI, but my gut always prevented me from seeing my hoo haa but now that I can see it I am seriously considering getting it waxed. How much does it hurt?

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Jenn - Don't know if you're tuned in and logged on or not...or will be maybe later, but i had a thought for you. My bff's mom died in the hospital recently after a long illness. Her husband and kids were by her side 24/7 for weeks...but it came time for the kids to get back home, get the kids back in school and try to get some normalcy in their lives. BFF was going to head right back in a day or so. Her mother had passed within 12 hours of their all leaving. BFF's dad stayed behind, of course, to be with his wife. He did leave her side to go down to the cafeteria for a break, to get a little food and coffee. When he came back up, his wife had passed. The nurses told them that this happens quite often....that being by their side actually keeps them tied to us and wanting to stay near....but in the quiet...alone....they will finally choose to let go and pass over.


Hope it helps you in some way.

Love you.

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Kat - Thanks for adding my mom to the prayer list. That is so very kind of you. She's still in the hospital and doing better since she received 2 pints of blood and some Iron. They have not determined the cause of her anemia and are ruling out gastrointestinal causes by doing an endoscopy and colonoscopy. HOWEVER, today she is refusing to do a colonoscopy and is demanding to be discharged. I have a call into the doctor and am waiting to hear what he has to say about THAT!

Of all days, DH is being a jerk, too. Sometimes I wish I had a guy like Rick or the Bobster...but I don't.

Not a good day for the Doodler at all. :lol:

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I've done the bikini wax before, never the full Brazilian---nope no one needed to see ALL that!!! As for pain? The first rip hurts! Then it desenstizes! Go to someone who specializes in waxing, that has wax and strips specifically for that. They control the temp better. I had my eyebrows done once when getting my hair cut at JCPenny, and they burned me with the wax it was so hot---it was actually bubbling in the pot--idiot!!!!! Not an area you want to take chances with!!!

Has been YEARS since I had a need to wax anything!

Well I am going to brave the weather, and think Beck and I will go catch a movie. Either Mad Money, 27 Dresses, or Over Her Dead Body----some definite Chick Flick--just not sure which one! I am driving, she has to choose! She wants to go to Applebees for lunch first, so I will have some chicken and try not to eat an entire bag of popcorn this time!

See y'all later today!


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