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Shrinkin' Violets- Part 2 Read Here

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Hey Violets~

Back from a great day! He really put a rockin show on! I got a pic...but he is just a speck. OOOO I so loved it! We had a great time...sang every song...danced bunches...We parked 4 blocks away (5 bucks instead of $30) and so we even walked 8 blocks round trip! Just great!

Gonna curl up w/ Susanne. She was pulling weeds yesterday and that is how she tweaked her back. She rested all day and watched TV...which is just what she needed. I missed her, looking forward to curling up w/ her and watching a movie on TV!

Have a great night everyone! Gonna try to post a small pic now...My friends got great ones and I'll share when I get 'em!


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He is the speck...lol...I know. We were the second to highest row from the top of the Staples Center! That place is HUGE!


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Tracy??? Are you STILL in the bathroom?

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Hi gals.

I'm just getting in form work, I got to deliver 1/2 the night, shit made $60 on top of my pay, I put gas in my car and had $20 and a little change back, so i'm dumping my left overs in the change bucket for our trip. I just cleaned out my stash the last month, over $150 in change, and I never ever touch it unless it is being used for "fun" stuff, so I should have lots of fun money for our trip, cell money for the hotel, and tax money for the airfare!

TracyKS???? bathroom

well I'm going to bed, and pray for the best... when I was getting in the shower at 2 the scale was down to 204... holy crapola!!! so close

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Wonder if Tracy fell in????

Jennifer, we too keep a fun stash of money. We even have a separate account it all goes into. Back in the day before we were married, we kept separate accounts, due to his ex, and the whole child support thing. We never closed what used to be mine when we combined things, so we always deposited our change in it.

Then about 3 years ago, maybe more--we decided to save $5.00 bills. We never spend a $5. $1's or $10's or other is fine, but we never spend a $5. We have a bank on our dresser, made from a motorcycle gas tank, and we drop them all in it. Then what we save through the year is what we make our motorcycle trips on. You would be shocked to see how fast it adds up! We slowed down for awhile, as we were both pretty much just living with our debit cards...but we also noticed we were spending a lot more, so went back to using cash on a day to day basis, and our spending slowed down, and our savings flourished again!!!

Last time I deposited out of our tank, which is coin change and the $5's I deposited over $900.00!!!

Pamela----sooo glad you had fun! I love concerts! It always seems like everyone is happy and having a good time! Hope Susanne is feeling better....sounds to me, like since you got to go and she didn't she gets the back massage!

I am so proud of y'all losing weight so quickly right now! You must be doing something right! Not me! I am not gaining, just sitting. I hope the new dosage will do something good for me with my thyroid!

Suzanne---I think they will be kind and make you an honorary Shrinkin' Violet. They did me! I am actually an April 06 bandster!

My 06 group ended up dwindling down to nothing but an exercise thread--one of which they were all runners it seemed. Well I cannot run. I have a tumor in my leg, and I cannot do high impact anything. So I was mainly there....supporting. Then we come over here to "mentor" the next years April bandsters. And I found a home. I seriously Thank God for these Violets everynight---they have been a blessing to my life, and I know they will be to yours too. I cannot wait to meet them, I sure do wish you could find a way to get there!!!

Well we went to Becky & Gary's for dinner and ended up playing a game of Mexican Train with them, and their youngest son and his fiance. Rick and I kicked butt!!

Tomorrow we have to go back over there for their Grandsons birthday, he is turning 3. I got him a great noisy toy!

Tonight they made some super hot stuffed jalapenos though, and with my stomach having been so wierd, I opted against eating them. So I snacked on some ritz/pretzel things she had, and then could not eat the steak, I was full on about 7 crackers. I have no idea what is up. I don't hurt anymore though, and it isn't like I have serious restriction, or no restriction, it is just being kinda touchy. I think I over ate the other day---grazing----and now I have some swelling. So I will take it easy again tomorrow, and hope it is all ok.

For now I am going to go check my ebay sales stuff and then head to bed. I get to sleep in again tomorrow---whooppee!!

See ya tomorrow!


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Has anyone gotten bad reflux since the band? I am going thru a really odd time with it right now. wondering how normal it is.


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Jane, I had it bad prior...and had a hiatal hernia repaired during surgery. It stayed gone, for about 5 months, then come back. The Dr. figured it herniated again---as my band looks fine.

Both of my parents have terrible problems with GERD, as I did prior...and do again! I have a wedge I sleep on---and do my best to go to bed on as empty of a stomach as possible. And even with the meds, and the wedge, I still have to avoid sleeping on my back!

I take Prilosec OTC once a day---not sure it does anything though!!!

Sorry you are having issues with it, it really sucks!


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Good Morning, Violets..

We got home at 1:30, in bed by 2 am and now up at 7 to get ready for church. There is a longggggggggg nap in my future this afternoon!!

Annual Meeting after church today followed by a pot luck. I think I might skip the pot luck. I ate some junk yesterday and need to get back on track. I never seem to do well on the road, nor with my DD. We are each other's enablers!

On the positive side though, I got a mini-trampoline from Dick's Sporting Goods that we'll set up this evening. I figure I can do that while I watch tv. My Richard Simmons DVD's arrived and I'm anxious to start that. DSIL and I worked out the two days we were at the hotel. Sure felt good and I know it helped with the guilt about eating birthday cake yesterday!

We stopped at Red Lobster for dinner and I PB'd some of it, but of course not the warm chocolate chip cookie with melted chocolate in the middle topped with ice cream. sorry... forgot to warn about food porn.

It was very yummy, but I'm thankful DD and I shared it instead of stuffing myself with all of it. My weight was up today, but I'm sure it will be back down by the middle of the week. I'm pumped to exercise now!

Gotta go get dressed and ready for church. Everyone have a relaxing day! Catch ya later

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Good Morning Girlz-

Where's Michelle? Helllooooooooo

And Cindy?? Where are you? I wish you'd check in!

Haydee obviously has a real life. LOL

Kat - That's a great idea about the $5 bills in your bank! I like never have cash, though! When I do it somehow ends up going to my son for gas money. Go figure. I use my debit card as much as possible because I get Cont'l miles for doing so. I get enough miles for a free ticket about every two years. I dunno....sounds like your system would be more profitable!

We got Mom's apartment all cleared out yesterday...so that task is now behind us, thankfully. I actually will have a day 'off' today. Now we start looking in earnest for a place for her to live (?)....one that has apartment-type units, serves meals, provides recreation, etc....and also has a nursing facility attached for the time when her need for care ramps up. I hired a care manager to generate a report of available places on this side of town (a HUGE swath) and it came in the mail yesterday. There's only two places that even look like a possibility and they are EXPENSIVE....like $3,000/mo just for the basics! <big sigh> But it's what she wants to do, so we will trudge forward.

I am really hoping to do some beading today! Havent touched a bead in over 2 weeks.

Weight's holding at 182-184 as it has for 3 months now. Until I get back to the gym....which is still not a possibility.....my weight will not budge. I definitely feel more jelly-like too....ugh.

Ya'll have a good Sunday. Enjoy your nappy-poo, Judy!

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Good Morning gals.

Kat, yup, that is what I'm going to start doing, I'm on such a tight budget but everytime I have a dollar or 2, since I'm not going out to eat anymore (I always go out with my friend michelle and go to the diner and get breakfast) I'm stashing the dollars - that was how I went out every week and to the movies a few times this month.

Terry - Isn't it almost insane that insurance doesn't cover any of those expenses for people who are not in need of nursing homes but need some assistance. There is a really nice assisted living community here by me that I think my friend said her grandmother pays $1500 a month but on the other hand, they are loaded and she loves it and is so happy.

Well... ya'll know it... I'm so excited... -75 for me today and I'm claiming it... and I will be in ONEderland by Wed!!! Someone told me last night at work they see me every week and my butt is shrinking... I'll take that... usually people you see everyday don't notice... Imagine what good things will happen when I get back to the gym (which needs to happen next week) I'm with Terry - feeling jelly-like... or like a bowl of Jello...I was laughing but it really hit the nail on the head.

3lbs to onderland ...

Pam - I want the famous Pam Dancing Banannas

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Yep......... I FELL IN!!!!!!! LOL

I just got back from retrieving one of our push mowers from the neighbors house... I'm going to take it that they needed it for some unknown reason .......... but the truth is... this is the hardworking lady that has a house that needs to be knocked down and rebuilt and she is host to her PUNK grandkids who constantly yell at her...... her poor house is the eysore of the neighborhood, (I've talked about submitting her to extreme home makeover) but she is very proud and would mos likely be ticked off.

Anyway........ we noticed our self propelled mower right by the fence but on their side......... I'm guessing they needed the gas out of it for grandsons latest broken down pile of crap that he has stashed in her back yard! I'm also guessing that he didn't realize how heavy it was and that it doesn't roll that easy and he said forget it and left it for us to see.

getting ready to go outside and clean the camper.....

Cody is pulling his preteen bs this weekend........ he and I had a come to jesus "disscussion" yesterday........ as soon as his dad got home he "told" on me........ Long long dramatic story, but the fact was I simply told him that he was not going to put us against each other and that he would also not run over me. He would also show respect to his father to me to his mother to his step father because the crap he was pulling was NOT NEW........... another rule I have ALWAYS had in my house is that they are not allowed to say "I hate you" it was a Hard one to break.. because they were allowed to say the phrase at their moms and basically up until I came into the picture......... yesterday he said.... I want to say something that is not allowed........ LOL....

So I said..... that he was 12 and he truly didn't know the meaning of the word and he was right that it was not allowed. I told him I hoped he truly never HAD to learn the meaning....... to which he said he did...... blah blah blah......

I simply told him that if he hated people who loved him and cared for him and went to bed at night thinking about how to help him succeed that if THOSE were the type of people that he was going to hate, well then I felt sorry for him because he would be doomed to have a very lonely and miserable life... (I did this with a very condesending sympathetic smile) OHHHHHHHHHHHHHH HE HATED THIS........... anyway....... he was bawling as usual and then later he was over it...... TIL THE NEXT TIME.

Lord help me!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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:cursing::Banane20::thumbup::Banane20::mad::Banane20::redface::Banane20::redface::Banane20:For Jenn and all the shrinkin' Violets~ I am proud of you all!

Well, here is my story. Remember yesterday I made spaghetti sauce for Susanne (w/ zuccinni, mush, onion, olive, ground beef). It was in the Crocker for her. Well, I got home @ 6:15 and walked in and saw that it was still out...and NOT ON! I thought, "I shouldn't eat this, it has been out ALL day". Well, I stirred it good (ecoli lives on the top) and grabbed a small amount of whole wheat Pasta and some sauce and heated it really good. I ate 1/2 the bowl (eyes too big for the tummy). I was fine...(CAN ANYONE SEE WHERE THIS IS GOING). I had some "rumblings" in the evening, and fell asleep during the ice skating. Susanne woke me at 9pm and we went to bed....well she went to sleep. I was sooooo sick and sorry for TMI...was in the restroom ALL night. I've actually poisoned myself. :redface: Finally fell to sleep about midnight, then 4:30 am back at it. I didn't want to take Imodium because I knew I needed to get it out of my body...but gave in about 7am. Susanne went home early because it is raining buckets, and she wanted to avoid heavy traffic since it is supposed to rain all day. I slept until almost 9...and am still sooo sick. Going to the store and get some 7-up and crackers after she calls. The worse part is that I have to throw away 3/4 of a crocker away of some great sauce.

Anyway, I was able to talk myself out of not throwing up (cause of the band). I feel sooo sick, like I've been hit by a truck. Man...and I did this to myself!

I'll pop in later!


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So sorry you are sick Pamela! I have done similar things. Stopped Rick from doing that the other day! I removed some things from the fridge that had been there too long, and sat the bowls on the counter above the trash, was waiting to open them and dump them until I was ready to take the trash out. He actually come in and was going to eat something out of one of them! OMG--yuck! Yours I understand fully--he was just off his rocker! Feel better soon!

Wasn't it you that reminded Michelle during her stomach virus, to look on the bright side at the weight she was "losing"? If not you--whoever it was....now you can think that way!!

Tomorrow girls I amp up the exercise again.....ok, maybe when you aren't doing much of anything, simply doing it will be a move in the right direction!!! But tomorrow begins it, whether my Mom cooperates or not. She used to go work out as well, so she and I would share Kinsey during that time, I would drop her off with Mom, go work out, call her and she would drop Kinsey back with me, while she went....but when she hurt her knee, she could no longer do either she thought. She was worried about not being able to deal with Kinsey if she got hurt.

Well her knee is better, surgery is behind her, and whether she wants to work out again or not, I am. I may have to go to the college so I can be there at 4 AM--but I am going whatever it takes.

I have too many stresses on my mind at night, and I am not doing enough exercise, so I lay awake at night contemplating things---and stay tired all the time. I need to wear myself out again. So I can sleep. Oh yeah some weight loss would be nice too!

Terry---we use a local area bank and our debit has no benefits like that. I found myself using it all the time, where as if I rely on having cash, I spend less. Everyone is different, but I think twice about parting with the cold hard cash! Sliding my card is easy!!!

I play games with my bank account---mind games! When I balance my account, if say the balance is $842.00----I take the $42.00 and put it into the savings, and start over with the even amount. I never seem to actually miss the money out of the checking account, and it allows my savings to grow. Then we set a balance amount in our savings account, and everytime we get to $1000.00 above that amount, we do something with the extra thousand bucks, whether it be a CD---or invest it. If we challenge ourselves, we do really good. When we don't we just get complacent, find ourselves spending like crazy, eating out all the time....no idea why--but if we have a goal we seriously work towards it. And the way our 401K fell it might be a damned good thing---what a hit we took!

For now---what I save---is my Gruene fund!!! Saving the Green for Gruene!! Wooooo Hooooo!!!!!!!!!!

Well I am off to wrap some birthday presents for Ray-Ray. His Daddy is gonna love me.....I am so paying him back for his noisy childhood!!

Will check in later...


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Thanks pam

and feeling like you've been hit by a truck too...

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Hi Violets...I just need to vent today. My oldest daughter, the one I've had problems with in the past with substance abuse, who's now 11 week pregnant came over today and you could tell that she was really tired and had been crying. Well turns out that her loser boyfriend came home drunk last night and they got into an argument and he slapped her in the face twice....apparently this isn't the first time that he's done this when he's been drinking. Then she left and his mom called her giving my daughter the lecture about how she needs to just do what he tells her to do and learn how to keep her mouth shut...mind you this woman left HIS father for the same thing, abuse and cheating. How DARE her say that to my daughter!!! I'm so angry right now that I've cried....I've given my daughter the lecture about how it's not going to get better, and chances are good that it's going to get worse. She won't even tell me where they live or I'd call the cops myself...I'm so angry that if I see him I will slap him in the face myself, HARD, so he can see exactly what it feels like....It's probably a good thing that I don't know where they stay. I'm so angry...and worried. I'm worried that he's going to hurt her or the baby, or both. I'm worried that the baby will be brought up in that environment....I don't know what to do....even my hubby got straight with her and gave her the facts. Now she's mad that I told him. I told her that I'm sorry, but as a mother I wouldn't be doing my job if I didn't say something and try to talk some sense into her...be it by myself or with the help of someone else....does anyone have any suggestions? I'm desperate....

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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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