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Shrinkin' Violets- Part 2 Read Here

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Ok here's one of Dimitri! These are preliminary pics...we're going to dress them up and take more! I'm so camera happy! LOL!


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Awwww Pamela, I just cannot imagine and I am so sorry you are having to go through all of this. I know you are strong, but with a heart as big as yours, the pain has to be big too....and I wish I could help. Lean on Susanne, she can take it, let her help you.

I feel like moving on to another subject seems so uncaring, and I do not mean it that way at all Pamela!!!

Terry---I got my earring yesterday, and it is a perfect match---thank you so much! I am wearing to to lunch today with my family---but I am putting those little plastic slide on stoppers on---I am being cautious this time!

Girls I am really upset with my DD. Please pray for us --- 2 things, #1 that I gain understanding and forgiveness, and #2 that she regains at least half a brain!!!!

We have family in from out of state, was nice spending the evening laughing and visiting with them. We are all going to lunch after church today--so I am going to have to go decide what to wear (translated that means, find something to match my new earrings!!)

Is going to be another beautiful day, but our weather is due to change by Wed, and we are supposed to have a white Thanksgiving.....which is ok I guess. Would have been kind of nice to have this weather where the kids could play outside--but that is ok.

We made it to the craft show yesterday, and I bought my body butter stuff. This woman makes the most creamy, oil induced body cream I have ever found! I can massage Ricks back forever with one application of cream, the oils heat up, and let your hands slide easy, but it is creamy.....strange but we love it, and she makes scents that are not all froofy and girly. I bought some for him in a scent called Oakmoss Sage. I love the Plumeria so we bought it too. This womans job ended right around Christmas one year, so she began making candles to give her family & friends as gifts. Then one of them wanted to buy some for others....and it kept growing. Then she found out she was pregnant, and chose to make herself a home based business instead of looking for other work. So she did, and the baby was always with her. When the little girl was 18 months old, they found she had a disease that would let her live no longer than 5 years. She died when she was 3. She loved to help & play with the candle supplies. They have a picture of her with all the jar rings (she uses canning jars for many of her products) all up and down her arms. Eventually she branched from candles to bath salts and body creams, and now also makes soy candles. And they are wonderful!! Many of the labels have pictures and names in memory of her Daughter....one called Angel Whispers, there is an entire collection called The Turley Tot Collection(Turley being where they live) non of it in a sad way, but in a celebratory way. She is just a really sweet woman. I got to meet with her and talk for awhile with her while arranging some gift baskets for DH's company party. I have no interest in her business besides loving the lotion---but if you are interested it is www.WillowWicks.com

Well I am off to get dressed, and plan my day....Rick is putting the front end on his chopper----I may not be able to drag him out to dinner!!! LOL talk about a boy with a toy!


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Good afternoon violets (or morning, depending on where you are)

I have already walked a mile this morning (go me) and have cleaned the house so now it is computer time :lol:

Judy-I am gonna be one of the nutcases out the day after Thanksgiving doing my Christmas shopping. Never done it before and am kinda looking forward to it in some insane way. :w00t:

TracyinKS-how does Robby like wrestling?

Laura-was your dh sick very long? I am glad you did not get it!!


Jane & Suzie-hope you two have a good time today & be safe.

Michelle-sounds like your ds and his friends had a blast. Oh, to be young and carefree....:blink:

Haydee-how are things going? I hope you are feeling better!

Terry-What are you up to this fine day? If you hear of anyone selling a good used SUV or van, let me know. We are gonna get one and are shopping around :w00t: Just having to be extra careful not to get a Water damaged IKE vehicle!

Jennifer- :laugh: hi there sista!

Denise-once again....what a CUTE pic! I had some antlers like that on macy in a few of her pics. TOO CUTE!

Kat-what have you been doing to keep yourself busy. You and Michelle are probably the 2 busiest people I know!

To any violet I may have missed :laugh:

Have a great day everyone!! Make healthy choices.

By the way, 2.5 of water weight has come off, so I am happy again:biggrin: 1.5 more to go to get back to 206. That is more like it.

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Kat-thanks for the website...I am gonna check it out. I am a sucker for that kind of stuff :laugh:

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Hey girls

what a day - got home from work, and then went to happy hour which turned into happy night - got home at 1 i think... too cold to walk so we waited for our friend to get out of work (only 10 last night)

My sheet rocker took yesterday off so he could finish his floor and my walls could dry - so, he cut his finger pretty bad on a saw and they spent the night in the hospital, had to remove his nail and stitch him back together..... I don't know what this means for my work yet.... ugh

Pam - hugs i wish i could say something as beautiful - but know you are in my thoughts and prayers

Tracyks, Tracyk

Judy, JANE

Terry, Suzanne

Michelle, Denise

Haydee..... Miss you guys, hope all is going well

Is anyone going to go to the NYC Lapband thing in March?

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Hi Pam - I'm thinking of you sweetie. I can relate to what you said about waking up crying when you realize "he's still dead"...that really hit home for me, cause that's exactly what it feels like. I wish it were just a bad dream but it's not and it sucks. It just hit me today that this will be my first Christmas ever that I haven't been with my mom! That's a weird feeling. I'm sorry honey. I wish I was there. :laugh: (((Hugs))) xoxo.

We made it to the craft show yesterday, and I bought my body butter stuff. This woman makes the most creamy, oil induced body cream I have ever found......www.WillowWicks.com[/b][/b]


Ok, I definitely want to get some of that body butter. My skin is RIDICULOUSLY dry (thank you, menopause!!). I use Eucerin lotion, which is heavy duty in and of itself...but I add Keri oil to it!! Can you believe that? So I need a really oily body creme. So you get the body butter, right? And I hate real sweet scents (vanilla, rose, etc. YUCK) I like earthy, citrus-y, or musky scents. Thanks for the tip, Kat. Plus, I've vowed to buy all hand-made gifts this year (it's an Etsy thing), so I'll get some from her, too.

I took Hero to the bark park this morning then went to the mall with my daughter to find a purse. I'm SO picky about my purses because I buy one 2x a year and that's it. I'll carry this one until May! So I did find one and ON SALE so I'm happy...but tired!

I've been in a MAJOR MAJOR creative rut and can't seem to get happy with any jewelry I make the last couple of weeks. Not to happy about that! I'll try again this evening.

I feel like I'm coming down with a cold or something and I haven't been sick at all for like 6 years!! :laugh: I'm such a baby about going to work sick, too. I might just call in tomorrow. I NEVER do that!

I'll talk to ya'll later.... xoxo

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Pam that sounds beautiful!

Denise he is adorable :laugh: I like looking at babies these days!

Luckily Russ was only sick for the day and I didn't catch it!

I am going to Mannheim Steamroller tonight, very excited. Just finished curling my hair and I'm in my robe.. wanted to pop in and see what ya'll are doing.

Weekends go by way too quick, I sleep them away it seems.

Nursery was never cleared out since Russ' bro never came back, argh.. my mom said she'd come help, I told her no.. and she is insisting.. she has a rod in her neck and chronic pain that came back, I'm not letting her help move furniture!

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I got home about 30 minutes ago and I texted Jane, but I haven't heard back from her yet. I'll wait just a little longer and than I'll call her. I don't want to bother her while she is driving.

TracyK, Way-To-Go on the walking.

Terry, Glad you made it to the bark park.

Good News, Janie just texted me. She's home and safe.

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I got my shopping done for my SS today. I just need to finish up what I am making and than into the mail it goes.

Huge News for a good laugh. I had to drive by 3 Dairy Queens on my way home and I didn't even stop at one of them. LOL.

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Same here, Tracy.

I'm headed out to the hot tub and then relaxing with the Bobster and watching some tv before going to bed. Ethan comes at 8 tomorrow morning for the day. The dogs are going to the groomer tomorrow and I have my friend to take to radiation and Community Chorus in the evening.

Church meeting was uneventful today. I thought it was a waste of time, but what do I know??

Everyone have a good evening. sleep well..

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Just got done watching 24. I mean that show really gets my blood pressure up!!! Why do I watch it?

Had a good time shopping with Suzanne. I got some real bargains!!

I just found out my nephew was home for Thanksgiving! I am going to see if I can put him to work!! Ahh the joys of being an Aunt!!!! My house is a mess and I he could help his dear Aunt Jane!!!

Denise the picture are toooo cute!! I was going crazy over baby clothes today!!

Alright I am off to call my nephew!!


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Hey V's~

Susanne's team is STILL UNDEFEATED! Great game tonight and tons of drama, other team (not the team they were playing, but the team they played 2 weeks ago...and pissed off) were booing. It was a loverly distraction from my day.

Susanne joined the gym today!!! It costs 429$$ for the year, or $43 a month! We are going in at 5 and are all ready! I am soo glad to have someone to go w/ regularly.

Have a great night...I'll let you all know as soon as I know about the plans.


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Thought I would check in and see what y'all were up to today! Everyone sounds busy!!

Terry, the stuff I buy is called Body Butter Cream and it has ingredients listed on it, and the oils are oils I had never even heard of! Let me grab it. Ok, so usually labels are printed by order of how much is in the product....so this is the beginning...Helliantus Annus Seed Oil, Sojo Hispida Oil, Chinesis Seed Oil, De-Ionized Water, Natural beeswax......and on it goes. But I have never even heard of any of those oils!!! This is without a doubt the best massage lotion, I have ever found! And I put it on my feet in the summer and slip on some socks for a while, and it keeps them feeling soft! I do not have any cuticle issues if I use the lotion on Ricks back once a week or so!!! LOL

When I talked to her at the craft show this weekend, she said she could make the body butter in other scents, if the scent is one she has, she can usually use it. So if you want something not listed as a usual scent, call her, I bet you could order it.

My Aunt that was here for the weekend, and I are very close. She is my Mom's younger sister, and 10 years younger than my Mom and 10 older than me! She has a granddaughter just 3 months younger than Kinsey. So she was so excited to see Kinsey. She was blown away by her! She looks and acts so much like her older granddaughter! In reality, Kinsey does look like her Mom and I, but there is a lot of my Aunt in her too. She was surprised at how talkative, and outgoing Kinsey is! She said Quinn, her granddaughter this age is very quiet and rather shy.....so unlike Kinsey!!! She brought Kinsey 3 big bags of clothes! Love that!

Spent some time working on the babies Christmas Stocking....it is slow going! I need to take some time and just sit down and work on it. But to spread out all the things I need with Kinsey around is not easy! Maybe after Thanksgiving things will slow down for a week or so.

I am helping a friend decorate a tree for the Festival of Trees. There are going to be 35- 50 trees, all decorated, and gifts under them. Each donated by a group, business, or family. Then visitors can buy raffle tickets, 2 for a dollar, and they go around and put the tickets in a can by the tree they hope to win. The drawing is held on Sunday afternoon, and if their ticket is drawn, they get the tree and gifts. They also hold a Teddy Bear show, and have a luncheon with a fashion show....all the proceeds from everything go to the hospital volunteer groups, they buy things for the pediatric unit, and have even bought hospital equipment before. It is always fun. As of the other day she had not settled on a theme yet......I do know we have a 6.5 foot tree, pre lit!!! LOL

Rick got the Springer front end on his bike, it really looks good----he is totally happy with it. Could not have cared less that his football team got whomped!!

Terry, I wore my earrings, and come home with both of them!! Right off the bat, my Aunt tells me she loves them! I told her how to find your site on Etsy.

They decided that Gary (my best friend Becky's DH) has ulcerative colitus (SP?). They have him on some sort of meds 3 pills 3X a day, and on prednisone steroids for a month. If he is not improved and eating without issue in 2 weeks, he is headed for what they hope to be a temporary colostomy! So that the lower intestine can heal, then after a few months they would try to reverse it, and see if the intestine has become less inflamed. He looks so bad, it is scary as hell!

Well, guess I best get myself ready for bed....seeya in the morning!


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Good Morning Girls.

I'm pooped from all that shopping yesterday. Off to work and than I need to take my sister grocery shopping.

Later today I'm going to try to make it to a funeral. There is a lady that comes into work that has a grandson with Tay Sachs. I've been to several fundraisers for him. Anyway, last friday he passed away. He was only 20 months old. I also know his Mom, she used to come in to workout till the medical bills started to mount up. I just can't imagine have a child and than watching it die. That has to be horrible.

Hugs to all of you and I really mean that. You guys are just to precious to me.

Be back later.

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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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