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Shrinkin' Violets- Part 2 Read Here

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Game was good, we won.. team is rockin' this year!!

And now I remember, at the B&B in Gruene, all the laughing and them gettin irritated.. yes yes, coming back.

I put up my tree tonight and have 10 presents under it already.. I looove Christmas. Sorry for my Secret Santa-Receiver, I wrapped your gift last week and I am going to send it out Monday. I was going to hold onto it, but I am antsy, gotta get my Christmas ducks in a row! You can open the outter box, it's wrapped inside.. and I guess throw it in a closet, unless you're a weirdo like me with your tree up in Mid-November. Teehee!!

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Kat - I can't BELIEVE the nerve of your aunt in writing that letter!!!? WTF? But I guess 'back in the day' it was an insult to get a typewritten letter...but still....to slap your wrist for it was pretty far out of line! I would have a hard time restraining myself too...good luck with that! Oh, BTW, I got your earring made I just keep forgetting to get it in the mail! Duh!!

Laura - OMG, you have your tree up already?? Sending out gifts already??? I wish I could get some of that enthusiasm. It's been many years since I was actually excited about Xmas. It's just one great big hassle to me. Isn't that pitiful? I think if I could have someone come in and magically transform my house with the tree and decorations, etc. (like when I was a KID) my attitude would be much better. I actually don't mind the shopping...it's the decorating! <shrug>

TracyinKS - how're the pills working for you? Feeling any different yet or will it take some time to build in your system? Lexapro works from Day 1....yeee haw! That was nice: Instant Happy.

Michelle - have things slowed down for you at all? Or are you still going 100 MPH? How's the blues you were dealing with?

Judy - try to control yourself today!! I wish I could come!

Janie - don't work too hard.

Haydee - whatchu gonna do today? Probably a nap at some point, eh? Do ya'll have any weddings booked around Xmas? Any bridezillas lately?

Suzie - what's the weather like? Do you get to slow down a bit today?

The weather is going to be beautiful here today....as it has been for like the last 6 weekends! High of 68 and breezy. Yum! Might actually get to wear a sweater! Nothing else going on really. I'm just going to hang at the house and try to get some jewelry done. I am so STUCK lately! :cool:

Edited by TerriDoodle

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Good Morning, Violets.

I'm up and showered. Just have to get dressed and put my make up on and do my hair. I'm pumped to go baby shopping!!! I'm going to get Ethan's Christmas shopping done today too.

Laura.. you're way ahead of the game! I don't have the energy to think of Christmas yet, though I'm rehearsing for four Christmas gigs already. December is going to be a blur to me.

I just finished some ham salad for Breakfast. No crackers.. just 1/2 cup of ham salad. I'm taking my Ocean Spray White Cranberry/Peach along with me.

Will try and get back on when we get home, but I expect it will be late and I'll be pooped!

Everyone have a GREAT day!!

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Hello from North Caroline!

Am on the hotel's puter in the middle of the lobby & breakfast area, so everyone can see what I'm doing... I don't care! I'm proud of the band!!

Rain & TORNADOS last night, so the games for this a.m. have been pushed back 'til early afternoon + they'll be shorter... I just hate the muddy/wet games... bleh... oh well, we'll see... they're calling for more rain... <shrug>

Gotta dash... didn't have time to read... except something about curly eyebrows?? If I could find waxing for $2.50, yes, I'd travel to Alpena!! (and how did you know that's what they do when I go too long between waxings??) :cool:

Make it a great day, everyone!

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Good morning everyone- If I misspelled words, just act like you did not see it. I need to cut my fingernails so I am not typing too great! lol I do not feel like proofreading either...how is that for lazy?

Judy-have a fantastic time baby-stuff shopping. Sounds like fun!

Terry-I knew you would be back. We are a pretty addictive bunch, right? :cool: Your forecast sounds better than the one I watched. But then again the one I watched was a few days ago and the weather changes every half hour around here, ya know? Did you ever make the appt for a fill before the holidays like you were talking about? Is there a christmas tree farm in your area? I heard there might be.

Laura-I am jealous you have such a jump on Christmas this year! Are you buying any baby things? Any idea on nursery stuff or are you waiting to find out if SHE is a girl or a boy?

Pamela-homework today? That sucks! I just heard there are more fires over there. Anywhere near you? God that is horrible! By the way, I saw your yoville apt. It is SO cool! I rated it for you. I do not know what THAT does but I did it anyway. ;)

Jane-let me know what I can do to start the process of lightening my hair. I am not going to do it right now but will probably wait until after the holidays.

Kat-I am like Terry....I can't believe the nerve of your aunt! That is a tad on the rude side huh?

Haydee-what did you do fun last night?

Jennifer-how is everything going with you?

TracyinKS-how was Robbys appt yesterday? How are you?

Michelle-hope you are having a great time!

Suzie-how are you doing? Hope they are not working you ragged!

Ugh, now I know what you all mean about getting depessed watching the news. Usually in the morning I have it n spongebob for macy but since she isn't here I have it on the news and am hearing about some of our area BIG malls filing chapter 11 soon. That bites.

last night I watched 20/20 with Barbara Walters about the 'man' that had a baby. Don't really know what the hype is...he is not really a man when he still has a Va-JJ and female reproductive organs. Sorry, but facial hair doesn't make someone a man. Just kinda creepy to see someone that looks like a guy pregnant.

Lets see...I feel like talking, what else....

Oh, has anyone tried the Tiramisu coffee creamer? It is OK but not as good as I thought it would be. Now, chocolate caramel...that stuff is dangerous!

There is a new Triceritops (sp) dinosaur toy that macy wants...$250.00 HAH! She can want it all day..what she wants and what she gets it 2 different things! That is ridiculous. Luckily for me she is in the stage that no matter what she sees on TV she wants it so I have a broad range of things I can get her for Christmas. She is still too young to put dollar value on things, thank God. I need a stimulus check like, right now.

Oh well, I have rambled long enough. I will go ramble on my blog.

Have a fantastic day violets! Make healthy choices.

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Hey V's~

Woke up sick and pissed. I need to do homework all day, and now I feel like shit! Going to post this, finish coffee and hussle off to clinic (I think...may change my mind and wait until MOnday) Pissed though...I don't have time to feel llike shit!

Kat~ Your aunt is "old school" and Terri is right, in the old days (waaayyy before our time) it was insulting. I would just shrug it off, and in your next TYPEWRITTEN letter, mention arthritis and how you can't hold a pen...haha, that might shut her up!

Tracy, loved the bakers rack! Looked very nice!

Laura~ I AM PSYCHED for Christmas too! I was thinking while Susanne was gone today, I'd throw up the wreath on the door and put out a few decorations. I already bought the Christmas tins to put the Cookies in for friends!!! We only get real trees, so it will be a while for the tree! I am afraid that if my dad dies before Christmas, then I wont want to Celebrate it...so I am getting it going early!

OK...gonna start my journey to the clinic...or not, not sure!

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Got up, read the new posts and was all ready to reply--and my brother showed up!!! Now I have about a dozen irons in the fire, and need to get started!!!

Gotta go with Rick to get his new glasses. We are going to get the rest of the leaves up, if we have to pick them up one at a time by hand, I am sick of them being in the yard!!! Need to take my Dad to town to the bank that is open on weekends, and to the insurance office, and to pick up the car he is buying......lets see what else???? Oh yeah, I have 3 totes of Halloween things, and 2 of summer clothes to go to the shed--that will be a nice workout in and of itself!!!

Will check in later today......have a GREAT weekend everyone....feel better FAST Pamela!!!


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Back from doctor~ got 10 days of antibiotics...feeling pretty sick. But while I was waiting for the perscriptions, I remembered Susanne said she wanted me to make her oatmeal Cookies. I've never made them (can't remember making any cookies from scratch...thank goodness for the roll) so I opened a can of oatmeal in the store to read the reciepe. I had to buy all the stuff, I didn't flour, fresh baking soda, vanilla, oatmeal, raisins. The only things I did have were eggs, and cinnimon (sp). So, I decided to bake her some cookies. MAN, I'LL PROCRASTINATE WITH ANY PROJECT TO AVOID HOMEWORK. They are smelling the house up really nicely, but I am not in the mood. Really want to lay down, but need to start.

On the bright side, I found an I Love Lucy marathon on TV Land!!!

Have a great day!

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Procrastinate??? Me too!! I did get all the totes to the shed, and clothes hung up. I did get the leaves dealt with....hired my brother!!! LOL

Waiting for Rick to get here so we can go get his glasses, then maybe grab an early dinner, late lunch, and I won't have to cook!!!

I am so mad!!! I missed one of the big craft fairs I always go to! It was today, and morning is the best time togo....dammit! The other one I hit is next Saturday---watch me miss it too..... grrrr

Pamela, you poor thing, cooking and feeling bad! My friend Becky, her husband is sick, has been for 3 weeks now. He actually got over the being sick but has still not been able to get past the terrible diarrhea.....they are talking hospital now. He has lost 28 pounds! He looks horrible his skin is all gray---it is scary! It is not a virus which is what his Dr.'s keep saying, let it run its course. He is in the house with 6 other people, one a 3.5 year old who has had a cold, so his resistance is down, and no one else has had the bowel issue.....so I think he has some other issue, guess the ER Dr. thinks so too.

I just got this catalog called "What On Earth" full of different goofy gifts. There is a MAN CAVE sign. Think I will make one for Ricks shop!!! LOL I do not need to buy one for $40.00!!!!

Well my brother is hollering about what to do with things, guess this is not going to be as easy to shrug off on someone else as I had hoped!!!



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Kat, I got that catalog in the mail today too!! Some of the stuff in there is funny! It made me realize that I need new glasses when I couldn't read what the t shirts said!!

I know this is tmi, but I took a poop so big I bet I lost 30 pounds!!! No wonder I have been feeling uncomfortable!!

I am home from work and walgreens, but seeing Pamela's post reminded me I didn't get the oatmeal that they had on sale!! I have a great and easy oatmeal cookie recipe that tastes like candy almost. If you want it holler!!

I hope Tracyk cleaned all day! If you are done, will you come up to my house? I will even take you to dinner for your effort!!!

I think I am going to take a bit of a nap, talk to you guys soon!!

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Oatmeal chocolate chip Cookies are my specialty. My family loves when I make them.

Super busy day here today but right now I'm sitting in my chair with a fire in the fireplace and my blanket waiting for me to cover up with. It's 32 degrees and we had snow flurries earlier today. I was out running around while it was doing that. Now home safe and warm.

I took celexa for about 4 months after my Mom passed away. Just needed a little something to help me thru my sadness and it worked. I started to ween myself off after about 4 months. I'm even thinking I might try going back on them for awhile.

Jane, are we set for next weekend?? Meet you around 10:30-11;00 at the same place we met before??

My christams stuff won't go up till about 2 weeks before the holiday. My Father passed away during the holiday and so it doesn't caring the same upbeat feeling for us. We tend to now focus more on that it is Christ's birthday and what that means for us. The commercial part of it just doesn't do it for us anymore. I don't mean to bring anybody down and am sorry for that. It's just that we lost a huge part of our lives.

TracyK, What a find. Lucky you.

Pam, Get to feeling better soon.

Back to my fire, have a great evening.

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Hey everyone!

TracyK - What malls are filing Chapter 11? I hadn't heard that. :thumbup:

Pammy, sorry youre sick :thumbup: Sure seems like you've been sick a lot since school started. Burning the candle at both ends will do that to ya!! (Not to mention being around a bunch of snotty rug rats all day, every day!) Been meaning to ask you...why does Susanne go all the way to the commissary to get her hair cut??! Dang! Must be some special hair dresser!? I understand though. I haven't had a good one since 1994!

Kat, Becky's husband sure sounds sick!! It must be a parasite of some sort! Those can be terrible! Let me know...I'm curious. I sure hope he's better soon! Sounds like he should have gone into the hospital about a week ago!! Yikes!

Ever have one of those days where you're busy all day...to the point of exhaustion...and don't know what the hell you did all day?? That's me today. Can't really tell you what I did, but I sure was busy! :-/

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