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Hey 50 & over gang We have a new spot

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Is there anyone in this 50's thread that would be willing to help me out?

I got a free match.com account for 3 months. I got an email from some

company that said if I tried their face cream all I had to pay was $5 shipping and they would give me a free 3 month subscription to Match.

I don't feel confident in my writing. Is there anyone on here who likes to write, and maybe even add a little humor in there, that can help me with my profile?

I would if I was a great writer - are you sure you really get 3 months free of do you have to just pay a prorated price - install of $100 for a yr you only have to pay $70 and if you don't like it after 3 months you can cancel and get your $$ back - I am distrust full - there is always the fine print.

Did you ask the single thread people - I know that you use to post there too and I think some of the girls or guys over there might be a good choice since if I remember right they were on a lot of diff dating sites..

and they would know how to write it up...

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That's not good news :unsure: Us Lucky # 7's are meeting at the Mall of America in July - Well there still always drinking :lol::lol:

Hey Janet, Have you ever been to the Mall of American or Mpls b/4? I am about 3 hours from there. Hope you have fun with your Lucky 7's. Nice time of year to visit our state. Also, have a great time in Laughlin. Never been there but hear it's great. I do a Vegas trip with about 30 friend from all over USA every year in March (this is my first year missed since 1997). Love doing the girl trips. (DH trips aren't too bad either).

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She has a really bad cold. She is afraid she is going to go into labor and she doesn't think she has the strength to do it right now. She keeps thinking he is coming early, but her doctor doesn't think so.

You bet I will keep everyone informed!

Babies will come when they are ready and not when the Dr. says. I was told I would not deliver until Labor Day weekend, I had my son 8/27! He was 1 week late and was 8 lb, 3 oz at 21"! Good luck and congrats to her.

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Well I got tired of the V.A. taking for ever so I go some copies of my records and contacted the medical Patrice on my Blue Cross Horizon NJ Care card and made a appointment. I gave them the information I had, talk a bit, answered some questing and I was told they will make the referral to the Lap Band Dr. I located a Dr. Neff out of JFKennedy Hospital in Cherry Hill NJ. So I have to have it all faxed over. I go see him later this month. I think I will have to do a required supervised diet to get the insurance to approve it but at least its a step in the right direction. Also the V.A. wants to do a VGB and I feel its too evasive. I also want to call the nutritionist at the V.A. to see it they will do the fills or if its Dr. Neff who dose them. More later when I find out.


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Yea, I have asked all over the board to see if anyone was willing to help me but apparently not.

Honest Janet, it said I signed up on 4-1 and didn't owe anything as long as I canceled before 7-1. I had customer service on the phone with me yesterday because I was a little leery myself.

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Chell .. .I sure hope this all works for you . . . what a PITA . . . but at least you are making things happen! GOOD LUCK!!!


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That's not good news :huh2: Us Lucky # 7's are meeting at the Mall of America in July - Well there still always drinking :lol::lol:

My daughter transferred to Minneapolis last July & when I visited in Sept she took me to the Mall of America. We only did two stores & my knees gave out, so I look forward to going back & seeing the Mall with new stamina & health. My knees are so much better except when I exercise. But I'm pluggin along there.

Hope you have a great time in MN & Laughlin! You're just becoming the little world traveler! LOL


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Yea, I have asked all over the board to see if anyone was willing to help me but apparently not.

Honest Janet, it said I signed up on 4-1 and didn't owe anything as long as I canceled before 7-1. I had customer service on the phone with me yesterday because I was a little leery myself.

I can help you, Denise.

What is it you have to do... write a profile of yourself??

PM me and we'll see what we can figure out.

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Hey Janet, Have you ever been to the Mall of American or Mpls b/4? I am about 3 hours from there. Hope you have fun with your Lucky 7's. Nice time of year to visit our state. Also, have a great time in Laughlin. Never been there but hear it's great. I do a Vegas trip with about 30 friend from all over USA every year in March (this is my first year missed since 1997). Love doing the girl trips. (DH trips aren't too bad either).

Apple - No I haven't - I am looking forward to it - I should be at goal by then so I will have tons of fun - I am bringing a big suitcase - it will be empty going over - but coming home I will expect it to be FULL :(:lol:

Well I got tired of the V.A. taking for ever so I go some copies of my records and contacted the medical Patrice on my Blue Cross Horizon NJ Care card and made a appointment. I gave them the information I had, talk a bit, answered some questing and I was told they will make the referral to the Lap Band Dr. I located a Dr. Neff out of JFKennedy Hospital in Cherry Hill NJ. So I have to have it all faxed over. I go see him later this month. I think I will have to do a required supervised diet to get the insurance to approve it but at least its a step in the right direction. Also the V.A. wants to do a VGB and I feel its too evasive. I also want to call the nutritionist at the V.A. to see it they will do the fills or if its Dr. Neff who dose them. More later when I find out.


Chell - Good luck on your visit - seems like you have to go thru a lot of Sh*t - I was lucky I had surgery in about 6 weeks after my 1st consultation.

Yea, I have asked all over the board to see if anyone was willing to help me but apparently not.

Honest Janet, it said I signed up on 4-1 and didn't owe anything as long as I canceled before 7-1. I had customer service on the phone with me yesterday because I was a little leery myself.

Denise - I am just sort of skeptical sometime - :lol: And as you know - Phyl will help you - She is a kick in the butt - she will write a great profile - Now I know who to turn to if I ever want one.. I know this isn't the single thread but you can keep us posted on that front :tt2:

My daughter transferred to Minneapolis last July & when I visited in Sept she took me to the Mall of America. We only did two stores & my knees gave out, so I look forward to going back & seeing the Mall with new stamina & health. My knees are so much better except when I exercise. But I'm pluggin along there.

Hope you have a great time in MN & Laughlin! You're just becoming the little world traveler! LOL


Carol - Prior to banding i could not have done it (the mall) don't have bad knees but my feet would have been killing me even in tennies..

World traveler - I wish I love traveling and seeing diff places - I have done a few cruises (8) - last one Feb 07 which was at my heaviest - and then took my son & family on one in 05 and was about 230 then - it was embarssing getting on the horse - I had to get help :tt2: but

ya I am back in the groove of getting out and doing things - we say the weight doesn't make a diff - but it really does - I would have never called gf and said lets go to laughlin for the weekend - I would have made all these excuses - and the Mall trip is so us Lucky #7 can meet (I already know Phyl cuz she winters here in the desert) - I know that on another band site they are having a convention - LBT should have one - wouldn't that be cool - we could all go and meet each other...

I can help you, Denise.

What is it you have to do... write a profile of yourself??

PM me and we'll see what we can figure out.

Phyl you are a doll - Yep you will write a good one - Now I know who to hit up if I ever decide to get back in the game.

Ok it 8:42 and I haven't eaten yet and 5 a.m will be here before I know it. So Night Night and talk to you all tomorrow..

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Janet, I bet I will get to meet you someday. I am all for getting away from Oregon in the winter. I have been in your area several times. I have an aunt that lives in 1,000 palms.

Thank you Phyl. I really really appreciate this. I will definitely keep everyone informed. I am more at home here than anywhere. The singles thread is nice, but they are all in their 30's (mostly) and

we are in a different ball park in our thinking when we are in our 50's.

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Janet, I bet I will get to meet you someday. I am all for getting away from Oregon in the winter. I have been in your area several times. I have an aunt that lives in 1,000 palms.

Thank you Phyl. I really really appreciate this. I will definitely keep everyone informed. I am more at home here than anywhere. The singles thread is nice, but they are all in their 30's (mostly) and

we are in a different ball park in our thinking when we are in our 50's.

OK Denise - you have an Aunt in 1000 Palms OMG - YOU BETTER CALL ME IF YOU COME THRU THE DESERT !!!! I AM GOING TO BE PISSED OFF IF YOU DON'T :biggrin: - You are one of the 1st people I met here :lol:- I found the 50+ thread I think when I 1st joined LBT.. My 2 main threads to post on is here & my Lucky #7's - and since I wasn't looking for a date - I really didn't have much to add to the single thread - I think being single helps in the weight loss cuz we don't have to cook family dinners etc (well I do have to cook for my DGS but he eats so diff than me that it's not really a problem)

Yep I really dont want to be 30 again - well maybe the body of a 30 yr old with my 53 yr old brain :w00t:

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Hello Everyone: I finally have the entire process completed to have my paperwork submitted to my insurance. I dropped off the final charts from a Weight loss clinic yesterday. :biggrin2: If the paperwork is any indication of your desire, we all certainly have learned to conform! :lol: I will anxiously await word from Cigna if I have completed the 6 months required diet.

Thanks for all your support, I enjoy reading the post here, you are quite good at support and motivation! :w00t: I hope I can be a support to someone in the future. Thanks!

BYW... I live in North East Tennessee - the Tri-Cities area.:biggrin:

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Hello Everyone: I finally have the entire process completed to have my paperwork submitted to my insurance. I dropped off the final charts from a Weight loss clinic yesterday. :biggrin2: If the paperwork is any indication of your desire, we all certainly have learned to conform! :w00t: I will anxiously await word from Cigna if I have completed the 6 months required diet.

Thanks for all your support, I enjoy reading the post here, you are quite good at support and motivation! :wub: I hope I can be a support to someone in the future. Thanks!

BYW... I live in North East Tennessee - the Tri-Cities area.:biggrin:

Cathy - you will pay if forward once you are banded. I was a newbie once :lol: Now I am an experienced bander almost to goal. The band works as long as you do your job.

Yes this is a good group - there isn't any fighting or meanness here - we are in this together - no one understands a fat chick expect another fat chick - that being said - I practice tough band love - I don't accept excuses - this process is work - but it's a process and we will fall down sometimes - the secert is to pick your self up and get back on program..

Good Luck - Keep us posted....

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I gave myself the lap band as my 50th birthday present! And as a self-pay, it was an expensive one! However, I do not regret it, and (bless his heart) DH has been supportive. Our original plan was to take the $15K and have a wonderful overseas vacation, but as he said, Australia/Japan/India/Africa will always be there, your health will not.

I was banded Feb 21st, and no glitches/concerns since. I have my 2nd fill next week, and I am hoping it will give me some restriction...but even if it takes 10, I will succeed.

I spent several months lurking on lapband site, but sadly, never scrolled down to this section...I was focussed on the pre and post groups. I am thankful for all the insights and opinions) even the contradictory ones! Now that I have found this group, I hope to become a regular.

So, Hi and it is nice to meet you all.

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I gave myself the lap band as my 50th birthday present! And as a self-pay, it was an expensive one! However, I do not regret it, and (bless his heart) DH has been supportive. Our original plan was to take the $15K and have a wonderful overseas vacation, but as he said, Australia/Japan/India/Africa will always be there, your health will not.

I was banded Feb 21st, and no glitches/concerns since. I have my 2nd fill next week, and I am hoping it will give me some restriction...but even if it takes 10, I will succeed.

I spent several months lurking on lapband site, but sadly, never scrolled down to this section...I was focussed on the pre and post groups. I am thankful for all the insights and opinions) even the contradictory ones! Now that I have found this group, I hope to become a regular.

So, Hi and it is nice to meet you all.

Welcome Tapshoes !!!!!

Now you will be able to go to all those places and really enjoy them

I have so much more energy and feel 10 yrs younger - I am more out going - I feel like me again.

The band was the best present that you could have given yourself.

Heck you know the 50's is the new 30's :biggrin: We aren't our parent's 50 we are still young chicks :lol:

Look forward to having you in our group...

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    • Bashbee91

      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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